Sign in Arkansas tells the truth and has liberals furious

Anti-white racism exists, yes; however, they are not the most nor the only race to be persecuted in America.

FALSE! Whites are, by far, the most persecuted race in America, with easily the largest number of victims, for the past 50 years, being denied jobs, job promotions, college admissions, and college financial aid (ex. assistantships) from affirmative action. The NAACP is unquestionably the most racist organization in America, and none of this is accounted for in FBI statistics, which only have to do with federal crime ( a separate subject).

You must have been sleep the 200 or so years before that. The wealth distribution alone is miles apart because of the head start white people had. If whites can have AA in the form of slavery and Jim Crow don't cry about the past 50 years where white women benefited from AA more than any other demographic. You sound pathetic. :lol:

If this is somehow puported to be a refute of what I said, I don't see it, one iota. Sure white women get AA too. So what ? That doesn't refute what I said, which BTW is talking about the past 50 years, not before that. No, I don't sound pathetic. I sound CORRECT, and that's the part of it you can't stand. Some people just can't handle the TRUTH.
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Anti-white racism exists, yes; however, they are not the most nor the only race to be persecuted in America.

FALSE! Whites are, by far, the most persecuted race in America, with easily the largest number of victims, for the past 50 years, being denied jobs, job promotions, college admissions, and college financial aid (ex. assistantships) from affirmative action. The NAACP is unquestionably the most racist organization in America, and none of this is accounted for in FBI statistics, which only have to do with federal crime ( a separate subject).

did you miss the thing I cited where it said Asians are hurt the most by AA or are you just an idiot

You missed it that the population of Asians is far less then the population of Whites. This is why they are not as persecuted (quantitatively we're talking about) as Whites. Get it ? or are you just an idiot ? As I said > "Whites are, by far, the most persecuted race in America, with easily the largest number of victims..."
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[FALSE! Whites are, by far, the most persecuted race in America, with easily the largest number of victims, for the past 50 years, being denied jobs, job promotions, college admissions, and college financial aid (ex. assistantships) from affirmative action. The NAACP is unquestionably the most racist organization in America, and none of this is accounted for in FBI statistics, which only have to do with federal crime ( a separate subject).

Yup. And yet whites still do ok even with all the persecution they suffer. More proof that whites have ability and negroes don't.

Newsflash! EARTH TO SHOOTSPEEDERS: No, Whites don't always "do OK". Many Whites have gone through entire workllives (50 years) of being grossly underemployed, all because of AA. Maybe your media didn't tell you ? You wouldn't hear it from MSNBC, Media Matters or the New York Times.
[FALSE! Whites are, by far, the most persecuted race in America, with easily the largest number of victims, for the past 50 years, being denied jobs, job promotions, college admissions, and college financial aid (ex. assistantships) from affirmative action. The NAACP is unquestionably the most racist organization in America, and none of this is accounted for in FBI statistics, which only have to do with federal crime ( a separate subject).

Yup. And yet whites still do ok even with all the persecution they suffer. More proof that whites have ability and negroes don't.

Newsflash! EARTH TO SHOOTSPEEDERS: No, Whites don't always "do OK". Many Whites have gone through entire workllives (50 years) of being grossly underemployed, all because of AA. Maybe your media didn't tell you ? You wouldn't hear it from MSNBC, Media Matters or the New York Times.

Aw, another widdle victim! Stop whining, you ridiculous bitch.
Its time we drew a line and put the assssshole white supremacists on the other side.

Let ignorant assssholes like protectionist see how long he lasts on his own.

The stooopid KKK would starve if they had to take care of themselves.
Whites are the most (make that only) persecuted race in america. And the govt supports it.

Harrison: Standing Firm on Reputation | Harrison, Arkansas


Oct 15th, 2013 |
A new sign went up by the Bypass today. Big, bold, and colored. A simple statement, yet one that has a very strong meaning to many.

It’s about time someone pushed back against the onslaught of media, councils, Mayors, and anyone who automatically assumes someone is a racist because they celebrate their White heritage, and actively work against them.

“Anti-Racist Is A Code Word For Anti-White”…kind of catchy, don’t you think?

Are you implying with this statement that hate groups such as the KKK and Neo Nazis don't exist?
Are you implying with this statement that racial profiling does not exist?

Most hate crimes in the United States target victims on the basis of race or ethnicity (for Federal purposes, crimes targeting Hispanics based on that identity are considered based on ethnicity). Leading forms of bias cited in the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, based on law enforcement agency filings are: anti-black, anti-Jewish, anti-white, anti-homosexual, and anti-Hispanic bias in that order in both 2004 and 2005. There are more hate crimes against whites than against Hispanics, Asians, American Indians, and multiracial groups - a statistically expected trend given that there far more whites than other ethnic groups put together. By contrast, the National Criminal Victimization Survey, finds that per capita rates of hate crime victimization varied little by race or ethnicity, and the differences are not statistically significant.

Anti-white racism exists, yes; however, they are not the most nor the only race to be persecuted in America.

EDIT: FBI ? Victims

^2011 stats for something more recent

even blacks say blacks are more racist then whites

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics - Rasmussen Reports?

its a bitch when your false narrative gets crushed

and those FBI stats are very misleading whites are 70% of population so its not a fair comparison it needs to be broken down as percentage of population for it to be a fair and accurate comparison
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Yup. And yet whites still do ok even with all the persecution they suffer. More proof that whites have ability and negroes don't.

Newsflash! EARTH TO SHOOTSPEEDERS: No, Whites don't always "do OK". Many Whites have gone through entire workllives (50 years) of being grossly underemployed, all because of AA. Maybe your media didn't tell you ? You wouldn't hear it from MSNBC, Media Matters or the New York Times.

I know that and that's why i said whites do ok. Didn't say they do great, though they would if AA was gone.
[FALSE! Whites are, by far, the most persecuted race in America, with easily the largest number of victims, for the past 50 years, being denied jobs, job promotions, college admissions, and college financial aid (ex. assistantships) from affirmative action. The NAACP is unquestionably the most racist organization in America, and none of this is accounted for in FBI statistics, which only have to do with federal crime ( a separate subject).

Yup. And yet whites still do ok even with all the persecution they suffer. More proof that whites have ability and negroes don't.

Newsflash! EARTH TO SHOOTSPEEDERS: No, Whites don't always "do OK". Many Whites have gone through entire workllives (50 years) of being grossly underemployed, all because of AA. Maybe your media didn't tell you ? You wouldn't hear it from MSNBC, Media Matters or the New York Times.

Affirmative Action was amended in 1967 to include legislation which prohibited discrimination based on gender.

Over the past 46 years, white females have benefited more than any other group protected by the initiative.

Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |
AA is about helping the less well off intellectually get a free pass over more qualified people and is a form of segregation, where only less intelligent can drink at the water fountain of knowledge.
Yup. And yet whites still do ok even with all the persecution they suffer. More proof that whites have ability and negroes don't.

Newsflash! EARTH TO SHOOTSPEEDERS: No, Whites don't always "do OK". Many Whites have gone through entire workllives (50 years) of being grossly underemployed, all because of AA. Maybe your media didn't tell you ? You wouldn't hear it from MSNBC, Media Matters or the New York Times.

Aw, another widdle victim! Stop whining, you ridiculous bitch.

You shut your mouth, punk! You don't know a tenth of what I'm talking about. You should kiss my ass just to for the privilege to be here talking to me.:fu:
Its time we drew a line and put the assssshole white supremacists on the other side.Let ignorant assssholes like protectionist see how long he lasts on his own. The stooopid KKK would starve if they had to take care of themselves.

1. And just what do you think protectionist is ignorant of ?

2. And you call anyone who opposes the anti-white, racist discrimination of affirmation action a "white supremacist" ? HA HA HA. Well, I call you a racist bigot. Black supremacist could logically fit you also. So could "IDIOT". :lol:
Why would that make liberals furious? I just see it as more proof that the south has some of the most ignorant voters on the face of the earth. I wonder what party they typically belong to?
Southern blacks easily qualify for the most ignorant demographic. I am surprised you would bring the ignorance of Dem voters up frankly.
You shut your mouth, punk! You don't know a tenth of what I'm talking about.

My dog knows ten times more than you could ever manage to cram into that tiny brain of yours, let along make any sense of it.

That was probably too difficult for you to understand. Here: YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON.
Why would that make liberals furious? I just see it as more proof that the south has some of the most ignorant voters on the face of the earth. I wonder what party they typically belong to?
Southern blacks easily qualify for the most ignorant demographic. I am surprised you would bring the ignorance of Dem voters up frankly.

I'm talking about Rep voters in the South. The ones that vote against their own best interest but are among the poorest demographic. They are easily manipulated by the GOP telling them the Blacks or the Mexicans are stealing their jobs that rightfully belong to them because....well they are white. I bet the Black ones vote Dem.
Why can only a black person call another black person "******"?

Why does that bother you?

Answer the question, hater. Everyone wants you liberals to explain the logic behind that rule.

The logic is that they are black and you are not. I've hear women call each other bitches but that doesn't make me think I can do the same thing. Just accept you are not part of the club hence you are not entitled to use the word without causing an issue.
FALSE! Whites are, by far, the most persecuted race in America, with easily the largest number of victims, for the past 50 years, being denied jobs, job promotions, college admissions, and college financial aid (ex. assistantships) from affirmative action. The NAACP is unquestionably the most racist organization in America, and none of this is accounted for in FBI statistics, which only have to do with federal crime ( a separate subject).

You must have been sleep the 200 or so years before that. The wealth distribution alone is miles apart because of the head start white people had. If whites can have AA in the form of slavery and Jim Crow don't cry about the past 50 years where white women benefited from AA more than any other demographic. You sound pathetic. :lol:

If this is somehow puported to be a refute of what I said, I don't see it, one iota. Sure white women get AA too. So what ? That doesn't refute what I said, which BTW is talking about the past 50 years, not before that. No, I don't sound pathetic. I sound CORRECT, and that's the part of it you can't stand. Some people just can't handle the TRUTH.

Are white women part of the white ethnicity? Yes you do sound pathetic. Stop whining. You had a 200 plus year head start and I'm being conservative in my starting point.
Why would that make liberals furious? I just see it as more proof that the south has some of the most ignorant voters on the face of the earth. I wonder what party they typically belong to?
Southern blacks easily qualify for the most ignorant demographic. I am surprised you would bring the ignorance of Dem voters up frankly.

I'm talking about Rep voters in the South. The ones that vote against their own best interest but are among the poorest demographic. They are easily manipulated by the GOP telling them the Blacks or the Mexicans are stealing their jobs that rightfully belong to them because....well they are white. I bet the Black ones vote Dem.
The most ignorant voters in the South are decidedly black and vote decidedly Democrat. I thought that would be clear and I find it odd that you would ask what party they vote for.
Southern blacks easily qualify for the most ignorant demographic. I am surprised you would bring the ignorance of Dem voters up frankly.

I'm talking about Rep voters in the South. The ones that vote against their own best interest but are among the poorest demographic. They are easily manipulated by the GOP telling them the Blacks or the Mexicans are stealing their jobs that rightfully belong to them because....well they are white. I bet the Black ones vote Dem.
The most ignorant voters in the South are decidedly black and vote decidedly Democrat. I thought that would be clear and I find it odd that you would ask what party they vote for.

You would find it odd because you are too stupid to know that I am referring to the white conservatives. The ones that put up the sign.
I'm talking about Rep voters in the South. The ones that vote against their own best interest but are among the poorest demographic. They are easily manipulated by the GOP telling them the Blacks or the Mexicans are stealing their jobs that rightfully belong to them because....well they are white. I bet the Black ones vote Dem.
The most ignorant voters in the South are decidedly black and vote decidedly Democrat. I thought that would be clear and I find it odd that you would ask what party they vote for.

You would find it odd because you are too stupid to know that I am referring to the white conservatives. The ones that put up the sign.
Sorry, I thought you were addressing the most ignorant voters in the South. That is why I said they vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

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