Sick of the Carping About Wal-Mart!

The Walton Family are basically billionaire welfare whores. I knew they were rent-seeking douche bags, but this gets the Douche-Of-The-Century Award.

And Mrs. Walton has several DWI's, but still retains her corporate position. I did get to work on the Walton's air conditioner at their modest yet expensive home.. I lived seven miles from them when I lived in NW Ark..

"In six years as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, between 1986 and 1992, Hillary Clinton....."
Hillary Clinton Wal Mart
The simple fact is that the average stock boy or cashier position isn't a job that requires any skill whatsoever.

I shop at Walmart on a semi regular basis and I know the clerks really don't do much and I use the self check outs wherever possible so i don't even need a cashier.

Sorry but those jobs simply do not warrant more than 7 or 8 an hour.

As a cashier you must memorize operating the complex system that Wal_Mart uses. You must be fast, courteous and never forget to give the customers their goods they payed for.
I think doctors, plumbers and lawyers are overpaid..
The Walton Family are basically billionaire welfare whores. I knew they were rent-seeking douche bags, but this gets the Douche-Of-The-Century Award.

And Mrs. Walton has several DWI's, but still retains her corporate position. I did get to work on the Walton's air conditioner at their modest yet expensive home.. I lived seven miles from them when I lived in NW Ark..

"In six years as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, between 1986 and 1992, Hillary Clinton....."
Hillary Clinton Wal Mart

Yes, Sam was very anti-union, he made us sign an agreement that we would not try to organize a union while employed, and he would give us 40 hours a week. He reneged upon the 40 hours a week agreement..Arkansas is a right to work state, which sounds stupid since you have the right to work in any state..It was just another phrase for anti-union state. I would never join a union. I need not pay someone to maybe get a job...The wages were lower in 1986 but so was the cost of living. I bought my first house in Benton County Arkansas for $39,900. And at Wal-Mart we were paid 4.50 and hour, with a .50 cent shift incentive to work 2nd and 3rd shift.. Tyson's at the same time was paying $3.75 and hour..Old Don Tyson was a party hardy fiend.
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Also, here's Wal-Mart's Annual Report. Click Here

From the report:

factors "outside our control" that could materially affect financial performance--are these: "changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans."

It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens.


What a poor attempt at face-saving.

I don't know can't save what was never there....

The quote does not suggest that it is Wal-Mart employees who are getting the perks.

It suggests, as I stated earlier, in deflating you, that it is customers.

This is why you couldn't list similar groceries that would not also lose customers.

"It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens."

No, looks like the food-stamp President is "the mother of all Welfare Queens."

...and you, the mother of all lying imbecilic Leftist shills.

#1, I'm not a leftist.

#2, When low wages result in Walmart associates not being able to afford the basic necessities in life, they end up on public assistance. SNAP is public assistance, that was my point, besides the low-income folks who shop there.
And Mrs. Walton has several DWI's, but still retains her corporate position. I did get to work on the Walton's air conditioner at their modest yet expensive home.. I lived seven miles from them when I lived in NW Ark..

"In six years as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, between 1986 and 1992, Hillary Clinton....."
Hillary Clinton Wal Mart

Yes, Sam was very anti-union, he made us sign an agreement that we would not try to organize a union while employed, and he would give us 40 hours a week. He reneged upon the 40 hours a week agreement..Arkansas is a right to work state, which sounds stupid since you have the right to work in any state..It was just another phrase for anti-union state. I would never join a union. I need not pay someone to maybe get a job...The wages were lower in 1986 but so was the cost of living. I bought my first house in Benton County Arkansas for $39,900. And at Wal-Mart we were paid 4.50 and hour, with a .50 cent shift incentive to work 2nd and 3rd shift.. Tyson's at the same time was paying $3.75 and hour..Old Don Tyson was a party hardy fiend.

How dare you attempt to assert your right to collective bargaining! :D
Also, here's Wal-Mart's Annual Report. Click Here

From the report:

factors "outside our control" that could materially affect financial performance--are these: "changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans."

It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens.


What a poor attempt at face-saving.

I don't know can't save what was never there....

The quote does not suggest that it is Wal-Mart employees who are getting the perks.

It suggests, as I stated earlier, in deflating you, that it is customers.

This is why you couldn't list similar groceries that would not also lose customers.

"It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens."

No, looks like the food-stamp President is "the mother of all Welfare Queens."

...and you, the mother of all lying imbecilic Leftist shills.

#1, I'm not a leftist.

#2, When low wages result in Walmart associates not being able to afford the basic necessities in life, they end up on public assistance. SNAP is public assistance, that was my point, besides the low-income folks who shop there.

"#1, I'm not a leftist."

I just heard all of the Leftists go "whew!"

"When low wages result in Walmart associates not being able to afford the basic necessities in life, blah blah blah...."

Well...if you can engage in impossible hypotheticals, allow me to do the same:

When you actually develop the ability to think......
Our Leftist politicians here in the Big Apple..... won't believe this:

"Last week, Walmart announced that it distributed $3 million last year to charities in New York City.
The giving included $1 million to the New York Women’s Foundation, which offers job training, and $30,000 to Bailey House, which distributes groceries to low-income residents.

Naturally, there was one group that was appalled by the charitable giving: local politicians.

More than half the members of the New York City Council sent a letter to Walmart demanding that it stop giving millions in charitable contributions to local groups in the city.

For the sake of argument, let’s concede Walmart is trying to “buy influence and support” in New York City. Such activity is called “lobbying.” Are these NYC council members against lobbying? Will they soon be sending a cease-and-desist letter to their political contributors who are trying to “buy influence and support”?
NYC Council to Walmart: Stop Giving Money to Our Local Charities! | Acton PowerBlog

You know the folks who claim that Liberalism is a mental disease?

They're right.
The simple fact is that the average stock boy or cashier position isn't a job that requires any skill whatsoever.

I shop at Walmart on a semi regular basis and I know the clerks really don't do much and I use the self check outs wherever possible so i don't even need a cashier.

Sorry but those jobs simply do not warrant more than 7 or 8 an hour.

As a cashier you must memorize operating the complex system that Wal_Mart uses. You must be fast, courteous and never forget to give the customers their goods they payed for.
I think doctors, plumbers and lawyers are overpaid..


Have you ever run a modern cash register?

A retarded chimp could do it.

And if you have never plumbed a house or installed a boiler or Ac system then you have no idea the skill and knowledge it takes to be a plumber.
#2, When low wages result in Walmart associates not being able to afford the basic necessities in life, they end up on public assistance.
Walmart is not some maternal figure tasked with ensuring the people who agree to work for them at a certain wage point are able to afford certain things in life.
The truth about this "successful" company ...


I'm pretty sure that mean rich guy actually pays the US Treasury and doesn't receive money from the Treasury, but if you have evidence of this claim, I'd be happy to look it over.
The simple fact is that the average stock boy or cashier position isn't a job that requires any skill whatsoever.

I shop at Walmart on a semi regular basis and I know the clerks really don't do much and I use the self check outs wherever possible so i don't even need a cashier.

Sorry but those jobs simply do not warrant more than 7 or 8 an hour.

As a cashier you must memorize operating the complex system that Wal_Mart uses. You must be fast, courteous and never forget to give the customers their goods they payed for.
I think doctors, plumbers and lawyers are overpaid..


Have you ever run a modern cash register?

A retarded chimp could do it.

And if you have never plumbed a house or installed a boiler or Ac system then you have no idea the skill and knowledge it takes to be a plumber.

I do have experience doing such, the heating and air company I worked for would charge 700 bucks for a motor that cost 75-100 dollars.
The guys that put in my well charged me for 8/3 motor wiring at 525 bucks a foot. My well is 975 feet deep.
I also do electrical work, electronics repair and installation, masonry, concrete, carpentry and roofing. Not to mention also appliance repair....unclogging a toilet is hardly worth 125 bucks...

Modern registers at Wal-Mart are not easy to operate since there are so many options they have for transactions.... I bet you could not walk up to one and operate have to know all key codes for transactions from buying groceries to loading a pre-paid debit card.The Wal-Mart my wife works at the store manager can't even operate a register...
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Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance. It's another from of corporate welfare and government subsidy. They haven't gotten the memo that increasing wages results in a competitive advantage.

Hey! Who left the doggie-door open and let you in????

"Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance."


Meaning the job forces people onto welfare???


You are a simple fellow, a simpleton, 'else you wouldn't fall for Leftist propaganda.

The 23,000 applications for Wal-Mart jobs is proof that the jobs, and Wal-Mart, are beneficial to all concerned....unless you believe (I almost said 'think") that the workers were Shanghaied..

Now, you've tried the talking point that welfare, food-stamps, etc. are necessary for those who work at the Wal-Mart jobs.
Not true.

What is true is that Obama-style Liberals make it so simple to obtain said perks that few turn them down.
The proof is that no one was starving on the streets before the food-stamps, etc.

"In fact, since
President Obama took office, federal welfare
spending has increased by 41 percent, more
than $193 billion per year.....….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration
to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office."

LOL, you're off your meds again. Do you have any original thoughts of your own? People that are desperate and out of the work force will naturally seek employment. What's your point?

And yes paying people like garbage will result in them going on public assistance. In point of fact, Walmart is the largest recipient of public aid in the United States.

Here's my point: when corporations realize that they can pay less than a living wage and the federal government will make up the difference, they'll obviously opt to pursue such a path. This is inherently part of the Wal-Mart business model. You basically support huge welfare programs for corps which is part and parcel of conservatard logic.

People that are desperate and out of the work force will naturally seek employment.

When those people get these jobs, does their employment result in more public assistance, or less public assistance?
As a cashier you must memorize operating the complex system that Wal_Mart uses. You must be fast, courteous and never forget to give the customers their goods they payed for.
I think doctors, plumbers and lawyers are overpaid..


Have you ever run a modern cash register?

A retarded chimp could do it.

And if you have never plumbed a house or installed a boiler or Ac system then you have no idea the skill and knowledge it takes to be a plumber.

I do have experience doing such, the heating and air company I worked for would charge 700 bucks for a motor that cost 75-100 dollars.
The guys that put in my well charged me for 8/3 motor wiring at 525 bucks a foot. My well is 975 feet deep.

700 to install a 100 dollar motor? Factoring in the operating costs of a heating company that does not seem outrageous

Modern registers at Wal-Mart are not easy to operate since there are so many options they have for transactions.... I bet you could not walk up to one and operate have to know all key codes for transactions from buying groceries to loading a pre-paid debit card.

My god man there is a button for each transaction give me 10 minutes and I could run one.

There is no need to know prices or figure taxes etc if you can push a button and scan a bar code you can be a cashier.

The fact is cashiers aren't even needed if there are self check out lanes.

Have you ever run a modern cash register?

A retarded chimp could do it.

And if you have never plumbed a house or installed a boiler or Ac system then you have no idea the skill and knowledge it takes to be a plumber.

I do have experience doing such, the heating and air company I worked for would charge 700 bucks for a motor that cost 75-100 dollars.
The guys that put in my well charged me for 8/3 motor wiring at 525 bucks a foot. My well is 975 feet deep.

700 to install a 100 dollar motor? Factoring in the operating costs of a heating company that does not seem outrageous

Modern registers at Wal-Mart are not easy to operate since there are so many options they have for transactions.... I bet you could not walk up to one and operate have to know all key codes for transactions from buying groceries to loading a pre-paid debit card.

My god man there is a button for each transaction give me 10 minutes and I could run one.

There is no need to know prices or figure taxes etc if you can push a button and scan a bar code you can be a cashier.

The fact is cashiers aren't even needed if there are self check out lanes.

yet even the self check out lanes has to have personnel on duty to help customers.
I do have experience doing such, the heating and air company I worked for would charge 700 bucks for a motor that cost 75-100 dollars.
The guys that put in my well charged me for 8/3 motor wiring at 525 bucks a foot. My well is 975 feet deep.

700 to install a 100 dollar motor? Factoring in the operating costs of a heating company that does not seem outrageous

Modern registers at Wal-Mart are not easy to operate since there are so many options they have for transactions.... I bet you could not walk up to one and operate have to know all key codes for transactions from buying groceries to loading a pre-paid debit card.

My god man there is a button for each transaction give me 10 minutes and I could run one.

There is no need to know prices or figure taxes etc if you can push a button and scan a bar code you can be a cashier.

The fact is cashiers aren't even needed if there are self check out lanes.

yet even the self check out lanes has to have personnel on duty to help customers.

And a retarded chimp could do that job too
It appears that Walmart has admitted the potentially severe adverse impact a reduction in food stamp payments could have on its bottom line. Most notably in the very popular post: McDonald’s Math: You Can't Survive Working For Us

The LA Times reports that:

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”

Yes, that says “materially impact.”

Wal-Mart followers say this is the first time the company has made a disclosure like that.

I’m not sure if that is the case, I think they have mentioned it before, but I’m not sure. Either way…

Wal-Mart says it gets more than half its sales from its grocery departments. Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele, it’s unsurprising that that squealing you hear is coming from its annual report. There’s no indication that Wal-Mart executives stepped up to the plate during the debate in Washington to warn Congress off these cuts in assistance to its customers.

One interesting sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed.

Full article HERE

WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans,

You mean poor people shop a lot at WalMart because of their convenient locations, wide variety of goods and low prices?

Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele,

Son of a gun, it's true!!!

Should that be allowed?
Also, here's Wal-Mart's Annual Report. Click Here

From the report:

factors "outside our control" that could materially affect financial performance--are these: "changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans."

It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens.


How does selling goods to welfare queens make WalMart a welfare queen?
The simple fact is that the average stock boy or cashier position isn't a job that requires any skill whatsoever.

I shop at Walmart on a semi regular basis and I know the clerks really don't do much and I use the self check outs wherever possible so i don't even need a cashier.

Sorry but those jobs simply do not warrant more than 7 or 8 an hour.

As a cashier you must memorize operating the complex system that Wal_Mart uses. You must be fast, courteous and never forget to give the customers their goods they payed for.
I think doctors, plumbers and lawyers are overpaid..


Have you ever run a modern cash register?

A retarded chimp could do it.

And if you have never plumbed a house or installed a boiler or Ac system then you have no idea the skill and knowledge it takes to be a plumber.

Most cashiers won't be around in five years. You'll still have them but they'll be few and far between. In ten years, checkout solutions will be automated for everyone. My local CVS has like 3 cashiers, down from 8, and 6 auto-checkouts.

My brother is a plumber, it's not an easy gig, he earns his $$$$, that's for sure. He does a ton of commercial stuff as well.

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