Since free college isn't free...what is wrong with actually paying it back?

Which is consistent with wrongheaded conservative dogma: where income should determine the quality of healthcare and education, and those too poor to afford either should do without, the consequence of having ‘failed’ to be successful.

The neo-Social Darwinism advocated by most conservatives is one of the more reprehensible aspects of the American right.

the constitution guarantees the PURSUIT of happiness, it does not guarantee that everyone will achieve it.

Not everyone can be Oprah, what you make of your life it up to you, not the government.

The pursuit of happiness is not in the Constitution, homeschooled.

Promoting the general welfare is, however, and you if don't believe that getting as many Americans as practically possible EDUCATED does not promote the general welfare, well,

go ride your dinosaurs with Jesus.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean fund the general welfare. Promote is a word that means to encourage.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.

So you disagree. I'd say education is one of our most vital interests. Congress is explicitly authorized to levy taxes to fund the general welfare,

which implies that Congress also has the authority to determine what is in fact the general welfare.
the constitution guarantees the PURSUIT of happiness, it does not guarantee that everyone will achieve it.

Not everyone can be Oprah, what you make of your life it up to you, not the government.

The pursuit of happiness is not in the Constitution, homeschooled.

Promoting the general welfare is, however, and you if don't believe that getting as many Americans as practically possible EDUCATED does not promote the general welfare, well,

go ride your dinosaurs with Jesus.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean fund the general welfare. Promote is a word that means to encourage.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest either. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean fund the general welfare. Promote is a word that means to encourage.

Let's look at what the Congress says in regards to enumerated powers:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States

Do you see there how the Constitution gives Congress the power to collect taxes to provide for the general welfare of the US?


  1. The enumerated powers are a list of items found in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution that set forth the authority of Congress. In summary, Congress may exercise the powers that the Constitution grants it, subject to the individual rights listed in the Bill of Rights.

Which means you are wrong to claim that the Constitution does not give Congress to FUND the general welfare.

I don't see the word "fund" in the constitution anywhere.

If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion in to their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county, and parish and pay them out of the public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor . . . Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America.

James Madison, federalist paper 83
The pursuit of happiness is not in the Constitution, homeschooled.

Promoting the general welfare is, however, and you if don't believe that getting as many Americans as practically possible EDUCATED does not promote the general welfare, well,

go ride your dinosaurs with Jesus.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean fund the general welfare. Promote is a word that means to encourage.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.
the constitution guarantees the PURSUIT of happiness, it does not guarantee that everyone will achieve it.

Not everyone can be Oprah, what you make of your life it up to you, not the government.

The pursuit of happiness is not in the Constitution, homeschooled.

Promoting the general welfare is, however, and you if don't believe that getting as many Americans as practically possible EDUCATED does not promote the general welfare, well,

go ride your dinosaurs with Jesus.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean fund the general welfare. Promote is a word that means to encourage.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.

So you disagree. I'd say education is one of our most vital interests. Congress is explicitly authorized to levy taxes to fund the general welfare,

which implies that Congress also has the authority to determine what is in fact the general welfare.

Okay, so what if the Republican Congress decides that the federal government buying everybody a firearm is General Welfare? What about a car or boat? What about a home or condo?
Promoting the general welfare does not mean fund the general welfare. Promote is a word that means to encourage.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

People like Ray like to think that the military is the only vital interest, but then dismiss the fact that the military comes from the people,
who, if unhealthy and uneducated, make for poor military material.
The pursuit of happiness is not in the Constitution, homeschooled.

Promoting the general welfare is, however, and you if don't believe that getting as many Americans as practically possible EDUCATED does not promote the general welfare, well,

go ride your dinosaurs with Jesus.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean fund the general welfare. Promote is a word that means to encourage.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.

So you disagree. I'd say education is one of our most vital interests. Congress is explicitly authorized to levy taxes to fund the general welfare,

which implies that Congress also has the authority to determine what is in fact the general welfare.

Okay, so what if the Republican Congress decides that the federal government buying everybody a firearm is General Welfare? What about a car or boat? What about a home or condo?

If you can elect that Congress, you win.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean fund the general welfare. Promote is a word that means to encourage.

Let's look at what the Congress says in regards to enumerated powers:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States

Do you see there how the Constitution gives Congress the power to collect taxes to provide for the general welfare of the US?


  1. The enumerated powers are a list of items found in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution that set forth the authority of Congress. In summary, Congress may exercise the powers that the Constitution grants it, subject to the individual rights listed in the Bill of Rights.

Which means you are wrong to claim that the Constitution does not give Congress to FUND the general welfare.

I don't see the word "fund" in the constitution anywhere.

If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion in to their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county, and parish and pay them out of the public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor . . . Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America.

James Madison, federalist paper 83

I posted it. Read your Constitution. Quit pretending .
Promoting the general welfare does not mean fund the general welfare. Promote is a word that means to encourage.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

Obviously your comprehension skills are lacking.

Education is important, but not a VITAL national interest. Protection of the country is a vital national interest. Advanced education is an investment, and an investment means to spend money in order to get much more back.

Therefore, the public should not be funding investments of any sort.
James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

People like Ray like to think that the military is the only vital interest, but then dismiss the fact that the military comes from the people,
who, if unhealthy and uneducated, make for poor military material.
Yeah, as someone who has actually served in the military and stays relatively up-to-date on national security issues I'd actually argue that education is one of the MOST important things that we are in need of. Entering into the new cyber age, especially, we are in need of intellectual young men (and women). Also, while having a cool, experienced mind is obviously one of the most important things on the battle field, having a commander that is a verifiable idiot can literally get you and your guys killed.
James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

People like Ray like to think that the military is the only vital interest, but then dismiss the fact that the military comes from the people,
who, if unhealthy and uneducated, make for poor military material.

And if that day would ever come, then the issue needs to be addressed in some way. But currently, expanding welfare to colleges not only creates more government dependents (that the Democrats love so dearly) it puts us further into debt and is nothing but vote buying.
James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

Obviously your comprehension skills are lacking.

Education is important, but not a VITAL national interest. Protection of the country is a vital national interest. Advanced education is an investment, and an investment means to spend money in order to get much more back.

Therefore, the public should not be funding investments of any sort.

Why then does the military have education standards for enlistment if it's not vital?

Why does the military have academies to train officers, if any idiot can be an officer?
James Madison is dead.

If you want to argue that a well educated populace is not a vital national interest, let's hear it.

No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

Obviously your comprehension skills are lacking.

Education is important, but not a VITAL national interest. Protection of the country is a vital national interest. Advanced education is an investment, and an investment means to spend money in order to get much more back.

Therefore, the public should not be funding investments of any sort.
My comprehension skills are not lacking. The fact that you don't think of it as VITAL is what I'm astounded at. Key word: vital. How do you think we can compete with other nations economically OR militarily. I'm going to clue you isn't on our manpower. It is from the fact that we have the most TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED force in the world. If you don't think education is vital in keeping that force advanced you probably don't have much of an education yourself.
No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

Obviously your comprehension skills are lacking.

Education is important, but not a VITAL national interest. Protection of the country is a vital national interest. Advanced education is an investment, and an investment means to spend money in order to get much more back.

Therefore, the public should not be funding investments of any sort.

Why then does the military have education standards for enlistment if it's not vital?

Why does the military have academies to train officers, if any idiot can be an officer?

Who said any idiot can be an officer. If the military needs to train people, then so be it. It's part of the protection of this country--a vital national interest.
No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

Obviously your comprehension skills are lacking.

Education is important, but not a VITAL national interest. Protection of the country is a vital national interest. Advanced education is an investment, and an investment means to spend money in order to get much more back.

Therefore, the public should not be funding investments of any sort.
My comprehension skills are not lacking. The fact that you don't think of it as VITAL is what I'm astounded at. Key word: vital. How do you think we can compete with other nations economically OR militarily. I'm going to clue you isn't on our manpower. It is from the fact that we have the most TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED force in the world. If you don't think education is vital in keeping that force advanced you probably don't have much of an education yourself.

Wait a minute! How did we become the most technologically advanced force in the world without free college???

Just something for you to think about for a few minutes.
No, it's not a vital national interest. And even if it were, that doesn't mean the taxpayers should foot the bill.

That's besides the fact we have more kids going to college than ever, and that we are in no shortage of students. In fact, many college graduates can't even find a job today.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

People like Ray like to think that the military is the only vital interest, but then dismiss the fact that the military comes from the people,
who, if unhealthy and uneducated, make for poor military material.

And if that day would ever come, then the issue needs to be addressed in some way. But currently, expanding welfare to colleges not only creates more government dependents (that the Democrats love so dearly) it puts us further into debt and is nothing but vote buying.

What's the tuition to West Point?
"It is better for the poorer classes to have the aid of the richer by a general tax on property, than that every parent should provide at his own expence for the education of his children, it is certain that every Class is interested in establishments which give to the human mind its highest improvements, and to every Country its truest and most durable celebrity."
-- James Madison; from letter to W.T. Barry (Aug. 4, 1822)
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

Obviously your comprehension skills are lacking.

Education is important, but not a VITAL national interest. Protection of the country is a vital national interest. Advanced education is an investment, and an investment means to spend money in order to get much more back.

Therefore, the public should not be funding investments of any sort.

Why then does the military have education standards for enlistment if it's not vital?

Why does the military have academies to train officers, if any idiot can be an officer?

Who said any idiot can be an officer. If the military needs to train people, then so be it. It's part of the protection of this country--a vital national interest.

You said it. You dismissed education as a vital national interest.
Holy shit. This guy actually just said he believes that an educated population is not a vital national interest.

At least we now know his level of educational attainment...barely passed high school.

Wow...I've seriously seen some inane things here but that one comment may have just taken the cake.

People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

Obviously your comprehension skills are lacking.

Education is important, but not a VITAL national interest. Protection of the country is a vital national interest. Advanced education is an investment, and an investment means to spend money in order to get much more back.

Therefore, the public should not be funding investments of any sort.
My comprehension skills are not lacking. The fact that you don't think of it as VITAL is what I'm astounded at. Key word: vital. How do you think we can compete with other nations economically OR militarily. I'm going to clue you isn't on our manpower. It is from the fact that we have the most TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED force in the world. If you don't think education is vital in keeping that force advanced you probably don't have much of an education yourself.

Wait a minute! How did we become the most technologically advanced force in the world without free college???

Just something for you to think about for a few minutes.
When, at any point in time, have I said I support free college?

Just something for you to think about for a few minutes.
People like Ray don't think health is a vital national interest. They think a sick, uneducated population is no better for the nation than a healthy, educated one.

It's amazing.
I've honestly never seen somebody admit that...even some of the least educated or most ignorant people I meet acknowledge that education is key. I honestly have no clue where this guy is even from at this point. He cannot be a natural American citizen...nobody actually raised here has that world view.

I mean seriously I'm astounded. Our country is known as being one of the most technologically advanced and innovative nations in the world. Look at the companies we have spawned...Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. These are all tech companies that THE WORLD USES that requires a basic education to do anything in. It is like this guy wants us to go back to farming our own crops or manufacturing machinery or somecrap that 2nd or 3rd world nations do.

Obviously your comprehension skills are lacking.

Education is important, but not a VITAL national interest. Protection of the country is a vital national interest. Advanced education is an investment, and an investment means to spend money in order to get much more back.

Therefore, the public should not be funding investments of any sort.
My comprehension skills are not lacking. The fact that you don't think of it as VITAL is what I'm astounded at. Key word: vital. How do you think we can compete with other nations economically OR militarily. I'm going to clue you isn't on our manpower. It is from the fact that we have the most TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED force in the world. If you don't think education is vital in keeping that force advanced you probably don't have much of an education yourself.

Wait a minute! How did we become the most technologically advanced force in the world without free college???

Just something for you to think about for a few minutes.
When, at any point in time, have I said I support free college?

Just something for you to think about for a few minutes.

Sorry, just assuming you were following the topic and conversation. My bad........

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