Simple question for the right wing ,how whould you stop refugees from coming across our border.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
build the wall, build it high and wide.....stop spending billion to protect UKraines border and throw some change at our own border.....also pedo Joe is got to go.....his racist attitude blows

how whould you stop refugees from coming across our border.​

Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
Easy peasy.

Restore the Trump policies canceled by President Biden.
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
Best way to keep these people from coming here is take away their support structure.

  • Stop giving them rides everywhere
  • Stop giving them hotel rooms
  • Stop giving them Galaxy 10s
  • Stop giving them food, clothing, and a place to stay
  • Stop giving them a place to work
  • Stop registering them to vote
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
tell them no and not let them in,,
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
1) Negate the asylum treaties.

2) Defund and terminate by law the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for a minimum of ten years.

3) Put a bounty on any illegal aliens suspected of being in country.

4) The U.S. federal government must, by it's constituencies demand make it known globally that America opposes any & all attempts for a global government.

Elementary my dear Watson, simply elementary!
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
Mines work
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.

Poor little dumb ass, if you bothered to read those treaties you'd know that they are REQUIRED to seek asylum in the first safe country they enter. And coming for economic reasons is not a legitimate reason to get asylum. So unless they can prove they've been denied asylum in other countries they've traversed, then you ship their asses home and tell them they don't qualify for it here. Is that simple enough for your dumb ass to understand.

1) Negate the asylum treaties.

2) Defund and terminate by law the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for a minimum of ten years.

3) Put a bounty on any illegal aliens suspected of being in country.

4) The U.S. federal government must, by it's constituencies demand make it known globally that America opposes any & all attempts for a global government.

Elementary my dear Watson, simply elementary!
Apparently that is where you stopped going to school...
What about the airports?

That's simple enough, have them buy a bond guaranteeing they will return home when their visa expires. If they fail to leave put bounty hunters on their ass and when they are found they are deported with just the clothes on their backs and empty pockets. You pay the bounty hunters from the bonds they purchase.


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