Since I'm A White Trump Supporter...

Apparently, you don't know much about the draft either. If a person is serving on a tin can (US Navy destroyer), doing ASW, they weren't drafted. They enlisted. The U.S. Navy has always been an all volunteer force since its inception.

Hey nosebleed......USMC accepted draftees....don't pretend you know a fucking thing about that don't and I don't care to hear more of your guesses.
Apparently, you don't know much about the draft either. If a person is serving on a tin can (US Navy destroyer), doing ASW, they weren't drafted. They enlisted. The U.S. Navy has always been an all volunteer force since its inception.

Hey nosebleed......USMC accepted draftees....don't pretend you know a fucking thing about that don't and I don't care to hear more of your guesses.

While the USMC is considered technically to be a part of the Navy (their LES's say Dept. of the Navy), they are also considered to be their own branch. And no, you can't be drafted into the Navy, you have to volunteer for it.
While the USMC is considered technically to be a part of the Navy (their LES's say Dept. of the Navy), they are also considered to be their own branch. And no, you can't be drafted into the Navy, you have to volunteer for it.

Everybody knows that...My reply to that pile of garbage covered both just take a hike...
Hey, maybe you are a poser, or too young to remember the draft, and which branches of the military receive draftees.

I enlisted in the USNR, served three years on active duty (1967 - 1969). The guys included two from my Jr. High School homeroom, Brown and Wheatley and one from my high school. Brown was a corpsman and Wheatley a Marin, Griffiths, a Marin I went to High School with and Mendel a Marin who played CF on our little league team.

So you now admit most of the conscripts had no idea what communism even was. Good to know you can tell the truth when prompted.

Eat dirt you chickenshit fraud....I enlisted in '67, 1st Cav AC/AM Vietnam 10-'67-10-'68 several decorations....both Tets, Hue, An Khe, briefly at Khe Sanh shooting sappers, LZ me a "poser" you pile of "era" serviceman....shut your fucking mouth.
I must be a racist. I have been judged and get no appeal...not that I want or need one from the commie trash tossing that word around. In fact, I've been wondering why whites aren't all racist given how things have changed since the days of MLK's "content of character" and many blacks intense hatred of us. Which leads me to this Northham character and a 40 year old pic in on a yearbook page. I thought it was hilarious....a vaudeville character in black-face, sharing a beer with a Klansman....isn't this what we've been striving for.....harmony between the races? :lol:


Remember, the day before, this maniac explained in great detail how to murder a born baby...and the OUTRAGE comes from this goofy pic from the 80's? Spare me the hysteria about the KKK history with blacks unless you're willing to equate it to black gangs terrorizing black and white communities in every city in this country. Should Northham go....damn right, but not over an old year book joke pic...he's a baby-killer, same as Tiller.
Are all white Trump supporters racist? No, but if you are white and Trump supporter you are more likely to be racist than someone else in the general population.

Of course, it’s a waste of time explaining this all to you. I’m a liberal but you’re convinced that means I am lazy, entitled, and a snowflake all because that’s what Fox News told you.
Apparently, you don't know much about the draft either. If a person is serving on a tin can (US Navy destroyer), doing ASW, they weren't drafted. They enlisted. The U.S. Navy has always been an all volunteer force since its inception.

Hey nosebleed......USMC accepted draftees....don't pretend you know a fucking thing about that don't and I don't care to hear more of your guesses.

Briefly, as the body bags grew, the Marine Corp needed more people to enlist, and fewer did as the war itself became more unpopular, with reluctance they took draftees. I'm beginning to think you were born years after the fall of Saigon.
98% of them voted for him because he is black and they are black. That’s a fact.

Bullshit . He got a little higher % of the black vote than John Kerry did .

Have you ever voted for a black guy?

In 2008, millions more black voters turned out. Not a coincidence. What proves it wasn't a coincidence is that the NUMBERS of blacks that turned out for Hillary weren't near those the turned out for Obama.

All percentages do is tell how much of a group did a certain thing.

And ? Yes they were excited to see a black prez .

But in your theory Ben Carson would’ve received the same % as Obama . No way that would’ve happened .

You white conservatives are projecting your racism on to Obama voters .
Ben Carson? Oh yes, he was the one the left called a “coon”. I remember him!
He’s was called that far more by righty than left .

So it's acceptable if the left calls him that? That's the same argument that a certain terms that will be censored by the forum is racist except when used by blacks. It invalidates any claim that it's racist at all.
It apparently makes pussies like you shit your pants.

Actually, all a MAGA hat does for me is warn me that the person wearing it is more than likely close minded and will blindly support Trump, no matter what he does. And, my self esteem doesn't need a MAGA hat to make me feel good about myself.

Says the one that thought Obama was qualified because of his skin color.

Actually, I voted for Obama because I thought he had better ideas and policies than the other candidates. Skin color had nothing to do with it for me, but apparently, it was a factor in your vote.

That's what you say. It's obvious that's a lie.

I don't have a problem with a black holding any office. Unlike you, I don't do it BECAUSE of skin color.

Says the guy who’s never voted for a black pol. I have . And still do .

You haven’t . And you have the nerve to cast stones at Obama voters. Most all of them voted for white people at probably every election.

You've been in the voting booth with me? Surprisingly, I have yet to see a coward like you there with me.

Difference is you vote for them BECAUSE they're black.
I must be a racist. I have been judged and get no appeal...not that I want or need one from the commie trash tossing that word around. In fact, I've been wondering why whites aren't all racist given how things have changed since the days of MLK's "content of character" and many blacks intense hatred of us. Which leads me to this Northham character and a 40 year old pic in on a yearbook page. I thought it was hilarious....a vaudeville character in black-face, sharing a beer with a Klansman....isn't this what we've been striving for.....harmony between the races? :lol:


Remember, the day before, this maniac explained in great detail how to murder a born baby...and the OUTRAGE comes from this goofy pic from the 80's? Spare me the hysteria about the KKK history with blacks unless you're willing to equate it to black gangs terrorizing black and white communities in every city in this country. Should Northham go....damn right, but not over an old year book joke pic...he's a baby-killer, same as Tiller.
Is it certain you are a racist?

Of course not.

Is it more likely you are than the general population?

Hell yes.

Hold on. That statement is purely wrong.
I must be a racist. I have been judged and get no appeal...not that I want or need one from the commie trash tossing that word around. In fact, I've been wondering why whites aren't all racist given how things have changed since the days of MLK's "content of character" and many blacks intense hatred of us. Which leads me to this Northham character and a 40 year old pic in on a yearbook page. I thought it was hilarious....a vaudeville character in black-face, sharing a beer with a Klansman....isn't this what we've been striving for.....harmony between the races? :lol:


Remember, the day before, this maniac explained in great detail how to murder a born baby...and the OUTRAGE comes from this goofy pic from the 80's? Spare me the hysteria about the KKK history with blacks unless you're willing to equate it to black gangs terrorizing black and white communities in every city in this country. Should Northham go....damn right, but not over an old year book joke pic...he's a baby-killer, same as Tiller.
Is it certain you are a racist?

Of course not.

Is it more likely you are than the general population?

Hell yes.

Hold on. That statement is purely wrong.
No. It's not.
I must be a racist. I have been judged and get no appeal...not that I want or need one from the commie trash tossing that word around. In fact, I've been wondering why whites aren't all racist given how things have changed since the days of MLK's "content of character" and many blacks intense hatred of us. Which leads me to this Northham character and a 40 year old pic in on a yearbook page. I thought it was hilarious....a vaudeville character in black-face, sharing a beer with a Klansman....isn't this what we've been striving for.....harmony between the races? :lol:


Remember, the day before, this maniac explained in great detail how to murder a born baby...and the OUTRAGE comes from this goofy pic from the 80's? Spare me the hysteria about the KKK history with blacks unless you're willing to equate it to black gangs terrorizing black and white communities in every city in this country. Should Northham go....damn right, but not over an old year book joke pic...he's a baby-killer, same as Tiller.
Is it certain you are a racist?

Of course not.

Is it more likely you are than the general population?

Hell yes.

Hold on. That statement is purely wrong.
No. It's not.

Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
I must be a racist. I have been judged and get no appeal...not that I want or need one from the commie trash tossing that word around. In fact, I've been wondering why whites aren't all racist given how things have changed since the days of MLK's "content of character" and many blacks intense hatred of us. Which leads me to this Northham character and a 40 year old pic in on a yearbook page. I thought it was hilarious....a vaudeville character in black-face, sharing a beer with a Klansman....isn't this what we've been striving for.....harmony between the races? :lol:


Remember, the day before, this maniac explained in great detail how to murder a born baby...and the OUTRAGE comes from this goofy pic from the 80's? Spare me the hysteria about the KKK history with blacks unless you're willing to equate it to black gangs terrorizing black and white communities in every city in this country. Should Northham go....damn right, but not over an old year book joke pic...he's a baby-killer, same as Tiller.
Is it certain you are a racist?

Of course not.

Is it more likely you are than the general population?

Hell yes.

Hold on. That statement is purely wrong.
No. It's not.

Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.
I must be a racist. I have been judged and get no appeal...not that I want or need one from the commie trash tossing that word around. In fact, I've been wondering why whites aren't all racist given how things have changed since the days of MLK's "content of character" and many blacks intense hatred of us. Which leads me to this Northham character and a 40 year old pic in on a yearbook page. I thought it was hilarious....a vaudeville character in black-face, sharing a beer with a Klansman....isn't this what we've been striving for.....harmony between the races? :lol:


Remember, the day before, this maniac explained in great detail how to murder a born baby...and the OUTRAGE comes from this goofy pic from the 80's? Spare me the hysteria about the KKK history with blacks unless you're willing to equate it to black gangs terrorizing black and white communities in every city in this country. Should Northham go....damn right, but not over an old year book joke pic...he's a baby-killer, same as Tiller.
Is it certain you are a racist?

Of course not.

Is it more likely you are than the general population?

Hell yes.

Hold on. That statement is purely wrong.
No. It's not.

Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.

More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.
Is it certain you are a racist?

Of course not.

Is it more likely you are than the general population?

Hell yes.

Hold on. That statement is purely wrong.
No. It's not.

Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.

More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.

Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more stuff you pulled outta your ass?
Hold on. That statement is purely wrong.
No. It's not.

Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.

More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.

Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more stuff you pulled outta your ass?

Google it. LOL. Oh and you’re an idiot
No. It's not.

Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.

More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.

Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more stuff you pulled outta your ass?

Google it. LOL.

You made the claim, you provide the link. Otherwise, I'll just believe it is more stuff you pulled outta your ass.
Is it certain you are a racist?

Of course not.

Is it more likely you are than the general population?

Hell yes.

Hold on. That statement is purely wrong.
No. It's not.

Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.

More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.
Never said Democrats were immune, just that tRumpkins were more likely to be racist than average.
Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.

More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.

Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more stuff you pulled outta your ass?

Google it. LOL.

You made the claim, you provide the link. Otherwise, I'll just believe it is more stuff you pulled outta your ass.

You provide the link that Trump supporters are more racist than average Americans then. Do it! If you have the guts. Or stay out of this debate.
Hold on. That statement is purely wrong.
No. It's not.

Absolutely it is. You think only white people
May be racist? That is so wrong it is laughable.
Absolutely it is not. He's a tRumpkin. Maybe check more likely to be racist than someone who is not.

More racist than the two Moslem congresswomen who support death to all Jews? I think not. Your party has its own racists too.
Never said Democrats were immune, just that tRumpkins were more likely to be racist than average.

More likely? As an Independent and a Jew I disagree. Unless you consider antisemitism OK. Are you saying this? Please confirm.

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