Simple question: Will you accept Mueller's report as the truth?

will you accept Mueller's report as truth?

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Right we'll just accept a government witch trial as truth riiiiiight :icon_rolleyes:

I'm going with the guy who demonstrably lies all the time.

Don't be shy, you can say his name, which liberal are you referring to?
The one with the small mushroom dick.
No one cares about your issues
The world knows about Don's little dick son.
Still bragging about your unit
Did anyone accept the Warren Commission's findings re the JFK assassination? It's not a "simple question" at all.
sorry--tainted with hate from BEFORE the election
plus you'll have to read the fine print which is usually totally different/at odds from charges-claims
ie: the Ferguson Report
thanks to all who have or will vote.

What a place for the USA to be in, to be so divided.
Well its a simple enough question, and the poll is simple so....go ahead, respond. you know you want to..
The other thing that is simple to understand is that he isn’t going to report anything without evidence.


A lot of things depend on evidence. Like evolution.
In fact, evidence is the cornerstone of science.

It’s like the exact opposite of what Republicans believe.

Which is any old thing, no matter how ludicrous or strange.
Well its a simple enough question, and the poll is simple so....go ahead, respond. you know you want to..
The other thing that is simple to understand is that he isn’t going to report anything without evidence.


A lot of things depend on evidence. Like evolution.
In fact, evidence is the cornerstone of science.

It’s like the exact exact opposite of what Republicans believe.

Which is any old thing, no matter how ludicrous or strange.
the Ferguson Report had ''evidence''
reported ''racial bias'''
ever read the FINE print???
a black said he was targeted because he was black
the reality was he committed a violation and the cops gave him a ticket
NO proof at all it was racially motivated--just like 99% of all this DUMBSHIT
thanks to all who have or will vote.

What a place for the USA to be in, to be so divided.
Right? All the leftists had to do was accept their loss! Poor losers cause problems
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Whatever Mueller concludes, whether for or against Trump, I will accept as the truth.
The dossier isn’t truth! I say no more

You're one of those idiots who wouldn't stop supporting Trump even if he shot someone on 5th Avenue.

There's literally nothing that can be shown that would make you question Dear Leader's intentions.
Who cares who he shoots, long as it's a libstain.

Thanks for proving my point.

Whatever Mueller concludes, whether for or against Trump, I will accept as the truth.
The dossier isn’t truth! I say no more

You're one of those idiots who wouldn't stop supporting Trump even if he shot someone on 5th Avenue.

There's literally nothing that can be shown that would make you question Dear Leader's intentions.
:auiqs.jpg:I have no reason to investigate him today. We could face your hypothetical if it happened. But

Whatever Mueller concludes, whether for or against Trump, I will accept as the truth.
The dossier isn’t truth! I say no more

You're one of those idiots who wouldn't stop supporting Trump even if he shot someone on 5th Avenue.

There's literally nothing that can be shown that would make you question Dear Leader's intentions.
Who cares who he shoots, long as it's a libstain.

Thanks for proving my point.
You have no point, just more crying and moaning over Trump. You should be in prison for life.

Whatever Mueller concludes, whether for or against Trump, I will accept as the truth.
The dossier isn’t truth! I say no more

You're one of those idiots who wouldn't stop supporting Trump even if he shot someone on 5th Avenue.

There's literally nothing that can be shown that would make you question Dear Leader's intentions.
Who cares who he shoots, long as it's a libstain.

Thanks for proving my point.
You have no point,m just crying and moaning over Trump. You should be in prison for life.

Try reading it again. Slowly.
The dossier isn’t truth! I say no more

You're one of those idiots who wouldn't stop supporting Trump even if he shot someone on 5th Avenue.

There's literally nothing that can be shown that would make you question Dear Leader's intentions.
Who cares who he shoots, long as it's a libstain.

Thanks for proving my point.
You have no point,m just crying and moaning over Trump. You should be in prison for life.

Try reading it again. Slowly.
Classic libtard canned reply.

Whatever Mueller concludes, whether for or against Trump, I will accept as the truth.
The dossier isn’t truth! I say no more

You're one of those idiots who wouldn't stop supporting Trump even if he shot someone on 5th Avenue.

There's literally nothing that can be shown that would make you question Dear Leader's intentions.
Who cares who he shoots, long as it's a libstain.

Thanks for proving my point.
Did it happen? So basically you got nothing
You're one of those idiots who wouldn't stop supporting Trump even if he shot someone on 5th Avenue.

There's literally nothing that can be shown that would make you question Dear Leader's intentions.
Who cares who he shoots, long as it's a libstain.

Thanks for proving my point.
You have no point,m just crying and moaning over Trump. You should be in prison for life.

Try reading it again. Slowly.
Classic libtard canned reply.

Not my fault you suck at reading.

Me: "You wouldn't care if Trump shot someone."
You: "I don't care if Trump shoots someone."
Me: "I rest my case."

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