Since it's already 1/6/23 on the East Coast, Happy Insurrection Day!

Wow dickless.... you must have missed the last 2 years. Infrastructure, BBB, Military pay raise, aid to Ukraine Independence, judge confirmations....all courtesy of the congress.
You’re proud of our money being wasted on Ukraine? WTF! We’ve got people here living under bridges, but you don’t care.

Happy National Tourist Day?
I like it. What else could it be?

For example, this slugger.
Actually, here are pics of two sluggers. (ps...Sedition Hunters found 'em. So there is that.)


PS......Contact Sedition Hunters if you know any of these suspected perps from the January 6th attack on American democracy. OK?

Happy National Tourist Day?
I like it. What else could it be?

For example, this slugger.
Actually, here are pics of two sluggers. (ps...Sedition Hunters found 'em. So there is that.)


PS......Contact Sedition Hunters if you know any of these suspected perps from the January 6th attack on American democracy. OK?

Too bad it was about supporting a dumb dick like Don. We all know our criminal, corrupt, ineffective government could use a good ass kicking by the people.
Wow dickless.... you must have missed the last 2 years. Infrastructure, BBB, Military pay raise, aid to Ukraine Independence, judge confirmations....all courtesy of the congress.

And yet amazingly, 69% of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track.

This is ridiculous
A mob incited by the outgoing president tried to storm the capital to force congress to throw out the lawful vote and recognize a treasonous movement to install Trump as president.

January 6 will always be remembered as the day the American people assembled to have their voices heard, and one brave patriot gave her life to defend those voices.

I will lead with a quote from C.S. Lewis...

Yes, let's have a round of applause for the traitors, liars, grifters, conmen, the violent rampaging weirdos who marauded thru the Capital two years ago today hunting down the V.P. & members of Congress to threaten them to do Trump's bidding & the same mob who beat cops, injuring some permanently.

And let's not forget to applaud Trump, the deranged traiterous scumbag who started it all with the help of his mobsters such as Rudy & Stone. Hip hip hooray!

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