Sick of the Carping About Wal-Mart!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
The Left can't stomach success!

This, on Drudge this morn:

'Walmart moms' walk off the job in protest at pay and conditions
Strikes in 20 cities come as new report says top Walmart bosses received $104m in taxpayer subsidies over six years
The majority of mothers working at Walmart, which drew a $16bn profit last year, earn less than $25,000 a year.
This week, a study by think tank Demos detailed how 1.3 million women working in retail live on or near the poverty line. It said that if the major retailers in the US raised wages to the equivalent of $25,000 for full-time work, it could lift almost half a million women out of poverty or near-poverty."
'Walmart moms' walk off the job in protest at pay and conditions | Business |

OK....I'll see that raise demand....and counter with this from Forbes:

1. "If WalMart Jobs Are So Terrible, Then Why Do So Many People Want One?

2. If we listen to some of the activists on the WalMart issue then we’re told that the jobs at the store are just terrible. The pay, the conditions are appalling, which leaves us with the mysterious question of why do so many people seem to want a job at WalMart?

3. There’s a lot of rhetoric, especially from the left, that is very dismissive of working at Walmart. Go the Wikipedia entry for “Criticism of Walmart” and you’ll find references to the following criticisms of being a Walmart employee:

4.... low wages, poor working conditions, being forced to work off the clock, being denied overtime pay, not being allowed to take breaks, violations of child labor laws, instances of minors working too late, during school hours, or for too many hours in a day, labor racketeering crimes, sexual discrimination, limiting or eliminating health care benefits, poorly-run and understaffed stores, etc.

5. – it must be a pretty terrible place to work, right? But then why do so many people actually want to work for the retail giant, based on the huge number of applications that Walmart receives every time it opens a new store?

6. ... the new Washington D.C. stores received 23,000 applications for only 600 positions.

That’s a multiple of the number of applications there are for each and every place at Harvard.

So, if the jobs are so terrible then why is it that so many people want to have one of these terrible jobs?

7. ... WalMart jobs are better than one or all of those alternatives. This is revealed preferences in action: that people apply for the jobs means that they want them.

8. [It's an economic fact:] those offering the best opportunities and working conditions will get the workers and those offering bad conditions and/or pay will find that they have to improve them in order to retain their workforce.

9. ... what is the current constraint on people setting up in business....the bureaucratic nonsense that surrounds gaining all of the necessary permits and licenses discourages many would-be entrepreneurs from even starting.

10. Reduce that regulatory burden and we’ll see more new businesses starting and thus, through the above process, conditions will get better for all workers."
If WalMart Jobs Are So Terrible, Then Why Do So Many People Want One? - Forbes

Best line in the article:
That’s a multiple of the number of applications there are for each and every place at Harvard.

So....if the Left would stop beating business with the tax and regulation sticks..... there'd be more businesses, and, therefore, more competition in job offers.

As usual, the Left creates the problems, and then compounds 'em.
The truth about this "successful" company ...

Why do you low-information RWs want to pay the wages for Wal Mart employees?


Why didn't you comment on the import of the OP?

Here.....try again:

"... the new Washington D.C. stores received 23,000 applications for only 600 positions."
I like to go to Wal Mart when I'm in the mood to watch fat women in stretch pants beat the crap out of their kids.
Why do you low-information RWs want to pay the wages for Wal Mart employees?


Why didn't you comment on the import of the OP?

Here.....try again:

"... the new Washington D.C. stores received 23,000 applications for only 600 positions."

Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance. It's another from of corporate welfare and government subsidy. They haven't gotten the memo that increasing wages results in a competitive advantage.
Why do you low-information RWs want to pay the wages for Wal Mart employees?


Why didn't you comment on the import of the OP?

Here.....try again:

"... the new Washington D.C. stores received 23,000 applications for only 600 positions."

Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance. It's another from of corporate welfare and government subsidy. They haven't gotten the memo that increasing wages results in a competitive advantage.

Hey! Who left the doggie-door open and let you in????

"Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance."


Meaning the job forces people onto welfare???


You are a simple fellow, a simpleton, 'else you wouldn't fall for Leftist propaganda.

The 23,000 applications for Wal-Mart jobs is proof that the jobs, and Wal-Mart, are beneficial to all concerned....unless you believe (I almost said 'think") that the workers were Shanghaied..

Now, you've tried the talking point that welfare, food-stamps, etc. are necessary for those who work at the Wal-Mart jobs.
Not true.

What is true is that Obama-style Liberals make it so simple to obtain said perks that few turn them down.
The proof is that no one was starving on the streets before the food-stamps, etc.

"In fact, since
President Obama took office, federal welfare
spending has increased by 41 percent, more
than $193 billion per year.....….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration
to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office."
What cracks me up is people who go on about Walmart wages, when local mom & pop retailers pay the same shit wages (with less benefits) and get the victim label.

Retail is low skill and pays shit. It isn't a Walmart thing, it is shitty job thing.
Maybe if there were a plethora of jobs....maybe folks wouldn't be lining up for Wal-Mart jobs.......maybe.

So....who was it who claimed that he'd create those jobs, who was going to "pivot" to job creation....??

"Now that the debate over raising the nation's debt ceiling has been temporarily resolved, the White House has pledged, once again, to "pivot" to jobs.
If the promise is giving you a sense of déjà vu, you're not alone.
In his very first address to Congress in February of 2009, President Barack Obama promised an agenda focused on job creation. Following every major subsequent event of his presidency -- be it a concerted campaign like health care reform or, much more frequently, an unwelcome crisis -- he has been forced to reiterate that he will now focus on jobs. Just how many times has he made the jobs promise? "
Obama's 'Pivot' To Jobs: The Deja Vu Reel (VIDEO)

And he did that just as well as he did everything else.

So.....what's the beef the ignorant have with the 23,000 who applied for Wal-Mart jobs in Washington, DC????
Why do people care so little about the poor that they want to price them out of the market for goods and services? Wal-Mart can charge really low prices for stuff that the poor couldn't get anywhere else, from TV's to prescriptions. Why the hate?
Why do people care so little about the poor that they want to price them out of the market for goods and services? Wal-Mart can charge really low prices for stuff that the poor couldn't get anywhere else, from TV's to prescriptions. Why the hate?

Very nicely put, hadit.

Robert Sirico said something along those lines:

"Older socialists dreamed of a world in which all classes would share in the fruits of the world. Yet when a permutation of this emerges, it is resented if it represents capitalism. An institution beyond the imaginings of socialists of old: Wal-Mart.

Within Wal-Mart we see a cornucopia of goods designed to improve human well-being, at prices that make them affordable for all. Millions of jobs are created, and prosperity is spread throughout areas where it was sorely needed. An entity owned by share-holders, people of mostly moderate incomes who have invested their savings, worker-capitalists."
SOUTH PARK completely pwned the Wal-Mart haters as the *hippo-crites they are. I actually do hate the stores and go there infrequently, but they are only half "the problem".

* I know how to spell
Why didn't you comment on the import of the OP?

Here.....try again:

"... the new Washington D.C. stores received 23,000 applications for only 600 positions."

Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance. It's another from of corporate welfare and government subsidy. They haven't gotten the memo that increasing wages results in a competitive advantage.

Hey! Who left the doggie-door open and let you in????

"Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance."


Meaning the job forces people onto welfare???


You are a simple fellow, a simpleton, 'else you wouldn't fall for Leftist propaganda.

The 23,000 applications for Wal-Mart jobs is proof that the jobs, and Wal-Mart, are beneficial to all concerned....unless you believe (I almost said 'think") that the workers were Shanghaied..

Now, you've tried the talking point that welfare, food-stamps, etc. are necessary for those who work at the Wal-Mart jobs.
Not true.

What is true is that Obama-style Liberals make it so simple to obtain said perks that few turn them down.
The proof is that no one was starving on the streets before the food-stamps, etc.

"In fact, since
President Obama took office, federal welfare
spending has increased by 41 percent, more
than $193 billion per year.....….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration
to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office."

LOL, you're off your meds again. Do you have any original thoughts of your own? People that are desperate and out of the work force will naturally seek employment. What's your point?

And yes paying people like garbage will result in them going on public assistance. In point of fact, Walmart is the largest recipient of public aid in the United States.

Here's my point: when corporations realize that they can pay less than a living wage and the federal government will make up the difference, they'll obviously opt to pursue such a path. This is inherently part of the Wal-Mart business model. You basically support huge welfare programs for corps which is part and parcel of conservatard logic.
Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance. It's another from of corporate welfare and government subsidy. They haven't gotten the memo that increasing wages results in a competitive advantage.

Hey! Who left the doggie-door open and let you in????

"Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance."


Meaning the job forces people onto welfare???


You are a simple fellow, a simpleton, 'else you wouldn't fall for Leftist propaganda.

The 23,000 applications for Wal-Mart jobs is proof that the jobs, and Wal-Mart, are beneficial to all concerned....unless you believe (I almost said 'think") that the workers were Shanghaied..

Now, you've tried the talking point that welfare, food-stamps, etc. are necessary for those who work at the Wal-Mart jobs.
Not true.

What is true is that Obama-style Liberals make it so simple to obtain said perks that few turn them down.
The proof is that no one was starving on the streets before the food-stamps, etc.

"In fact, since
President Obama took office, federal welfare
spending has increased by 41 percent, more
than $193 billion per year.....….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration
to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office."

LOL, you're off your meds again. Do you have any original thoughts of your own? People that are desperate and out of the work force will naturally seek employment. What's your point?

And yes paying people like garbage will result in them going on public assistance. In point of fact, Walmart is the largest recipient of public aid in the United States.

Here's my point: when corporations realize that they can pay less than a living wage and the federal government will make up the difference, they'll obviously opt to pursue such a path. This is inherently part of the Wal-Mart business model. You basically support huge welfare programs for corps which is part and parcel of conservatard logic.

Experience has taught that, if you claim it, it must be false.

Your best hope is to sign on to one of those concussion lawsuits....
Hey! Who left the doggie-door open and let you in????

"Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance."


Meaning the job forces people onto welfare???


You are a simple fellow, a simpleton, 'else you wouldn't fall for Leftist propaganda.

The 23,000 applications for Wal-Mart jobs is proof that the jobs, and Wal-Mart, are beneficial to all concerned....unless you believe (I almost said 'think") that the workers were Shanghaied..

Now, you've tried the talking point that welfare, food-stamps, etc. are necessary for those who work at the Wal-Mart jobs.
Not true.

What is true is that Obama-style Liberals make it so simple to obtain said perks that few turn them down.
The proof is that no one was starving on the streets before the food-stamps, etc.

"In fact, since
President Obama took office, federal welfare
spending has increased by 41 percent, more
than $193 billion per year.....….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration
to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office."

LOL, you're off your meds again. Do you have any original thoughts of your own? People that are desperate and out of the work force will naturally seek employment. What's your point?

And yes paying people like garbage will result in them going on public assistance. In point of fact, Walmart is the largest recipient of public aid in the United States.

Here's my point: when corporations realize that they can pay less than a living wage and the federal government will make up the difference, they'll obviously opt to pursue such a path. This is inherently part of the Wal-Mart business model. You basically support huge welfare programs for corps which is part and parcel of conservatard logic.

Experience has taught that, if you claim it, it must be false.

Your best hope is to sign on to one of those concussion lawsuits....

Translation: you have nothing substantial to add to this conversation, nor do you currently have anything to copy/paste from the right-wing douche-sphere.
I like Walmart and I shop there often. If you don't like them, for whatever the reason, don't shop there. I'm sure the loss of your business won't cause Walmart to fold.
It appears that Walmart has admitted the potentially severe adverse impact a reduction in food stamp payments could have on its bottom line. Most notably in the very popular post: McDonald’s Math: You Can't Survive Working For Us

The LA Times reports that:

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”

Yes, that says “materially impact.”

Wal-Mart followers say this is the first time the company has made a disclosure like that.

I’m not sure if that is the case, I think they have mentioned it before, but I’m not sure. Either way…

Wal-Mart says it gets more than half its sales from its grocery departments. Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele, it’s unsurprising that that squealing you hear is coming from its annual report. There’s no indication that Wal-Mart executives stepped up to the plate during the debate in Washington to warn Congress off these cuts in assistance to its customers.

One interesting sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed.

Full article HERE
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My wife, who is farther left than myself, and drives me crazy with her far left ideology, works for Wal-Mart..and has since 2009.
I worked for them in 1986 but I am an independent kind of fellow and like running my own business..
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It appears that Walmart has admitted the potentially severe adverse impact a reduction in food stamp payments could have on its bottom line. Most notably in the very popular post: McDonald’s Math: You Can't Survive Working For Us

The LA Times reports that:

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”

Yes, that says “materially impact.”

Wal-Mart followers say this is the first time the company has made a disclosure like that.

I’m not sure if that is the case, I think they have mentioned it before, but I’m not sure. Either way…

Wal-Mart says it gets more than half its sales from its grocery departments. Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele, it’s unsurprising that that squealing you hear is coming from its annual report. There’s no indication that Wal-Mart executives stepped up to the plate during the debate in Washington to warn Congress off these cuts in assistance to its customers.

One interesting sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed.

Full article HERE

WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

How simple it is to prove that you are a drooling Leftwing simpleton?


Which Wal-Mart type enterprises would not be impinged by a loss of food-stamp business?

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