Since Liberals Ignored It, Let's Look at the Dept. of Labor-BLS Jobs Report for Last Month

It’s for different reasons but not much different. I am Disappointed in the current administration and their lack of fiscal focus.

Amazing , Obamas deficits are catastrophic, the cons are for different reasons!!
Terrific indoctrination

It is..Trump is spending on military. Obama spent on odd shit.

The additional military spending accounted for less than 20% of the deficit last year
I feel better now.
Have you researched the total cost of our military paranoia?
It's 1/2 our discretionary spending.
That's why we have lousy health care, schools and roads
Ever driven in Europe?

I like my healthcare and schools and roads. Property Taxes pay for schools. A lot fewer people drive in Europe. False equivalency. Plus Europe is becoming a damn caliphate. Pass! With a capital P

Good you like these socialist programs
Yup, you lived in the uk?
Those 2 % of Muslims are terrifying
Amazing , Obamas deficits are catastrophic, the cons are for different reasons!!
Terrific indoctrination

It is..Trump is spending on military. Obama spent on odd shit.

The additional military spending accounted for less than 20% of the deficit last year
I feel better now.
Have you researched the total cost of our military paranoia?
It's 1/2 our discretionary spending.
That's why we have lousy health care, schools and roads
Ever driven in Europe?

I like my healthcare and schools and roads. Property Taxes pay for schools. A lot fewer people drive in Europe. False equivalency. Plus Europe is becoming a damn caliphate. Pass! With a capital P

Good you like these socialist programs
Yup, you lived in the uk?
Those 2 % of Muslims are terrifying

5% in UK and 12% in London. Keep trying.
Notice that liberals are doing everything but commenting directly on the facts from the March DOL-BLS jobs report. Their replies amount to a bunch of "yeah, but" evasions.

We see appeals to the employment-population ratio (which is better under Trump than it ever was under Obama!), federal revenue as a percentage of GDP (a truly irrelevant measurement--never mind that revenue has gone up), how long the U-6 has been measured (25 years, by the way), the deficit and the debt (funny how liberals fell abjectly silent about both under Obama), etc., etc. The simple fact of the matter is that they don't want the economy to do well under Trump and will do all they can to minimize or ignore good economic news.
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President
U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so.
The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans
That's roght! The DittoTards claimed you needed at least 500,000 NEW jobs just to break even and more than that to grow.
We haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!

June 5, 2015
RUSH: From the moment Obama did his Porkulus, we needed 500,000 jobs a month just to stay even, and a little more than 500,000 jobs a month in order to grow the economy. And we haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!
Pray tell, if it's 50% now, what was it under Obama?
According to Tramp and Limbaugh, 42%.

Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.
If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.
- Donald J Trump, Time interview, Aug. 18, 2015
look around your communites
are thier shit jobs available are thier good jobs available
how confident are youTHAT IF you lose your shit or good job that you can easily pick up another one ?

if the answer is meehhh it would be pretty easy
then you're fine

NO matter what they say about "obamas" gpd average

he didnt build that....HA

wanna bes :auiqs.jpg:
If Obama had followed the Republican advice of:

Allowing the banks and auto companies to fail
Not providing economic stimulus to the economy
Balancing the budget and paying off debt in a major recession

We would have have been in a depression. But Republicans wanted our economy to fail
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.
Trump's proposed 2018 budget, for example, would have cut discretionary spending by a net $1.851 trillion over the 2018–2027 period.
Notice how the Right lie! Since when is discretionary spending the ONLY government spending in Tramp's budget!!!!!
Notice that liberals are doing everything but commenting directly on the facts from the March DOL-BLS jobs report. Their replies amount to a bunch of "yeah, but" evasions.

We see appeals to the employment-population ratio (which is better under Trump than it ever was under Obama!), federal revenue as a percentage of GDP (a truly irrelevant measurement--never mind that revenue has gone up), how long the U-6 has been measured (25 years, by the way), the deficit and the debt (funny how liberals fell abjectly silent about both under Obama), etc., etc. The simple fact of the matter is that they don't want the economy to do well under Trump and will do all they can to minimize or ignore good economic news.

And notice how you are obviously too afraid to answer a simple question about the jobs report. You have already ducked the question at least twice.

True or false, according to the Household Survey, 201,000 less Americans were employed in March?

True or false, please?

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted
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Since liberals showed zero interest in all the good economic news for March, let's look at the Department of Larbor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for March. Here are some key highlights:

* The economy added 196,000 new jobs, in spite of all the cold weather and snow storms, etc.

* The change in jobs for January was revised up from +311,000 to +312,000, and the change for February was revised up from +20,000 to +33,000. I bet you never heard about those revisions on CNN, MSNBC, etc., etc.

* Employment in construction rose by 16,000 jobs, and has increased by 246,000 over the past 12 months.

* Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates were as follows: adult men (3.6 percent), adult women (3.3 percent), teenagers (12.8 percent), Whites (3.4 percent), Blacks (6.7 percent), Asians (3.1 percent), and Hispanics (4.7 percent). These are historic lows for blacks, Hispanics, and women:

Unemployment rate of women in the U.S. 1990-2018 | Timeline

Why Credit for the Decline in Black Unemployment Goes to Trump, Not Obama | People's Pundit Daily

By the way, Hispanic unemployment never dropped below 5% before October 2017. Never.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* In March, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 4 cents to $27.70, following a 10-cent gain in February. Over the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have increased by 3.2 percent. Most of my pay raises have been 2.0-2.5%.

* Average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees increased by 6 cents to $23.24 in March.

* The U-6 unemployment rate, aka the real unemployment rate, dropped again in March and is now down to 7.3%, down from 8.1% in January.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

In fact, the U-6 rate is now lower than it was in 2005 and is approaching how low it was in 1999!

U6 Unemployment Rate

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

I just checked all of these facts on and they said that even though unemployment levels are much lower under Trump than Obama, Orange man is still bad.
Notice that liberals are doing everything but commenting directly on the facts from the March DOL-BLS jobs report. Their replies amount to a bunch of "yeah, but" evasions.

We see appeals to the employment-population ratio (which is better under Trump than it ever was under Obama!), federal revenue as a percentage of GDP (a truly irrelevant measurement--never mind that revenue has gone up), how long the U-6 has been measured (25 years, by the way), the deficit and the debt (funny how liberals fell abjectly silent about both under Obama), etc., etc. The simple fact of the matter is that they don't want the economy to do well under Trump and will do all they can to minimize or ignore good economic news.

And notice how you are obviously too afraid to answer a simple question about the jobs report. You have already ducked the question at least twice.

True or false, according to the Household Survey, 201,000 less Americans were employed in March?

True or false, please?

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted
McRocket has me on ignore: someone ask him what the margins of error are for the household survey and if -201,000 is statistically significant.
Since liberals showed zero interest in all the good economic news for March, let's look at the Department of Larbor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for March. Here are some key highlights:

* The economy added 196,000 new jobs, in spite of all the cold weather and snow storms, etc.

* The change in jobs for January was revised up from +311,000 to +312,000, and the change for February was revised up from +20,000 to +33,000. I bet you never heard about those revisions on CNN, MSNBC, etc., etc.

* Employment in construction rose by 16,000 jobs, and has increased by 246,000 over the past 12 months.

* Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates were as follows: adult men (3.6 percent), adult women (3.3 percent), teenagers (12.8 percent), Whites (3.4 percent), Blacks (6.7 percent), Asians (3.1 percent), and Hispanics (4.7 percent). These are historic lows for blacks, Hispanics, and women:

Unemployment rate of women in the U.S. 1990-2018 | Timeline

Why Credit for the Decline in Black Unemployment Goes to Trump, Not Obama | People's Pundit Daily

By the way, Hispanic unemployment never dropped below 5% before October 2017. Never.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* In March, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 4 cents to $27.70, following a 10-cent gain in February. Over the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have increased by 3.2 percent. Most of my pay raises have been 2.0-2.5%.

* Average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees increased by 6 cents to $23.24 in March.

* The U-6 unemployment rate, aka the real unemployment rate, dropped again in March and is now down to 7.3%, down from 8.1% in January.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

In fact, the U-6 rate is now lower than it was in 2005 and is approaching how low it was in 1999!

U6 Unemployment Rate

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

Your claim that it was ignored is baseless.

Try again.
Things are looking really, really good right now. We may even be seeing some unexpected life from overseas. A recession may not happen for quite a while. Damn good. Now, it's time to look at the exploding debt Trump allowed to get us here. This is a great sugar high, but that's the other half of this equation.
Mac has this 100% correct. We must now balance what we are doing, and address the debt. It has been successfully navigated for 1/2 of the equation, now we must address the other 1/2!
The problem is, neither wing wants to talk about the debt when they're in power. It's always the other guy's fault.

This is yet another reason we need term limits, and some kind of flexible balanced budget amendment.

These people simply are not serious, and they certainly don't deserve the trust of the country.

Bush brought the subject up, and you dems slammed him for even mentioning it.

NO way Trump will make the same mistake. NO republican will again.

The debt is not to be discussed, until we have food riots in the streets, cleared by grapeshot.

You are not serious. Bush cared about the debt? Really?
Unfunded tax cuts. Unfunded quagmire wars. Unfunded expansion to Medicare?

Republicabs only want to keep handing money to the wealthy while wanting to cut programs for the poor.
The job growth the first quarter of 2019 is among the worst of the past few decades.
If only American working families were smarter! If only they could all understand how great they are doing in this economy! Trump would have a 70% approval rating.

But, sadly, they are just too stupid to understand their own bottom line. And the greatest president to ever reside in the WH languishes in the low 40's.

Sad. Believe me.
If only American working families were smarter! If only they could all understand how great they are doing in this economy! Trump would have a 70% approval rating.

But, sadly, they are just too stupid to understand their own bottom line. And the greatest president to ever reside in the WH languishes in the low 40's.

Sad. Believe me.

I guess us plain, normal folk are all too stupid to recognize when our finances are failing, Our crops get less money, our export business is failing, our manufacturing is suffering.

We see a fat assed piece of shit working to destroy everything our country stood for. We see an ignorant man who knows nothing about economics on the world scale. He knows nothing outside of threats & bullying. He os as liar, fraud, and cheat.

He kis an embarrassment.

He has duped feeble mioded assholes like you.
If only American working families were smarter! If only they could all understand how great they are doing in this economy! Trump would have a 70% approval rating.

But, sadly, they are just too stupid to understand their own bottom line. And the greatest president to ever reside in the WH languishes in the low 40's.

Sad. Believe me.

I guess us plain, normal folk are all too stupid to recognize when our finances are failing, Our crops get less money, our export business is failing, our manufacturing is suffering.

We see a fat assed piece of shit working to destroy everything our country stood for. We see an ignorant man who knows nothing about economics on the world scale. He knows nothing outside of threats & bullying. He os as liar, fraud, and cheat.

He kis an embarrassment.

He has duped feeble mioded assholes like you.

Like me, Dave?
Notice that liberals are doing everything but commenting directly on the facts from the March DOL-BLS jobs report. Their replies amount to a bunch of "yeah, but" evasions.

We see appeals to the employment-population ratio (which is better under Trump than it ever was under Obama!), federal revenue as a percentage of GDP (a truly irrelevant measurement--never mind that revenue has gone up), how long the U-6 has been measured (25 years, by the way), the deficit and the debt (funny how liberals fell abjectly silent about both under Obama), etc., etc. The simple fact of the matter is that they don't want the economy to do well under Trump and will do all they can to minimize or ignore good economic news.
The March report is little different than Obama posted for eight years
Something Republicans called a Train Wreck
If only American working families were smarter! If only they could all understand how great they are doing in this economy! Trump would have a 70% approval rating.

But, sadly, they are just too stupid to understand their own bottom line. And the greatest president to ever reside in the WH languishes in the low 40's.

Sad. Believe me.
They are not doing great

Trumps efforts to help the wealthy have not trickled down much
If only American working families were smarter! If only they could all understand how great they are doing in this economy! Trump would have a 70% approval rating.

But, sadly, they are just too stupid to understand their own bottom line. And the greatest president to ever reside in the WH languishes in the low 40's.

Sad. Believe me.
They are not doing great

Trumps efforts to help the wealthy have not trickled down much

Holy shit. I KNOW.

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