Sick of the Carping About Wal-Mart!

It appears that Walmart has admitted the potentially severe adverse impact a reduction in food stamp payments could have on its bottom line. Most notably in the very popular post: McDonald’s Math: You Can't Survive Working For Us

The LA Times reports that:

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”

Yes, that says “materially impact.”

Wal-Mart followers say this is the first time the company has made a disclosure like that.

I’m not sure if that is the case, I think they have mentioned it before, but I’m not sure. Either way…

Wal-Mart says it gets more than half its sales from its grocery departments. Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele, it’s unsurprising that that squealing you hear is coming from its annual report. There’s no indication that Wal-Mart executives stepped up to the plate during the debate in Washington to warn Congress off these cuts in assistance to its customers.

One interesting sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed.

Full article HERE

WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans,

You mean poor people shop a lot at WalMart because of their convenient locations, wide variety of goods and low prices?

Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele,

Son of a gun, it's true!!!

Should that be allowed?

Of course, they take SNAP debit cards and they sell food.
Also, here's Wal-Mart's Annual Report. Click Here

From the report:

factors "outside our control" that could materially affect financial performance--are these: "changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans."

It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens.


How does selling goods to welfare queens make WalMart a welfare queen?

They're the biggest welfare queens of them all. It must feel good, though. Cha-ching!
It appears that Walmart has admitted the potentially severe adverse impact a reduction in food stamp payments could have on its bottom line. Most notably in the very popular post: McDonald’s Math: You Can't Survive Working For Us

The LA Times reports that:

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”

Yes, that says “materially impact.”

Wal-Mart followers say this is the first time the company has made a disclosure like that.

I’m not sure if that is the case, I think they have mentioned it before, but I’m not sure. Either way…

Wal-Mart says it gets more than half its sales from its grocery departments. Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele, it’s unsurprising that that squealing you hear is coming from its annual report. There’s no indication that Wal-Mart executives stepped up to the plate during the debate in Washington to warn Congress off these cuts in assistance to its customers.

One interesting sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed.

Full article HERE

WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans,

You mean poor people shop a lot at WalMart because of their convenient locations, wide variety of goods and low prices?

Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele,

Son of a gun, it's true!!!

Should that be allowed?

Of course, they take SNAP debit cards and they sell food.

So why are you whining about it?

Maybe they shouldn't sell to welfare recipients?
Also, here's Wal-Mart's Annual Report. Click Here

From the report:

factors "outside our control" that could materially affect financial performance--are these: "changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans."

It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens.


How does selling goods to welfare queens make WalMart a welfare queen?

They're the biggest welfare queens of them all. It must feel good, though. Cha-ching!

They don't receive welfare. In fact, they pay billions in taxes.

You sound confused. Again.
700 to install a 100 dollar motor? Factoring in the operating costs of a heating company that does not seem outrageous

My god man there is a button for each transaction give me 10 minutes and I could run one.

There is no need to know prices or figure taxes etc if you can push a button and scan a bar code you can be a cashier.

The fact is cashiers aren't even needed if there are self check out lanes.

yet even the self check out lanes has to have personnel on duty to help customers.

And a retarded chimp could do that job too

How many chimps work with you, besides yourself??
yet even the self check out lanes has to have personnel on duty to help customers.

And a retarded chimp could do that job too

How many chimps work with you, besides yourself??

This is the future young people face. I remember when it took training to run a cash register before the bar coding. A really fast checker was a sight to see some of us remember. So what happens to people who's job becomes obsolete. Back when cars took over transportation, the buggy whip makers would go to work for the auto industry. Is there a similar vacancy for jobs going totally automated? Hope so but I suspect a lot of those jobs can be done in cheap labor countries now. Another reason for a national minimum income I say. I suspect though that the skull pilots of the world would like to see the poor house brought back instead. He better be careful what he wishes for, he might end up there. Politicalchic is a robot by the way. It replaces humans by robo posting and we post on it's thread here, so the future is now.
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1. "If WalMart Jobs Are So Terrible, Then Why Do So Many People Want One?

This is one of the dumbest comments I ever heard.

Your answer?

Because it's a fucking job, you braindead bitch.

Remember that old right wing meme?

This one?

"If you want to get off unemployment, get a fucking job!"

Well, she got her fucking job. And it still doesn't pay enough to feed her children or pay her mortgage.

Meanwhile, the Walton's have enough wealth that exceeds the bottom 42% of our population or to buy every home in Seattle.

They don't receive welfare. In fact, they pay billions in taxes.

You sound confused. Again.

Another fucking right wing ball guzzling teabagger lie.

Wal-Mart Subsidy Watch - brought to you by Good Jobs First

A secret behind Wal-Mart’s rapid expansion in the United States has been its extensive use of public money. This includes more than $1.2 billion in tax breaks, free land, infrastructure assistance, low-cost financing and outright grants from state and local governments around the country. In addition, taxpayers indirectly subsidize the company by paying the healthcare costs of Wal-Mart employees who don’t receive coverage on the job and instead turn to public programs such as Medicaid. This website brings together available information on both kinds of subsidies involved in Wal-Mart’s “double-dipping.” In the future we will add data on other ways Wal-Mart relies on taxpayers to finance its growth.
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How many chimps work with you, besides yourself??

None of my employees make minimum wage because they all need skills to do their jobs

Pushing a button and scanning a bar code is not a skill.

Maybe not. But putting up with elitist morons like you is.

I/m not elitist at all. I've worked MW jobs in my life several in fact.

But I realized that it's easy to get a raise if you actually try to.

Settling for being a cashier with no thought of improving your skills so as to make more money is sloth.

I interviewed a person the other day for a receptionist position. She asked if she could volunteer for a week to prove herself.

Tell me how many burger baggers or button pushers who are demanding a 100% salary increase do you think have ever done that?

I'll tell right now it's none.
Our Leftist politicians here in the Big Apple..... won't believe this:

"Last week, Walmart announced that it distributed $3 million last year to charities in New York City.
The giving included $1 million to the New York Women’s Foundation, which offers job training, and $30,000 to Bailey House, which distributes groceries to low-income residents.

Naturally, there was one group that was appalled by the charitable giving: local politicians.

More than half the members of the New York City Council sent a letter to Walmart demanding that it stop giving millions in charitable contributions to local groups in the city.

For the sake of argument, let’s concede Walmart is trying to “buy influence and support” in New York City. Such activity is called “lobbying.” Are these NYC council members against lobbying? Will they soon be sending a cease-and-desist letter to their political contributors who are trying to “buy influence and support”?
NYC Council to Walmart: Stop Giving Money to Our Local Charities! | Acton PowerBlog

You know the folks who claim that Liberalism is a mental disease?

They're right.

All of which is tax deductible.

1. "If WalMart Jobs Are So Terrible, Then Why Do So Many People Want One?

This is one of the dumbest comments I ever heard.

Your answer?

Because it's a fucking job, you braindead bitch.

Remember that old right wing meme?

This one?

"If you want to get off unemployment, get a fucking job!"

Well, she got her fucking job. And it still doesn't pay enough to feed her children or pay her mortgage.

Meanwhile, the Walton's have enough wealth that exceeds the bottom 42% of our population or to buy every home in Seattle.


Clarification necessary!

Which is it....are you striving for the 'low-bred vile-mouthed boor' title,

...or the far more competitive 'dumb as asphalt' award?

So that I may address you correctly, please advice at your earliest opportunity.
Our Leftist politicians here in the Big Apple..... won't believe this:

"Last week, Walmart announced that it distributed $3 million last year to charities in New York City.
The giving included $1 million to the New York Women’s Foundation, which offers job training, and $30,000 to Bailey House, which distributes groceries to low-income residents.

Naturally, there was one group that was appalled by the charitable giving: local politicians.

More than half the members of the New York City Council sent a letter to Walmart demanding that it stop giving millions in charitable contributions to local groups in the city.

For the sake of argument, let’s concede Walmart is trying to “buy influence and support” in New York City. Such activity is called “lobbying.” Are these NYC council members against lobbying? Will they soon be sending a cease-and-desist letter to their political contributors who are trying to “buy influence and support”?
NYC Council to Walmart: Stop Giving Money to Our Local Charities! | Acton PowerBlog

You know the folks who claim that Liberalism is a mental disease?

They're right.

All of which is tax deductible.

That's awful! So many deductions that they only paid $8.1 billion in income tax last year.

WMT Income Statement | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Common St Stock - Yahoo! Finance

How does selling goods to welfare queens make WalMart a welfare queen?

They're the biggest welfare queens of them all. It must feel good, though. Cha-ching!

They don't receive welfare. In fact, they pay billions in taxes.

You sound confused. Again.

Let's try this this again: Wal-Mart, which is one of the country's largest private sector employers, is also the biggest recipient of government aid. Walmart employees comprise the biggest group of Medicaid recipients (I neglected to mention that).

Their associates, many of them paid such a pathetic wage, receive around a thousand per year in public assistance. These are large government subsidies.

What part of this doesn't register? This is a hugely profitable company, why are they receiving government subsidies?
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They're the biggest welfare queens of them all. It must feel good, though. Cha-ching!

They don't receive welfare. In fact, they pay billions in taxes.

You sound confused. Again.

Let's try this this again: Wal-Mart, which is one of the country's largest private sector employers, is also the biggest recipient of government aid. Walmart employees comprise the biggest group of Medicaid recipients (I neglected to mention that).

Their associates, many of them paid such a pathetic wage, receive around a thousand per year in public assistance. These are large government subsidies.

What part of this doesn't register? This is a hugely profitable company, why are they receiving government subsidies?

is also the biggest recipient of government aid.

What programs? How much do they receive? Show me.

Their associates, many of them paid such a pathetic wage, receive around a thousand per year in public assistance. These are large government subsidies.

Yes, the government gives subsidies to poor people.
Now what aid does WalMart receive?

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