Simple Poll on Israel

Does israel have the right to exist?

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That's funny because I truly respect the memories of people like Dr.King and Douglas, men who went through untold countless hardships in the hopes that today I wouldn't have to because of skin color.

DJ, you really don't. In fact you spit in both MLK and Douglass's faces. They would be ashamed that you don't follow either of their messages!
Jewish is not a ethnicity its a religion. the Vast Majority of Jews today are ethnically Georgan/Turkish from the Khazars, the percentage is higher amongst Isreali Jews.
Just thought i'd throw that in there.

yea.. tell that to israel when their law of return applies to atheist jews and not jewish converts from China. I'll ask you like i've asked our local zionists: who do you think will get israeli citizenship FIRST, Schlomo Diamondstien the atheist or Chang Chong the convert?

The jewish identity is a religious faith but it's also a very real ethnic boundary.
That's funny because I truly respect the memories of people like Dr.King and Douglas, men who went through untold countless hardships in the hopes that today I wouldn't have to because of skin color.

DJ, you really don't. In fact you spit in both MLK and Douglass's faces. They would be ashamed that you don't follow either of their messages!



a jew projecting on what he thinks MLK and Doublass faced. Fucking HILARIOUS. Now, DJ... try and tell Ghook how any jew from Abraham to Golda faced cultural and social realities and watch how EXCLUSIVE such projections become all of a sudden.
Hey GHook here's a little news flash for you the apparent expert in African American history. People like Douglas and Dr. King faced the hardships that they did because of just what i've said, their skin color. In the hopes that any people not just black people wouldn't have to face that prejudice and racial segregation, and not have to have what ones skin color or even religious background might be what's looked at as what's most important. Ghook you might be right, many Jews might have rallied behind the message of Dr. King during the civil rights era, because they knew what it was like to be persecuted for who you are.

But lastly, if you're going to make generalized statements about things like how you think I care more about someone's skin color opposed to their character, perhaps you could back up those claims with some factual evidence or information, just a thought lol
Hey GHook here's a little news flash for you the apparent expert in African American history. People like Douglas and Dr. King faced the hardships that they did because of just what i've said, their skin color. In the hopes that any people not just black people wouldn't have to face that prejudice and racial segregation, and not have to have what ones skin color or even religious background might be what's looked at as what's most important. Ghook you might be right, many Jews might have rallied behind the message of Dr. King during the civil rights era, because they knew what it was like to be persecuted for who you are.

But lastly, if you're going to make generalized statements about things like how you think I care more about someone's skin color opposed to their character, perhaps you could back up those claims with some factual evidence or information, just a thought lol

actually i don't know exactly why I am doing this but i will throw out two names:

andrew goodman

michael schwerner
Please remember that some arab-ists believe that the Jews and/or the U.S. government planned 9-11 so America could go get "Ay-rabs". Bunch of nutjobs, of course.

Paranoi does have a price. If you think folks are out to get you, they will eventually get you. So, JodyLee, get over it, or the day will come when your actions may be come criminal and put you in a very small cell for the rest of your life.

The Palestinians do have a right to their own demilitarized nation, watched over by Israel. The police permits no nutjob neighbor to have a high-powered weapon next door to anyone else. That is what the U.S. does for Israel. It backs Israel up, it will always back Israel up, Selah.
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Obama will kill any Muslim nation that nukes Israel.

Ya sure about that? We have NEVER sent one soldier to fight in any of Israelis numerous wars! What if Iran nuked Israel and immediately after the nuking, Russia and China stated that Iran was under their nuclear umbrella and they would nuke us if we nuked Iran! Iran wouldn't be touched. What if it was Pakistan, who could send a nuke our way by themselves? Doubtfully at that point!
Obama will kill any Muslim nation that nukes Israel.

Ya sure about that? We have NEVER sent one soldier to fight in any of Israelis numerous wars! What if Iran nuked Israel and immediately after the nuking, Russia and China stated that Iran was under their nuclear umbrella and they would nuke us if we nuked Iran! Iran wouldn't be touched. What if it was Pakistan, who could send a nuke our way by themselves? Doubtfully at that point!

Stop the "what if the green cheese" fallacy. Russia and China don't want nukes thrown unless they do it. In fact, they would probably join to kill any Muslim nation who nuked Israel.
Your a chicken shit! Haven't seen your vote ya bigot!

because you have set up the false premise that if ISRAEL has the right to exhist then it has the right to be a racist zionist state. Now, had you posted if Palisrael had a right ot exhist for both ethnicities equally then i'd have been the first to vote yes...

...but we ALL know how you feel about desegregating the chosen to be equal to scummy non-jew goyim, dont we?
a one state solution in which the Jews are ruled by Palestinians


Those shifty ******* will OVER RUN our white 'MERICA!



Face it, you jewish racist, a single state where palis AND jews are validated in a common state is the only solution that doesn't stink of segregation and apartheid. But, your fear of "being rulled by non-jews" sure is telling! I'm sure some Alamaba Governors held the same opinion while grandstanding on the steps of a rather famous University campus.

Don't we know that jews are waaaay to superior to be held accountable for a demographic population? if ONLY there were a final plan to extract all those unwanteds...

And who REFUSED such a State? The Arabs did in 48. The Jews BEGGED them to stay and help create Israel. And the response? 5 Arab Armies trying to crush every Jew under their heel. 5 Arab armies bent on killing or driving out every Jew in Israel. 5 Arab armies that threatened to MURDER any Arab that stayed in Israel.

The Arabs of the region were GIVEN the opportunity to create a Country, bigger and better situated then Israel, they refused and chose murder and terrorism instead.

SHOCKER! the same shit happened in America while the natives were being purged from North America. Come on, mormon.. you know ALL ABOUT killing encroaching populations.
The simple answer! Absolutely!*

what have I told you abut those damn astrix?

* "Because a single state solution where a pali might have an opinion above that of a jew is just CRAZY. Now, let me get back to enjoying me ethnic equality here in the United States"

In Israel any Arab citizen has EXACTLY the same vote as any Jew. In fact last time I checked there were 12 Arabs in the Knesset. One of whom was second in command of a non Arab coalition. Sounds to me like they are and have equal representation there just fine. Further Arabs are given the right to refuse mandatory military service while encouraged to serve.

that is disingenuous at best,. ignorant as fuck at worst. I can point to a half a dozen criteria that distinguishes a jew from a non jew in israel. i'd bet both pinky toes that you would not abide the same conditions limiting your mormon ass likewise here in the US.

Token arabs mean two things in Cast Lead israel: jack and shit. Again, if the US Fed were busy treating mormons like zionist jews treat palis you'd be bullhorning that the sky is falling like a skipping record. We see it every time the Fed decides to take kids away from polygamy loving mormons breeding their own teenaged wives.
I think a Jewish state definitely has a right to exist somewhere, but also that it was a mistake for the Allies in WWII to carve out a slice of the Middle East to put one there.
Now, of course, that's a moot point, so the rest of the world, especially the Palestinians and other Arabs, need to come to grips with the reality.

Israel was not carved out of the ME by the allies after WWII. The League of Nations Mandate for Palestine instructed the British to help establish a Jewish homeland there back in 1921, but the Brits delayed and delayed and delayed until the Jews finally drove them out. The UN General Assembly, unable to find other member states willing to take responsibility for the protectorate and understanding that war would break out once the British finally left, passed GA 181 after much study and debate in the hope of reaching an accomodation between the Jews and Arabs that would prevent the war.

It is naive to imagine that if the Partition resolution had not been passed the Jews would not have fought to establish their state or that they would not have defeated the Arab armies and successfully established that state. Neither the UN nor the US nor any other country or combination of countries created the state of Israel. Israel was created by the Jews who were living there and it would have taken coordinated overt actions by the rest of the world to have prevented it.

that sure is a long winded way of saying "carved out of the mid east from an arab land"

I guess if you can't dazzle em with brilliance...
Of course Israel has a right to exist, not because of the partition plan or the U.N. vote, but because they have defended the State of Israel that they declared existed.

The U.N. did nothing to help Israel defend itself. Would have done nothing had the Jews been thrown into the sea.

The Arabs rejected the partition plan and the U.N. vote.

I view the partition plan as being null and void. Meaningless.

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