Since Nixon, Obama HAS the largest % of $$ being spent then $$ received!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I am so sick and tired of idiots mouthing off about "deficits" that it's about TIME FACTS were used!

Facts about Federal Deficits:
As a percent of receipts what President since Nixon has had the highest DEFICIT i.e. compared to Tax revenue coming in how much MORE was going out?

SOURCE: Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file

"Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2019"

Starting with Nixon 1970...the greatest deficit as a percent of tax revenue... how bad was the spending compared to how much covered the spending!

Obama has had in the history from Nixon as THE HIGHEST % of MORE MONEY GOING OUT then coming in!!!!

2009 Obama Total Federal Tax Receipts:$2.104 trillion but Obama spent $1.412 Trillion MORE then came in..i.e... Deficit or as percent of receipts -67%
2010 Obama Federal TAX Receipts:$2.162 Trillion.. again $1.3 trillion more was spent then came in -59% of receipts deficit...
2011 Obama Tax revenue:$2.3 trillion but Obama spent $1.3 trillion or -56% or 2 times MORE that what was coming in as receipts.
2012 Obama Tax revenue: $2.4 trillion but spent $3.5 trillion meaning - again spent $1.1 trillion more -44% then revenue coming in.

The rest of these Presidents are misers, i.e. a person who spends as little money as possible compared to Obama.

1983 Reagan $600 billion receipts but spent $808 billion or -34% more then what came in..
1985 Reagan $734 billion came in, $946 billion went out or -28% more then came in..
1986 Reagan $769 billion in or -28% more going out
1984 Reagan $666 billion in -27% more going out
1992 Bush $1.1 trillion in but -26% more going out
1991 Bush $1.1 trillion in -25% more going out
1976 Carter $298 billion -24% more going out
2013 Obama $2.7 trillion coming in $679 billion more going out or -24%
1993 Clinton $1.1 trillion coming in $255 billion more going out or -22%

BY THE WAY IDIOTS... Do you see the years 2001 to 2008 ANYWHERE ON THAT ABOVE LIST????

NONE of those Presidents EVER EVER EVER wished there were higher gas prices.
Or wanted utilities would go bankrupt.
Or wanted 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000 people GO OUT OF BUSINESS!

NOT ONE President EVER EVER EVER signed an agreement as Obama did in 2012, granting temporary legal status to many young illegal immigrants,
ending the threat of deportation for at least two years.

"Many Americans don't understand the power of word-of-mouth in Latin America; it's like gossip in a small American town times ten.
Word about anything, especially friends or family members going though the northbound migration or southbound deportation process,
spreads very quickly."
?Go to America with Your Child, You Won?t Get Turned Away?
You might want to start legitimizing your numbers by taking out of each president's budgets the amount that has to be spent on previous presidents' accumulated debt.
You might want to start legitimizing your numbers by taking out of each president's budgets the amount that has to be spent on previous presidents' accumulated debt.
Why don't you do it you lazy bum! Making all sorts of bullshi..t comments but YOU never never substantiate or source!
This comes from this link! Down load and do it your self dummy!
Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file
You might want to start legitimizing your numbers by taking out of each president's budgets the amount that has to be spent on previous presidents' accumulated debt.
Why don't you do it you lazy bum! Making all sorts of bullshi..t comments but YOU never never substantiate or source!
This comes from this link! Down load and do it your self dummy!
Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file

When Reagan took office the budgets had to pay interest on 1 trillion of accumulated debt.

When Obama took office his budgets had to pay interest on 10 trillion dollars of accumulated debt.
Because I KNEW NYcarbineer is all BLOW and no show.. Here is what HE ASKED FOR!!!
But again he is so lazy HE would never go to this site and do the work... typical for his ILK!
Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file

"Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2019"

I then added to the OUTLAYS of the NEXT year the previous year's deficit... EXACTLY what NyCarbineer asked for and here are the results!

2010 Obama Revenues: $2.16 Trillion
2009 Obama spent $1.41 Trillion MORE then Obama took in.
Thus adding the 2009 DEFICIT of $1.41 trillion to the $1.294 trillion deficit for 2010 GRAND total of
$1.34 trillion DEFICIT... or -125% of Revenues that came in 2010!
2011 Obama revenues: $2.303 trillion and Obama spent $3.603 trillion PLUS adding what NYCarbineer wanted previous deficit.. of $1.34 total deficit
Obama did then AGAIN previous deficit added to new deficit... -$2.593 trillion MORE spent then coming in or -113%
2012 Obama revenues: $2.450 trillion coming in BUT adding previous year's deficit of $2.593 trillion the $1.0 trillion spending is $2.386 trillion or -97% more.

So it was in 2009 that what NYCarbineer wanted to prove occurred.
Obama "inherited" Bush deficit of $619 billion to Obama's spending of $3.5 trillion in 2009 and this meant a $1.8 trillion deficit or the 4th highest -89%!

So Bush how "BAD" was he at adding to the deficit spending... BIG BAD SPENDER even according to ignorant conservatives!!!
2001 Bush had total receipts of $1.9 trillion had outlays of $1.862 but remember Old wise Clinton a surplus of $236 billion so Bush had surplus of $128 billion!
2002 After 9/11, Dot com bust Revenues DOWN: $1.853 trillion Bush spent $2.01 leaving deficit of $29 billion in 2002... Bush spent more then came in BAD Bush!
2003 AGAIN after losses of $7 trillion revenues DOWN $1.78 trillion expenditures up NEW HOMELAND security agency adding to $2.3 trillion.. BAD Bush! $535 billion deficit!
2004 Revenues up $1.8 trillion spending using previous $535 billion deficit ( reading??) total Spent more then taking in? $790 billion! Bad Bush!
2005 Revenues:$2.15 trillion TAX CUTS included!!! spending plus previous deficit $2.884 trillion bad Bush spent $731 billion more then took in.. BAD BUSH!!!
2006 Revenues $2.4 trillion (tax cuts included!) spending with previous deficit BAD Bush spent $566 billion more then came in!
2007 Revenues $2.56 trillion Spending with previous deficit. $2.9 trillion.. bad Bush deficit $408 billion.
2008 Revenues $2.52 trillion ; spending with deficit $3.143 trillion leaving a deficit of $619 billion...

HMMM... Total deficits due to BAD BUSH SPENDING: $619 billion handed on to Obama!
Total deficits Obama handing on to 2015 projected: $1.212 TRILLION! Meaning in 2015 EVEN if revenue projections are met.. Obama will hand off to the next President
in 2016 to begin with a $1.09 DEFICIT against Revenues that are suppose to be $3.5 trillion!
You might want to start legitimizing your numbers by taking out of each president's budgets the amount that has to be spent on previous presidents' accumulated debt.
Why don't you do it you lazy bum! Making all sorts of bullshi..t comments but YOU never never substantiate or source!
This comes from this link! Down load and do it your self dummy!
Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file

When Reagan took office the budgets had to pay interest on 1 trillion of accumulated debt.

When Obama took office his budgets had to pay interest on 10 trillion dollars of accumulated debt.

Where did you get that Figure Reagan took office paying on $1 trillion debt... Obama $10 trillion?
WHERE IS YOUR official link or are you again just to f...king lazy to prove your idiot comments?
Prove IT!
Or am I going to have to prove it for you??? As I've always done!!!
Remember Obama wants to destroy $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local tax revenue and put 400,000 people out of work!
That figure has NEVER NEVER been included in an projected Federal tax receipts NOR has the affect on the future budgets of
STATES that will miss and local governments that will be missing this!
They will also be looking for subsidies from the Federal government at this time!
Why don't you do it you lazy bum! Making all sorts of bullshi..t comments but YOU never never substantiate or source!
This comes from this link! Down load and do it your self dummy!
Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file

When Reagan took office the budgets had to pay interest on 1 trillion of accumulated debt.

When Obama took office his budgets had to pay interest on 10 trillion dollars of accumulated debt.

Where did you get that Figure Reagan took office paying on $1 trillion debt... Obama $10 trillion?
WHERE IS YOUR official link or are you again just to f...king lazy to prove your idiot comments?
Prove IT!
Or am I going to have to prove it for you??? As I've always done!!!

After all of the budget, debt, and deficit numbers you have flooded the board with, you actually need a link to historical data on the debt?

Are you serious?

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999
Because I KNEW NYcarbineer is all BLOW and no show.. Here is what HE ASKED FOR!!!
But again he is so lazy HE would never go to this site and do the work... typical for his ILK!
Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file

"Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2019"

I then added to the OUTLAYS of the NEXT year the previous year's deficit... EXACTLY what NyCarbineer asked for and here are the results!

2010 Obama Revenues: $2.16 Trillion
2009 Obama spent $1.41 Trillion MORE then Obama took in.
Thus adding the 2009 DEFICIT of $1.41 trillion to the $1.294 trillion deficit for 2010 GRAND total of
$1.34 trillion DEFICIT... or -125% of Revenues that came in 2010!
2011 Obama revenues: $2.303 trillion and Obama spent $3.603 trillion PLUS adding what NYCarbineer wanted previous deficit.. of $1.34 total deficit
Obama did then AGAIN previous deficit added to new deficit... -$2.593 trillion MORE spent then coming in or -113%
2012 Obama revenues: $2.450 trillion coming in BUT adding previous year's deficit of $2.593 trillion the $1.0 trillion spending is $2.386 trillion or -97% more.

So it was in 2009 that what NYCarbineer wanted to prove occurred.
Obama "inherited" Bush deficit of $619 billion to Obama's spending of $3.5 trillion in 2009 and this meant a $1.8 trillion deficit or the 4th highest -89%!

So Bush how "BAD" was he at adding to the deficit spending... BIG BAD SPENDER even according to ignorant conservatives!!!
2001 Bush had total receipts of $1.9 trillion had outlays of $1.862 but remember Old wise Clinton a surplus of $236 billion so Bush had surplus of $128 billion!
2002 After 9/11, Dot com bust Revenues DOWN: $1.853 trillion Bush spent $2.01 leaving deficit of $29 billion in 2002... Bush spent more then came in BAD Bush!
2003 AGAIN after losses of $7 trillion revenues DOWN $1.78 trillion expenditures up NEW HOMELAND security agency adding to $2.3 trillion.. BAD Bush! $535 billion deficit!
2004 Revenues up $1.8 trillion spending using previous $535 billion deficit ( reading??) total Spent more then taking in? $790 billion! Bad Bush!
2005 Revenues:$2.15 trillion TAX CUTS included!!! spending plus previous deficit $2.884 trillion bad Bush spent $731 billion more then took in.. BAD BUSH!!!
2006 Revenues $2.4 trillion (tax cuts included!) spending with previous deficit BAD Bush spent $566 billion more then came in!
2007 Revenues $2.56 trillion Spending with previous deficit. $2.9 trillion.. bad Bush deficit $408 billion.
2008 Revenues $2.52 trillion ; spending with deficit $3.143 trillion leaving a deficit of $619 billion...

HMMM... Total deficits due to BAD BUSH SPENDING: $619 billion handed on to Obama!
Total deficits Obama handing on to 2015 projected: $1.212 TRILLION! Meaning in 2015 EVEN if revenue projections are met.. Obama will hand off to the next President
in 2016 to begin with a $1.09 DEFICIT against Revenues that are suppose to be $3.5 trillion!

Those are fiscal years, remember. Fiscal year 2009, which started in October of 2008, saw a $419 billion dollar decrease in federal revenue, which has nothing to do with Obama.

You add that to Bush's 600 billion dollar deficit and now you have a trillion dollar deficit that Obama inherited through no fault or action of his own.
Because I KNEW NYcarbineer is all BLOW and no show.. Here is what HE ASKED FOR!!!
But again he is so lazy HE would never go to this site and do the work... typical for his ILK!
Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file

"Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2019"

I then added to the OUTLAYS of the NEXT year the previous year's deficit... EXACTLY what NyCarbineer asked for and here are the results!

2010 Obama Revenues: $2.16 Trillion
2009 Obama spent $1.41 Trillion MORE then Obama took in.
Thus adding the 2009 DEFICIT of $1.41 trillion to the $1.294 trillion deficit for 2010 GRAND total of
$1.34 trillion DEFICIT... or -125% of Revenues that came in 2010!
2011 Obama revenues: $2.303 trillion and Obama spent $3.603 trillion PLUS adding what NYCarbineer wanted previous deficit.. of $1.34 total deficit
Obama did then AGAIN previous deficit added to new deficit... -$2.593 trillion MORE spent then coming in or -113%
2012 Obama revenues: $2.450 trillion coming in BUT adding previous year's deficit of $2.593 trillion the $1.0 trillion spending is $2.386 trillion or -97% more.

So it was in 2009 that what NYCarbineer wanted to prove occurred.
Obama "inherited" Bush deficit of $619 billion to Obama's spending of $3.5 trillion in 2009 and this meant a $1.8 trillion deficit or the 4th highest -89%!

So Bush how "BAD" was he at adding to the deficit spending... BIG BAD SPENDER even according to ignorant conservatives!!!
2001 Bush had total receipts of $1.9 trillion had outlays of $1.862 but remember Old wise Clinton a surplus of $236 billion so Bush had surplus of $128 billion!
2002 After 9/11, Dot com bust Revenues DOWN: $1.853 trillion Bush spent $2.01 leaving deficit of $29 billion in 2002... Bush spent more then came in BAD Bush!
2003 AGAIN after losses of $7 trillion revenues DOWN $1.78 trillion expenditures up NEW HOMELAND security agency adding to $2.3 trillion.. BAD Bush! $535 billion deficit!
2004 Revenues up $1.8 trillion spending using previous $535 billion deficit ( reading??) total Spent more then taking in? $790 billion! Bad Bush!
2005 Revenues:$2.15 trillion TAX CUTS included!!! spending plus previous deficit $2.884 trillion bad Bush spent $731 billion more then took in.. BAD BUSH!!!
2006 Revenues $2.4 trillion (tax cuts included!) spending with previous deficit BAD Bush spent $566 billion more then came in!
2007 Revenues $2.56 trillion Spending with previous deficit. $2.9 trillion.. bad Bush deficit $408 billion.
2008 Revenues $2.52 trillion ; spending with deficit $3.143 trillion leaving a deficit of $619 billion...

HMMM... Total deficits due to BAD BUSH SPENDING: $619 billion handed on to Obama!
Total deficits Obama handing on to 2015 projected: $1.212 TRILLION! Meaning in 2015 EVEN if revenue projections are met.. Obama will hand off to the next President
in 2016 to begin with a $1.09 DEFICIT against Revenues that are suppose to be $3.5 trillion!

Those are fiscal years, remember. Fiscal year 2009, which started in October of 2008, saw a $419 billion dollar decrease in federal revenue, which has nothing to do with Obama.

You add that to Bush's 600 billion dollar deficit and now you have a trillion dollar deficit that Obama inherited through no fault or action of his own.

So what has Obama faced of the magnitude that Bush faced?
A) combined saw $7 trillion of market losses! MARKET LOSSES which are taken against taxes paid!
B) What kind of weather events equal to these:
SOURCE: Kiplinger - Interstitial
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...
That combined COST nearly ) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history![/U][/B]
The worst Katrina,made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages.
Hurricane Katrina ALONE! Year 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
On August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the U.S. as a strong Category 3 or low Category 4 storm. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.
Hurricane Rita quickly followed Katrina only to make matters worse. Between the two, more than $200 billion in damage was done. 400,000 jobs were lost and 275,000 homes were destroyed.
Many of the jobs and homes were never to be recovered. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and over 1,000 were killed and more are missing.
The effect on oil and gasoline prices was long-lasting.

400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
2,800,000 jobs in alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to busts.

So tell me do you have SELECTIVE MEMORY LOSS? or are just plain f..king stupid to ignore ALL the above and WITH NO EVENTS of equal magnitude happening under Obama
STILL OBAMA runs up over just 4 years.. $7 trillion in DEFICITS! HOW in the hell with NONE of the events equal to what Bush faced has he done it?

2010 Obama Revenues: $2.16 Trillion
2009 Obama spent $1.41 Trillion MORE then Obama took in.
Thus adding the 2009 DEFICIT of $1.41 trillion to the $1.294 trillion deficit for 2010 GRAND total of
$1.34 trillion DEFICIT... or -125% of Revenues that came in 2010!
2011 Obama revenues: $2.303 trillion and Obama spent $3.603 trillion PLUS adding what NYCarbineer wanted previous deficit.. of $1.34 total deficit
Obama did then AGAIN previous deficit added to new deficit... -$2.593 trillion MORE spent then coming in or -113%
2012 Obama revenues: $2.450 trillion coming in BUT adding previous year's deficit of $2.593 trillion the $1.0 trillion spending is $2.386 trillion or -97% more.
Because I KNEW NYcarbineer is all BLOW and no show.. Here is what HE ASKED FOR!!!
But again he is so lazy HE would never go to this site and do the work... typical for his ILK!
Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file

"Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2019"

I then added to the OUTLAYS of the NEXT year the previous year's deficit... EXACTLY what NyCarbineer asked for and here are the results!

2010 Obama Revenues: $2.16 Trillion
2009 Obama spent $1.41 Trillion MORE then Obama took in.
Thus adding the 2009 DEFICIT of $1.41 trillion to the $1.294 trillion deficit for 2010 GRAND total of
$1.34 trillion DEFICIT... or -125% of Revenues that came in 2010!
2011 Obama revenues: $2.303 trillion and Obama spent $3.603 trillion PLUS adding what NYCarbineer wanted previous deficit.. of $1.34 total deficit
Obama did then AGAIN previous deficit added to new deficit... -$2.593 trillion MORE spent then coming in or -113%
2012 Obama revenues: $2.450 trillion coming in BUT adding previous year's deficit of $2.593 trillion the $1.0 trillion spending is $2.386 trillion or -97% more.

So it was in 2009 that what NYCarbineer wanted to prove occurred.
Obama "inherited" Bush deficit of $619 billion to Obama's spending of $3.5 trillion in 2009 and this meant a $1.8 trillion deficit or the 4th highest -89%!

So Bush how "BAD" was he at adding to the deficit spending... BIG BAD SPENDER even according to ignorant conservatives!!!
2001 Bush had total receipts of $1.9 trillion had outlays of $1.862 but remember Old wise Clinton a surplus of $236 billion so Bush had surplus of $128 billion!
2002 After 9/11, Dot com bust Revenues DOWN: $1.853 trillion Bush spent $2.01 leaving deficit of $29 billion in 2002... Bush spent more then came in BAD Bush!
2003 AGAIN after losses of $7 trillion revenues DOWN $1.78 trillion expenditures up NEW HOMELAND security agency adding to $2.3 trillion.. BAD Bush! $535 billion deficit!
2004 Revenues up $1.8 trillion spending using previous $535 billion deficit ( reading??) total Spent more then taking in? $790 billion! Bad Bush!
2005 Revenues:$2.15 trillion TAX CUTS included!!! spending plus previous deficit $2.884 trillion bad Bush spent $731 billion more then took in.. BAD BUSH!!!
2006 Revenues $2.4 trillion (tax cuts included!) spending with previous deficit BAD Bush spent $566 billion more then came in!
2007 Revenues $2.56 trillion Spending with previous deficit. $2.9 trillion.. bad Bush deficit $408 billion.
2008 Revenues $2.52 trillion ; spending with deficit $3.143 trillion leaving a deficit of $619 billion...

HMMM... Total deficits due to BAD BUSH SPENDING: $619 billion handed on to Obama!
Total deficits Obama handing on to 2015 projected: $1.212 TRILLION! Meaning in 2015 EVEN if revenue projections are met.. Obama will hand off to the next President
in 2016 to begin with a $1.09 DEFICIT against Revenues that are suppose to be $3.5 trillion!

Those are fiscal years, remember. Fiscal year 2009, which started in October of 2008, saw a $419 billion dollar decrease in federal revenue, which has nothing to do with Obama.

You add that to Bush's 600 billion dollar deficit and now you have a trillion dollar deficit that Obama inherited through no fault or action of his own.

So what has Obama faced of the magnitude that Bush faced?
A) combined saw $7 trillion of market losses! MARKET LOSSES which are taken against taxes paid!
B) What kind of weather events equal to these:
SOURCE: Kiplinger - Interstitial
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...
That combined COST nearly ) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history![/U][/B]
The worst Katrina,made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages.
Hurricane Katrina ALONE! Year 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
On August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the U.S. as a strong Category 3 or low Category 4 storm. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.
Hurricane Rita quickly followed Katrina only to make matters worse. Between the two, more than $200 billion in damage was done. 400,000 jobs were lost and 275,000 homes were destroyed.
Many of the jobs and homes were never to be recovered. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and over 1,000 were killed and more are missing.
The effect on oil and gasoline prices was long-lasting.

400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
2,800,000 jobs in alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to busts.

So tell me do you have SELECTIVE MEMORY LOSS? or are just plain f..king stupid to ignore ALL the above and WITH NO EVENTS of equal magnitude happening under Obama
STILL OBAMA runs up over just 4 years.. $7 trillion in DEFICITS! HOW in the hell with NONE of the events equal to what Bush faced has he done it?

2010 Obama Revenues: $2.16 Trillion
2009 Obama spent $1.41 Trillion MORE then Obama took in.
Thus adding the 2009 DEFICIT of $1.41 trillion to the $1.294 trillion deficit for 2010 GRAND total of
$1.34 trillion DEFICIT... or -125% of Revenues that came in 2010!
2011 Obama revenues: $2.303 trillion and Obama spent $3.603 trillion PLUS adding what NYCarbineer wanted previous deficit.. of $1.34 total deficit
Obama did then AGAIN previous deficit added to new deficit... -$2.593 trillion MORE spent then coming in or -113%
2012 Obama revenues: $2.450 trillion coming in BUT adding previous year's deficit of $2.593 trillion the $1.0 trillion spending is $2.386 trillion or -97% more.

1. Why are you blaming Obama for revenues falling almost half a trillion dollars in FY2009?

2. Why are you blaming Obama for mandatory spending increasing in FY 2009, mainly because of the recession?
I am so sick and tired of idiots mouthing off about "deficits" that it's about TIME FACTS were used!

Facts about Federal Deficits:
As a percent of receipts what President since Nixon has had the highest DEFICIT i.e. compared to Tax revenue coming in how much MORE was going out?

SOURCE: Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file

"Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2019"

Starting with Nixon 1970...the greatest deficit as a percent of tax revenue... how bad was the spending compared to how much covered the spending!

Obama has had in the history from Nixon as THE HIGHEST % of MORE MONEY GOING OUT then coming in!!!!

2009 Obama Total Federal Tax Receipts:$2.104 trillion but Obama spent $1.412 Trillion MORE then came in..i.e... Deficit or as percent of receipts -67%
2010 Obama Federal TAX Receipts:$2.162 Trillion.. again $1.3 trillion more was spent then came in -59% of receipts deficit...
2011 Obama Tax revenue:$2.3 trillion but Obama spent $1.3 trillion or -56% or 2 times MORE that what was coming in as receipts.
2012 Obama Tax revenue: $2.4 trillion but spent $3.5 trillion meaning - again spent $1.1 trillion more -44% then revenue coming in.

The rest of these Presidents are misers, i.e. a person who spends as little money as possible compared to Obama.

1983 Reagan $600 billion receipts but spent $808 billion or -34% more then what came in..
1985 Reagan $734 billion came in, $946 billion went out or -28% more then came in..
1986 Reagan $769 billion in or -28% more going out
1984 Reagan $666 billion in -27% more going out
1992 Bush $1.1 trillion in but -26% more going out
1991 Bush $1.1 trillion in -25% more going out
1976 Carter $298 billion -24% more going out
2013 Obama $2.7 trillion coming in $679 billion more going out or -24%
1993 Clinton $1.1 trillion coming in $255 billion more going out or -22%

BY THE WAY IDIOTS... Do you see the years 2001 to 2008 ANYWHERE ON THAT ABOVE LIST????

NONE of those Presidents EVER EVER EVER wished there were higher gas prices.
Or wanted utilities would go bankrupt.
Or wanted 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000 people GO OUT OF BUSINESS!

NOT ONE President EVER EVER EVER signed an agreement as Obama did in 2012, granting temporary legal status to many young illegal immigrants,
ending the threat of deportation for at least two years.

"Many Americans don't understand the power of word-of-mouth in Latin America; it's like gossip in a small American town times ten.
Word about anything, especially friends or family members going though the northbound migration or southbound deportation process,
spreads very quickly."
?Go to America with Your Child, You Won?t Get Turned Away?

Did that post look good to you before you pressed "submit"? Have you some kind of disorder that enables you to easily follow a disjointed, poorly presented load of crap?

I'm interested in 2013. That seems like it is placed in an odd place in your post. What gives?
When Reagan took office the budgets had to pay interest on 1 trillion of accumulated debt.

When Obama took office his budgets had to pay interest on 10 trillion dollars of accumulated debt.

Where did you get that Figure Reagan took office paying on $1 trillion debt... Obama $10 trillion?
WHERE IS YOUR official link or are you again just to f...king lazy to prove your idiot comments?
Prove IT!
Or am I going to have to prove it for you??? As I've always done!!!

After all of the budget, debt, and deficit numbers you have flooded the board with, you actually need a link to historical data on the debt?

Are you serious?

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

That link ONLY goes to 1999! SO what???
Where did you get that Figure Reagan took office paying on $1 trillion debt... Obama $10 trillion?
WHERE IS YOUR official link or are you again just to f...king lazy to prove your idiot comments?
Prove IT!
Or am I going to have to prove it for you??? As I've always done!!!

After all of the budget, debt, and deficit numbers you have flooded the board with, you actually need a link to historical data on the debt?

Are you serious?

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

That link ONLY goes to 1999! SO what???

You can't navigate a web page?

1. Why are you blaming Obama for revenues falling almost half a trillion dollars in FY2009?

2. Why are you blaming Obama for mandatory spending increasing in FY 2009, mainly because of the recession?

I should think that those two questions deserve answers.

If you're going to blame Obama for a deficit, you should at least show cause as how most of it can actually be traced to some action by Obama.

So far the OP has done nothing in that regard.
After all of the budget, debt, and deficit numbers you have flooded the board with, you actually need a link to historical data on the debt?

Are you serious?

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

That link ONLY goes to 1999! SO what???

You can't navigate a web page?

BUT you couldn't provide the link in the first place, being so arrogant you think just cause you say so is good enough! How pompous!
I am so sick and tired of idiots mouthing off about "deficits" that it's about TIME FACTS were used!

Facts about Federal Deficits:
As a percent of receipts what President since Nixon has had the highest DEFICIT i.e. compared to Tax revenue coming in how much MORE was going out?

SOURCE: Historical Tables | The White House download the .xls file

"Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2019"

Starting with Nixon 1970...the greatest deficit as a percent of tax revenue... how bad was the spending compared to how much covered the spending!

Obama has had in the history from Nixon as THE HIGHEST % of MORE MONEY GOING OUT then coming in!!!!

2009 Obama Total Federal Tax Receipts:$2.104 trillion but Obama spent $1.412 Trillion MORE then came in..i.e... Deficit or as percent of receipts -67%
2010 Obama Federal TAX Receipts:$2.162 Trillion.. again $1.3 trillion more was spent then came in -59% of receipts deficit...
2011 Obama Tax revenue:$2.3 trillion but Obama spent $1.3 trillion or -56% or 2 times MORE that what was coming in as receipts.
2012 Obama Tax revenue: $2.4 trillion but spent $3.5 trillion meaning - again spent $1.1 trillion more -44% then revenue coming in.

The rest of these Presidents are misers, i.e. a person who spends as little money as possible compared to Obama.

1983 Reagan $600 billion receipts but spent $808 billion or -34% more then what came in..
1985 Reagan $734 billion came in, $946 billion went out or -28% more then came in..
1986 Reagan $769 billion in or -28% more going out
1984 Reagan $666 billion in -27% more going out
1992 Bush $1.1 trillion in but -26% more going out
1991 Bush $1.1 trillion in -25% more going out
1976 Carter $298 billion -24.74% more going out
2013 Obama $2.7 trillion coming in $679 billion more going out or -24.49%
1993 Clinton $1.1 trillion coming in $255 billion more going out or -22%

BY THE WAY IDIOTS... Do you see the years 2001 to 2008 ANYWHERE ON THAT ABOVE LIST????

NONE of those Presidents EVER EVER EVER wished there were higher gas prices.
Or wanted utilities would go bankrupt.
Or wanted 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000 people GO OUT OF BUSINESS!

NOT ONE President EVER EVER EVER signed an agreement as Obama did in 2012, granting temporary legal status to many young illegal immigrants,
ending the threat of deportation for at least two years.

"Many Americans don't understand the power of word-of-mouth in Latin America; it's like gossip in a small American town times ten.
Word about anything, especially friends or family members going though the northbound migration or southbound deportation process,
spreads very quickly."
?Go to America with Your Child, You Won?t Get Turned Away?

Did that post look good to you before you pressed "submit"? Have you some kind of disorder that enables you to easily follow a disjointed, poorly presented load of crap?

I'm interested in 2013. That seems like it is placed in an odd place in your post. What gives?

OK. I should have added the decimal points which still made 2013 less of a percent of gross revenue then Carter's 1976.

But I guess you didn't see that the ranking was based on what percent of Revenue was made up from the deficit...i.e.
in 2013 Obama spent $679 billion more then what was coming in or -24.49%
In 2010 Obama spent -59% of the entire revenues for his previous year's deficit!

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