Since the start of the Trade war...

How do our economic indicators look?

GDP growth...not good and heading the wrong way
View attachment 272446
The chart you posted is not GDP growth, All it does is show the % CHANGE of GDP growth, How much it's changing, without any indictor of changing up or down. So if every quarter were the same a the previous year, the line would be a straight line.

As for Trump's economic achievements :biggrin: >>>

  • Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth has averaged 3 percent over the last 8 quarters (not counting the shutdown quarter)

  • Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
  • More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
  • This is the eighth time this year that the unemployment rate has been below 4 percent.
  • Prior to this year, the unemployment rate had fallen below 4 percent only five times since 1970.
  • The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record.
  • Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year.
  • Disabled unemployment has also reached the lowest rate in US history.
    • Initial weekly jobless claims have hit a nearly 50-year low under President Trump.
    • Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record.
    • Recently, more than two-thirds of Americans rated “now” as a good time to find a quality job, tying a record high in a poll by Gallup.
    • Americans are seeing more money in their pockets thanks to the booming economy.
    • In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade.
    • In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high.
    • President Trump’s policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty.
    • African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017.
    • Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
    • Consumer confidence has soared under President Trump, recently reaching an 18-year high.
    • President Trump is delivering on his promise to bring back American manufacturing.
    • The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.
      • Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018, the most added in a year since 1997
      • Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
      • The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August.
      • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
      • These tax cuts are delivering real results for American families and workers.
      • More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits.
      • More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates.
      • President Trump is ensuring American workers receive the training and education they need to compete in today’s economy.
      • President Trump signed an executive order establishing the National Council for the American worker.
        • More than 185 companies and associations have signed our “Pledge to America’s Workers,” promising more than 6.4 million new training and career opportunities.
        • The President signed legislation that reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making more than $1 billion available for career education programs.
        • President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.
        • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
        • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
        • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
How the fuck do you post this chart which shows real GDP growth for the second and third quarter of 2018 as 3.5% and 2.9% respectively....


... but then falsely claim growth for those two quarters was 4.2% and 3.4% respectively...?

All you do is prove time and time again that you're senile. :cuckoo:
How do our economic indicators look?

How do our economic indicators look? Excellent.
We have perfect unemployment and a booming economy. Your charts and graphs are bullshit. We have perfect unemployment and a booming economy. Promises Made, Promises Kept! A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!

Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families
shockedcanadian posted

America is doing very well. China, Canada and others, mmmm, not so much.

Economy added 164,000 jobs in July

The economy added 164,000 jobs in July, a decline from June but well above the 100,000 that is required to keep pace with growth in the working population.

The nation's unemployment rate stayed unchanged at 3.7 percent, still the lowest in almost 50 years, according to the latest employment snapshot released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The June figure was revised down from 224,000 to 193,000 positions added, and May was revised down by 10,000 jobs to 62,000.

Wall Street remained largely mute on the data, which comes at the end of a wild week in which markets were rocked by a rate cut and a surprise announcement on tariffs.
How do our economic indicators look?

Get this hack ^^^ armchair quarterbacking. I noticed you had not one suggestion on how the president should be dealing with China and other countries screwing us over on trade. Crawl back under your rock useless Dem drone. :icon_rolleyes:

Let's see what the current trade deals have brought the US...

121 straight months of economic expansion, the longest such period in the history of the country. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

The longest, and on going, period of positive job growth in the history of the country. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

A UE rate under 4, sustained for record setting time. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

More open jobs than people to fill them. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

A record setting financial market (till the trade war started). Explain how that is getting screwed over.

You just parrot your party talking points and have no idea what they even mean.
How do our economic indicators look?

Get this hack ^^^ armchair quarterbacking. I noticed you had not one suggestion on how the president should be dealing with China and other countries screwing us over on trade. Crawl back under your rock useless Dem drone. :icon_rolleyes:

Let's see what the current trade deals have brought the US...

121 straight months of economic expansion, the longest such period in the history of the country. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

The longest, and on going, period of positive job growth in the history of the country. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

A UE rate under 4, sustained for record setting time. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

More open jobs than people to fill them. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

A record setting financial market (till the trade war started). Explain how that is getting screwed over.

You just parrot your party talking points and have no idea what they even mean.

STILL waiting to hear your solution negative Nellie.
How do our economic indicators look?

Get this hack ^^^ armchair quarterbacking. I noticed you had not one suggestion on how the president should be dealing with China and other countries screwing us over on trade. Crawl back under your rock useless Dem drone. :icon_rolleyes:

Let's see what the current trade deals have brought the US...

121 straight months of economic expansion, the longest such period in the history of the country. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

The longest, and on going, period of positive job growth in the history of the country. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

A UE rate under 4, sustained for record setting time. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

More open jobs than people to fill them. Explain how that is getting screwed over.

A record setting financial market (till the trade war started). Explain how that is getting screwed over.

You just parrot your party talking points and have no idea what they even mean.

STILL waiting to hear your solution negative Nellie.

Solutions for what?

Why do you want to end 121 straight months of economic expansion?

Why do you want to end the longest period of positive job growth in the history of the country?

Why do you want to end the UE rate under 4?

Why do yo want to get rid of more open jobs than people to fill them?
How do our economic indicators look?

GDP growth...not good and heading the wrong way
View attachment 272446
The chart you posted is not GDP growth, All it does is show the % CHANGE of GDP growth, How much it's changing, without any indictor of changing up or down. So if every quarter were the same a the previous year, the line would be a straight line.

As for Trump's economic achievements :biggrin: >>>

  • Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth has averaged 3 percent over the last 8 quarters (not counting the shutdown quarter)

  • Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
  • More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
  • This is the eighth time this year that the unemployment rate has been below 4 percent.
  • Prior to this year, the unemployment rate had fallen below 4 percent only five times since 1970.
  • The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record.
  • Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year.
  • Disabled unemployment has also reached the lowest rate in US history.
    • Initial weekly jobless claims have hit a nearly 50-year low under President Trump.
    • Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record.
    • Recently, more than two-thirds of Americans rated “now” as a good time to find a quality job, tying a record high in a poll by Gallup.
    • Americans are seeing more money in their pockets thanks to the booming economy.
    • In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade.
    • In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high.
    • President Trump’s policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty.
    • African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017.
    • Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
    • Consumer confidence has soared under President Trump, recently reaching an 18-year high.
    • President Trump is delivering on his promise to bring back American manufacturing.
    • The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.
      • Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018, the most added in a year since 1997
      • Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
      • The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August.
      • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
      • These tax cuts are delivering real results for American families and workers.
      • More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits.
      • More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates.
      • President Trump is ensuring American workers receive the training and education they need to compete in today’s economy.
      • President Trump signed an executive order establishing the National Council for the American worker.
        • More than 185 companies and associations have signed our “Pledge to America’s Workers,” promising more than 6.4 million new training and career opportunities.
        • The President signed legislation that reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making more than $1 billion available for career education programs.
        • President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.
        • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
        • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
        • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
How the fuck do you post this chart which shows real GDP growth for the second and third quarter of 2018 as 3.5% and 2.9% respectively....


... but then falsely claim growth for those two quarters was 4.2% and 3.4% respectively...?

All you do is prove time and time again that you're senile. :cuckoo:
How come gramps never replies anymore when I post GDP figures? :badgrin:

How do our economic indicators look?

GDP growth...not good and heading the wrong way
View attachment 272446
The chart you posted is not GDP growth, All it does is show the % CHANGE of GDP growth, How much it's changing, without any indictor of changing up or down. So if every quarter were the same a the previous year, the line would be a straight line.

As for Trump's economic achievements :biggrin: >>>

  • Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth has averaged 3 percent over the last 8 quarters (not counting the shutdown quarter)

  • Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
  • More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
  • This is the eighth time this year that the unemployment rate has been below 4 percent.
  • Prior to this year, the unemployment rate had fallen below 4 percent only five times since 1970.
  • The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record.
  • Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year.
  • Disabled unemployment has also reached the lowest rate in US history.
    • Initial weekly jobless claims have hit a nearly 50-year low under President Trump.
    • Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record.
    • Recently, more than two-thirds of Americans rated “now” as a good time to find a quality job, tying a record high in a poll by Gallup.
    • Americans are seeing more money in their pockets thanks to the booming economy.
    • In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade.
    • In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high.
    • President Trump’s policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty.
    • African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017.
    • Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
    • Consumer confidence has soared under President Trump, recently reaching an 18-year high.
    • President Trump is delivering on his promise to bring back American manufacturing.
    • The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.
      • Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018, the most added in a year since 1997
      • Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
      • The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August.
      • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
      • These tax cuts are delivering real results for American families and workers.
      • More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits.
      • More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates.
      • President Trump is ensuring American workers receive the training and education they need to compete in today’s economy.
      • President Trump signed an executive order establishing the National Council for the American worker.
        • More than 185 companies and associations have signed our “Pledge to America’s Workers,” promising more than 6.4 million new training and career opportunities.
        • The President signed legislation that reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making more than $1 billion available for career education programs.
        • President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.
        • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
        • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
        • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
How the fuck do you post this chart which shows real GDP growth for the second and third quarter of 2018 as 3.5% and 2.9% respectively....


... but then falsely claim growth for those two quarters was 4.2% and 3.4% respectively...?

All you do is prove time and time again that you're senile. :cuckoo:
How come gramps never replies anymore when I post GDP figures? :badgrin:

I'm busy talking to REAL posters. :biggrin:

And the quarter (as everyone knows)was previously posted as 4.2% and then the numbers were changed ([probably by Obama appointees in the Bureau of Economic Analysis). Even the charts I posted months ago showing 4.2, now show 3.5. We'll have to start taking photographs to get ahead of the alteration scammers, but it's a foregone conclusion that the Bureau if Economic Analysis is a ludicrously unreliable source, with corrupt, fake news scammers.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

US economy grew 4.2% in second quarter, faster than first reported

The GDP is always adjusted as more data comes happens every quarter and has so for far longer than Obama was POTUS.

Educate yourself and quit being such a moron
How the fuck do you post this chart which shows real GDP growth for the second and third quarter of 2018 as 3.5% and 2.9% respectively....


... but then falsely claim growth for those two quarters was 4.2% and 3.4% respectively...?

All you do is prove time and time again that you're senile. :cuckoo:
Hee Hee!! As usual, clueless, information-deprived Democrat (victim of liberal OMMISION media) doesn't know what's going on. Needs a conservative to fill him in.

The quarter (as everyone knows) was previously posted as 4.2%, and then the numbers were changed (evidently by Obama appointees in the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which is filled with them). Even the charts I posted months ago showing 4.2, now show 3.5. We'll have to start taking photographs to get ahead of the alteration scammers, but it's a foregone conclusion that the Bureau of Economic Analysis is a ludicrously unreliable source, with corrupt, fake news scammers.
Click the links. Ho hum.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

U.S. Second-Quarter Growth Revised Up to 4.2% on Software, Trade

US economy grew 4.2% in second quarter, faster than first reported
How do our economic indicators look?

GDP growth...not good and heading the wrong way
View attachment 272446
The chart you posted is not GDP growth, All it does is show the % CHANGE of GDP growth, How much it's changing, without any indictor of changing up or down. So if every quarter were the same a the previous year, the line would be a straight line.

As for Trump's economic achievements :biggrin: >>>

  • Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth has averaged 3 percent over the last 8 quarters (not counting the shutdown quarter)

  • Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
  • More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
  • This is the eighth time this year that the unemployment rate has been below 4 percent.
  • Prior to this year, the unemployment rate had fallen below 4 percent only five times since 1970.
  • The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record.
  • Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year.
  • Disabled unemployment has also reached the lowest rate in US history.
    • Initial weekly jobless claims have hit a nearly 50-year low under President Trump.
    • Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record.
    • Recently, more than two-thirds of Americans rated “now” as a good time to find a quality job, tying a record high in a poll by Gallup.
    • Americans are seeing more money in their pockets thanks to the booming economy.
    • In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade.
    • In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high.
    • President Trump’s policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty.
    • African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017.
    • Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
    • Consumer confidence has soared under President Trump, recently reaching an 18-year high.
    • President Trump is delivering on his promise to bring back American manufacturing.
    • The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.
      • Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018, the most added in a year since 1997
      • Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
      • The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August.
      • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
      • These tax cuts are delivering real results for American families and workers.
      • More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits.
      • More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates.
      • President Trump is ensuring American workers receive the training and education they need to compete in today’s economy.
      • President Trump signed an executive order establishing the National Council for the American worker.
        • More than 185 companies and associations have signed our “Pledge to America’s Workers,” promising more than 6.4 million new training and career opportunities.
        • The President signed legislation that reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making more than $1 billion available for career education programs.
        • President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.
        • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
        • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
        • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
How the fuck do you post this chart which shows real GDP growth for the second and third quarter of 2018 as 3.5% and 2.9% respectively....


... but then falsely claim growth for those two quarters was 4.2% and 3.4% respectively...?

All you do is prove time and time again that you're senile. :cuckoo:
As usual, clueless, information-deprived Democrat doesn't know what's going on. needs a conservative to fill him in.

The quarter (as everyone knows) was previously posted as 4.2%, and then the numbers were changed (evidently by Obama appointees in the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which is filled with them). Even the charts I posted months ago showing 4.2, now show 3.5. We'll have to start taking photographs to get ahead of the alteration scammers, but it's a foregone conclusion that the Bureau of Economic Analysis is a ludicrously unreliable source, with corrupt, fake news scammers. Click the links. Ho hum.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

U.S. Second-Quarter Growth Revised Up to 4.2% on Software, Trade

US economy grew 4.2% in second quarter, faster than first reported

One more time for the information challenged....

The GDP growth is an estimate when first posted and then is always revised, almost without fail. This has been the system for the past 25 years at least.

One more time for the information challenged....

The GDP growth is an estimate when first posted and then is always revised, almost without fail. This has been the system for the past 25 years at least.
Revised by alteration scammers. Ho hum.
One more time for the information challenged....

The GDP growth is an estimate when first posted and then is always revised, almost without fail. This has been the system for the past 25 years at least.
Revised by alteration scammers. Ho hum.

Revised by more data becoming available.

What a fucking moron. Dude, educate yourself, quit being happy in your ignorance.
One more time for the information challenged....

The GDP growth is an estimate when first posted and then is always revised, almost without fail. This has been the system for the past 25 years at least.
Revised by alteration scammers. Ho hum.

"And our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don’t believe the 5.6. Don’t believe it.
That’s right. A lot of people up there can’t get jobs. They can’t get jobs, because there are no jobs, because China has our jobs and Mexico has our jobs. They all have jobs.
But the real number, the real number is anywhere from 18 to 19 and maybe even 21 percent, and nobody talks about it, because it’s a statistic that’s full of nonsense."
- Candidate Trump

Thank God we can trust the BLS figures now. First half of January 2017, the number was wrong. Second half of January 2017, the same number was right. It's a miracle!
"And our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don’t believe the 5.6. Don’t believe it.
That’s right. A lot of people up there can’t get jobs. They can’t get jobs, because there are no jobs, because China has our jobs and Mexico has our jobs. They all have jobs.
But the real number, the real number is anywhere from 18 to 19 and maybe even 21 percent, and nobody talks about it, because it’s a statistic that’s full of nonsense."
- Candidate Trump

Thank God we can trust the BLS figures now. First half of January 2017, the number was wrong. Second half of January 2017, the same number was right. It's a miracle!
Yup. Scammers gave themselves away this time. They can get a job bagging groceries now. :biggrin:
"And our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don’t believe the 5.6. Don’t believe it.
That’s right. A lot of people up there can’t get jobs. They can’t get jobs, because there are no jobs, because China has our jobs and Mexico has our jobs. They all have jobs.
But the real number, the real number is anywhere from 18 to 19 and maybe even 21 percent, and nobody talks about it, because it’s a statistic that’s full of nonsense."
- Candidate Trump

Thank God we can trust the BLS figures now. First half of January 2017, the number was wrong. Second half of January 2017, the same number was right. It's a miracle!
Yup. Scammers gave themselves away this time. They can get a job bagging groceries now. :biggrin:

Yeah. What the fuck, eh? Numbers are what Trump says they are. You were shrewd to delete your own quote about alteration scammers. Otherwise the juxtaposition would have been unfortunate.

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