Sign in Arkansas tells the truth and has liberals furious

The most ignorant voters in the South are decidedly black and vote decidedly Democrat. I thought that would be clear and I find it odd that you would ask what party they vote for.

You would find it odd because you are too stupid to know that I am referring to the white conservatives. The ones that put up the sign.
Sorry, I thought you were addressing the most ignorant voters in the South. That is why I said they vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

I was addressing the most ignorant voters in the South. The conservatives.
You would find it odd because you are too stupid to know that I am referring to the white conservatives. The ones that put up the sign.
Sorry, I thought you were addressing the most ignorant voters in the South. That is why I said they vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

I was addressing the most ignorant voters in the South. The conservatives.
Few blacks, even in the South, are conservatives.
Why would that make liberals furious? I just see it as more proof that the south has some of the most ignorant voters on the face of the earth. I wonder what party they typically belong to?
Southern blacks easily qualify for the most ignorant demographic. I am surprised you would bring the ignorance of Dem voters up frankly.

I'm talking about Rep voters in the South. The ones that vote against their own best interest but are among the poorest demographic. They are easily manipulated by the GOP telling them the Blacks or the Mexicans are stealing their jobs that rightfully belong to them because....well they are white. I bet the Black ones vote Dem.

It's funny when pretentious douchebag liberals take it upon themselves to tell everyone else what their own best interests are. :lol:
Affirmative Action was amended in 1967 to include legislation which prohibited discrimination based on gender. Over the past 46 years, white females have benefited more than any other group protected by the initiative.
FALSE! This often-spoken false notion completely ignores the fact that there are far more white females who suffer from affirmative action than who benefit from it (maybe 100 to 1) This includes white women passed by because the selectors wanted Blacks or Hispanics. It also includes white females who are the dependents of white males being discriminated against (wives and daughters).

Secondly, even if white women did benefit more than any other other group (black women have benefitted the most), this still would not change what I said before that whites, by far, are the most victimized group by racial discrimination (because of AA)

Thirdly, it makes no sense at all to say > "Affirmative Action was amended in 1967 to include legislation which prohibited discrimination based on gender." Why ? Because discriminating based on gender (and race) is EXACTLY what affirmative action does.

PS - why isn't the quote contained inside a quote box ? I'm doing everything the same way I do it in 4 other forums, yet I have trouble with the quote boxes. This forum is weird.
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You must have been sleep the 200 or so years before that. The wealth distribution alone is miles apart because of the head start white people had. If whites can have AA in the form of slavery and Jim Crow don't cry about the past 50 years where white women benefited from AA more than any other demographic. You sound pathetic. :lol:

If this is somehow puported to be a refute of what I said, I don't see it, one iota. Sure white women get AA too. So what ? That doesn't refute what I said, which BTW is talking about the past 50 years, not before that. No, I don't sound pathetic. I sound CORRECT, and that's the part of it you can't stand. Some people just can't handle the TRUTH.

Are white women part of the white ethnicity? Yes you do sound pathetic. Stop whining. You had a 200 plus year head start and I'm being conservative in my starting point.

Head start ? What kind of weird change of the subject is this. I repeat > Whites, by far, are the most victimized group over the pat 50 years, by racial discrimination (because of AA). and they still are. And anybody who advocates this malicious AA racism, is nothing but a filthy, racist bigot.
If this is somehow puported to be a refute of what I said, I don't see it, one iota. Sure white women get AA too. So what ? That doesn't refute what I said, which BTW is talking about the past 50 years, not before that. No, I don't sound pathetic. I sound CORRECT, and that's the part of it you can't stand. Some people just can't handle the TRUTH.

Are white women part of the white ethnicity? Yes you do sound pathetic. Stop whining. You had a 200 plus year head start and I'm being conservative in my starting point.

Head start ? What kind of weird change of the subject is this. I repeat > Whites, by far, are the most victimized group over the pat 50 years, by racial discrimination (because of AA). and they still are. And anybody who advocates this malicious AA racism, is nothing but a filthy, racist bigot.

How are whites being racially discriminated against? Firstly AA is not racial discrimination. Secondly even if it was racial discrimination white women benefit the most.
Affirmative Action was amended in 1967 to include legislation which prohibited discrimination based on gender. Over the past 46 years, white females have benefited more than any other group protected by the initiative.

FALSE! This often-spoken false notion completely ignores the fact that there are far more white females who suffer from affirmative action than who benefit from it (maybe 100 to 1) This includes white women passed by because the selectors wanted Blacks or Hispanics. It also includes white females who are the dependents of white males being discriminated against (wives and daughters).

Secondly, even if white women did benefit more than any other other group (black women have benefitted the most), this still would not change what I said before that whites, by far, are the most victimized group by racial discrimination (because of AA)

Thirdly, it makes no sense at all to say > "Affirmative Action was amended in 1967 to include legislation which prohibited discrimination based on gender." Why ? Because discriminating based on gender (and race) is EXACTLY what affirmative action does.

PS - why isn't the quote contained inside a quote box ? I'm doing everything the same way I do it in 4 other forums, yet I have trouble with the quote boxes. This forum is weird.

See if that fixed it.

How are whites being racially discriminated against? Firstly AA is not racial discrimination. Secondly even if it was racial discrimination white women benefit the most.

HAHAHA. Hear that everybody. AA is NOT racial discrimination!!! HAHA

AA is the most brazen racial discrimination we have ever had. It is a pure hate crime.
We should have White history month and White music awards, and then watch Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson go bonkerz.
We should have White history month and White music awards, and then watch Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson go bonkerz.

Every month that is not African american or Latino history month is white history month. Its our core curriculum in school as well. African american and Latino culture is an afterthought in todays society.
We should have White history month and White music awards, and then watch Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson go bonkerz.

Every month that is not African american or Latino history month is white history month. Its our core curriculum in school as well. African american and Latino culture is an afterthought in todays society.

A course in Hispanic history would last about 4 seconds. And after kunta kinte, and that loudmouth MLK, what else do we need to know?
We should have White history month and White music awards, and then watch Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson go bonkerz.

Every month that is not African american or Latino history month is white history month. Its our core curriculum in school as well. African american and Latino culture is an afterthought in todays society.

A course in Hispanic history would last about 4 seconds. And after kunta kinte, and that loudmouth MLK, what else do we need to know?

Latino History before Europeans
Olmec civilization
Inca civilization
Mayan civilization
Aztec civilization

African History before Europeans
Nubian civilization
Egyptian civilization
Ethiopian civilization
Mali civilization
Ghana civilization

African American History before, during, and after slavery
Crispus Attucks
Lucas Santomee
Nat Turner
Fredrick Douglas
William Leidesdorf
Heman E. Perry
North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co.

I could go on and on but I dont want to use up your 4 second attention span.
Every month that is not African american or Latino history month is white history month. Its our core curriculum in school as well. African american and Latino culture is an afterthought in todays society.

A course in Hispanic history would last about 4 seconds. And after kunta kinte, and that loudmouth MLK, what else do we need to know?

Latino History before Europeans
Olmec civilization
Inca civilization
Mayan civilization
Aztec civilization

African History before Europeans
Nubian civilization
Egyptian civilization
Ethiopian civilization
Mali civilization
Ghana civilization

African American History before, during, and after slavery
Crispus Attucks
Lucas Santomee
Nat Turner
Fredrick Douglas
William Leidesdorf
Heman E. Perry
North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co.

I could go on and on but I dont want to use up your 4 second attention span.
There is no Latino history before the Spanish showed up.
African history is irrelevant to black US history.
Never even heard of the other dudes, they must be REALLY important.
You shut your mouth, punk! You don't know a tenth of what I'm talking about.
My dog knows ten times more than you could ever manage to cram into that tiny brain of yours, let along make any sense of it. That was probably too difficult for you to understand. Here: YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON.

Stop talking to your mirror. LOL.

That would be a brilliant retort - if you were 5 years old. Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up, MORON.
We should have White history month and White music awards, and then watch Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson go bonkerz.

Every month that is not African american or Latino history month is white history month. Its our core curriculum in school as well. African american and Latino culture is an afterthought in todays society.

A course in Hispanic history would last about 4 seconds. And after kunta kinte, and that loudmouth MLK, what else do we need to know?

If you ever spent a day in school in your entire meaningless life you might know.
Hundreds expected at Redneck Games of Arkansas |


Redneck Games of Arkansas - Redneck Olympics - Clinton Arkansas


Arkansas has all the pig shit they need. In fact, they have so much, they play in it. Just leave them alone and hope they don't spread anything that can't be cured.
A course in Hispanic history would last about 4 seconds. And after kunta kinte, and that loudmouth MLK, what else do we need to know?

Latino History before Europeans
Olmec civilization
Inca civilization
Mayan civilization
Aztec civilization

African History before Europeans
Nubian civilization
Egyptian civilization
Ethiopian civilization
Mali civilization
Ghana civilization

African American History before, during, and after slavery
Crispus Attucks
Lucas Santomee
Nat Turner
Fredrick Douglas
William Leidesdorf
Heman E. Perry
North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co.

I could go on and on but I dont want to use up your 4 second attention span.
There is no Latino history before the Spanish showed up.
African history is irrelevant to black US history.
Never even heard of the other dudes, they must be REALLY important.

So if it's not relevant to white southerners, it's not relevant to anyone. Got it!

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