Simple question: Will you accept Mueller's report as the truth?

will you accept Mueller's report as truth?

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They put 15 angry DemRino on Trump for almost 3 years now. Every 20 min Yahoo or CNN post negative DJT news or about what bombshell mueller has now.

Then they want us to trust the system.....the "final" report. WTH? No i dont trust it. Not even close. All it is..... is 2020 stuff. Might as well have Hillary and .madcow write something up.

If mueller has a prosecutable felony, the mule should be jailed for not disclosing it the minute he had it. If he had a felony? Why let Kavanaugh go on? Are the Tax changes void? OK..enjoy your 3 SC appointments and paying muellers tab.
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"if a meteor hit earth and wiped out half the planet...the media's narrative would be: how does this impact the Mueller investigation"
This poll is flawed. I don't know if I will accept it or not.

In a very real way, the people of United States will be the jury in this case. Meuller will present his evidence (case) and we will decide whether it a strong case or not. It is that simple. One thing is for sure, it is past time for Meuller to report on Trump's part (or lack) of this whole thing. We are at the point where we are told that the case cant be discussed with Congress (the reps of the people), but there is no issue discussing it with Buzzfead, the NYT or other reporters. I find it outrageous. The case is being fought in the press with disinformation on both sides.

I don't know what Trump did or didn't do.

But, consider this. What if he is innocent? It is possible his entire first term will be destroyed by untrue allegations and rumors. This is not the early 1970s. We have social media and online media. Many outlets today would not even be considered serious news outlets back then. Things have gotten way out of control.

Now, Trump has played his part in this as well. He has helped foster this adversarial relationship. The Press vs Trump mentality. Look at the mess we have.

However, that is not relevant to the Russia Investigation. If Trump did something nefarious, the time has come to make the case. If not, it is time to let Trump move forward as President. He was elected and already half the first term has been clouded by this issue. If he did something that warrants action. Congress will then have to act.
Innocent? Of what? Can’t be innocent without a crime

Would you prefer "not guilty". The crime that has been put forth by the Democrats and the press is treason. That is what this is all about. Not Trump having sex with a hooker 10 years ago. Collusion is just a word being thrown to lesson what they are aiming for. Treason is the case they are trying to make. As far as innocence without a crime? People have been put to death in this country for crimes they didn't commit. False charges are brought all the time. See Duke Lacross and many others as well.
What a load of crap


Conspiracy to defraud the United States

Wire fraud

Money laundering

Lying to Federal investigators

and on and on...
This poll is flawed. I don't know if I will accept it or not.

In a very real way, the people of United States will be the jury in this case. Meuller will present his evidence (case) and we will decide whether it a strong case or not. It is that simple. One thing is for sure, it is past time for Meuller to report on Trump's part (or lack) of this whole thing. We are at the point where we are told that the case cant be discussed with Congress (the reps of the people), but there is no issue discussing it with Buzzfead, the NYT or other reporters. I find it outrageous. The case is being fought in the press with disinformation on both sides.

I don't know what Trump did or didn't do.

But, consider this. What if he is innocent? It is possible his entire first term will be destroyed by untrue allegations and rumors. This is not the early 1970s. We have social media and online media. Many outlets today would not even be considered serious news outlets back then. Things have gotten way out of control.

Now, Trump has played his part in this as well. He has helped foster this adversarial relationship. The Press vs Trump mentality. Look at the mess we have.

However, that is not relevant to the Russia Investigation. If Trump did something nefarious, the time has come to make the case. If not, it is time to let Trump move forward as President. He was elected and already half the first term has been clouded by this issue. If he did something that warrants action. Congress will then have to act.
Innocent? Of what? Can’t be innocent without a crime

Would you prefer "not guilty". The crime that has been put forth by the Democrats and the press is treason. That is what this is all about. Not Trump having sex with a hooker 10 years ago. Collusion is just a word being thrown to lesson what they are aiming for. Treason is the case they are trying to make. As far as innocence without a crime? People have been put to death in this country for crimes they didn't commit. False charges are brought all the time. See Duke Lacross and many others as well.

As far as I know Treason can only occur when at war with your Treason partner? Or we at war with Russia?
What a load of crap


Conspiracy to defraud the United States

Wire fraud

Money laundering

Lying to Federal investigators

and on and on...

All peanuts ticky tacky process crimes. No there there. Wire fraud? LOL? Wth is that? In 2018? Money laudering? Hello? to Clinton.
How am I supposed to know?

What I do know is that there was enough questionable activity that lead to bipartisan support for Mueller to investigate.

You don't have to like that. But that's what happened.
Another non-answer...."Bipartisan support" isn't an answer either.

What specific criminal act is being investigated?...If there's not a criminal act, then there's no lawful call for a criminal investigation.....Any thing else is more apropos of the Stasi.

LoL I just told you that I don't have the answer.

What is being investigated is links between the Trump administration and the Russian government. If you don't like that they're investigating this, then you should contract your representatives since they obviously disagreed with your sentiments that this is unlawful.
What links? Is there a law they can’t talk to foreign countries?
Well its a simple enough question, and the poll is simple so....go ahead, respond. you know you want to..

What a question. Agree or disagree with something that has not even been said?

What are you smok'in?

Seems like Mueller in DC is some kind of god in the Swamp everyone worships.

Not me.
Hilarious to see so many replies in this thread that obviously support the concept of a sitting POTUS that ran a campaign compromised by Americans that conspired with a foreign government adversary/enemy.

You people are pathetic & should move to Siberia.
Why, when america is incrementally becoming a third world banana republic police state in its own right?
Exceptional third world banana police state.
But of course!

If this was truly a police state, no on would hear from you again!
If there’s no crime why the investigation? What are they looking for?

Ask your representative.

Once again, Mueller's appointment received bipartisan support. Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, etc. supported his appointment to investigate these links to the Russian government.
Not an answer...Name the crime...."Links" isn't a crime.

How am I supposed to know?

What I do know is that there was enough questionable activity that lead to bipartisan support for Mueller to investigate.

You don't have to like that. But that's what happened.
An election is questionable activity? No. You list made up made up a fantasy naw no crime. Even you can’t name one. Me dossier/ warrants

I didn't say that an election is questionable activity. If you don't like the investigation, then you should contract your representative who supported it.
You’re hyping it up, so what’s the crime? Why are you moving goalposts? All that happened was an election, you said activity. You say what ?
Right we'll just accept a government witch trial as truth riiiiiight :icon_rolleyes:

I'm going with the guy who demonstrably lies all the time.

Don't be shy, you can say his name, which liberal are you referring to?
The one with the small mushroom dick.
No one cares about your issues
The world knows about Don's little dick son.

You have obviously been intimate with it.
How am I supposed to know?

What I do know is that there was enough questionable activity that lead to bipartisan support for Mueller to investigate.

You don't have to like that. But that's what happened.
Another non-answer...."Bipartisan support" isn't an answer either.

What specific criminal act is being investigated?...If there's not a criminal act, then there's no lawful call for a criminal investigation.....Any thing else is more apropos of the Stasi.

LoL I just told you that I don't have the answer.

What is being investigated is links between the Trump administration and the Russian government. If you don't like that they're investigating this, then you should contract your representatives since they obviously disagreed with your sentiments that this is unlawful.
What links? Is there a law they can’t talk to foreign countries?

That's what Mueller was appointed for. Links between the Trump administration and the Russian government.

You seem very confused.
Hilarious to see so many replies in this thread that obviously support the concept of a sitting POTUS that ran a campaign compromised by Americans that conspired with a foreign government adversary/enemy.

You mean Crooked Hillary and the DNC? Because they are the only ones that been proven to have conspired with the Russians.
Ask your representative.

Once again, Mueller's appointment received bipartisan support. Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, etc. supported his appointment to investigate these links to the Russian government.
Not an answer...Name the crime...."Links" isn't a crime.

How am I supposed to know?

What I do know is that there was enough questionable activity that lead to bipartisan support for Mueller to investigate.

You don't have to like that. But that's what happened.
An election is questionable activity? No. You list made up made up a fantasy naw no crime. Even you can’t name one. Me dossier/ warrants

I didn't say that an election is questionable activity. If you don't like the investigation, then you should contract your representative who supported it.
You’re hyping it up, so what’s the crime? Why are you moving goalposts? All that happened was an election, you said activity. You say what ?

I just said twice that I don't know what the crimes are, if there are any.

You seem awfully defensive about this.

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