Since I'm A White Trump Supporter...

Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.

More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.

Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more stuff you pulled outta your ass?

Google it. LOL.

You made the claim, you provide the link. Otherwise, I'll just believe it is more stuff you pulled outta your ass.

You provide the link that Trump supporters are more racist than average Americans then. Do it! If you have the guts. Or stay out of this debate.
trump supporters are racist - Google Search
No. It's not.

Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.

More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.
Never said Democrats were immune, just that tRumpkins were more likely to be racist than average.

More likely? As an Independent and a Jew I disagree. Unless you consider antisemitism OK. Are you saying this? Please confirm.
No, I'm not giving antisemitism a pass.
More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.

Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more stuff you pulled outta your ass?

Google it. LOL.

You made the claim, you provide the link. Otherwise, I'll just believe it is more stuff you pulled outta your ass.

You provide the link that Trump supporters are more racist than average Americans then. Do it! If you have the guts. Or stay out of this debate.
trump supporters are racist - Google Search

Democrats are racist - Google Search

You’re an idiot
Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.

More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.
Never said Democrats were immune, just that tRumpkins were more likely to be racist than average.

More likely? As an Independent and a Jew I disagree. Unless you consider antisemitism OK. Are you saying this? Please confirm.
No, I'm not giving antisemitism a pass.

Seems that way since your party voted in two people who are openly antisemtic. So let’s face it. Both parties have their share of bad racists.
I must be a racist. I have been judged and get no appeal...not that I want or need one from the commie trash tossing that word around. In fact, I've been wondering why whites aren't all racist given how things have changed since the days of MLK's "content of character" and many blacks intense hatred of us. Which leads me to this Northham character and a 40 year old pic in on a yearbook page. I thought it was hilarious....a vaudeville character in black-face, sharing a beer with a Klansman....isn't this what we've been striving for.....harmony between the races? :lol:


Remember, the day before, this maniac explained in great detail how to murder a born baby...and the OUTRAGE comes from this goofy pic from the 80's? Spare me the hysteria about the KKK history with blacks unless you're willing to equate it to black gangs terrorizing black and white communities in every city in this country. Should Northham go....damn right, but not over an old year book joke pic...he's a baby-killer, same as Tiller.

And after reading your post it’s clear that you are racist ! If the Maga hat fits....

Maga hats come in all different sizes and many different colors. You should try one once, makes you feel powerful. For once you could not be a loser and at least make the impression that you have a sack.
I say a friend of mine today wearing a MAGA hat. I asked him why he was wearing it. Cause I am racist and a Black man. I don't want Illegals tearing up my Hood and selling dope to my kids. I asked if he had any problems with wearing the hat. He said no one who knows me wants to cross knives with me. He can be a one bad dude when he is threatened. So just a little entertainment for the Liberals out there.
Dems are the party of slavery and segregation and have been trying to project their abhorrent past on their opposition for decades. Its no surprise that they latched on to margaret sanger, who wanted to "weed out' black people, and have carried their sacrament, abortion, to this day.
58 million dead future American citizens since then, and they can't let it go. St. Peter's gonna be standing at the gates holding the wee ones' hands. Maybe Heaven was a good place for them to grow up. But down here, they would have had amazing lives, been stars in sports, top-notch scholars, beauty queens, engineers, but every one of them met with a cruel, painful death and a parent who hated the thought of them. And instead of having someone say, "what difference does it make?" to them, someone else could've adopted them and given them whatever they had instead of the nothing they got from the person that ordered and signed on to their cruel death before birth.

It isn't fitting what the liberals did to kill all those little innocent future Americans. It just ain't fittin', to quote Mammie in "Gone with the Wind" of 1939.
Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more stuff you pulled outta your ass?

Google it. LOL.

You made the claim, you provide the link. Otherwise, I'll just believe it is more stuff you pulled outta your ass.

You provide the link that Trump supporters are more racist than average Americans then. Do it! If you have the guts. Or stay out of this debate.
trump supporters are racist - Google Search

Democrats are racist - Google Search

You’re an idiot
"republicans are racist" gets 121 million hits.
"democrats are racist" gets 83.6 million hits.
So, republicans win!
Google it. LOL.

You made the claim, you provide the link. Otherwise, I'll just believe it is more stuff you pulled outta your ass.

You provide the link that Trump supporters are more racist than average Americans then. Do it! If you have the guts. Or stay out of this debate.
trump supporters are racist - Google Search

Democrats are racist - Google Search

You’re an idiot
"republicans are racist" gets 121 million hits.
"democrats are racist" gets 83.6 million hits.
So, republicans win!

LOL sounds like the 2016 election. Republicans win.
Rats now use the word "racist" without even knowing it:

Rat: 'I'd like a tofu burger and a side of arugula with lemon."
McDonalds: "We don't serve either about a Big Mac and fries?
Rat: "You're a racist."
McDonalds: "Excuse me?"
Rat: "I'll have a fish sandwich and mineral water."
McDonalds: "You just called me a racist"
Rat: "I did not.....did I?"
McDonalds: "Yes you did, please leave."
Rat: "Damn it, I've been on USMB too much". (wanders back out the door hungry)

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