Sick of the Carping About Wal-Mart!

Right now Wal Mart is having lower sales at their stores and plan on closing over 200 of their super Stores..But, their online sales are increasing all over the world...
I like Walmart and I shop there often. If you don't like them, for whatever the reason, don't shop there. I'm sure the loss of your business won't cause Walmart to fold.

I buy stuff from there as well if I can't order it off of Amazon. So yeah, I'm a hypocrite, but let's not pretend their current business model would be as successful (for shareholders) without a large portion of their associates on the public dole.
My wife, who is farther left than myself, and drives me crazy with here far left ideology, works for Wal-Mart..and has since 2009.
I worked for them in 1986 but I am an independent kind of fellow and like running my own business..

"... I am an independent kind of fellow and like running my own business.."

I knew there was something I liked about you.

But don't didn't build that!
It appears that Walmart has admitted the potentially severe adverse impact a reduction in food stamp payments could have on its bottom line. Most notably in the very popular post: McDonald’s Math: You Can't Survive Working For Us

The LA Times reports that:

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”

Yes, that says “materially impact.”

Wal-Mart followers say this is the first time the company has made a disclosure like that.

I’m not sure if that is the case, I think they have mentioned it before, but I’m not sure. Either way…

Wal-Mart says it gets more than half its sales from its grocery departments. Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele, it’s unsurprising that that squealing you hear is coming from its annual report. There’s no indication that Wal-Mart executives stepped up to the plate during the debate in Washington to warn Congress off these cuts in assistance to its customers.

One interesting sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed.

Full article HERE

WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

How simple it is to prove that you are a drooling Leftwing simpleton?


Which Wal-Mart type enterprises would not be impinged by a loss of food-stamp business?

Sam's Club, which just launched it's new secure credit cards.
My wife, who is farther left than myself, and drives me crazy with here far left ideology, works for Wal-Mart..and has since 2009.
I worked for them in 1986 but I am an independent kind of fellow and like running my own business..

"... I am an independent kind of fellow and like running my own business.."

I knew there was something I liked about you.

But don't didn't build that!

No, I stole most of it....
Right now Wal Mart is having lower sales at their stores and plan on closing over 200 of their super Stores..But, their online sales are increasing all over the world...

Amazon is killing their business. They're another bunch of douche bags, but I love Prime.:D
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It appears that Walmart has admitted the potentially severe adverse impact a reduction in food stamp payments could have on its bottom line. Most notably in the very popular post: McDonald’s Math: You Can't Survive Working For Us

The LA Times reports that:

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”

Yes, that says “materially impact.”

Wal-Mart followers say this is the first time the company has made a disclosure like that.

I’m not sure if that is the case, I think they have mentioned it before, but I’m not sure. Either way…

Wal-Mart says it gets more than half its sales from its grocery departments. Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele, it’s unsurprising that that squealing you hear is coming from its annual report. There’s no indication that Wal-Mart executives stepped up to the plate during the debate in Washington to warn Congress off these cuts in assistance to its customers.

One interesting sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed.

Full article HERE

WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

How simple it is to prove that you are a drooling Leftwing simpleton?


Which Wal-Mart type enterprises would not be impinged by a loss of food-stamp business?

Another erudite response. Question: were you dropped on your head as a baby or exposed to lead paint at some point?
It appears that Walmart has admitted the potentially severe adverse impact a reduction in food stamp payments could have on its bottom line. Most notably in the very popular post: McDonald’s Math: You Can't Survive Working For Us

The LA Times reports that:

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”

Yes, that says “materially impact.”

Wal-Mart followers say this is the first time the company has made a disclosure like that.

I’m not sure if that is the case, I think they have mentioned it before, but I’m not sure. Either way…

Wal-Mart says it gets more than half its sales from its grocery departments. Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele, it’s unsurprising that that squealing you hear is coming from its annual report. There’s no indication that Wal-Mart executives stepped up to the plate during the debate in Washington to warn Congress off these cuts in assistance to its customers.

One interesting sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed.

Full article HERE

WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

How simple it is to prove that you are a drooling Leftwing simpleton?


Which Wal-Mart type enterprises would not be impinged by a loss of food-stamp business?

Sam's Club, which just launched it's new secure credit cards.

How does that eliminate food stamp recipients from their customer base?

It doesn't.
It appears that Walmart has admitted the potentially severe adverse impact a reduction in food stamp payments could have on its bottom line. Most notably in the very popular post: McDonald’s Math: You Can't Survive Working For Us

The LA Times reports that:

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”

Yes, that says “materially impact.”

Wal-Mart followers say this is the first time the company has made a disclosure like that.

I’m not sure if that is the case, I think they have mentioned it before, but I’m not sure. Either way…

Wal-Mart says it gets more than half its sales from its grocery departments. Since low-income shoppers are a big part of its clientele, it’s unsurprising that that squealing you hear is coming from its annual report. There’s no indication that Wal-Mart executives stepped up to the plate during the debate in Washington to warn Congress off these cuts in assistance to its customers.

One interesting sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed.

Full article HERE

WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

How simple it is to prove that you are a drooling Leftwing simpleton?


Which Wal-Mart type enterprises would not be impinged by a loss of food-stamp business?

Another erudite response. Question: were you dropped on your head as a baby or exposed to lead paint at some point?

1. All you have done is prove my indictment, as you have not been able to provide same.

2. And, proved what an imbecile you are by posting the LATimes article, which speaks of Wal-Mart customers......."low-income shoppers..."

It goes on to admit that it has nothing to do with Wal-Mart employees:

" ....sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed." are an imbecile who swallows whatever Leftist propaganda is offered.....true?

Skewered you again, didn't I.
How simple it is to prove that you are a drooling Leftwing simpleton?


Which Wal-Mart type enterprises would not be impinged by a loss of food-stamp business?

Another erudite response. Question: were you dropped on your head as a baby or exposed to lead paint at some point?

1. All you have done is prove my indictment, as you have not been able to provide same.

2. And, proved what an imbecile you are by posting the LATimes article, which speaks of Wal-Mart customers......."low-income shoppers..."

It goes on to admit that it has nothing to do with Wal-Mart employees:

" ....sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed." are an imbecile who swallows whatever Leftist propaganda is offered.....true?

Skewered you again, didn't I.

Wal-Mart is a perfect example of huge economies of scale, which should give its workers economic gains, but they deliver much less and retain the benefits of economies of scale. If you don't understand this, I can't help you.
Another erudite response. Question: were you dropped on your head as a baby or exposed to lead paint at some point?

1. All you have done is prove my indictment, as you have not been able to provide same.

2. And, proved what an imbecile you are by posting the LATimes article, which speaks of Wal-Mart customers......."low-income shoppers..."

It goes on to admit that it has nothing to do with Wal-Mart employees:

" ....sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed." are an imbecile who swallows whatever Leftist propaganda is offered.....true?

Skewered you again, didn't I.

Wal-Mart is a perfect example of huge economies of scale, which should give its workers economic gains, but they deliver much less and retain the benefits of economies of scale. If you don't understand this, I can't help you.

Changing the subject.....?

Pretty much of an admission of what I posted.

Oh...and as far a you being an imbecile? No admission necessary.
Also, here's Wal-Mart's Annual Report. Click Here

From the report:

factors "outside our control" that could materially affect financial performance--are these: "changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans."

It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens.

1. All you have done is prove my indictment, as you have not been able to provide same.

2. And, proved what an imbecile you are by posting the LATimes article, which speaks of Wal-Mart customers......."low-income shoppers..."

It goes on to admit that it has nothing to do with Wal-Mart employees:

" ....sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed." are an imbecile who swallows whatever Leftist propaganda is offered.....true?

Skewered you again, didn't I.

Wal-Mart is a perfect example of huge economies of scale, which should give its workers economic gains, but they deliver much less and retain the benefits of economies of scale. If you don't understand this, I can't help you.

Changing the subject.....?

Pretty much of an admission of what I posted.

Oh...and as far a you being an imbecile? No admission necessary.

Not really, just trying to get you to realize the obvious. It's become a futile endeavor. :lol:
The Walton Family are basically billionaire welfare whores. I knew they were rent-seeking douche bags, but this gets the Douche-Of-The-Century Award.
Also, here's Wal-Mart's Annual Report. Click Here

From the report:

factors "outside our control" that could materially affect financial performance--are these: "changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans."

It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens.

I'm assuming this is related to their customers, not employees.
Right now Wal Mart is having lower sales at their stores and plan on closing over 200 of their super Stores..But, their online sales are increasing all over the world...

Amazon is killing their business. They're another bunch of douche bags, but I love Prime.:D

Yes, I enjoyed watching Battleship Potemkin on prime...My wife uses her Kindle Fire to download books from Prime..
The Walton Family are basically billionaire welfare whores. I knew they were rent-seeking douche bags, but this gets the Douche-Of-The-Century Award.

And Mrs. Walton has several DWI's, but still retains her corporate position. I did get to work on the Walton's air conditioner at their modest yet expensive home.. I lived seven miles from them when I lived in NW Ark..
Sam Walton would go to K-Mart and other local stores and buy out products, with no products in the store then they would head over to Wal-Mart and get what was not available at other stores. He would also fire corporate officers and management for building big expensive homes or expensive cars, he drove around an old Chevy pick up truck. But I loved the way that he would split the stock so workers could get a good deal when investing in Wal_Mart.
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The simple fact is that the average stock boy or cashier position isn't a job that requires any skill whatsoever.

I shop at Walmart on a semi regular basis and I know the clerks really don't do much and I use the self check outs wherever possible so i don't even need a cashier.

Sorry but those jobs simply do not warrant more than 7 or 8 an hour.
Also, here's Wal-Mart's Annual Report. Click Here

From the report:

factors "outside our control" that could materially affect financial performance--are these: "changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans."

It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens.


What a poor attempt at face-saving.

I don't know can't save what was never there....

The quote does not suggest that it is Wal-Mart employees who are getting the perks.

It suggests, as I stated earlier, in deflating you, that it is customers.

This is why you couldn't list similar groceries that would not also lose customers.

"It look likes Wal-Mart is the mother of all Welfare Queens."

No, looks like the food-stamp President is "the mother of all Welfare Queens."

...and you, the mother of all lying imbecilic Leftist shills.

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