Single Adults Banned from UK Park “In Case They are a Pedophile

If a shark's sighted off a beach you close the beach to swimming until the shark goes away. But eventually you reopen it. Can't close every park to adults because a pedophile's using it as their hunting grounds. You'd run out of parks eventually. And the pedophiles just go somewhere else. Gonna close down where ever they go next? It's not a solution to kick the can down the road a ways. To combat stuff like this the punishment being caught has to provide enough of a deterrent that it's not just a slap on the wrist but more a baseball bat to the head.
"Studies have proven". What would queers have if they didn't have hackneyed clichés like "studies have proven"?.

Always good to hear from the resident bigots.

Nothing surprising in your post- hate- hate- hate.- and you wanting to endanger children by labeling homosexuals as pedophiles.

Has the FBI ever looked you up you fucking creep?

Actually, I have successfully passed an FBI background check- thank you.

Meanwhile- I will just point out that bigots like yourself put children in danger from child molesters.

Intentional? Or just so blinded by your hate that you just don't care if children get harmed?

Either way- you are disgusting- and dangerous.

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