Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation

I wrote this on the USMB a few weeks ago:

".... Buttigieg also said that if being gay was evil everyone should blame God because God created him that way. That was a rather stupid remark from someone who professes to be Christian. There is no doubt that the Bible strongly condemns homosexuality. It defies reason to suggest that God would create a man predestined to be gay. If God is responsible for a person being gay, is he also responsible for those who murder, molest children and commit other types of abominable acts? Can a pedophile run for president saying “ If you don't like me being a pedophile, blame God because He made me this way? Wouldn't the same rational apply to serial killers and rapists? Or is Butt Boy saying that everyone has freedom of choice but gays?

"I have one question for Butt Boy, a question he has neither the courage nor the integrity to answer: “Would you have preferred that God made you straight?" He cannot say “yes” because he would alienate the entire gay population; nor can he say “no” because that would prove he is gay by choice and not the will of God. Butt Boy would do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and give an answer totally unrelated to the question. This is what dishonest politicians do."

Now the lunatic left is trying to normalize pedophilia. I'm so shocked you could knock me over with a wrecking ball. These people have no shame. God help the rest of us.

The Bible strongly condemns adultery. It mattered none to those who voted for Trump.
It mattered none who voted for Bill Clinton neither.

They don't pretend it does. Clinton supporters aren't using the Bible to condemn others with while being major hypocrites themselves.
Maybe others shouldn't do evil things to be condemned by God. We all know libs don't pretend, they are the evil scum they appear to be.

Do you have a point outside of some worthless vast generalization? You don't get to pick and choose which Bible verses you are going to condemn people for.
Neither do you get to pick which ones to follow and not follow. God is condemning not me.
And then you have Duke University types. Who get buried in the News and by the outfits like Duke who they taught at and were in charge of programs they should have never been allowed in.
A Laughable Double Standard
When the Duke University-lacrosse-rape story broke in the spring of 2006, it sparked massive media coverage nationwide for more than two years and endless liberal posturing about white privilege vs. a disadvantaged black woman – three Duke lacrosse players were charged with raping and kidnapping a black stripper. It all turned out to be a lie, as we now know, and the politically correct house of cards collapsed. The liberal media quickly moved on with few regrets about a rush to judgment.

Now there is another Duke University-rape story with a strong evidence trail of e-mails, photos, and videos, as well as investigative work by the FBI, an Internet Crimes Against Children task force, the State Bureau of Investigation, and police forces in Washington, D.C. and in Durham, N.C. But this time, the liberal media aren’t saying much.

That’s because this case involves a homosexual Duke University official who does AIDS research; who lives with his partner in a sexually liberated and eco-friendly housing community; who adopted two black boys; who allegedly drugged and sodomized one of the boys; who allegedly broadcast the sodomy online; and who reportedly offered the 5-year-old boy up to other gay abusers on the Internet.

This is not a politically correct storyline: ‘Gay White Duke Official Rapes Adopted Black Boy.’ It doesn’t fit the liberal worldview. ‘Angry White Male Rapes Black Girl’ does – but that’s not the story here. Thus the meager media coverage. Let’s look at what’s known so far.

Frank Lombard, 42, is the associate director of the Center for Health Policy at Duke University where he does a lot of patients-with-HIV/AIDS research and brings in grant money: for example, $4 million in 2007. He also teaches undergraduate courses, as listed for 2009, including “Introduction to the United States Health Care System” and “Health Policy Analysis.”

Lombard lives at the Eno Commons with his partner Ken Shipp, a pharmacist who also works at Duke doing HIV/AIDS research. Eno Commons is a cohousing neighborhood in Durham, which was developed by lesbian activist Sherri Zann Rosenthal, also the assistant city attorney for Durham.

Enos Commons describes itself as “embracing diversity” and welcoming to “residents of all ages, races, religious beliefs, and affectional preferences.” It says it is open to lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender members and has no restrictions on romantic relations between consenting adults. It also describes itself as a “Paradise for Children” who “learn what they live.”

The FBI, the police, and U.S. attorneys first learned about Lombard through a “confidential source,” as explained in a sworn statement by Detective Timothy Palchak, who works for the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, assigned to the Northern Virginia Regional Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

The confidential source, or “CS,” was facing child pornography charges and decided to cooperate with investigators about other people involved “in the sexual abuse and molestation of children.”

CS stated that he used the Internet-based video chat program ICUii (I See You Too) to talk with a person with the user name “cooper2” and “cooperse.” According to Palchak’s statement, the following was determined:
Continued @ link
That is a terrible thing to do to a child. How long did the court give him?
And then you have Duke University types. Who get buried in the News and by the outfits like Duke who they taught at and were in charge of programs they should have never been allowed in.
A Laughable Double Standard
When the Duke University-lacrosse-rape story broke in the spring of 2006, it sparked massive media coverage nationwide for more than two years and endless liberal posturing about white privilege vs. a disadvantaged black woman – three Duke lacrosse players were charged with raping and kidnapping a black stripper. It all turned out to be a lie, as we now know, and the politically correct house of cards collapsed. The liberal media quickly moved on with few regrets about a rush to judgment.

Now there is another Duke University-rape story with a strong evidence trail of e-mails, photos, and videos, as well as investigative work by the FBI, an Internet Crimes Against Children task force, the State Bureau of Investigation, and police forces in Washington, D.C. and in Durham, N.C. But this time, the liberal media aren’t saying much.

That’s because this case involves a homosexual Duke University official who does AIDS research; who lives with his partner in a sexually liberated and eco-friendly housing community; who adopted two black boys; who allegedly drugged and sodomized one of the boys; who allegedly broadcast the sodomy online; and who reportedly offered the 5-year-old boy up to other gay abusers on the Internet.

This is not a politically correct storyline: ‘Gay White Duke Official Rapes Adopted Black Boy.’ It doesn’t fit the liberal worldview. ‘Angry White Male Rapes Black Girl’ does – but that’s not the story here. Thus the meager media coverage. Let’s look at what’s known so far.

Frank Lombard, 42, is the associate director of the Center for Health Policy at Duke University where he does a lot of patients-with-HIV/AIDS research and brings in grant money: for example, $4 million in 2007. He also teaches undergraduate courses, as listed for 2009, including “Introduction to the United States Health Care System” and “Health Policy Analysis.”

Lombard lives at the Eno Commons with his partner Ken Shipp, a pharmacist who also works at Duke doing HIV/AIDS research. Eno Commons is a cohousing neighborhood in Durham, which was developed by lesbian activist Sherri Zann Rosenthal, also the assistant city attorney for Durham.

Enos Commons describes itself as “embracing diversity” and welcoming to “residents of all ages, races, religious beliefs, and affectional preferences.” It says it is open to lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender members and has no restrictions on romantic relations between consenting adults. It also describes itself as a “Paradise for Children” who “learn what they live.”

The FBI, the police, and U.S. attorneys first learned about Lombard through a “confidential source,” as explained in a sworn statement by Detective Timothy Palchak, who works for the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, assigned to the Northern Virginia Regional Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

The confidential source, or “CS,” was facing child pornography charges and decided to cooperate with investigators about other people involved “in the sexual abuse and molestation of children.”

CS stated that he used the Internet-based video chat program ICUii (I See You Too) to talk with a person with the user name “cooper2” and “cooperse.” According to Palchak’s statement, the following was determined:
Continued @ link
That is a terrible thing to do to a child. How long did the court give him?
If I recall correctly it wasn't very long. I'm thinking it was like 8 or 10 years. I posted about all that here when it was going down. Duke University scrubbed its website within a day of the info coming out in order to try and distance themselves. Thing is they were prescribing the standards for state programs, child care, CPS, family matters, etc. That Frank Lombard was encouraging others who wanted a child to abuse to get black children. He claimed they were the easiest to adopt.
Correction. Lombard was sentenced to 27 years and 3 months but eligible for parole in 12 years.
... Buttigieg also said that if being gay was evil everyone should blame God because God created him that way. That was a rather stupid remark from someone who professes to be Christian. There is no doubt that the Bible strongly condemns homosexuality. It defies reason to suggest that God would create a man predestined to be gay. If God is responsible for a person being gay, is he also responsible for those who murder, molest children and commit other types of abominable acts? Can a pedophile run for president saying “ If you don't like me being a pedophile, blame God because He made me this way? Wouldn't the same rational apply to serial killers and rapists? Or is Butt Boy saying that everyone has freedom of choice but gays?

Just a few comments about your screed Professor. First of all, this thread is about pedophilia -but it has quickly become about homosexuality Why is that? There are plenty of child molesters that prey on kids of the opposite sex. There are some who are fixated on a particular age group, regardless of gender.

But, since you brought it up, maybe you don’t have a doubt about what the Bible says on homosexuality, but many do, and many Christians do not believe that it should be condemned. And I see nothing at all stupid about what Buttigieg said- if he really said it at all. He said “if being gay were evil” He does not believe that it’s evil, so he was not suggesting that anyone should hate God.

Personally, I have grave doubts whether or not there is a god but if there is one, it defies reason to think that She is not responsible for all of those opprobrious behaviors, and fixations that you trotted out. What we accept as a society does not depend on why something exists …it depends on the effect on society and individuals that it has. That is the freedom, and the responsibility that we as a society have. God or no god. Your suggestion that we use God as an excuse for serial killers and rapists because some say that God made gays is a ludicrous non sequitur and red herring logical fallacy, and your quip that Buttigieg is suggesting that only gays do not have a choice is just idiotic
"I have one question for Butt Boy, a question he has neither the courage nor the integrity to answer: “Would you have preferred that God made you straight?" He cannot say “yes” because he would alienate the entire gay population; nor can he say “no” because that would prove he is gay by choice and not the will of God. Butt Boy would do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and give an answer totally unrelated to the question. This is what dishonest politicians do."
If he were asked that question, which, as far as I know he has not been, I seriously doubt that he would dumb it down -like you just did – to a simplistic yes or no. If he did say yes , or know he would elaborate with the reasons for his answer and in doing so would avoid alienation most people. Now please explain how the hell a yes answer would prove that he is gay by choice. That does not make a lick of sense.
Now the lunatic left is trying to normalize pedophilia. I'm so shocked you could knock me over with a wrecking ball. These people have no shame. God help the rest of us.
Please explain what exactly you think “normalizing “ means, who said it and in what context? And while your at it please tell if you think that recognizing pedophilia as a sexual orientation is the same as condoning or promotion child sexual abuse. I don't think that YOU have the courage or integrity to answer
To be fair, Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles are attracted to their underage victims.

It also happens to be both immoral and illegal.
Problem is they teach it ACCEPT it not see it as a crime they are preparing the public for the full blow legalization of it all...

It prepares acceptance.
That is moronic! Accepting the fact that it is a sexual orientation is not the same as accepting child molestation as legal. You have just whipped yourself up into a pathetic, hysterical frenzy over this.

As I see it, we have basically two choices -two ways to deal with pedophiles who do not offend and who are committed to not offending. I am hoping beyond hope that we can have an honest and rational discussion about the alternative. Please give me a sign that you all are not as stupid as you have sounded so far.

Before I go on, let me say that the idea of an adult having any sort of sexual contact with a child is abhorrent to me. I had a long career protecting children from sexual and other forms of abuse. I put those perverts who could not control themselves behind bars. So, if all that you intend to do is to attack me, just shut the fuck up right now and crawl back under you rock.

Now, the usual approach to someone who has been outed as a pedophile or pederast or whatever is to shun them, marginalize them and treat them like criminals. The effect is that, rather than seeking help and support from those who can help them not to offend, they go underground and exist in the shadows. They become isolated and stressed which we know makes them more likely to offend. Yet, you people who claim to be so appalled by child molestation are so blinded by your willful ignorance and so constrained by your ridged, concrete thought process that you can’t see, or pretend not to see that you are putting children at risk.

The alternative is to approach it as the mental health problem that it is. To give them credit for their efforts to not offend and provide support. And, there are support groups for these people, but they first have to feel comfortable enough to discuss their problems in order to participate. Please just ONE appropriate comment!

I’m a 20-year-old man who has been trying to deal with an attraction to young girls since I was 13. Women just don't interest me. I wish with all my soul that I could have a brain that's wired normally. I know that I can never act on what I feel, but I need to speak to a therapist because I don't think I can get through this on my own. But if I talk to a therapist he could report me, because I have to talk about my attraction to young girls. I don’t know whether he would or not and don't even know how to go about getting more information. Even the friendships I have are in danger of falling apart because I can't just keep saying 'I'm fine' and I can't talk to anyone about my problem. I think about suicide a lot. "

We do not choose to be attracted to children, and we cannot make that attraction go away. But we can resist the temptation to abuse children sexually, and many of us present no danger to children whatsoever. Yet we are despised for having a sexual attraction that we did not choose, cannot change, and successfully resist.

The goals of our organization are to reduce the stigma attached to pedophilia by letting people know that a substantial number of pedophiles do not molest children, and to provide peer support and information about available resources to help pedophiles lead happy, productive lives. Our highest priority is to help pedophiles never abuse children. We hope you will explore our web site with an open mind.
To be fair, Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles are attracted to their underage victims.

It also happens to be both immoral and illegal.
For now?
Are you so seriously idiotic that you think that we as a society will come to accept and condone child molestation? That is some ridiculous and hysterical inane equine excrement
It was a question, not a statement.

It was a prediction

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SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics

The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday.

Because when your a moron you let things go right over your heads and accept the PARROTED bs line they fed you as to why this is so great and grand lmfao. YOu stupid asses are putting your own kids up for sexualization............
Isn't it interesting that the article doesn't say which San Diego university it is....maybe the University of San Diego which is a catholic school?

And how ironic that this thread is posted by a worshipper of InfoWars and Alex Jones....known for imbedding child porn in their social media.
From "we must give the children sex education because parents don't" to... people saying you are a bigot if you do not accept the sexualization of children.

SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics

The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday.

Because when your a moron you let things go right over your heads and accept the PARROTED bs line they fed you as to why this is so great and grand lmfao. YOu stupid asses are putting your own kids up for sexualization............
Isn't it interesting that the article doesn't say which San Diego university it is....maybe the University of San Diego which is a catholic school?

And how ironic that this thread is posted by a worshipper of InfoWars and Alex Jones....known for imbedding child porn in their social media.
His site was attacked with Malware. You really show some ignorance continuing with your bs.
I wrote this on the USMB a few weeks ago:

".... Buttigieg also said that if being gay was evil everyone should blame God because God created him that way. That was a rather stupid remark from someone who professes to be Christian. There is no doubt that the Bible strongly condemns homosexuality. It defies reason to suggest that God would create a man predestined to be gay. If God is responsible for a person being gay, is he also responsible for those who murder, molest children and commit other types of abominable acts? Can a pedophile run for president saying “ If you don't like me being a pedophile, blame God because He made me this way? Wouldn't the same rational apply to serial killers and rapists? Or is Butt Boy saying that everyone has freedom of choice but gays?

"I have one question for Butt Boy, a question he has neither the courage nor the integrity to answer: “Would you have preferred that God made you straight?" He cannot say “yes” because he would alienate the entire gay population; nor can he say “no” because that would prove he is gay by choice and not the will of God. Butt Boy would do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and give an answer totally unrelated to the question. This is what dishonest politicians do."

Now the lunatic left is trying to normalize pedophilia. I'm so shocked you could knock me over with a wrecking ball. These people have no shame. God help the rest of us.

The Bible strongly condemns adultery. It mattered none to those who voted for Trump.
It mattered none who voted for Bill Clinton neither.

They don't pretend it does. Clinton supporters aren't using the Bible to condemn others with while being major hypocrites themselves.
No, they're demanding Kavanaugh be impeached because a woman made some shit up, while excusing Clinton's history of sexual abuse.

I wrote this on the USMB a few weeks ago:

".... Buttigieg also said that if being gay was evil everyone should blame God because God created him that way. That was a rather stupid remark from someone who professes to be Christian. There is no doubt that the Bible strongly condemns homosexuality. It defies reason to suggest that God would create a man predestined to be gay. If God is responsible for a person being gay, is he also responsible for those who murder, molest children and commit other types of abominable acts? Can a pedophile run for president saying “ If you don't like me being a pedophile, blame God because He made me this way? Wouldn't the same rational apply to serial killers and rapists? Or is Butt Boy saying that everyone has freedom of choice but gays?

"I have one question for Butt Boy, a question he has neither the courage nor the integrity to answer: “Would you have preferred that God made you straight?" He cannot say “yes” because he would alienate the entire gay population; nor can he say “no” because that would prove he is gay by choice and not the will of God. Butt Boy would do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and give an answer totally unrelated to the question. This is what dishonest politicians do."

Now the lunatic left is trying to normalize pedophilia. I'm so shocked you could knock me over with a wrecking ball. These people have no shame. God help the rest of us.

The Bible strongly condemns adultery. It mattered none to those who voted for Trump.
It mattered none who voted for Bill Clinton neither.

They don't pretend it does. Clinton supporters aren't using the Bible to condemn others with while being major hypocrites themselves.
No, they're demanding Kavanaugh be impeached because a woman made some shit up, while excusing Clinton's history of sexual abuse.


Again with the deflection. I do not disagree that is hypocritical (nor do I support their actions) but it does not excuse the hypocrisy all around Trump.
I wrote this on the USMB a few weeks ago:

".... Buttigieg also said that if being gay was evil everyone should blame God because God created him that way. That was a rather stupid remark from someone who professes to be Christian. There is no doubt that the Bible strongly condemns homosexuality. It defies reason to suggest that God would create a man predestined to be gay. If God is responsible for a person being gay, is he also responsible for those who murder, molest children and commit other types of abominable acts? Can a pedophile run for president saying “ If you don't like me being a pedophile, blame God because He made me this way? Wouldn't the same rational apply to serial killers and rapists? Or is Butt Boy saying that everyone has freedom of choice but gays?

"I have one question for Butt Boy, a question he has neither the courage nor the integrity to answer: “Would you have preferred that God made you straight?" He cannot say “yes” because he would alienate the entire gay population; nor can he say “no” because that would prove he is gay by choice and not the will of God. Butt Boy would do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and give an answer totally unrelated to the question. This is what dishonest politicians do."

Now the lunatic left is trying to normalize pedophilia. I'm so shocked you could knock me over with a wrecking ball. These people have no shame. God help the rest of us.

The Bible strongly condemns adultery. It mattered none to those who voted for Trump.
It mattered none who voted for Bill Clinton neither.

They don't pretend it does. Clinton supporters aren't using the Bible to condemn others with while being major hypocrites themselves.
No, they're demanding Kavanaugh be impeached because a woman made some shit up, while excusing Clinton's history of sexual abuse.


Again with the deflection. I do not disagree that is hypocritical (nor do I support their actions) but it does not excuse the hypocrisy all around Trump.
Deflection? This thread is about pedophilia. Was it you who brought up adultery and Trump?
The Bible strongly condemns adultery. It mattered none to those who voted for Trump.
It mattered none who voted for Bill Clinton neither.

They don't pretend it does. Clinton supporters aren't using the Bible to condemn others with while being major hypocrites themselves.
No, they're demanding Kavanaugh be impeached because a woman made some shit up, while excusing Clinton's history of sexual abuse.


Again with the deflection. I do not disagree that is hypocritical (nor do I support their actions) but it does not excuse the hypocrisy all around Trump.
Deflection? This thread is about pedophilia. Was it you who brought up adultery and Trump?

It was brought up concerning Buttigieg and the Bible. (not by me)

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