Since Obviously Mueller Wasn’t In Charge of the Investigation, Who Was?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Mueller was obviously just a celebrity talking head.

1. Mueller didn't know who/what Fusion GPS was. Fusion is one of the cut outs used by Hillary Clinton to pay for Christopher Steele's RUSSIAN propaganda-filled dossier, but Mueller should know who they are because Fusion is mentioned in "his" report. He also didn't seem to know that honeypot Natalia Veselnitskaya, a representative of the RUSSIAN government the Democrats tell us, was also paying Fusion GPS to work for the RUSSIAN government to repeal the Magnitsky Act.

2. Mueller didn't want to have a discussion about the law. I was told that Mueller was the legal industry's equivalent of Jesus Christ so I was surprised he wasn't prepared to talk about the law. The context of Mueller's refusal was a series of questions about the presumption of innocence and the peculiar announcement of a brand new "not exonerated" standard. Why should Trump not have the presumption of innocence like all other Americans? Mueller indicated that Trump was a "unique" case but this is crap. Prosecutors do not go around claiming people are "not exonerated" after they conduct investigations. I wish we had gotten more from Mueller on this "unique" situation.

3. Mueller denied that he interviewed for the position of the FBI director, contrary to what the president and the vice president said. Which is it? Mueller was appointed special counsel the day after the "interview" for the job where he allegedly told VP Pence that FBI director was the only job for which he would return to public service.

4. This was obvious if you read the report but was mentioned in the hearing: there's a whole lot of reliance on media stories as "evidence." If you have been paying attention, you know how this game is played: government deep staters leak information to their media co-conspirators and then after the leaks are published, the government uses the stories as evidence to support their corrupt endeavors. They pulled this trick in the Mueller report and selectively so.

5. Why was Joseph Mifsud not charged for lying to the the FBI when several Trump associates were? We don't have an answer to this question from Mueller. Mifsud had extensive "RUSSIAN-ties" and purportedly started this investigation when he told George Papadopoulos that RUSSIANS had dirt on Hillary. Mifsud, to remind you, trains western intelligence assets in Rome at a center called The Link, is associated with the London Center of International Law Practice, and travels around in Western intelligence circles. He also has ties to the U.S. State Department. For the purposes of the witch-hunters, however, he's a RUSSIAN dude.

The Morning Briefing: 'The Robert Mueller Story' Was Box Office Poison
And what did the taxpayers get for our $30 million?

How much did Mueller personally earn?

He should be investigated for theft of $30 million
The more I see parts of Muellers testimony, the more pathetic it become.

What a fucking train wreck for the Dimms.
We were told Trump’s inquisitor was a calm, even-handed Republican with impeccable credentials who was trusted by everyone. What we learned was that the inquisition was run by the Democrat lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s aide who destroyed evidence with a hammer.
We were told Trump’s inquisitor was a calm, even-handed Republican with impeccable credentials who was trusted by everyone. What we learned was that the inquisition was run by the Democrat lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s aide who destroyed evidence with a hammer.

I don’t get this thing that Dimms and left wing nuts keep saying a Thanks Mueller and Comey being Republicans. So what? McCain was a Republican and he fuck8ng hated Trump.

It means dick.
We were told Trump’s inquisitor was a calm, even-handed Republican with impeccable credentials who was trusted by everyone. What we learned was that the inquisition was run by the Democrat lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s aide who destroyed evidence with a hammer.

I don’t get this thing that Dimms and left wing nuts keep saying a Thanks Mueller and Comey being Republicans. So what? McCain was a Republican and he fuck8ng hated Trump.

It means dick.
But to the Left they say just because they are Republican means they are not biased against Trump. Which we know is a lie because there are many Deep State Republicans.
We have had and experienced first hand why Mueller was placed at the head of this investigation while the partisan Democrats worked behind the scenes.

The mantra, "Mueller is a Republican" is the entire purpose of his being named. They planned on trying to legitimize their political assassination by pinning it on a Republican. This way, if the report came out bad on Trump, they could have said, "You have to accept the report, it was done by a Republican!"

What they didn't count on was the fact that they could not find or manufacture credible proof that Trump is guilty of any of it.

This is all the more reason why Barr needs to act with his investigations. The entire Mueller team needs to be looked into, along with the others that attempted this soft coup.

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