Since I'm A White Trump Supporter...

Racist racist racist blah blah bla bla bla! Everyfuckingbodyisaracist! Dumbass libtards!

Lol. You trumpets are so racist you can’t even tell when racists shit is staring you right in your hooded face .
Says the one that used skin color to determine his vote for Obama in 2008 and 2012.
98% of them voted for him because he is black and they are black. That’s a fact.

Bullshit . He got a little higher % of the black vote than John Kerry did .

Have you ever voted for a black guy?

In 2008, millions more black voters turned out. Not a coincidence. What proves it wasn't a coincidence is that the NUMBERS of blacks that turned out for Hillary weren't near those the turned out for Obama.

All percentages do is tell how much of a group did a certain thing.
I must be a racist. I have been judged and get no appeal...not that I want or need one from the commie trash tossing that word around. In fact, I've been wondering why whites aren't all racist given how things have changed since the days of MLK's "content of character" and many blacks intense hatred of us. Which leads me to this Northham character and a 40 year old pic in on a yearbook page. I thought it was hilarious....a vaudeville character in black-face, sharing a beer with a Klansman....isn't this what we've been striving for.....harmony between the races? :lol:


Remember, the day before, this maniac explained in great detail how to murder a born baby...and the OUTRAGE comes from this goofy pic from the 80's? Spare me the hysteria about the KKK history with blacks unless you're willing to equate it to black gangs terrorizing black and white communities in every city in this country. Should Northham go....damn right, but not over an old year book joke pic...he's a baby-killer, same as Tiller.

And after reading your post it’s clear that you are racist ! If the Maga hat fits....

Maga hats come in all different sizes and many different colors. You should try one once, makes you feel powerful. For once you could not be a loser and at least make the impression that you have a sack.

A MAGA hat is capable of making a person feel "powerful"? Wow..........if it does that for you, then how low was your self esteem before that it was boosted by a cheap hat made overseas with a bumpersticker slogan?

It apparently makes pussies like you shit your pants.

Actually, all a MAGA hat does for me is warn me that the person wearing it is more than likely close minded and will blindly support Trump, no matter what he does. And, my self esteem doesn't need a MAGA hat to make me feel good about myself.

Says the one that thought Obama was qualified because of his skin color.
Racist racist racist blah blah bla bla bla! Everyfuckingbodyisaracist! Dumbass libtards!

Lol. You trumpets are so racist you can’t even tell when racists shit is staring you right in your hooded face .
Says the one that used skin color to determine his vote for Obama in 2008 and 2012.

You are projecting. I’ve voted for white candidates throughout my life. Have you ever voted for a black candidate?

I'm stating why you voted Obama. You can't claim experience because he had so little, it didn't make a difference.

Local, State, and national levels. Any more questions?

He has a lot more experience than trump .

Answer my question . Have you ever voted for a black guy?
Good point.

Uneducated rubes would never vote for a black guy.

No, you didn't tell me which black guy.....seems a little racism just fell out of your pants....somebody grab a shovel.
Racist racist racist blah blah bla bla bla! Everyfuckingbodyisaracist! Dumbass libtards!

Lol. You trumpets are so racist you can’t even tell when racists shit is staring you right in your hooded face .
Says the one that used skin color to determine his vote for Obama in 2008 and 2012.
98% of them voted for him because he is black and they are black. That’s a fact.

Bullshit . He got a little higher % of the black vote than John Kerry did .

Have you ever voted for a black guy?

In 2008, millions more black voters turned out. Not a coincidence. What proves it wasn't a coincidence is that the NUMBERS of blacks that turned out for Hillary weren't near those the turned out for Obama.

All percentages do is tell how much of a group did a certain thing.

And ? Yes they were excited to see a black prez .

But in your theory Ben Carson would’ve received the same % as Obama . No way that would’ve happened .

You white conservatives are projecting your racism on to Obama voters .
And after reading your post it’s clear that you are racist ! If the Maga hat fits....

Maga hats come in all different sizes and many different colors. You should try one once, makes you feel powerful. For once you could not be a loser and at least make the impression that you have a sack.

A MAGA hat is capable of making a person feel "powerful"? Wow..........if it does that for you, then how low was your self esteem before that it was boosted by a cheap hat made overseas with a bumpersticker slogan?

It apparently makes pussies like you shit your pants.

Actually, all a MAGA hat does for me is warn me that the person wearing it is more than likely close minded and will blindly support Trump, no matter what he does. And, my self esteem doesn't need a MAGA hat to make me feel good about myself.

Says the one that thought Obama was qualified because of his skin color.

Actually, I voted for Obama because I thought he had better ideas and policies than the other candidates. Skin color had nothing to do with it for me, but apparently, it was a factor in your vote.
Racist racist racist blah blah bla bla bla! Everyfuckingbodyisaracist! Dumbass libtards!

Lol. You trumpets are so racist you can’t even tell when racists shit is staring you right in your hooded face .
Says the one that used skin color to determine his vote for Obama in 2008 and 2012.

You are projecting. I’ve voted for white candidates throughout my life. Have you ever voted for a black candidate?

I'm stating why you voted Obama. You can't claim experience because he had so little, it didn't make a difference.

Local, State, and national levels. Any more questions?

He has a lot more experience than trump .

Answer my question . Have you ever voted for a black guy?

That depends on what you consider valuable experience. Obama was a community agitator.

I answered your question. What I don't do it take demands from a pussy like you.
Says the one that thought Obama was qualified because of his skin color.

Which was half white but all queer.

His white half isn't considered by his supporters unless they're trying to make excuses for the failure of the black half.
Lol. You trumpets are so racist you can’t even tell when racists shit is staring you right in your hooded face .
Says the one that used skin color to determine his vote for Obama in 2008 and 2012.
98% of them voted for him because he is black and they are black. That’s a fact.

Bullshit . He got a little higher % of the black vote than John Kerry did .

Have you ever voted for a black guy?

In 2008, millions more black voters turned out. Not a coincidence. What proves it wasn't a coincidence is that the NUMBERS of blacks that turned out for Hillary weren't near those the turned out for Obama.

All percentages do is tell how much of a group did a certain thing.

And ? Yes they were excited to see a black prez .

But in your theory Ben Carson would’ve received the same % as Obama . No way that would’ve happened .

You white conservatives are projecting your racism on to Obama voters .

Which proves only race mattered to them.

By your theory, Ben Carson would have received the same amount. So much for your theory.
Maga hats come in all different sizes and many different colors. You should try one once, makes you feel powerful. For once you could not be a loser and at least make the impression that you have a sack.

A MAGA hat is capable of making a person feel "powerful"? Wow..........if it does that for you, then how low was your self esteem before that it was boosted by a cheap hat made overseas with a bumpersticker slogan?

It apparently makes pussies like you shit your pants.

Actually, all a MAGA hat does for me is warn me that the person wearing it is more than likely close minded and will blindly support Trump, no matter what he does. And, my self esteem doesn't need a MAGA hat to make me feel good about myself.

Says the one that thought Obama was qualified because of his skin color.

Actually, I voted for Obama because I thought he had better ideas and policies than the other candidates. Skin color had nothing to do with it for me, but apparently, it was a factor in your vote.

That's what you say. It's obvious that's a lie.

I don't have a problem with a black holding any office. Unlike you, I don't do it BECAUSE of skin color.
A MAGA hat is capable of making a person feel "powerful"? Wow..........if it does that for you, then how low was your self esteem before that it was boosted by a cheap hat made overseas with a bumpersticker slogan?

It apparently makes pussies like you shit your pants.

Actually, all a MAGA hat does for me is warn me that the person wearing it is more than likely close minded and will blindly support Trump, no matter what he does. And, my self esteem doesn't need a MAGA hat to make me feel good about myself.

Says the one that thought Obama was qualified because of his skin color.

Actually, I voted for Obama because I thought he had better ideas and policies than the other candidates. Skin color had nothing to do with it for me, but apparently, it was a factor in your vote.

That's what you say. It's obvious that's a lie.

I don't have a problem with a black holding any office. Unlike you, I don't do it BECAUSE of skin color.

You are the one who has been bitching about Obama being black, and even said this.....................

His white half isn't considered by his supporters unless they're trying to make excuses for the failure of the black half.
It’s no different than saying “Why would I vote for a white guy?”

I shouldn’t have to explain it any further, even if yoar a n00b.

This is why you speak in twitter haven't ever thought out a concept....the government schools destroyed your mind...made you a Barry-bot and consequently a racist like him and Mike. Now you hate your own race.....mission accomplished.

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