Since the vast vast majority of people live paycheck to paycheck

We should be preaching to not go out and spend as things open up. Create your nest egg and forego spending buying only food and dire necessities. No entertainment, no shopping for anything you don't have to have. More peoe saving and less spending will only strengthen our citizenry.
My favorite ground beef is $7.59 a pound right now, so I cut back on a gram of weed a day to make up for it.

Where are you getting weed for $7.59 a pound?! Costco?!
We should be preaching to not go out and spend as things open up. Create your nest egg and forego spending buying only food and dire necessities. No entertainment, no shopping for anything you don't have to have. More peoe saving and less spending will only strengthen our citizenry.
It was the greatest economy in the history of economics. They should have already had that safety net, shouldn't they?
Some people will live paycheck to paycheck no matter how much money they make. Others who make a lot less still manage to save money.
"Greatest economy ever!"

We all had money running outta our asses, if tRump was to be believed.

Where did it all go?
What did you do with it?

I'm good son.

Lock down the cities until.the virus is gone, I'll still be fine.
My pay didn't double at that job. New jobs were created when Trump got elected and that I was able to get and that doubled my pay.

Well that's awesome. It really is.

Too bad you weren't looking for an upgrade in job/pay when Obama was producing over 2 Million Jobs per year in 2011, over 3 million in 2014, whereas trump produced similar job numbers, but never reached 3 Million.

And trump gets the credit for you seeking a new job? Finally.
Hopefully those living paycheck to paycheck will follow the OP's advice the best they can. I suspect though quite a bit of the $2 trillion virus stimulus will end up being spent on electronics and other consumer imports from China.
Hard to save a buck on $15 an hour. Then again for that nobody is going to work themselves all that hard. But a good sized nest egg....let's call it 1 years worth of take-home pay helps in a tight spot.
I've noticed that all the people who say that you should have x number of months salary stashed away in savings, are already sitting on a ton of money.

So how do you save a year's salary while shelling out for the basic necessities of life? Anyone that has the answer, I'd love to hear it.
Hard to save a buck on $15 an hour. Then again for that nobody is going to work themselves all that hard. But a good sized nest egg....let's call it 1 years worth of take-home pay helps in a tight spot.
I've noticed that all the people who say that you should have x number of months salary stashed away in savings, are already sitting on a ton of money.

So how do you save a year's salary while shelling out for the basic necessities of life? Anyone that has the answer, I'd love to hear it.

Marry money?

Hard to save a buck on $15 an hour. Then again for that nobody is going to work themselves all that hard. But a good sized nest egg....let's call it 1 years worth of take-home pay helps in a tight spot.
I've noticed that all the people who say that you should have x number of months salary stashed away in savings, are already sitting on a ton of money.

So how do you save a year's salary while shelling out for the basic necessities of life? Anyone that has the answer, I'd love to hear it.

Marry money?

View attachment 340136
Yeah, I don't think so.
Hard to save a buck on $15 an hour. Then again for that nobody is going to work themselves all that hard. But a good sized nest egg....let's call it 1 years worth of take-home pay helps in a tight spot.
I've noticed that all the people who say that you should have x number of months salary stashed away in savings, are already sitting on a ton of money.

So how do you save a year's salary while shelling out for the basic necessities of life? Anyone that has the answer, I'd love to hear it.

Marry money?

View attachment 340136
Yeah, I don't think so.

We all make choices.
We should be preaching to not go out and spend as things open up. Create your nest egg and forego spending buying only food and dire necessities. No entertainment, no shopping for anything you don't have to have. More peoe saving and less spending will only strengthen our citizenry.
It was the greatest economy in the history of economics. They should have already had that safety net, shouldn't they?
Some people will live paycheck to paycheck no matter how much money they make. Others who make a lot less still manage to save money.
"Greatest economy ever!"

We all had money running outta our asses, if tRump was to be believed.

Where did it all go?
What did you do with it?

I'm good son.

Lock down the cities until.the virus is gone, I'll still be fine. long as you are ok fuck everyone else.

Why make $15 when you can triple that? The more one pays the harder people work as it should be.

I've had people over the years that I paid from minimum wage to almost 30 per hour. With the exception of a handful they were all lazy and only looking to make ends meet and have a little left over. VERY FEW have the ambition of our ancestors.
We have become a society of pansies and takers.
We should be preaching to not go out and spend as things open up. Create your nest egg and forego spending buying only food and dire necessities. No entertainment, no shopping for anything you don't have to have. More peoe saving and less spending will only strengthen our citizenry.
The thread premise is truly ridiculous.

It’s because people live paycheck to paycheck that they can’t ‘save up’ to create a ‘nest egg.’

They’re already foregoing buying things.

Indeed, after rent/mortgage, utilities, food, and other necessities, there is little – if anything – left over.

And if they manage to save a small amount of money, it’s gone when the car needs to be repaired, when the water heater dies, or when there’s a medical emergency.

Most Americans have been hard-hit by this recession not because of ‘reckless’ or ‘irresponsible’ spending, but because wages have been stagnant for decades.

Wow, a financial wizard you are not.
life is more than bread & water dude.....~S~
Amen to this. The goal though in any situation, to me, should be to not do too much at one time. Do try to spread it out some and save things for later if that is possible and always start first with the most important thing whatever it may be.

God bless you always!!!


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