Since free college isn't free...what is wrong with actually paying it back?

Take college away, haven't you stated that you dont support funding grade school with tax money?

No, what I said is that people with kids in the school should pay substantially more than those with no kids in school. Sure, I'm for paying nothing, but that will never happen.
It amazes me that you can't foresee the effects that your ideas would have on communities... mainly the poor/welfare community. You have obvious contempt for them, but they aren't all lazy free-loaders, and the fact that you want to punish children whom don't have a choice in the matter is really sad. And for what? To keep a few more bucks in your pocket?

So you object with people who have kids in school paying more than people without? As it stands now, I'm paying more for the schools than many of the people that have kids in them. You call that fair?

Over here, schools are paid by property tax. If you have kids in school, you should just have to pay much higher taxes than those of us with no kids in school. If you can't afford that tax, then you simply must move to someplace you can afford.

You promote people having kids they can't support, and if I say I don't want to support other people's kids, I'm the bad guy--not the parents.
The parents do pay more for school... Books backpacks, fund raisers erc etc etc. don't be and idiot you know these things

Oh, big deal. They pay for books. And what public school has fund raisers anyway? I've never seen that here.

Quit making excuses. You know I am right. It's amazing we've let liberalism pollute our country to such a point where we don't expect parents to take care of their own kids anymore--taxpayers now have to.

"When you go out of your way to create more irresponsible people--don't be surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people.
Rush Limbaugh
I am so positive about how wrong you are. You are so far from right you are left. I'm just not sure there is any convincing you of that
Yeah, and if we were motivated by greed and a lust for cash, then you would have a great point.

But we're not. I do not want to get more out of government, than I put in. I'm not spending my life, trying to figure out how I can screw over other tax payers for my benefit.

And quite frankly, if my taxes ONLY paid for the roads I drive on and the infrastructure that keeps my business going.... I would have no problem at all.

We could do all of that, and cut taxes across the country by 50%. The problem is, left-wingers do not just pay for roads and infrastructure. You guys blow the money on crap that helps no one anywhere, do anything. It's a complete and total waste.

We've seen where that ideology leads to. It's called "Greece".

Actually, Greece's problems have nothing to do with infrastructure. It has to do with the fact the Germans fucked them over after they joined the EU and they couldn't control the value of their own currency anymore.

If there are people who are getting more than they put in, it's because most of us don't have anything to start with, thanks to the 1% and their morbid fear a working family might actually be able to make ends meet.
FDR did not initate anything.....the depression got worse while he was in office....and it wasn't until the rest of the industrial capacity of the other Western natiosn were bombed to rubble that we came out of the depression....since our country was untouched by war....and millions of our population were not murdered by socialists.....

You've been whinier than usual after the IRS made you their bitch this week, Dick Tiny.
Nope....I have been studying the left for over 20 years now........FDR screwed it up....with his tampering with the economy, intimidation of the Supreme Court and attacks on private business....he deepened the depression which should have ended in about 5 years..........and kept us in that depression till the end of the war when we still had our industry and our manpower......

Oh, Dick Tiny, you need to stop learning your history on hate radio. FDR saved capitalism from itself when the rest of the world gave up on it and shot its capitalists.

There was a depression in the 1920s....just as bad.....and the Republican in office did nothing....and it ended in about 2 years.........

Actually, the 1920 depression (Caused by the sudden collapse of War Spending after WWI) was minor. The 1929 Depression was so bad they stopped calling them "Depressions" after that.
Right, and I disagree with the subsidy claims here, because....... it doesn't fit the definition of the a subsidy.

Hundreds of intelligent individuals study the types and amount of energy subsidies. A quick google search shows many many studies on energy subsidies.

But a nitwit who cant spell writes that subsidies dont happen cause he doesnt think they happen.....and that is supposed to be the truth.....because a right wing nut job cant accept the truth that the energy industry is government subsidized.

Andy, you a dipshit. And wrong again. As usual.
If you can't afford that tax, then you simply must move to someplace you can afford.

Hey ray you asshole. Follow your own advice from above.
If you cant afford (which evidently you cant from your whining)
to pay the real estate taxes to support schools, follow your own advice. Move. Mississippi has a sucko school system. Move there.

Btw ray. You aint "paying" your real estate tax. Your tenants are. Or are you such a pitiful landlord that you dont cover your PITI from your rents?
Right, and I disagree with the subsidy claims here, because....... it doesn't fit the definition of the a subsidy.

Hundreds of intelligent individuals study the types and amount of energy subsidies. A quick google search shows many many studies on energy subsidies.

But a nitwit who cant spell writes that subsidies dont happen cause he doesnt think they happen.....and that is supposed to be the truth.....because a right wing nut job cant accept the truth that the energy industry is government subsidized.

Andy, you a dipshit. And wrong again. As usual.

So you are saying that all of the dictionaries are wrong.
If you can't afford that tax, then you simply must move to someplace you can afford.

Hey ray you asshole. Follow your own advice from above.
If you cant afford (which evidently you cant from your whining)
to pay the real estate taxes to support schools, follow your own advice. Move. Mississippi has a sucko school system. Move there.

Btw ray. You aint "paying" your real estate tax. Your tenants are. Or are you such a pitiful landlord that you dont cover your PITI from your rents?

LOL...... So you support poor people. "You can't afford our taxes, get out."

Funny given that is exactly what France said to business, and the businesses left, and France is now in an economic emergency.

You left-wingers. You claim to be for the poor, and then attack the poor, and ridicule the poor every chance you get.

It's amazing how many times in an argument with a left-winger, I mention how much money I make a year, and immediately they attack me for being poor. "Why should we listen to someone who is a failure?!".... You leftists are all the same. All hypocrites.
Yeah, and if we were motivated by greed and a lust for cash, then you would have a great point.

But we're not. I do not want to get more out of government, than I put in. I'm not spending my life, trying to figure out how I can screw over other tax payers for my benefit.

And quite frankly, if my taxes ONLY paid for the roads I drive on and the infrastructure that keeps my business going.... I would have no problem at all.

We could do all of that, and cut taxes across the country by 50%. The problem is, left-wingers do not just pay for roads and infrastructure. You guys blow the money on crap that helps no one anywhere, do anything. It's a complete and total waste.

We've seen where that ideology leads to. It's called "Greece".

Actually, Greece's problems have nothing to do with infrastructure. It has to do with the fact the Germans fucked them over after they joined the EU and they couldn't control the value of their own currency anymore.

If there are people who are getting more than they put in, it's because most of us don't have anything to start with, thanks to the 1% and their morbid fear a working family might actually be able to make ends meet.

Now on that you and I disagree. Did the Germans force Greece to over spend? Did the Germans cook the Greek books to hide the deficits? Did the Germans have anything to do with Greece wanting to join the EU to begin with?

The problem with Greek pensions being un-sustainable goes all the way back to the 1990s. Before EU membership, they were saying the Greek Pension system must be reformed.

They refused to do it. They warned and warned and warned, and the Greek people screamed and yelled, and refused to cut the pension system.

How is this the fault of Germany?

This is like blaming the US deficit on the defense budget, when if the defense budget had been ZERO, we would still have had a deficit. The problem is social spending. We don't have the money for it.

You do realize why Greece wanted to join the EU to being with.... right? Greek bonds were facing low demand, because they kept devaluing the drachma. Investors don't want to buy bonds in Drachma, that will be devalued by the government, so that the return on the bond, will be less money than what you paid to buy it.

The Greek government wanted to borrow more. By joining the EU, they could sell bonds in Euros, which the Greek government couldn't devalue, which meant investors felt safe buying those bonds.

So the whole reason they joined the EU, was to borrow more money. Which they did. But they couldn't devalue, which is exactly why people were willing to lend to Greece.

The very thing you are complaining about, is exactly the whole reason Greece joined the EU.
So you are saying that all of the dictionaries are wrong.

Nope I am saying you cant read and comprehend what you read. Its a common occurrence on here.

Direct Federal Financial Interventions and Subsidies in Energy in Fiscal Year 2013

Release date: March 12, 2015
Revised: March 23, 2015 (revision)

Executive Summary
This report responds to a September 2014 request to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) from U.S. Representative Fred Upton, Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, and U.S. Representative Ed Whitfield, Chairman of its Subcommittee on Energy and Power, for an update reflecting Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 data of two earlier EIA reports on direct federal financial interventions and subsidies in energy markets covering FY 2007 and FY 2010.

As in the prior EIA reports on this subject, the scope of the present report is limited to direct federal financial interventions and subsidies that are provided by the federal government, provide a financial benefit with an identifiable federal budget impact, and are specifically targeted at energy markets. As requested, the report focuses on subsidies to electricity production and also includes subsidies to federal electric utilities in the form of financial support.

Given its scope, the report does not encompass all subsidies beneficial to energy sector activities (see text entitled “Not All Subsidies Impacting the Energy Sector Are Included in this Report”), which should be kept in mind when comparing this report to other studies that may use narrower or more expansive inclusion criteria. Consistent with EIA's role and mission, this study focuses on developing data rather than drawing conclusions or discussing policy issues related to subsidies, and in that regard differs from some other reports that address energy subsidies (see text entitled "A Wide Variety of Definitions, Methods and Estimates Occur in Other Energy Subsidy Studies").

Subsidy categories
Energy subsidies and interventions discussed in this report are divided into five separate program categories:

Direct expenditures to producers or consumers. These are federal programs that provide direct cash outlays which provide a financial benefit to producers or consumers of energy.1

Tax expenditures. These are largely provisions found in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC, or Tax Code)—Title 26 of the United States Code—that reduce the tax liability of firms or individuals who take specified actions that affect energy production, distribution, transmission, consumption, or conservation.

Research and development. The federal government has an extensive program of funding energy research and development (R&D) activities aimed at a variety of goals, such as increasing U.S. energy supplies or improving the efficiency of various energy consumption, production, transformation, and end-use technologies. R&D programs generally do not directly affect current energy consumption, production, and prices, but if successful, they could affect future consumption, production, and prices.
If you can't afford that tax, then you simply must move to someplace you can afford.

Hey ray you asshole. Follow your own advice from above.
If you cant afford (which evidently you cant from your whining)
to pay the real estate taxes to support schools, follow your own advice. Move. Mississippi has a sucko school system. Move there.

Btw ray. You aint "paying" your real estate tax. Your tenants are. Or are you such a pitiful landlord that you dont cover your PITI from your rents?

LOL...... So you support poor people. "You can't afford our taxes, get out."

Funny given that is exactly what France said to business, and the businesses left, and France is now in an economic emergency.

You left-wingers. You claim to be for the poor, and then attack the poor, and ridicule the poor every chance you get.

It's amazing how many times in an argument with a left-winger, I mention how much money I make a year, and immediately they attack me for being poor. "Why should we listen to someone who is a failure?!".... You leftists are all the same. All hypocrites.
There seems to be a lack of comprehension with the post you are responding too... Good ol Ray wasn't complaining because he's poor and couldn't afford the property taxes, he was complaining because he didn't want money taken out of his pocket to support other peoples kids. He is a landlord who owns multiple properties, not even in the realm of what we consider poor. It's an extremely selfish point of view which he is entitled to have, however, I'm glad our leadership is evolved enough to not even be discussing that line of thinking.
Last edited:
Now on that you and I disagree. Did the Germans force Greece to over spend? Did the Germans cook the Greek books to hide the deficits? Did the Germans have anything to do with Greece wanting to join the EU to begin with?

Umm... yes. Yes, and, uh, yes. The Germans made all these promises to the Greeks that if they just signed over their independence, all these good things would happen.

you see, if Greece hadn't joined the EU, it could have devalued its currency to make it more attractive to industry and investment. But the Euro is an anchor around their necks.

In short, they trustd the Germans, and the Germans screwed them.
If you can't afford that tax, then you simply must move to someplace you can afford.

Hey ray you asshole. Follow your own advice from above.
If you cant afford (which evidently you cant from your whining)
to pay the real estate taxes to support schools, follow your own advice. Move. Mississippi has a sucko school system. Move there.

Btw ray. You aint "paying" your real estate tax. Your tenants are. Or are you such a pitiful landlord that you dont cover your PITI from your rents?

LOL...... So you support poor people. "You can't afford our taxes, get out."

Funny given that is exactly what France said to business, and the businesses left, and France is now in an economic emergency.

You left-wingers. You claim to be for the poor, and then attack the poor, and ridicule the poor every chance you get.

It's amazing how many times in an argument with a left-winger, I mention how much money I make a year, and immediately they attack me for being poor. "Why should we listen to someone who is a failure?!".... You leftists are all the same. All hypocrites.
There seems to be a lack of comprehension with the post you are responding too... Good ol Ray wasn't complaining because he's poor and couldn't afford the property taxes, he was complaining because he didn't want money taken out of his pocket to support other peoples kids. He is a landlord who owns multiple properties, not even in the realm of what we consider poor. It's an extremely selfish point of view which he is entitled to have, however, I'm glad our leadership is evolved enough to not even be discussing that line of thinking.

By evolve, do you mean learning how to take other peoples money for their own advantage?
If you can't afford that tax, then you simply must move to someplace you can afford.

Hey ray you asshole. Follow your own advice from above.
If you cant afford (which evidently you cant from your whining)
to pay the real estate taxes to support schools, follow your own advice. Move. Mississippi has a sucko school system. Move there.

Btw ray. You aint "paying" your real estate tax. Your tenants are. Or are you such a pitiful landlord that you dont cover your PITI from your rents?

If my tenants are paying my real estate taxes, why are they not made out in their name instead of mine?

I never said I couldn't afford my property taxes, what I said is that it's plain robbery that people are able to take money from me to support their kids education. If you want kids, you should support them: you should pay for their food, you should pay for their clothing, you should pay for their medical care, and you should pay for their education. They are supposed to be YOUR responsibility--not your neighbors responsibility.

But I understand where you are coming from. Our society unfortunately has been brainwashed that parents are not responsible--the village is supposed to be. And as these liberals create more cradle-to-gravers like yourself, we distance ourselves further and further from a country that was the freest country in the entire world.
If you can't afford that tax, then you simply must move to someplace you can afford.

Hey ray you asshole. Follow your own advice from above.
If you cant afford (which evidently you cant from your whining)
to pay the real estate taxes to support schools, follow your own advice. Move. Mississippi has a sucko school system. Move there.

Btw ray. You aint "paying" your real estate tax. Your tenants are. Or are you such a pitiful landlord that you dont cover your PITI from your rents?

LOL...... So you support poor people. "You can't afford our taxes, get out."

Funny given that is exactly what France said to business, and the businesses left, and France is now in an economic emergency.

You left-wingers. You claim to be for the poor, and then attack the poor, and ridicule the poor every chance you get.

It's amazing how many times in an argument with a left-winger, I mention how much money I make a year, and immediately they attack me for being poor. "Why should we listen to someone who is a failure?!".... You leftists are all the same. All hypocrites.
There seems to be a lack of comprehension with the post you are responding too... Good ol Ray wasn't complaining because he's poor and couldn't afford the property taxes, he was complaining because he didn't want money taken out of his pocket to support other peoples kids. He is a landlord who owns multiple properties, not even in the realm of what we consider poor. It's an extremely selfish point of view which he is entitled to have, however, I'm glad our leadership is evolved enough to not even be discussing that line of thinking.

By evolve, do you mean learning how to take other peoples money for their own advantage?
No, look it up
If you can't afford that tax, then you simply must move to someplace you can afford.

Hey ray you asshole. Follow your own advice from above.
If you cant afford (which evidently you cant from your whining)
to pay the real estate taxes to support schools, follow your own advice. Move. Mississippi has a sucko school system. Move there.

Btw ray. You aint "paying" your real estate tax. Your tenants are. Or are you such a pitiful landlord that you dont cover your PITI from your rents?

If my tenants are paying my real estate taxes, why are they not made out in their name instead of mine?

I never said I couldn't afford my property taxes, what I said is that it's plain robbery that people are able to take money from me to support their kids education. If you want kids, you should support them: you should pay for their food, you should pay for their clothing, you should pay for their medical care, and you should pay for their education. They are supposed to be YOUR responsibility--not your neighbors responsibility.

But I understand where you are coming from. Our society unfortunately has been brainwashed that parents are not responsible--the village is supposed to be. And as these liberals create more cradle-to-gravers like yourself, we distance ourselves further and further from a country that was the freest country in the entire world.
I hear there's plenty of areas in Africa that are pretty damn free, you can do whatever the fuck you want... You can even kidnap children and train them to kill for you if you want... You should check it out
If you can't afford that tax, then you simply must move to someplace you can afford.

Hey ray you asshole. Follow your own advice from above.
If you cant afford (which evidently you cant from your whining)
to pay the real estate taxes to support schools, follow your own advice. Move. Mississippi has a sucko school system. Move there.

Btw ray. You aint "paying" your real estate tax. Your tenants are. Or are you such a pitiful landlord that you dont cover your PITI from your rents?

If my tenants are paying my real estate taxes, why are they not made out in their name instead of mine?

I never said I couldn't afford my property taxes, what I said is that it's plain robbery that people are able to take money from me to support their kids education. If you want kids, you should support them: you should pay for their food, you should pay for their clothing, you should pay for their medical care, and you should pay for their education. They are supposed to be YOUR responsibility--not your neighbors responsibility.

But I understand where you are coming from. Our society unfortunately has been brainwashed that parents are not responsible--the village is supposed to be. And as these liberals create more cradle-to-gravers like yourself, we distance ourselves further and further from a country that was the freest country in the entire world.
I hear there's plenty of areas in Africa that are pretty damn free, you can do whatever the fuck you want... You can even kidnap children and train them to kill for you if you want... You should check it out

Typical lib response: if you don't like it the lib way, move out of the country.

Well that would be great if there were a country like the US without liberalism. But if liberals don't like a free country, I don't know why you people don't move out!

I know of a place where nobody has guns except the government; a place where everybody eats the same; a place where everybody is equally poor; a place where healthcare is free; a place where government watches your every move.......

It's called prison, and many a Democrat already occupy it.
Too long man, try to keep it to a few points at a time... I think you are dead wrong about the new deal and FDR. He didn't create poor people... poor people were rampant, it was the Great Depression! FDR stimulated the economy and initiated a great recovery. Deficit spending adds to the economy increasing GDP far more than tax cuts. The dollar is still very strong, interest rates are low, so your inflation argument has been a non factor. We can have this discussion an another thread...

I can agree with you on the value of paying for education. Students that work through school and pay for it often get way more out of their education. Our welfare and grant programs need to have an element of accountability so recipients have some skin In The game. It also needs to be considered that unlike you, some kids need to work so they can support their families. Some have strung out parents and are responible for feeding their siblings. Add that on top of your school costs and you are leaving a very narrow path for those type of kids to get an education.

FDR did not initate anything.....the depression got worse while he was in office....and it wasn't until the rest of the industrial capacity of the other Western natiosn were bombed to rubble that we came out of the depression....since our country was untouched by war....and millions of our population were not murdered by socialists.....
Well I guess if you are a Republican you have to say that... But you should try and be more objective. It's ok to acknowledge victories from the other side... Neither side is ALL bad, but ALL of one side would likely be disastrous.

No...the left wing regressives are all bad.......completely and utterly bad...they don't understand economics.....human nature...or anything that is helpful.....
Nice blanket statement... makes you sound like a complete unobjective idiot:
New Deal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nope....I have been studying the left for over 20 years now........FDR screwed it up....with his tampering with the economy, intimidation of the Supreme Court and attacks on private business....he deepened the depression which should have ended in about 5 years..........and kept us in that depression till the end of the war when we still had our industry and our manpower......

There was a depression in the 1920s....just as bad.....and the Republican in office did nothing....and it ended in about 2 years.........

Very good. You are 100% right. FDR studies have shown that FDR's policies failed miserably and extended the Great Depression by seven years.
Someday, tuition free college will be like same sex marriage,

it'll be the law of the, and the rightwingers won't even bother talking about it anymore.
If you can't afford that tax, then you simply must move to someplace you can afford.

Hey ray you asshole. Follow your own advice from above.
If you cant afford (which evidently you cant from your whining)
to pay the real estate taxes to support schools, follow your own advice. Move. Mississippi has a sucko school system. Move there.

Btw ray. You aint "paying" your real estate tax. Your tenants are. Or are you such a pitiful landlord that you dont cover your PITI from your rents?

If my tenants are paying my real estate taxes, why are they not made out in their name instead of mine?

I never said I couldn't afford my property taxes, what I said is that it's plain robbery that people are able to take money from me to support their kids education. If you want kids, you should support them: you should pay for their food, you should pay for their clothing, you should pay for their medical care, and you should pay for their education. They are supposed to be YOUR responsibility--not your neighbors responsibility.

But I understand where you are coming from. Our society unfortunately has been brainwashed that parents are not responsible--the village is supposed to be. And as these liberals create more cradle-to-gravers like yourself, we distance ourselves further and further from a country that was the freest country in the entire world.
I hear there's plenty of areas in Africa that are pretty damn free, you can do whatever the fuck you want... You can even kidnap children and train them to kill for you if you want... You should check it out

Typical lib response: if you don't like it the lib way, move out of the country.

Well that would be great if there were a country like the US without liberalism. But if liberals don't like a free country, I don't know why you people don't move out!

I know of a place where nobody has guns except the government; a place where everybody eats the same; a place where everybody is equally poor; a place where healthcare is free; a place where government watches your every move.......

It's called prison, and many a Democrat already occupy it.

You're a dinosaur. Unfortunately not a quiet one.

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