Sick Shit: Hamas Members Force Children to Stand Next to Missile Firing

Open the link and see this sick shit. It's only 30 secs! This Hamas scumbag is screaming Islamic garbage as he forced children to stand next to the firing. This asshole desires them to be human baby shields or better yet martyrs!!!

Hamas is evil!

This could well have been viewed by an Israeli drone who, having seen human shields around, were unable to obliterate the rocket and the terrorist loading it. That rocket may well have done some serious damage in Israel, or perhaps even fallen short of the Gaza border and harmed Gazans themselves.

Here is that same clip on Youtube.

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That's just the Palestinian way of telling everyone that Israel targets their children. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Open the link and see this sick shit. It's only 30 secs! This Hamas scumbag is screaming Islamic garbage as he forced children to stand next to the firing. This asshole desires them to be human baby shields or better yet martyrs!!!

Hamas is evil!

[ame=]**MUST SEE** Syrian Kids Launching Mortar Together! [HQ] - YouTube[/ame]
**MUST SEE** Syrian Kids Launching Mortar Together!
Published on Feb 12, 2014
Wow, Zionists using Syrian daylife as propaganda?

Well, we are good students to the Palestinians, then!

Whadaya say, Fanger?

Wow, Zionists using Syrian daylife as propaganda?

Well, we are good students to the Palestinians, then!

Whadaya say, Fanger?


Mortar M40 is no longer used by Hamas since they've manage to get better rockets, I do think this is Syrian rebels because they don't wear any masks and they are also wishing death to Assad, however this is excellent example how people revolt against Assad unlike in Gaza where they actually support Hamas which also support Assad...However:

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Syrians? (who by the way don't know how to bed a Morter)
Or Israeli's falsely claiming it's Gaza?
[MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION] ,you claim to be ex IDF. How were you taught to safely set up a mortar?
[MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION], your boyfriend ^ want to know about your military claims.
Syrians? (who by the way don't know how to bed a Morter)
Or Israeli's falsely claiming it's Gaza?

Any different to the many claims made by you that you said showed Israeli attacks on unarmed civilians that turned out to be from Syria, Iraq and Kosovo ?

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