Silencing The Victims of ObamaCare

Because she wanted a lower deductible and was trying to get as much certainty into her payments as possible...but even then, ObamaCare is worse than her old plan.

You somehow miss my point. If she wanted a lower deductible, she should've bought BCBS of MI's low deductible option, which is a gold plan that would still have a premium 40% lower than what she was paying last year. The premium savings she achieved in the first week and a half of enrolling in that plan would cover the plan's deductible for the entire year.

This is the type of world you whackjob moonbats want: where no decision is personal and private.


The real issue here is that ObamaCare is harming millions of people...and you're response is to blame the victim. That says everything about you, and nothing about this poor woman.

here's what you don't seem to get you take a person whose life is introuble then they make a comerical saying her plan was cut... they then say see how terrible Obama care is ... what you don't hear is what is the new plan or why didn't she look for a new plan ... now you gopers go with they canceled her plan because she had cancer .. no, they canceled her plan because it didn't meet the cryteria for proper health care ... more then likely it had caps on it ... she would have been really fucked if she hit those caps ...
News article I posted shows the truth which she conveniently left out.That's lying about the truth...

You didn't even bother to read it. She said she like the certainty of payments under her old plan. The heavy deductible ratio under ObamaCare leaves her exposed to big cash outlays prior to earning income. She doesn't like that uncertainty.

You.Are.An.Idiot who can't read.

she hasn't done any looking at all neither have you I bet dimes to donuts you haven't gone to the website at all and look at what it will cost ... the problem she has is she has a republicans for a governor... that's says it all
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News article I posted shows the truth which she conveniently left out.That's lying about the truth...

You didn't even bother to read it. She said she like the certainty of payments under her old plan. The heavy deductible ratio under ObamaCare leaves her exposed to big cash outlays prior to earning income. She doesn't like that uncertainty.

You.Are.An.Idiot who can't read.

she hasn't done any looking at all neither have you I bet dimes to donuts you haven't gone the the website at all and look at what it will cost ... the problem she has is she has a republicans for a governor... that's says it all

You didn't even bother to read it. She said she like the certainty of payments under her old plan. The heavy deductible ratio under ObamaCare leaves her exposed to big cash outlays prior to earning income. She doesn't like that uncertainty.

Then why did she buy a silver plan? She wants the BCBS of Michigan PPO network because her oncologist is in it, that's fine. But their Premier Gold Plan is available for about 1.2x the cost of their Premier Silver Plan. The deductible then drops from $1,400/individual/year to $150/individual/year.

Seemingly a no-brainer for someone with regular and predictable medical expenses. And she still would've been paying only 60% of what she was paying for premiums last year.

From the scattered details available and the coyness on her part and AFP's when pressed for more info, it sounds like she's doing better with this silver plan than she was previously. But she definitely would've been--there wouldn't be any question--if she'd spent slightly more (though still significantly less in premiums than she was paying last year) for a gold low deductible plan.

AND BCBS something I've noticed ... in m state there isn't any BCBS offered ... I wonder why that is ??? not really ...
As I noted earlier, the concept of CASH FLOW clearly eludes you.

And WTF business is it of yours to judge if she is better off? She is the one to determine that.

Oh well if she feels worse. MILLIONS are thankful for Obamacare. She needs to suck it up and be thankful she has better health insurance. You lost the argument so you negged me but IDC...MILLIONS come before 1 whining republican.

I call Shenanigans. If MILLIONS were thankful, then the Dems wouldn't be so afraid of this woman speaking out.

the reason the Ad was stop was because it wasn't the truth ... if there was any truth in it, no matter what the Dems lawyers, said or pleaded, if it were true, it would still be running ... you can't stop a ad because it doesn't support your point view you can only stop a ad from airing because its a lie period
Oh well if she feels worse. MILLIONS are thankful for Obamacare. She needs to suck it up and be thankful she has better health insurance. You lost the argument so you negged me but IDC...MILLIONS come before 1 whining republican.

I call Shenanigans. If MILLIONS were thankful, then the Dems wouldn't be so afraid of this woman speaking out.

the reason the Ad was stop was because it wasn't the truth ... if there was any truth in it, no matter what the Dems lawyers, said or pleaded, if it were true, it would still be running ... you can't stop a ad because it doesn't support your point view you can only stop a ad from airing because its a lie period

Condolences on that Head-Up-Your-Ass problem.

I doubt ObamaCare covers that.

I call Shenanigans. If MILLIONS were thankful, then the Dems wouldn't be so afraid of this woman speaking out.

the reason the Ad was stop was because it wasn't the truth ... if there was any truth in it, no matter what the Dems lawyers, said or pleaded, if it were true, it would still be running ... you can't stop a ad because it doesn't support your point view you can only stop a ad from airing because its a lie period

Condolences on that Head-Up-Your-Ass problem.

I doubt ObamaCare covers that.

translation= you hate the truth...

don't fart too loud you'll pop your ear drums:rock:
And still they try to stamp out that ugly name....OBAMACARE!

obama care is the name you right wing nut jobs put on it ... you're just mad because the aca is its true name ...

obama was for that name .... before it was fully implemented and people saw the shitty. Now he wants to scrub his name from it. :lol:

Its true name should be (un)aca.
You wouldn't recognize the truth if it smacked you on the ass and called you "Judy".

You really are a boring moron. Toodles!
And still they try to stamp out that ugly name....OBAMACARE!

obama care is the name you right wing nut jobs put on it ... you're just mad because the aca is its true name ...

obama was for that name .... before it was fully implemented and people saw the shitty. Now he wants to scrub his name from it. :lol:

Its true name should be (un)aca.

no he doesn't want his name scrubbed from it ... the right wing nut jubs want you to believe he does ... he has said many time he hope it stays with the name obama care ... where ever you got the notion he doesn't like it is beyond me ...
You wouldn't recognize the truth if it smacked you on the ass and called you "Judy".

You really are a boring moron. Toodles!

translation=you've beat down another lying repub-lie-tard br. 1million Repubs. 0
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billie is a blithering booby.

Back to the topic: Another ObamaCare Victim...and I suspect her son will soon be audited by the IRS for daring to speak out.

And a note to the Moonbats: here's another little feature of ObamaCare: it doesn't cover many drugs and treatments that the cancelled plans did. So even if it costs the same or is cheaper, it doesn't do the patient any good if his or her medicine is not covered. That expense comes straight out of pocket, and doesn't even apply to the deductible.

When my mother was diagnosed with carcinoid cancer in 2005, when she was 49, it came as a lightning shock. Her mother, at 76, had yet to go gray, and her mother's mother, at 95, was still playing bingo in her nursing home. My mother had always been, despite her diminutive frame, a titanic and irrepressible force of vitality and love. She had given birth to me and my nine younger siblings, and juggled kids, home and my father's medical practice with humor and grace for three decades. She swam three times a week in the early mornings, ate healthily and never smoked.


And then in November, along with millions of other Americans, she lost her health insurance. She'd had a Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan for nearly 20 years. It was expensive, but given that it covered her very expensive treatment, it was a terrific plan. It gave her access to any specialist or surgeon, and to the Sandostatin and other medications that were keeping her alive.

And then, because our lawmakers and president thought they could do better, she had nothing. Her old plan, now considered illegal under the new health law, had been canceled.

Because the exchange website in her state (Virginia) was not working, she went directly to insurers' websites and telephoned them, one by one, over dozens of hours. As a medical-office manager, she had decades of experience navigating the enormous problems of even our pre-ObamaCare system. But nothing could have prepared her for the bureaucratic morass she now had to traverse.

The repeated and prolonged phone waits were Sisyphean, the competence and customer service abysmal. When finally she found a plan that looked like it would cover her Sandostatin and other cancer treatments, she called the insurer, Humana, HUM +8.46% to confirm that it would do so. The enrollment agent said that after she met her deductible, all treatments and medications—including those for her cancer—would be covered at 100%. Because, however, the enrollment agents did not—unbelievable though this may seem—have access to the "coverage formularies" for the plans they were selling, they said the only way to find out in detail what was in the plan was to buy the plan. (Does that remind you of anyone?)

With no other options, she bought the plan and was approved on Nov. 22. Because by January the plan was still not showing up on her online Humana account, however, she repeatedly called to confirm that it was active. The agents told her not to worry, she was definitely covered.

Then on Feb. 12, just before going into (yet another) surgery, she was informed by Humana that it would not, in fact, cover her Sandostatin, or other cancer-related medications. The cost of the Sandostatin alone, since Jan. 1, was $14,000, and the company was refusing to pay.

The news was dumbfounding. This is a woman who had an affordable health plan that covered her condition. Our lawmakers weren't happy with that because . . . they wanted plans that were affordable and covered her condition. So they gave her a new one. It doesn't cover her condition and it's completely unaffordable....

Stephen Blackwood: ObamaCare and My Mother's Cancer Medicine -
You mean the uber rich corporations who whine they can't afford health insurance for their employees so they fire them and the pathetic insurance companies who dump people with health problems because supposedly they can't afford their healthcare any longer? Once again Obama did not go far enough,force needs to be used to insure these bastard companies of all stripes stop kicking people from their insurance and stop firing or cutting people's hours because they now have to give them health insurance instead of cutting some of the MILLIONS their CEO's get.

The willfully obtuse.

Read the OP again,her coverage was MANDATED away.

Same old talking points nothing new or interesting here.
You mean the uber rich corporations who whine they can't afford health insurance for their employees so they fire them and the pathetic insurance companies who dump people with health problems because supposedly they can't afford their healthcare any longer? Once again Obama did not go far enough,force needs to be used to insure these bastard companies of all stripes stop kicking people from their insurance and stop firing or cutting people's hours because they now have to give them health insurance instead of cutting some of the MILLIONS their CEO's get.

The willfully obtuse.

Read the OP again,her coverage was MANDATED away.

Same old talking points nothing new or interesting here.

She may have lost her coverage for cancer, but her husband gained coverage for his next pregnancy. That has to be worth something.
The ACA keeps gaining popularity, which is trouble for the Republicans, hence the scent of excrement now wafting from conservative trousers. What do they do now? Lying bigger and bigger just isn't doing the trick. They spent years telling America the sky was falling, and the sky hasn't fallen. So why would anyone trust a word they say now?

And naturally, all of them also endorse the "You told the truth, so you're silencing me!" pantswetting act.

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