Simple, honest question on the ACA

We all know that the ACA (conveniently called with derision, Obamacare by republicans) NEEDS major improvements, while maintaining the "good" parts of what the ACT has successfully addressed.

Now, for more than five long years, elected GOPers have opposed any bipartisan attempts to improve the health law because improvements may have benefited both common Americans AND the democrats' party.......

So, give us a good and valid reason why current democrats in congress should now help republicans pass the same exact and needed improvements (of course, beside the real fact of being less partisan than their right wing colleagues)???

Republicans will take the same page from the Democrats:

- Change the locks on the doors for meetings so Democrats can't get in
- Tell Democrats and the American voters that we need to pass it so we can find out what's in it
If you want to change the definition of what insurance is, yeah, you can claim everything is covered. However, insurance is supposed to cover unplanned events. Pregnancy is hardly unplanned. It shouldn't even be covered by insurance. That's like having insurance cover plastic surgery or a sex change operation.
It costs about $10-$20K to have a baby in the hospital, thats without complications. Without insurance coverage how many people do you think will be going broke or bankrupt over having a baby. Is that something that you think will help our hurt our society?

A policy that includes maternity coverage used to cost an additional $10,000.yr. If you can't afford to have a baby, then you shouldn't have one.

When did left wingers start caring whether their policies had a negative affect on society?
Why are you dodging my question? Fine people shouldn't have kids if they can't afford it, true statement, but in reality many many do... So what happens to our society if a large chunk of new mothers go broke or bankrupt after having a kid?

A large percentage of CA births are to illegals. They never go bankrupt? 20% 30% illegals?
So what? Why do you guys keep deflecting?

Did not mean to deflect. Agreed, its complicated. We can't let them give birth "at home" can we? Costs are very high on those "that can" to pay for those that "should not". Charge the "home" country? thinking outside the box...
To force a 28 yr old $50K tech in silicon valley to pay $1000/mo (while 60mil + illegals get it free) is not a solution. The tech has $2K rent, car .....etc.

Whomever invented this system should be flogged.
It costs about $10-$20K to have a baby in the hospital, thats without complications. Without insurance coverage how many people do you think will be going broke or bankrupt over having a baby. Is that something that you think will help our hurt our society?

A policy that includes maternity coverage used to cost an additional $10,000.yr. If you can't afford to have a baby, then you shouldn't have one.

When did left wingers start caring whether their policies had a negative affect on society?
Why are you dodging my question? Fine people shouldn't have kids if they can't afford it, true statement, but in reality many many do... So what happens to our society if a large chunk of new mothers go broke or bankrupt after having a kid?

A large percentage of CA births are to illegals. They never go bankrupt? 20% 30% illegals?
So what? Why do you guys keep deflecting?

Did not mean to deflect. Agreed, its complicated. We can't let them give birth "at home" can we? Costs are very high on those "that can" to pay for those that "should not". Charge the "home" country? thinking outside the box...
haha, if Trump can get Mexico to pay for the wall then I don't see why he couldn't get them to pay for child labor as well! :)
We all know that the ACA (conveniently called with derision, Obamacare by republicans) NEEDS major improvements, while maintaining the "good" parts of what the ACT has successfully addressed.

Now, for more than five long years, elected GOPers have opposed any bipartisan attempts to improve the health law because improvements may have benefited both common Americans AND the democrats' party.......

So, give us a good and valid reason why current democrats in congress should now help republicans pass the same exact and needed improvements (of course, beside the real fact of being less partisan than their right wing colleagues)???

Republicans will take the same page from the Democrats:

- Change the locks on the doors for meetings so Democrats can't get in
- Tell Democrats and the American voters that we need to pass it so we can find out what's in it
The Senate and House committees that designed the ACA had a full compliment of Republican members.

Suggesting they didn't know what was in the ACA is total BS.
The whole scheme amounted to forcing everybody out of their insurance and into a fantastically expensive medical-payment plan that almost no one would have chosen voluntarily,
The ACA was written by insurance companies to pack their pockets with your money.
We all know that the ACA (conveniently called with derision, Obamacare by republicans) NEEDS major improvements, while maintaining the "good" parts of what the ACT has successfully addressed.

Now, for more than five long years, elected GOPers have opposed any bipartisan attempts to improve the health law because improvements may have benefited both common Americans AND the democrats' party.......

So, give us a good and valid reason why current democrats in congress should now help republicans pass the same exact and needed improvements (of course, beside the real fact of being less partisan than their right wing colleagues)???

Republicans will take the same page from the Democrats:

- Change the locks on the doors for meetings so Democrats can't get in
- Tell Democrats and the American voters that we need to pass it so we can find out what's in it
The Senate and House committees that designed the ACA had a full compliment of Republican members.

Suggesting they didn't know what was in the ACA is total BS.

They aren't responsible for what's in it, moron. Democrats made all the decisions.
The whole scheme amounted to forcing everybody out of their insurance and into a fantastically expensive medical-payment plan that almost no one would have chosen voluntarily,
The ACA was written by insurance companies to pack their pockets with your money.

That is why we need single payer to take the power away from them.
The whole scheme amounted to forcing everybody out of their insurance and into a fantastically expensive medical-payment plan that almost no one would have chosen voluntarily,
The ACA was written by insurance companies to pack their pockets with your money.

That is why we need single payer to take the power away from them.
Right, and give all the power to the federal government, because we all know it's not powerful enough.

What a moron.
We all know that the ACA (conveniently called with derision, Obamacare by republicans) NEEDS major improvements, while maintaining the "good" parts of what the ACT has successfully addressed.

Now, for more than five long years, elected GOPers have opposed any bipartisan attempts to improve the health law because improvements may have benefited both common Americans AND the democrats' party.......

So, give us a good and valid reason why current democrats in congress should now help republicans pass the same exact and needed improvements (of course, beside the real fact of being less partisan than their right wing colleagues)???

Republicans will take the same page from the Democrats:

- Change the locks on the doors for meetings so Democrats can't get in
- Tell Democrats and the American voters that we need to pass it so we can find out what's in it
The Senate and House committees that designed the ACA had a full compliment of Republican members.

Suggesting they didn't know what was in the ACA is total BS.
You've been precious.....
The whole scheme amounted to forcing everybody out of their insurance and into a fantastically expensive medical-payment plan that almost no one would have chosen voluntarily,
The ACA was written by insurance companies to pack their pockets with your money.

The ACA was written by Democrats to give government more control over your life.
The whole scheme amounted to forcing everybody out of their insurance and into a fantastically expensive medical-payment plan that almost no one would have chosen voluntarily,
The ACA was written by insurance companies to pack their pockets with your money.

That is why we need single payer to take the power away from them.

/---- we need single payer like the Titanic needed another iceberg.
We all know that the ACA (conveniently called with derision, Obamacare by republicans) NEEDS major improvements, while maintaining the "good" parts of what the ACT has successfully addressed.

Now, for more than five long years, elected GOPers have opposed any bipartisan attempts to improve the health law because improvements may have benefited both common Americans AND the democrats' party.......

So, give us a good and valid reason why current democrats in congress should now help republicans pass the same exact and needed improvements (of course, beside the real fact of being less partisan than their right wing colleagues)???
Obamacare was doomed from the start because it is a half in half out plan. If you have a " universal health care plan" then it's got to be "all in" like Social Security Act. Let each of 50 states set up their own plans and pay for them with block grants from federal government.
So, give us a good and valid reason why current democrats in congress should now help republicans pass the same exact and needed improvements (of course, beside the real fact of being less partisan than their right wing colleagues)???

Well, that depends. If one thinks it's important to obtain political leverage, there is no good reason. If one thinks it's important to improve the ACA, there's good reason. If one likes the ACA the way it is, there is again no reason.
What was the prime reason for Obamacare?
Health Care Facts: Why We Need Health Care Reform

Screen Shot 2017-01-06 at 7.43.56 AM.png

A) Growing number of uninsured was first reason.
THAT WAS A LIE based on the premise that according to Obama..
"I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today
Falsehood 1)
Obama admits that of that 46 million 10 million were NOT CITIZENS!
"It's an overcount because it counts noncitizens. Take out the 9.7 million noncitizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million.
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.
Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2)
14 million Americans were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. .
There was NO NEED for Obamacare to cover these 14 million as all they needed to do is REGISTER!!!
Those 14 million should have been told they were eligible under EXISTING LAWS and there was NO NEED for ACA!
Falsehood 3)
18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.
Falsehood 4)
Many veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors.
NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

So this number one reason is based on FALSE Numbers!

Now get this... another major reason for Obamacare: "EVER-GROWING PROFIT for the health care corporations!
Consider that the Obama people hate anything that has a profit! That is the reason for Obamacare.
We have states with medical tort limitations today, and it isn't solving anything.

That is just simply not true. Those States are seeing much slower increases in premium costs than States that let lawyers run wild. Just a fact.

10 Years of Tort Reform in Texas Bring Fewer Suits, Lower Payouts

Not only are lawyers a drag on Health Insurance and their premiums, but they're KILLING the Drug Industry.

Drug Companies spend more money defending themselves against lawyers than they do bringing a new drug to Market.

THE most powerful lobby in this Country is lawyers. Think about it.....

Virtually ALL dimocrap politicians are lawyers.

The Lying COcksucker in Chief is a lawyer, his wife, the Sasquatch, is a Lawyer, Ubercunt is a lawyer, Bill The Rapist Clinton was a lawyer, Kerry, ManBearPig, Biden...... Lawyers.

Whenever you see or read or hear something about how lawyers aren't costing you all that much -- It's a lie.

There are over ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Lawyers in this Country. That's over One Lawyer for every three hundred people.

And the average lawyer takes well over $100k per year out of the economy. Which is -- What?? One Hundred and Twenty BILLION Dollars JUST FOR THEMSELVES!! Salaries. benefits, etc. MINIMUM

Then there's the astronomical numbers they take due to Court Costs and settlements.

The legal profession is the biggest drag on this economy -- By far.

Didja know...? Many Countries, like Japan, put a legal limit on the number of lawyers allowed in the Country?

No shit.

Don't talk to me about lawyers. A more worthless group of human beings has never existed in human history
What the FUCK does that have to do with the price of pussy in Peking, you sniveling little bitch????

You just can't talk to dimocraps.

if your other half of the brain was functioning, you too would see that health care costs CANNOT be brought back to sanity if the CEOs within the health care industries continue to reap millions in compensation.....

And you've got the numbers to back up that claim ?

I really hope you do. I don't like these guys being paid so much....but I've never seen the impact of their salaries on health care actually calculated.

Envy is such a sin.

Why would you call it envy ?

Did I say I wanted how much they make ?
Of course, we all have to wonder WHY that after SIX years of right wing republicans arguing that the ACA should be repealed and REPLACED, we still don't have from these same republicans any decent proposal and they are asking voters to give them additional years to come up with a viable alternative to the ACA.

One wonders if "cursing the darkness" is a hell of a lot easier than figuring out how to light a candle.
Of course, we all have to wonder WHY that after SIX years of right wing republicans arguing that the ACA should be repealed and REPLACED, we still don't have from these same republicans any decent proposal and they are asking voters to give them additional years to come up with a viable alternative to the ACA.

One wonders if "cursing the darkness" is a hell of a lot easier than figuring out how to light a candle.

Can you load a post up with any more fallacies ?

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