Silencing The Victims of ObamaCare

News article I posted shows the truth which she conveniently left out.That's lying about the truth...

You didn't even bother to read it. She said she like the certainty of payments under her old plan. The heavy deductible ratio under ObamaCare leaves her exposed to big cash outlays prior to earning income. She doesn't like that uncertainty.

You.Are.An.Idiot who can't read.
I did read it. That's tough shit. Save money which she can do since she has a cheaper plan now. :)
You didn't even bother to read it. She said she like the certainty of payments under her old plan. The heavy deductible ratio under ObamaCare leaves her exposed to big cash outlays prior to earning income. She doesn't like that uncertainty.

Then why did she buy a silver plan? She wants the BCBS of Michigan PPO network because her oncologist is in it, that's fine. But their Premier Gold Plan is available for about 1.2x the cost of their Premier Silver Plan. The deductible then drops from $1,400/individual/year to $150/individual/year.

Seemingly a no-brainer for someone with regular and predictable medical expenses. And she still would've been paying only 60% of what she was paying for premiums last year.

From the scattered details available and the coyness on her part and AFP's when pressed for more info, it sounds like she's doing better with this silver plan than she was previously. But she definitely would've been--there wouldn't be any question--if she'd spent slightly more (though still significantly less in premiums than she was paying last year) for a gold low deductible plan.
You didn't even bother to read it. She said she like the certainty of payments under her old plan. The heavy deductible ratio under ObamaCare leaves her exposed to big cash outlays prior to earning income. She doesn't like that uncertainty.

Then why did she buy a silver plan? She wants the BCBS of Michigan PPO network because her oncologist is in it, that's fine. But their Premier Gold Plan is available for about 1.2x the cost of their Premier Silver Plan. The deductible then drops from $1,400/individual/year to $150/individual/year.

Seemingly a no-brainer for someone with regular and predictable medical expenses. And she still would've been paying only 60% of what she was paying for premiums last year.

From the scattered details available and the coyness on her part and AFP's when pressed for more info, it sounds like she's doing better with this silver plan than she was previously. But she definitely would've been--there wouldn't be any question--if she'd spent slightly more (though still significantly less in premiums than she was paying last year) for a gold low deductible plan.

And like a bad penny you're back. What happened, your Obamacare grant got renewed?
Just to update, everything you promised about Obamacare has been unmasked as a lie. It will not increase overall coverage but cause millions of people who did have health insurance not to have it. Not to mention the millions who never had it who will continue not to have it. So the initial impulse for Obamacare is a lie right off the bat.
Next, instead of not adding one thin dime to the deficit,a s promised, it will add over a trillion dollars. And that is conservative. Once subsidies to insurers and insureds is added in the figure will go much higher.
For the vast majority, their new insurance is more expensive and offers fewer benefits.
And of course if you liked your health care plan, your doctor, your specialist or your hospital you are just shit out of luck.
Good going.
Just to update, everything you promised about Obamacare has been unmasked as a lie.

Said, apparently without irony, in a thread highlighting the availability of insurance plans (even low-deductible plans!) with premiums hundreds of dollars less than what someone was paying before.

It will not increase overall coverage but cause millions of people who did have health insurance not to have it.

Welcome to Earth: U.S. Uninsured Rate Drops so Far in First Quarter of 2014

Next, instead of not adding one thin dime to the deficit,a s promised, it will add over a trillion dollars.

The economy-wide slowdown in health care cost growth has already lopped over a trillion dollars (above and beyond what was assumed in the 2010 CBO scores) off the cost of public health insurance programs like Medicare. Even if your bullshit was true, revenue + savings would still be outpacing spending under the ACA.

And of course if you liked your health care plan, your doctor, your specialist or your hospital you are just shit out of luck.

Said, apparently without irony, in a thread about a woman in that tragic 0.5% of the population that had a plan canceled who has exactly the same doctor and treatments under her new, cheaper, better plan.
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You didn't even bother to read it. She said she like the certainty of payments under her old plan. The heavy deductible ratio under ObamaCare leaves her exposed to big cash outlays prior to earning income. She doesn't like that uncertainty.

Then why did she buy a silver plan? She wants the BCBS of Michigan PPO network because her oncologist is in it, that's fine. But their Premier Gold Plan is available for about 1.2x the cost of their Premier Silver Plan. The deductible then drops from $1,400/individual/year to $150/individual/year.

Seemingly a no-brainer for someone with regular and predictable medical expenses. And she still would've been paying only 60% of what she was paying for premiums last year.

From the scattered details available and the coyness on her part and AFP's when pressed for more info, it sounds like she's doing better with this silver plan than she was previously. But she definitely would've been--there wouldn't be any question--if she'd spent slightly more (though still significantly less in premiums than she was paying last year) for a gold low deductible plan.

Because she wanted a lower deductible and was trying to get as much certainty into her payments as possible...but even then, ObamaCare is worse than her old plan.
Because she wanted a lower deductible and was trying to get as much certainty into her payments as possible...but even then, ObamaCare is worse than her old plan.

You somehow miss my point. If she wanted a lower deductible, she should've bought BCBS of MI's low deductible option, which is a gold plan that would still have a premium 40% lower than what she was paying last year. The premium savings she achieved in the first week and a half of enrolling in that plan would cover the plan's deductible for the entire year.
Just to update, everything you promised about Obamacare has been unmasked as a lie.

Said, apparently without irony, in a thread highlighting the availability of insurance plans (even low-deductible plans!) with premiums hundreds of dollars less than what someone was paying before.

It will not increase overall coverage but cause millions of people who did have health insurance not to have it.

Welcome to Earth: U.S. Uninsured Rate Drops so Far in First Quarter of 2014

Next, instead of not adding one thin dime to the deficit,a s promised, it will add over a trillion dollars.

The economy-wide slowdown in health care cost growth has already lopped over a trillion dollars (above and beyond what was assumed in the 2010 CBO scores) off the cost of public health insurance programs like Medicare. Even if your bullshit was true, revenue + savings would still be outpacing spending under the ACA.

And of course if you liked your health care plan, your doctor, your specialist or your hospital you are just shit out of luck.

Said, apparently without irony, in a thread about a woman in that tragic 0.5% of the population that had a plan canceled who has exactly the same doctor and treatments under her new, cheaper, better plan.

One case does not make for proof. But you knew that, you little numbskull.
For the vast majority of people, they are stuck. The only reason more arent is because Obama illegally extended deadlines on business.
The rate of decline among young people is lower (and that by fractions) only because they are opting to stay on mom n dad's policy. Not because they are signing up for over priced Obamacare. Because they aren't.
One case does not make for proof.

Pointing out the uselessness of anecdotes undermines the entirety of the anti-ACA movement (the dropping uninsurance rate and unprecedented slowdown in health care cost growth are aggregate data points that aren't going to help you much). This is the very fucking case you people are putting in anti-ACA ads.

You've hung your hats on this one, and it happens to be a woman who has 1) kept her doctor in a new ACA-compliant plan, 2) is getting the treatments she needs for her condition, and 3) has seen her premium cut in half (and could've had it cut by a mere 40% if she wanted a low deductible).

This is the worse case scenario you've identified. Congrats.
Who? Who is trying to stamp out the name that those who oppose the law gave it?

Anyone who refers to Obamacare by the kinder/gentler name you insist on using is just deflecting. No....not deflecting....just trying to deflect from the shit-storm that's coming.

Give it up.

Obama wanted it.

Obama got it.

Lots of Democrats - no, ALL Democrats - only said "Oh please, sir, may I have some more!"

Now America has to stay focused on who created this thing and who allowed it to be created.

Just as "Frankenstein Monster" loses impact if it's just called "laboratory experiment gone wrong", this thing MUST be called OBAMACARE and the Marxist element must not be allowed to conceal their guilt.
Because she wanted a lower deductible and was trying to get as much certainty into her payments as possible...but even then, ObamaCare is worse than her old plan.

You somehow miss my point. If she wanted a lower deductible, she should've bought BCBS of MI's low deductible option, which is a gold plan that would still have a premium 40% lower than what she was paying last year. The premium savings she achieved in the first week and a half of enrolling in that plan would cover the plan's deductible for the entire year.

This is the type of world you whackjob moonbats want: where no decision is personal and private.


The real issue here is that ObamaCare is harming millions of people...and you're response is to blame the victim. That says everything about you, and nothing about this poor woman.
This is the type of world you whackjob moonbats want: where no decision is personal and private.

Not so! I make many personal decisions that I don't appear in commercials to trumpet.

The real issue here is that ObamaCare is harming millions of people...and you're response is to blame the victim. That says everything about you, and nothing about this poor woman.

People have every right to make stupid decisions. If she wanted a low deductible plan and bought a high deductible plan, that's her business.

Honestly, I'm not even pretending to give a shit. I'm just pointing out she could've had a plan with her doctor in network with virtually no deductible and a premium that cost her 40% less than her last one.

It would've been better for her to choose that one probably, but it's better for her risk pool that she made the choice she did. I don't buy insurance in Michigan's individual market so I don't have a particular stake and don't care which one came out ahead in this tug of war. But unless you're making an ad for single-payer predicated on the idea that people are too dumb to choose the best plan for them in a multi-payer market, I don't think she's a particularly good face for whatever point you're trying to make.
Who? Who is trying to stamp out the name that those who oppose the law gave it?

Anyone who refers to Obamacare by the kinder/gentler name you insist on using is just deflecting. No....not deflecting....just trying to deflect from the shit-storm that's coming.

Give it up.

Obama wanted it.

Obama got it.

Lots of Democrats - no, ALL Democrats - only said "Oh please, sir, may I have some more!"

Now America has to stay focused on who created this thing and who allowed it to be created.

Just as "Frankenstein Monster" loses impact if it's just called "laboratory experiment gone wrong", this thing MUST be called OBAMACARE and the Marxist element must not be allowed to conceal their guilt.
The biggest problems with Ocare are it passed:

Two years after the US economy went on QE life support.

Nine years after Gordon Chang pointed out that China was/is using Ponzi financing to grow its economy. "The Coming Collapse of China" I have seen analysts claim that the Chinese banking system has more bad loans than the US banking system has loans.

The EU and Japan problems are harder to give exact dates to but when the four biggest economies in the world are in big trouble it is stupid to launch an entitlement.
American Power: Vicious Leftists Attack Julia Boonstra as 'Not Really Harmed by #ObamaCare'

If you like your ACA mandates, you can keep them. To yourself.
Just don't impose them on anyone else who didn't consent to sign up for this
under those terms.

Consumers are normally free to check out programs before choosing to participate.
If it's a good working program, it should sell itself.

Right to health is like Right to Life.

You have the right to set up and exercise your right to your beliefs.
But not to impose them through govt mandates on people who believe
that how to pay for one's health care is a free choice.

Am I the only one who sees the double irony,
that the Party that used to argue for prochoice is now defending govt mandates
regulating and even fining it; while the Party that used to champion right to life by law
is now defending the right to choice.

Is this double karma coming back to people or what?
Being forced to stand in each other's shoes, and argue the other position.
So ironic. Like on a divine level, as if life is trying to teach us all a lesson
by putting us in our neighbor's shoes.

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