Sign in Arkansas tells the truth and has liberals furious

the sign assumes that all white people are racists.

No, the sign assumes that all white people are accused of being racists. That's not the same thing. Of course that assumption maybe true, partly true or false. As a foreigner that's not for me to say.

(In Sweden the PC media, that is the entire media except for a few corners of the blogosphere, take it as axiomatic that only 'white' people CAN be racists.)
Whites are the most (make that only) persecuted race in america. And the govt supports it.

Harrison: Standing Firm on Reputation | Harrison, Arkansas


Oct 15th, 2013 |
A new sign went up by the Bypass today. Big, bold, and colored. A simple statement, yet one that has a very strong meaning to many.

It’s about time someone pushed back against the onslaught of media, councils, Mayors, and anyone who automatically assumes someone is a racist because they celebrate their White heritage, and actively work against them.

“Anti-Racist Is A Code Word For Anti-White”…kind of catchy, don’t you think?

Please. This dumpy little "sundown town" with a population of less than 13,000 and more than its share of perverse sex offenders has a long history of being as socially backward as Dogpatch. It is no surprise that they would associate "anti racist with anti white. In effect,they are freely admitting with that silly sign that in their world, Klan rallies, cross burnings and the like are normal.

They would openly welcome a rabid stray like you.

Posted at 08:44 AM ET, 06/15/2012
Arkansas racism, tea-party style
By Suzi Parker

A few weeks ago, I wrote a story about racism as a factor working against President Obama in my home state of Arkansas. The story generated quite a response, much of it angrily claiming I found only what I was looking for.

But you know, Arkansans, it isn’t that hard to see. And did you hear the one about the tea party rally in Baxter County, where a joke delivered in black dialect, about lazy black welfare recipients, had the crowd in stitches?

Last weekend, the annual Ozark Tea Party rally was held in Mountain Home, Ark., on the Baxter County Fairgrounds. According to local news reports, more than 500 people attended the event, where Ozark Tea Party board member Inge Marler told the joke, captured on audio, about a black child asking his mother the definition of democracy.

Marler: “Well, son, that be when white folks work every day so us po’ folks can get all our benefits. But mama, don’t the white folk get mad about that? They sho do, son. They sho do. And that’s called racism.”

The crowd erupted in laughter. And as the local newspaper wrote, “There were no objections to the ‘joke’ from the floor and no one spoke with disapproval or objection to Marler’s comment except those pursued for comment by the Baxter Bulletin.”

Oh Baxter Bulletin, where do you get this stuff?

And what does it tell you that in 2012, a white person can tell a joke about welfare in a “black” dialect at a political event and not one person stands up and calls her out on it right then and there?

Marler later told the paper that she regretted the joke. The group’s founder also apologized. Everyone always regrets such things after heat is applied.

My original story on this subject came on the heels of Obama losing 36 counties in the state’s Democratic primary elections to an unknown Tennessee lawyer named John Wolfe.

Many readers said race had nothing to do with that result: “I doubt the percentage of ‘racist’ citizens is any higher in Arkansas than in D.C. or Chicago or Seattle,” one person wrote. “There are plenty of reasons to be found in Obama's performance in office to justify not voting for him.”

True, racism exists everywhere, and yes, there are plenty of other reasons to oppose him.

But Arkansas, like many Southern states, has a complex history of racial problems that goes far beyond the Central High crisis of 1957.

For decades, communities, including many in northwest Arkansas, were sundown towns — where blacks were not welcome after sunset. In some towns, black mules were painted on barns to signal that black travelers should not stop there. According to the Encyclopedia of Arkansas, “Harrison remained a sundown town at least until 2002.” Yes, as in 10 years ago.

Various studies show that in Little Rock even as late as the year 2000, the city’s neighborhoods were drastically more segregated than 100 years earlier. That’s true in many Arkansas counties.

Often, people will tell me a racist joke and assume that I am fine with it. After all, I am a Southern white woman. It’s only when I call them on it that they seem aghast and usually, but not always, apologize. What happens when we pretend this doesn’t happen? We get lots more funny stories like the one told in Baxter County — and occasionally, it’s on tape.

Well, son, that be when white folks work every day so us po’ folks can get all our benefits. But mama, don’t the white folk get mad about that? They sho do, son. They sho do. And that’s called racism

Thats not racism that is truism
Most black people voted for Obama because he was black. Is that being racist?

Why is it being racist? Who one votes for is their business only. In terms of registered voters, Obama also got the majority of the vote of females, Asians and Hispanics.

Their combined vote was much more powerful in deciding the outcome of the election than the so called "black vote", which is about 13% of the electorate.

It was more a case of black voters and other voters, voting "against" Romney and his policies, than voting "for" Obama.

Shows what a fucking black noob you are.

Lol! Sorry for talking over that enormous space where your brain should be, you defective crash dummy.

Next time I will use one syllable words, and avoid logic when addressing you.
Why is it being racist? Who one votes for is their business only. In terms of registered voters, Obama also got the majority of the vote of females, Asians and Hispanics.

Their combined vote was much more powerful in deciding the outcome of the election than the so called "black vote", which is about 13% of the electorate.

It was more a case of black voters and other voters, voting "against" Romney and his policies, than voting "for" Obama.

Shows what a fucking black noob you are.

Lol! Sorry for talking over that enormous space where your brain should be, you defective crash dummy.

Next time I will use one syllable words, and avoid logic when addressing you.

Hey, I tried to enlighten you. If you want to stay a fucking noob, go for it.
Whites are the most (make that only) persecuted race in america. And the govt supports it.

Please. This dumpy little "sundown town" with a population of less than 13,000 and more than its share of perverse sex offenders has a long history of being as socially backward as Dogpatch. It is no surprise that they would associate "anti racist with anti white. In effect,they are freely admitting with that silly sign that in their world, Klan rallies, cross burnings and the like are normal.

They would openly welcome a rabid stray like you.

Posted at 08:44 AM ET, 06/15/2012
Arkansas racism, tea-party style
By Suzi Parker

A few weeks ago, I wrote a story about racism as a factor working against President Obama in my home state of Arkansas. The story generated quite a response, much of it angrily claiming I found only what I was looking for.

But you know, Arkansans, it isn’t that hard to see. And did you hear the one about the tea party rally in Baxter County, where a joke delivered in black dialect, about lazy black welfare recipients, had the crowd in stitches?

Last weekend, the annual Ozark Tea Party rally was held in Mountain Home, Ark., on the Baxter County Fairgrounds. According to local news reports, more than 500 people attended the event, where Ozark Tea Party board member Inge Marler told the joke, captured on audio, about a black child asking his mother the definition of democracy.

Marler: “Well, son, that be when white folks work every day so us po’ folks can get all our benefits. But mama, don’t the white folk get mad about that? They sho do, son. They sho do. And that’s called racism.”

The crowd erupted in laughter. And as the local newspaper wrote, “There were no objections to the ‘joke’ from the floor and no one spoke with disapproval or objection to Marler’s comment except those pursued for comment by the Baxter Bulletin.”

Oh Baxter Bulletin, where do you get this stuff?

And what does it tell you that in 2012, a white person can tell a joke about welfare in a “black” dialect at a political event and not one person stands up and calls her out on it right then and there?

Marler later told the paper that she regretted the joke. The group’s founder also apologized. Everyone always regrets such things after heat is applied.

My original story on this subject came on the heels of Obama losing 36 counties in the state’s Democratic primary elections to an unknown Tennessee lawyer named John Wolfe.

Many readers said race had nothing to do with that result: “I doubt the percentage of ‘racist’ citizens is any higher in Arkansas than in D.C. or Chicago or Seattle,” one person wrote. “There are plenty of reasons to be found in Obama's performance in office to justify not voting for him.”

True, racism exists everywhere, and yes, there are plenty of other reasons to oppose him.

But Arkansas, like many Southern states, has a complex history of racial problems that goes far beyond the Central High crisis of 1957.

For decades, communities, including many in northwest Arkansas, were sundown towns — where blacks were not welcome after sunset. In some towns, black mules were painted on barns to signal that black travelers should not stop there. According to the Encyclopedia of Arkansas, “Harrison remained a sundown town at least until 2002.” Yes, as in 10 years ago.

Various studies show that in Little Rock even as late as the year 2000, the city’s neighborhoods were drastically more segregated than 100 years earlier. That’s true in many Arkansas counties.

Often, people will tell me a racist joke and assume that I am fine with it. After all, I am a Southern white woman. It’s only when I call them on it that they seem aghast and usually, but not always, apologize. What happens when we pretend this doesn’t happen? We get lots more funny stories like the one told in Baxter County — and occasionally, it’s on tape.

Well, son, that be when white folks work every day so us po’ folks can get all our benefits. But mama, don’t the white folk get mad about that? They sho do, son. They sho do. And that’s called racism

Thats not racism that is

And that is your opinion.
Are you implying with this statement that racial profiling does not exist?

Anti-white racism exists, yes; however, they are not the most nor the only race to be persecuted in America.

Racial profiling exists - that's what affirmative action is and it's everywhere.

As to your second question - as whites are the only race subject to affirmative action, they are the only persecuted race in america.

White women have benefited from AA the most out of all demographics.

Racial profiling exists - that's what affirmative action is and it's everywhere.

As to your second question - as whites are the only race subject to affirmative action, they are the only persecuted race in america.

White women have benefited from AA the most out of all demographics.


Who wins out when it comes to affirmative action?

Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |
Jokes are racist.

This kind of attack is not racist.

Brooklyn group of black youths blocks white couple's car, bloody victims in racial attack: cops - NY Daily News

A group of 10 black youths — one of them a 12-year-old girl — surrounded a white couple's car in Brooklyn, viciously beating the husband and yanking the wife to the pavement by her hair as they peppered the two with racial slurs, authorities said.
“Get those crackers!” some of them screamed, according to court papers. “Get that white whore!”

Ronald Russo was dragged to the ground. Then he was punched and kicked in the head. He felt more blows all over his body, investigators said. He suffered a fractured nose, a broken septum, a blood clot and abrasions to his shoulder. He was treated and released from Beth Israel Medical Center.
In the midst of the attack, there was a steady chorus of epithets. “White motherf-----!” screamed the attackers, who ranged in age from 12 to 18.
Jokes are racist.

This kind of attack is not racist.

Brooklyn group of black youths blocks white couple's car, bloody victims in racial attack: cops - NY Daily News

A group of 10 black youths — one of them a 12-year-old girl — surrounded a white couple's car in Brooklyn, viciously beating the husband and yanking the wife to the pavement by her hair as they peppered the two with racial slurs, authorities said.
“Get those crackers!” some of them screamed, according to court papers. “Get that white whore!”

Ronald Russo was dragged to the ground. Then he was punched and kicked in the head. He felt more blows all over his body, investigators said. He suffered a fractured nose, a broken septum, a blood clot and abrasions to his shoulder. He was treated and released from Beth Israel Medical Center.
In the midst of the attack, there was a steady chorus of epithets. “White motherf-----!” screamed the attackers, who ranged in age from 12 to 18.

All blacks hate all whites. We need to end affirmative action and greatly reduce welfare and hope the black race in america then dies out.
Jokes are racist.

This kind of attack is not racist.

Brooklyn group of black youths blocks white couple's car, bloody victims in racial attack: cops - NY Daily News

A group of 10 black youths — one of them a 12-year-old girl — surrounded a white couple's car in Brooklyn, viciously beating the husband and yanking the wife to the pavement by her hair as they peppered the two with racial slurs, authorities said.
“Get those crackers!” some of them screamed, according to court papers. “Get that white whore!”

Ronald Russo was dragged to the ground. Then he was punched and kicked in the head. He felt more blows all over his body, investigators said. He suffered a fractured nose, a broken septum, a blood clot and abrasions to his shoulder. He was treated and released from Beth Israel Medical Center.
In the midst of the attack, there was a steady chorus of epithets. “White motherf-----!” screamed the attackers, who ranged in age from 12 to 18.

All blacks hate all whites. We need to end affirmative action and greatly reduce welfare and hope the black race in america then dies out.

This fucking troll is just spamming the board at this point.
Jokes are racist.

This kind of attack is not racist.

Brooklyn group of black youths blocks white couple's car, bloody victims in racial attack: cops - NY Daily News

A group of 10 black youths — one of them a 12-year-old girl — surrounded a white couple's car in Brooklyn, viciously beating the husband and yanking the wife to the pavement by her hair as they peppered the two with racial slurs, authorities said.
“Get those crackers!” some of them screamed, according to court papers. “Get that white whore!”

Ronald Russo was dragged to the ground. Then he was punched and kicked in the head. He felt more blows all over his body, investigators said. He suffered a fractured nose, a broken septum, a blood clot and abrasions to his shoulder. He was treated and released from Beth Israel Medical Center.
In the midst of the attack, there was a steady chorus of epithets. “White motherf-----!” screamed the attackers, who ranged in age from 12 to 18.

All blacks hate all whites. We need to end affirmative action and greatly reduce welfare and hope the black race in america then dies out.

Except I know many black people who don't hate whites. Your argument falls flat.

Also, ending affirmative action and welfare won't cause the black race to "die out". Even if I were racist I'd laugh at you for making such a ridiculous claim.

Except I know many black people who don't hate whites. Your argument falls flat.

Also, ending affirmative action and welfare won't cause the black race to "die out". Even if I were racist I'd laugh at you for making such a ridiculous claim.

Nobody said it would cause the black race to die out, you liar. I said we should HOPE for that. More likely blacks will always be here dragging down america with their 75ish IQs,
Racial profiling exists - that's what affirmative action is and it's everywhere.

As to your second question - as whites are the only race subject to affirmative action, they are the only persecuted race in america.

White women have benefited from AA the most out of all demographics.


You can find you way from there.

Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |
Whites are the most (make that only) persecuted race in america. And the govt supports it.

Harrison: Standing Firm on Reputation | Harrison, Arkansas


Oct 15th, 2013 |
A new sign went up by the Bypass today. Big, bold, and colored. A simple statement, yet one that has a very strong meaning to many.

It’s about time someone pushed back against the onslaught of media, councils, Mayors, and anyone who automatically assumes someone is a racist because they celebrate their White heritage, and actively work against them.

“Anti-Racist Is A Code Word For Anti-White”…kind of catchy, don’t you think?

What it tells me is that the person who put that up thinks that only Whites can be Racists....I disagree. I've seen racists of all races.
Please. This dumpy little "sundown town" with a population of less than 13,000 and more than its share of perverse sex offenders has a long history of being as socially backward as Dogpatch. It is no surprise that they would associate "anti racist with anti white. In effect,they are freely admitting with that silly sign that in their world, Klan rallies, cross burnings and the like are normal.

They would openly welcome a rabid stray like you.

Posted at 08:44 AM ET, 06/15/2012
Arkansas racism, tea-party style
By Suzi Parker

A few weeks ago, I wrote a story about racism as a factor working against President Obama in my home state of Arkansas. The story generated quite a response, much of it angrily claiming I found only what I was looking for.

But you know, Arkansans, it isn’t that hard to see. And did you hear the one about the tea party rally in Baxter County, where a joke delivered in black dialect, about lazy black welfare recipients, had the crowd in stitches?

Last weekend, the annual Ozark Tea Party rally was held in Mountain Home, Ark., on the Baxter County Fairgrounds. According to local news reports, more than 500 people attended the event, where Ozark Tea Party board member Inge Marler told the joke, captured on audio, about a black child asking his mother the definition of democracy.

Marler: “Well, son, that be when white folks work every day so us po’ folks can get all our benefits. But mama, don’t the white folk get mad about that? They sho do, son. They sho do. And that’s called racism.”

The crowd erupted in laughter. And as the local newspaper wrote, “There were no objections to the ‘joke’ from the floor and no one spoke with disapproval or objection to Marler’s comment except those pursued for comment by the Baxter Bulletin.”

Oh Baxter Bulletin, where do you get this stuff?

And what does it tell you that in 2012, a white person can tell a joke about welfare in a “black” dialect at a political event and not one person stands up and calls her out on it right then and there?

Marler later told the paper that she regretted the joke. The group’s founder also apologized. Everyone always regrets such things after heat is applied.

My original story on this subject came on the heels of Obama losing 36 counties in the state’s Democratic primary elections to an unknown Tennessee lawyer named John Wolfe.

Many readers said race had nothing to do with that result: “I doubt the percentage of ‘racist’ citizens is any higher in Arkansas than in D.C. or Chicago or Seattle,” one person wrote. “There are plenty of reasons to be found in Obama's performance in office to justify not voting for him.”

True, racism exists everywhere, and yes, there are plenty of other reasons to oppose him.

But Arkansas, like many Southern states, has a complex history of racial problems that goes far beyond the Central High crisis of 1957.

For decades, communities, including many in northwest Arkansas, were sundown towns — where blacks were not welcome after sunset. In some towns, black mules were painted on barns to signal that black travelers should not stop there. According to the Encyclopedia of Arkansas, “Harrison remained a sundown town at least until 2002.” Yes, as in 10 years ago.

Various studies show that in Little Rock even as late as the year 2000, the city’s neighborhoods were drastically more segregated than 100 years earlier. That’s true in many Arkansas counties.

Often, people will tell me a racist joke and assume that I am fine with it. After all, I am a Southern white woman. It’s only when I call them on it that they seem aghast and usually, but not always, apologize. What happens when we pretend this doesn’t happen? We get lots more funny stories like the one told in Baxter County — and occasionally, it’s on tape.

Well, son, that be when white folks work every day so us po’ folks can get all our benefits. But mama, don’t the white folk get mad about that? They sho do, son. They sho do. And that’s called racism

Thats not racism that is

And that is your opinion.

Shut up homie, you cant even use the quote function properly. :cool:

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