
Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Greenland melting at a record rate. Arctic sea ice a record low levels. And extreme weather events are now affecting food production worldwide. Even here in the US.


This US heartland has been flooded for five months. Does anyone care?
Bad weather happens.
Back then it was gods now its humans.
You both sound like fools.
Greenland melting at a record rate. Arctic sea ice a record low levels. And extreme weather events are now affecting food production worldwide. Even here in the US.


This US heartland has been flooded for five months. Does anyone care?
About 10 years ago, the heartland flooded and no one cared. That is because the cycle of flooding in that area has been going on for centuries. They even built levees against the flooding, but still there is flooding. Just like there are wildfires and earthquakes in Califnornicaiton, and Hurricanes in the gulf. But stupid people think that a liberal can be like super man and save the world. Just give up all your money to that person...
Ok but if they started this project in 1948 and still aren't done, then perhaps this isn't unique to 2019....

Maybe all the rain is nature's way of refilling aquifers we have been over pumping in the US..
Ok but if they started this project in 1948 and still aren't done, then perhaps this isn't unique to 2019....

Maybe all the rain is nature's way of refilling aquifers we have been over pumping in the US..
The rain ended the decade long drought in CA.
Climate change nuts should all get on a space rocket, go to the sun and adjust the temperature. Al Gore can finance the expedition.
Climate change nuts should all get on a space rocket, go to the sun and adjust the temperature. Al Gore can finance the expedition.

Are you kidding. The Koch brothers are making a mint off them.
Greenland melting at a record rate. Arctic sea ice a record low levels. And extreme weather events are now affecting food production worldwide. Even here in the US.


This US heartland has been flooded for five months. Does anyone care?

NEWS FLASH for ya son:

At one time Greenland had no ice.
The oceans had no oxygen.
The Rain Forests all collapsed.
We had continental volcanoes.
There was no ice anywhere even at the poles.
There was ice everywhere, even at the equator.
It rained 9 months out of the year.
It was dry 9 months out of the year.
We had 10X the atmospheric pressure.
First the Earth sent in the Prokaryotes to amass chaos.
Then the Earth sent in the Cyanobacteria to wreak havoc.
Then the Earth let loose the Aritarchs to screw everything up.
Then the Earth dreamed up the Eukaryotes to loosen plagues everywhere.
Then came plants, fungi and animals to fuck the Earth over.
Then came the Age of Invertebrates. The invertebrates ate the plants.
The age of Fishes. The fishes ate the invertebrates.
The age of Amphibians. The Amphibians ate the fish.
The Age of Reptiles. The Reptiles ate the amphibians.
Then came the age of Mammals. The mammals replaced the Reptiles.
Then came the Primates. The primates conquered the mammals.
So the Earth made Hominims.
The Earth gave them a diversity of flowers, plants, birds and animals.
Then Hominims learned they needed tools to survive.
They learned they needed fire to survive and so they burned things.
Then they found they needed speech and disagreements were created.
Then came bows, domestication of animals, stone, copper, bronze and iron.
From that we found writing, building, cities, territory, and we discovered war.
Then came Law, Justice, Property, Technology, Mathematics, Art and Science.
All of it is just the natural order of the Process of Life on Earth.
Man saw he was good and multiplied.

Now, if we are meant to be, we will find a way of minimizing our impact, get off the planet and move onto other things. Or the Earth will draw a close to the Great Experiment unable to give advanced, technological life the time we need to find ways of being plentiful while not impacting Earth. Whatever the outcome, it will be the Earth doing whatever comes naturally because we are just an evolution of Nature. Earth doing Earthly things with itself.
I have no doubt that during the last ice age people were watching sea levels rising, glaciers receding, woolly mammoths and saber tooth tigers dying off and wished they had less SUVs and more electric trains.
Back during the little ice age priests stood outside a small town and prayed that God would stop the glacier from engulfing the town. They were sure it was the work of Satan.

Now we have people praying to those like Al Gore. They are following them like the priests. He believes so much in his cause he runs around in a private jet, personal limo and lives in a large mansion. All of which has a larger carbon footprint then a dozen or more people.
Greenland melting at a record rate. Arctic sea ice a record low levels. And extreme weather events are now affecting food production worldwide. Even here in the US.


This US heartland has been flooded for five months. Does anyone care?

One day melting...whoopee...there is far more ice on greenland now than there has been for most of the past 10,000 years...there is also far more sea ice now than there has been for most of the past 10,000 years...Food production is higher now than it has ever been in the history of civilization...

And you are nothing more than a hyperventilating hand waving hysteric...
Greenland melting at a record rate. Arctic sea ice a record low levels. And extreme weather events are now affecting food production worldwide. Even here in the US.


This US heartland has been flooded for five months. Does anyone care?

Another misleading and dishonest scaremongering post from eco warmist nut, who as usual fall apart over short time scales, while IGNORING the Holocene time frame (12,000 years)

Greenland ice fields TODAY are near the LARGEST of the Holocene time frame, from the CRYOSPHERE

Influence of temperature fluctuations on equilibriumice sheet volume

Troels Bøgeholm Mikkelsen et al.



and from Science Direct,

Holocene temperature history of northwest Greenland – With new ice cap constraints and chironomid assemblages from Deltasø

Arctic temperature shifts drive changes in carbon cycling, sea ice extent and Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance, all of which have global ramifications. Paleoclimate data from past warm periods provide a unique means for assessing the sensitivity of these systems to warming climate, but the magnitude and timing of past temperature changes in many parts of the Arctic are poorly known. Here we assess orbital-scale Holocene temperature change in northwest Greenland near the margin of the ice sheet using subfossil insect assemblages from lake Deltasø. Based upon sedimentation history in this currently proglacial lake, we also place constraints on Holocene extents of the adjacent North Ice Cap, a large independent ice cap. Reconstructed summer temperatures were warmer than present at the onset of lacustrine sedimentation following regional deglaciation by the Greenland Ice Sheet, sometime between 10.8 and 10.1 ka BP. Deltasø experienced the warmest summer temperatures of the Holocene between ∼10 and 6.2 ka BP, followed by progressive cooling that continued through the late Holocene as summer insolation declined, culminating in the lowest temperatures during the pre-industrial last millennium. Deltasø chironomids indicate peak early Holocene summer temperatures at least 2.5–3 °C warmer than modern and at least 3.5–4 °C warmer than the pre-industrial last millennium. We infer based upon lake sediment organic and biogenic content that in response to declining temperatures, North Ice Cap reached its present-day size ∼1850 AD, having been smaller than present through most of the preceding Holocene. Our synthesis of paleoclimate evidence from northwest Greenland, Ellesmere Island and northern Baffin Bay supports the timing of temperature trends inferred at Deltasø, and suggests that quantitative temperature reconstructions from Deltasø may represent a minimum bound on regional early Holocene warming. Collectively, records from the region indicate >4 °C summer cooling through the Holocene. Intense early Holocene warmth around northwest Greenland argues against delayed onset of warmer-than-present conditions due to the influence of the nearby waning Laurentide Ice Sheet, and has implications for understanding the Greenland Ice Sheet's sensitivity to climate change.


and one more from Polar Portal

Here is the Surface mass balance chart for August 8, showing that very little of the surface actually lost anything, which was around the margins which are near the ocean waters. There was a large area of the surface showing an INCREASE in mass.


One more time showing how silly alarmist headlines really are since it doesn't account for the total amount present, from Watts Up With That?

Greenland Endures

selected excerpt:

"In order to ask the question “How big is 103 billion tonnes?”, we have to ask a related question:

“Compared to what?”

In this case, the answer is, “Compared to the total amount of ice on Greenland”.

Here’s one way of looking at that. We can ask, IF Greenland were to continue losing ice mass at a rate of 103 billion tonnes per year, how long would it take to melt say half of the ice sheet? Not all of it, mind you, but half of it. (Note that I am NOT saying that extending a current trend is a way to estimate the future evolution of the ice sheet—I’m merely using it as a way to compare large numbers.)

To answer our question if 103 billion tonnes lost per year is a big number, we have to compare the annual ice mass loss to the amount of ice in the Greenland ice sheet. The Greenland ice sheet contains about 2.6E+15 (2,600,000,000,000,000) tonnes of water in the form of snow and ice.

So IF the Greenland ice sheet were to lose 103 billion tonnes per year into the indefinite future, it would take about twelve thousand five hundred years to lose half of it …

And even if the loss were to jump to ten times the long-term average, it would still take twelve hundred years to melt half the ice on the Greenland ice sheet. Even my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren won’t live long enough to see that.

However … there has been no big trend in mass losses in Greenland. As you can see in the graph above, it went down starting in 1980 but has generally risen since about 2010 … go figure."

Here is what it really looks like compared to the total, from 1971 to 2018:


Tell me abu fak....what exactly do you find funny about actual evidence that the claims regarding greenland are overblown alarmist hype? Do you think it is funny to be shown to be a dupe?
Climate change causes drought except when it rains?

The Mississippi has always flooded and been changing its course.

The article states the began trying to prevent flooding in the 1940's.

The article also states the EPA prevented projects so that this area would be wetlands.

Yazoo Backwater Project, levees and pumps that dried out a wetland for farming. The Mississippi is intent on returning to it's natural Mississippi delta.

The Democrats with their smug, elite, superior attitude ignore science and what is the natural state of things while proclaiming they alone can control the climate.

The Democrats will control life through abortion.
The Democrats will decide who does from disease.
The Democrats will control the climate.

The Democrats have declared themselves GOD.

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