Simple question for the right regarding taxes on the middle class.

Simple question:

How is it the right wing can simultaneously whine about

a) the lower 50% of income earners in the country not paying income tax


b) supposed tax hikes on the middle class?

Would seem to me that precisely HALF of the middle class would be in the lower 50% of income earners. Unless Republicans are using a different meaning of "MIDDLE" than the rest of us, their position would seem to be a massive inconsistency.



I have you on ignore for a reason. I now remember why.
Simple question:

How is it the right wing can simultaneously whine about

a) the lower 50% of income earners in the country not paying income tax


b) supposed tax hikes on the middle class?

Would seem to me that precisely HALF of the middle class would be in the lower 50% of income earners. Unless Republicans are using a different meaning of "MIDDLE" than the rest of us, their position would seem to be a massive inconsistency.



I have you on ignore for a reason. I now remember why.

You can't fix stupid, but you can ignore it.
Well, I am in the middle class. And I would like to see the tax structure under Clinton re-instated for all. Those of us that have been fortunate enough to have a good job during this downturn can afford it, and the people that have lost their jobs won't be paying it.

Why do you think that the government has a right to more of your money? They throw it down a rat hole anyways...LIke the middle east and Africa.

I'd say that you could spend it better on yourself and family. Don't you think? Government doesn't handle the money going from the demander(you) to the supplier(market place) as effectively as you would. We should be helping Americans instead of the rest of the ungrateful world if we do tax more.

Only if your family would contribute enough to keep the roads open and in good shape, bridges that won't collapse while driving over them, fire fighters and police officers that will keep us safe, as well as teachers who will educate our children. I will contribute the same.

See how easy that is? Now if we can get the rich to do as much.

Unless....................of've got a plan for living on your own, without using roads, never worrying about robbers or fire, as well as have a plan for educating your children to help them get jobs.

Oh wait................that's what government does.

Ever here of the gas tax?

A tax code that is fair because it's simple, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in all things politics and THEN build an economy your children can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.
So it's not a simple question at all. It isn't even a question.

Its not a question?
How is it the right wing can simultaneously whine about

a) the lower 50% of income earners in the country not paying income tax


b) supposed tax hikes on the middle class?

It appears more and more that the right wing is using a different version of the English language than the rest of us. One where words change their meaning as often as necessary to suit ideological ends. Apparently none of the "middle" class is even in the bottom 50% of income earners. I guess to the right wing, the "middle" class means the top 1%.

Rhetorical question - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It wasn't a rhetorical question. I'd really like to know the answer.
Well, I am in the middle class. And I would like to see the tax structure under Clinton re-instated for all. Those of us that have been fortunate enough to have a good job during this downturn can afford it, and the people that have lost their jobs won't be paying it.

THe right wing actually thinks only Democrats should have to pay more taxes. I haven't even read the posts after this one, but I'd bet one of those idiots will suggest you send some extra money to Washington since you love paying taxes.
Simple question:

How is it the right wing can simultaneously whine about

a) the lower 50% of income earners in the country not paying income tax


b) supposed tax hikes on the middle class?

Would seem to me that precisely HALF of the middle class would be in the lower 50% of income earners. Unless Republicans are using a different meaning of "MIDDLE" than the rest of us, their position would seem to be a massive inconsistency.


About 1/2 of the "middle class" falls into the no Fed Income Tax group, and 1/2 doesn't.. It's that simple. THe Bush tax cuts contributed greatly to both increasing the percentage of the folks that don't pay and reducing middle class tax burden..

If the Bush tax cuts strengthened the economy (which they didn't) they would actually be reducing the number of people who don't pay because when the economy is good more people climb the economic ladder and become tax payers.

What's the problem? do you need specific numbers? It's roughly 47% of filers pay NO Income Tax. And the "middle class" under $250K pays roughly 35% of all the Fed Income tax... If you want sharper numbers, look em up for yourself..

I don't need numbers. I want to know why the right wing does not approve of the roughly bottom 50% NOT paying taxes and also does not approve of the middle class portion of the bottom 50% paying higher taxes, which since they don't pay taxes, would mean paying taxes at all.. That's two directly contradictory positions.

They oppose the bottom half of the middle class paying taxes - they oppose the bottom half of the middle class not paying taxes. Maybe they just oppose the bottom half of the middle class?

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