Simple question. If you have a pie and you

JFK once said when talking about the economy.......A rising tide lifts all boats

Since the policies of Ron Reagan took hold.......A rising tide only lifts the yachts
Say a business increases profits by a million dollars one year. The pie got bigger, right?

But what if the owners take 100% of the profits for themselves, and give zero to the workers?

WOW what a concept!!! Why should the workers get anything???
They are making a salary. Use to be get health insurance, maybe 401Ks.. but in any event WHY is the Worker have any right to share in the profits any more then the company that say sells the owner computers? It is an exchange of workers' time for a salary!
Just as a computer company sells the owner computers... you think the computer company has a right to ask for a share of the profits?

Workers make an exchange! Time for money!
That simple!
If the owner WANTS to share because it makes for more productivity fine!
But it is very very simple exchange. Now 30 hours because of Obamacare in exchange for a $12/hour paycheck OK???

You just explained why the premise in your OP doesn't work
4 different results can happen here.

Libertarians - Would make sure everybody had a chance to get a slice of pie no matter how big.

Conservatives - Would try to cut themselves and extra slice for later, while still being able to eat some now. They could care less who gets a slice, only the strong survive and only the hungry gonna eat.

Democrats - Would try to lie and say they didn't get a piece of pie, but have evidence of pie crust crumbs around their mouth. Just so they can get another piece.

Liberals - Would try to knock the whole pie outta the cooks hands like a bat shit crazy brat in hopes that the pie falls on the floor so nobody can have none.
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I had this :


I thought about how to make sure everyone had a bigger piece.....then I just ate it all myself. :tongue:

When did The Donald join the board?!?! :eek:
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!

The Liberal answer is:

1. Decrease the size of the pie with over regulation and job killing policies.
2. Pass a law that says people can only get a piece of the pie through the Government by filling out the proper paper work.
3. The smaller pie will be distrubuted evenly among everyone.
4. Those making $250K will pay $39 a slice. Those making between 50k and $250K will pay $25 a slice. Those making less than $50K get their slice for free.
5. If you've come to America illegally, that's OK. you get a free slice also.
Actually you raise an even better question!
Why should owner pay anything more then a salary when after all the OWNER is paying for the employee's Social Security and Medicare!
I bet you are one of millions of people that have NO idea that your employer right now is paying 6.2% of YOUR salary to Social Security and 1.45% to Medicare!
So Why should he share anything with you since he's already paying for SS/Medicare!
JFK once said when talking about the economy.......A rising tide lifts all boats

Since the policies of Ron Reagan took hold.......A rising tide only lifts the yachts

Are you aware that the material well-being of the poor and working class have improved 50% since 1980, Liewinger?
JFK once said when talking about the economy.......A rising tide lifts all boats

Since the policies of Ron Reagan took hold.......A rising tide only lifts the yachts

Are you aware that the material well-being of the poor and working class have improved 50% since 1980, Liewinger?

Material well being?

You mean the poor have computers now?
The key issue is who gets to decide how big a slice everyone gets. In the past thirty years, our economic policies have ensured that the wealthy get an ever increasing slice while the ability of the working class to get their slice has diminished

It all comes down to the golden rule....He who has the Gold makes the rules

If you have gold and no bread, and I have bread but no gold, who makes the rules? Particularly when you start to get hungry?

Communists, afflicted the inability to grasp the simple concept of trade.

If I have bread and you have gold....

You will hire people to take my bread
JFK once said when talking about the economy.......A rising tide lifts all boats

Since the policies of Ron Reagan took hold.......A rising tide only lifts the yachts
Come on!! You people always use statements that are NOT correct!
A) Kennedy NEVER said this first!
In his memoir Counselor: A Life At The Edge Of History, Kennedy's speechwriter Ted Sorensen reveals that the phrase was not one of his or the president’s own fashioning. It was in his first year working for Kennedy (during JFK’s tenure in the Senate), when Mr. Sorensen was trying to tackle economic problems in New England, that he happened upon the phrase. He writes that he noticed that “the regional chamber of commerce, the New England Council, had a thoughtful slogan: ‘A rising tide lifts all the boats.’” From then on, JFK would borrow the slogan often.
Sorensen highlights this as an example of quotes mistakenly attributed to President Kennedy.[5]
A rising tide lifts all boats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

B) How in the hell you make a partisan statement like Reagan lifting only yachts!

YOU prove to me how it would be physically possible first of all ONLY yachts!
Second I have to research your stupid comment once again.. because people like you are so f...king LAZY you make stupid statements with NO proof and the expect people to believe them! This is why more people are finding out what bogus people like you are!

First YOU evidently weren't old enough when Reagan took over from the Misery index of CARTER!
1) Unemployment when he took office:

Unemployment 1982 9.7%
inflation 1980 13.58%
GDP 1980 -7.83% (this is a LOSS!!!)
Prime interest rate 1981 18.87%

Do you understand WHAT Reagan HAD to over come then???
Unemployment was climbing started with Carter in 1976 7.9 grew to 9.7%
Inflation started with CARTER 1976, 6.72 % passed off to Reagan 13.58%!!!
GDP LOSS of 7% under Carter!
AND prime interest rate under carter took office was 6.25% When Reagan took office 18.8%

So PLEASE YOU are NOT being HONEST when you make that stupid comment!
want to have a larger piece of the PIE which way will increase the size of the piece for everyone?
A) taking a larger percentage or slice of the pie or
B) Increasing the size of the pie?

Simple question that your answer will show your level of compassion!

Good luck with that.

Libtards would argue the pie is zero sum.

The right wingers will say it's all theirs, and will "trickle down" it to everyone else when they shit it out.
JFK once said when talking about the economy.......A rising tide lifts all boats

Since the policies of Ron Reagan took hold.......A rising tide only lifts the yachts
Come on!! You people always use statements that are NOT correct!
A) Kennedy NEVER said this first!
In his memoir Counselor: A Life At The Edge Of History, Kennedy's speechwriter Ted Sorensen reveals that the phrase was not one of his or the president’s own fashioning. It was in his first year working for Kennedy (during JFK’s tenure in the Senate), when Mr. Sorensen was trying to tackle economic problems in New England, that he happened upon the phrase. He writes that he noticed that “the regional chamber of commerce, the New England Council, had a thoughtful slogan: ‘A rising tide lifts all the boats.’” From then on, JFK would borrow the slogan often.
Sorensen highlights this as an example of quotes mistakenly attributed to President Kennedy.[5]
A rising tide lifts all boats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

B) How in the hell you make a partisan statement like Reagan lifting only yachts!

YOU prove to me how it would be physically possible first of all ONLY yachts!
Second I have to research your stupid comment once again.. because people like you are so f...king LAZY you make stupid statements with NO proof and the expect people to believe them! This is why more people are finding out what bogus people like you are!

First YOU evidently weren't old enough when Reagan took over from the Misery index of CARTER!
1) Unemployment when he took office:

Unemployment 1982 9.7%
inflation 1980 13.58%
GDP 1980 -7.83% (this is a LOSS!!!)
Prime interest rate 1981 18.87%

Do you understand WHAT Reagan HAD to over come then???
Unemployment was climbing started with Carter in 1976 7.9 grew to 9.7%
Inflation started with CARTER 1976, 6.72 % passed off to Reagan 13.58%!!!
GDP LOSS of 7% under Carter!
AND prime interest rate under carter took office was 6.25% When Reagan took office 18.8%

So PLEASE YOU are NOT being HONEST when you make that stupid comment!

Google the term "metaphor"

In the thirty years since Reagans policies took affect the standard of living for working Americans has remained staganant while the accumulate wealth of the richest Americans (the yachts) has increased substantially

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You forgot the Filet Mignon and Rolex watches

The poor have it so good in a Conservative dream world

So pooflinger, your claim is that America's poor is NOT Obese?

{Obesity rates in the United States have risen sharply over the past 2 decades (20-22). By 1999–2000, 64% of adults aged ≥ 20 y were classified as overweight and 30% were classified as obese. Overweight is defined as a body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) > 25, whereas obesity is defined as a BMI > 30 (20). A sharp increase in the number of massively obese people (BMI > 35) has been observed in certain population subgroups (23).

There is no question that the rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes in the United States follow a socioeconomic gradient, such that the burden of disease falls disproportionately on people with limited resources, racial-ethnic minorities, and the poor (20).}

Poverty and obesity: the role of energy density and energy costs


You're such a fucking liar, as is the way of the left.
JFK once said when talking about the economy.......A rising tide lifts all boats

Since the policies of Ron Reagan took hold.......A rising tide only lifts the yachts

Are you aware that the material well-being of the poor and working class have improved 50% since 1980, Liewinger?

Material well being?

You mean the poor have computers now?

Yes. Along with Obama Phones and free organ transplants at their request.

Do you now openly admit that you are lying about the rising tide since the Reagan era?

Laughing out loud.

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