Simple Math Liberals can't add and subtract !


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
There was this thread title:
Research: The intellectual differences between liberals and conservatives

Well here is a prime example of how poor liberals are in simple math!
But these shrift liberals won't even go and check the below facts!
Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

That leaves less the 10 million!

BUT NOT ONE liberal seemingly can refute this because THEY do everything else.. call the poster names, etc.. but they CAN NOT refute the simple math!

And this NOT only shows how shrift their math comprehension is BUT
intellectual shortage!!!
Further proof of Liberal math fuzziness???
Because of this agreement, every working American will keep his or her tax cut – about $1,000 for the average family.
So Obama/Liberals wanted the average American family to get the $40 every 2 weeks for 8 weeks. Remember the bill was temporary extension for 2 months!

So that's $160 over two months.
GOP wanted tax extension for 12 months OR the full $1,000!

So liberals... YOU make a big deal about pizzas, all these sob stories..
(See White house.. What does $40 mean to you? | The White House

Which is bigger folks...$160 for two months or $1,000 for 12 months???
President/Democrats want insure just $160 for 2 months!!!

WHAT IS THE AVERAGE American's math skills... we know Obama is ignorant!
Further proof of Liberal math fuzziness???
Because of this agreement, every working American will keep his or her tax cut – about $1,000 for the average family.
So Obama/Liberals wanted the average American family to get the $40 every 2 weeks for 8 weeks. Remember the bill was temporary extension for 2 months!

So that's $160 over two months.
GOP wanted tax extension for 12 months OR the full $1,000!

So liberals... YOU make a big deal about pizzas, all these sob stories..
(See White house.. What does $40 mean to you? | The White House

Which is bigger folks...$160 for two months or $1,000 for 12 months???
President/Democrats want insure just $160 for 2 months!!!

WHAT IS THE AVERAGE American's math skills... we know Obama is ignorant!

Did the GOP add anything to the bill extending the tax cuts for a year? Anything at all? Anything, maybe, about a pipeline?
Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

So? If someone doesn't want insurance, that still makes them uninsured and a problem. If someone is here illegally and doesn't have insurance, that still makes them a problem. How does breaking them into group alleviate the problem?
There was this thread title:
Research: The intellectual differences between liberals and conservatives

Well here is a prime example of how poor liberals are in simple math!
But these shrift liberals won't even go and check the below facts!
Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

That leaves less the 10 million!

BUT NOT ONE liberal seemingly can refute this because THEY do everything else.. call the poster names, etc.. but they CAN NOT refute the simple math!

And this NOT only shows how shrift their math comprehension is BUT
intellectual shortage!!!

50 thousand a month is 600,000 a year. There are 300 million in the USA. Now u do the math and tell me the% of the poll and how long it would take to poll all and get real numbers.
It's not that we can't add, it's that you can't think.

1) The only privileges of citizenship are voting and immunity from deportation. A non-citizen legal resident who has no health insurance counts.

2) Someone who doesn't want insurance is still uninsured. That's probably a healthy person whose deliberately uninsured status pushes premiums up for everyone else.

3) Those covered by Medicaid are not counted in the totals usually presented, any more than those covered by Medicare.

Nice try, but as per your wont, this is an example of red herring and misleading argument.
Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

So? If someone doesn't want insurance, that still makes them uninsured and a problem. If someone is here illegally and doesn't have insurance, that still makes them a problem. How does breaking them into group alleviate the problem?

But the magnitude of 75% OFF in how many truly "uninsured" doesn't bother you when the ENTIRE health industry is NOW to be managed by an entity that already has 25% waste and fraud..i.e. Medicare/Government?

YOU evidently have so little concept of big numbers just as Obama who
naively said if we just CUT costs by 1/10th of 1% the $4 trillion DEFICIT (wrong word -- DEBT!) over a long term"!
YES you and ignorant people like Obama have evidently NO IDEA that "long term" is 1,600 YEARS!!!

BUT THAT doesn't mean any more to you then the FACT 6 votes cast for a problem that was 75% EXAGGERATED!

NO mention in Obamacare of $250 billion a year waste in Medicare but give MORE to the entity that accepts 6,000% markups i.e. Medicare gladly pays for health claims that are 6,000% more then the costs!
WHERE IS YOUR indignation?

NO mention that $100 billion a year lawyers donated $300 million to Obama/Congress to keep paying the $600 billion a year in defensive medicine ...all because physicians are fearful of being sued!
Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

So? If someone doesn't want insurance, that still makes them uninsured and a problem. If someone is here illegally and doesn't have insurance, that still makes them a problem. How does breaking them into group alleviate the problem?

But the magnitude of 75% OFF in how many truly "uninsured" doesn't bother you when the ENTIRE health industry is NOW to be managed by an entity that already has 25% waste and fraud..i.e. Medicare/Government?

YOU evidently have so little concept of big numbers just as Obama who
naively said if we just CUT costs by 1/10th of 1% the $4 trillion DEFICIT (wrong word -- DEBT!) over a long term"!
YES you and ignorant people like Obama have evidently NO IDEA that "long term" is 1,600 YEARS!!!

BUT THAT doesn't mean any more to you then the FACT 6 votes cast for a problem that was 75% EXAGGERATED!

NO mention in Obamacare of $250 billion a year waste in Medicare but give MORE to the entity that accepts 6,000% markups i.e. Medicare gladly pays for health claims that are 6,000% more then the costs!
WHERE IS YOUR indignation?

NO mention that $100 billion a year lawyers donated $300 million to Obama/Congress to keep paying the $600 billion a year in defensive medicine ...all because physicians are fearful of being sued!

Put the nog down. You're ranting and no one can understand you. Couple of things:

1) The Government will not be managing health care in this country. That is a GOP lie.
2) The Debt never has to be repaid. Ever. In fact, it would be extremely bad if it was.
3) Obamacare did cut waste and over payments in Medicare. To the tune of $500B. You can ask any "conservative" here and they will gladly tell you more about how Obama "gutted Medicare".
are we planning to let non-citizen residents die at the entrance to the ER?


OK then. Cheaper to get them insured than to force them to access care at the ER.
are we planning to let non-citizen residents die at the entrance to the ER?

Ron Paul seems to think we should.

I can see it now: Man stumbles into the ER in the midst of a serious MI. Collapses on the floor.

"Sir, can you prove your citizenship"?
"Well, we can't use the defib until we establish your status. You need to go home and retrieve your papers before we can proceed".

I wonder how well that comports with the Hippocratic Oath Dr Paul swore to.
hopefully you get banned for flooding the boards with the same thread over and over again, tool.
Did the GOP add anything to the bill extending the tax cuts for a year? Anything at all? Anything, maybe, about a pipeline?

Yeah, they added a provision that would create over 100,000 jobs at absolutely no cost to the taxpayers. In fact, it would have provided additional revenue to the government.
So? If someone doesn't want insurance, that still makes them uninsured and a problem. If someone is here illegally and doesn't have insurance, that still makes them a problem. How does breaking them into group alleviate the problem?

But the magnitude of 75% OFF in how many truly "uninsured" doesn't bother you when the ENTIRE health industry is NOW to be managed by an entity that already has 25% waste and fraud..i.e. Medicare/Government?

YOU evidently have so little concept of big numbers just as Obama who
naively said if we just CUT costs by 1/10th of 1% the $4 trillion DEFICIT (wrong word -- DEBT!) over a long term"!
YES you and ignorant people like Obama have evidently NO IDEA that "long term" is 1,600 YEARS!!!

BUT THAT doesn't mean any more to you then the FACT 6 votes cast for a problem that was 75% EXAGGERATED!

NO mention in Obamacare of $250 billion a year waste in Medicare but give MORE to the entity that accepts 6,000% markups i.e. Medicare gladly pays for health claims that are 6,000% more then the costs!
WHERE IS YOUR indignation?

NO mention that $100 billion a year lawyers donated $300 million to Obama/Congress to keep paying the $600 billion a year in defensive medicine ...all because physicians are fearful of being sued!

Put the nog down. You're ranting and no one can understand you. Couple of things:

1) The Government will not be managing health care in this country. That is a GOP lie.
2) The Debt never has to be repaid. Ever. In fact, it would be extremely bad if it was.
3) Obamacare did cut waste and over payments in Medicare. To the tune of $500B. You can ask any "conservative" here and they will gladly tell you more about how Obama "gutted Medicare".
) The Government will not be managing health care in this country. That is a GOP lie.
1) Then maybe you should tell Obama cause:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

2) Debt never has to be repaid? NO question about that..BUT you idiot
When interest payments equal 100% of Federal REvenue???
The USA will NOT be able to borrow to pay the interest rate!
But the point which went WAY over your head was Obama made two
gigantic GAFFES...
GAFFE 1..)"It is NOT the " reduce the deficit" as ANY high school
and maybe YOU MIGHT KNOW is is
REDUCE the DEBT of $4 trillion(at that time!)
GAFFE 2) "a Long Term" is 1,600 years but Obama has NO concept of
what health care costs are much less the "DEBT" much less "long TERM"!
3) Obamacare cutting $500 BILLION???
Where did you get such GARBAGE?
HHS Secretary Sebelius admits to double-counting in Obamacare budget!

There is an issue here on the budget because your own actuary has said you can’t double-count,” said Shimkus. “You can’t count — they’re attacking Medicare on the CR when their bill, your law, cut $500 billion from Medicare.”

He continued:
“Then you’re also using the same $500 billion to what? Say your funding health care.
Your own actuary says you can’t do both. […] What’s the $500 billion in cuts for? Preserving Medicare or funding the health-care law?

Sebelius’ reply? “Both.”

The Obama administration and HHS have been criticized previously for double-counting. In a report last summer, HHS claimed a provision in the health-care law would extend the Medicare trust fund by 12 years. The Congressional Budget Office released a memo that said HHS’s math was more than a little off.

“[…] They cannot be set aside to pay for future Medicare spending and, at the same time, pay for current spending on other parts of the legislation or on other programs … To describe the full amount of HI trust fund savings as both improving the government’s ability to pay future Medicare benefits and financing new spending outside of Medicare would essentially double-count a large share of those savings,” said the CBO memo.

Read more: Obamacare Cost | HHS Director Admits Double Counting Funds | The Daily Caller

Do you understand HOW totally stupid that was?
It's like you saying I'm saving $500 for a future car down payment today.
And I'm going to take the savings of $500 for car down payment and buy
bedroom furniture today!
YOU CAN'T take savings you've allocated for the future and say I'll spend it today for furniture!
IT is called "double Counting"!!

BUT of course this goes WAY over your head right?
So let's play a game little kid.
If I give you $5 and say put that in your pocket for candy at the store.
And then I say I have candy in my pocket give me $5 for the candy"!

DO YOU UNDERSTAND The stupidity of Congress and people like you who don't comprehend how absolutely CRAZY Obamacare IS!
hopefully you get banned for flooding the boards with the same thread over and over again, tool.

So you are suggesting that IF YOU can't prove me wrong i.e. that there really are 46 million uninsured and I"VE proven there are NOT.. that is grounds for banning??

Protecting Ignorance should NOT be an objective of the board and you haven't proven my numbers are incorrect!

A) 10 million people counted as uninsured influenced congress to pass legislation that has RAISED insurance premiums costing all of us more money!
B) 9 million people who ARE already covered by Medicaid are counted as part of the 46 million "uninsured" that influenced 6 congressional voters to pass legislation that is costing America over $1 trillion MORE and will also
reduce over 10 years $1 trillion in Federal/States/Locals tax revenue!

C) 18 million people DON"T want to buy health insurance but are forced to
against their will or pay 2.5% tax on their income!

37 million people either not citizens, or already covered or don't want to
are affecting all Americans and you think that is NOT important and I should be banned because I want you to prove differently?

ARe we now part of Chinese internet rules??
No, I'm suggesting you dont need to personally oversee THREE threads on the same fucking subject, tool.
There was this thread title:
Research: The intellectual differences between liberals and conservatives

Well here is a prime example of how poor liberals are in simple math!
But these shrift liberals won't even go and check the below facts!
Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

That leaves less the 10 million!

BUT NOT ONE liberal seemingly can refute this because THEY do everything else.. call the poster names, etc.. but they CAN NOT refute the simple math!

And this NOT only shows how shrift their math comprehension is BUT
intellectual shortage!!!

This is harldly research. My OP actually had scientific basis. Are you familiar with that phrase?
There was this thread title:
Research: The intellectual differences between liberals and conservatives

Well here is a prime example of how poor liberals are in simple math!
But these shrift liberals won't even go and check the below facts!
Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

That leaves less the 10 million!

BUT NOT ONE liberal seemingly can refute this because THEY do everything else.. call the poster names, etc.. but they CAN NOT refute the simple math!

And this NOT only shows how shrift their math comprehension is BUT
intellectual shortage!!!

So I'm guessing your entire point was "liberals aren't good at math"?

Then it seems Republicans are making a mistake cutting education.

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