Single greatest threat to America.

Lefties are living a propaganda lie. Democrats in congress authorized President Bush to use combat troops in Iraq to enforce the U.N. sanctions against Saddam and then spent the rest of the time undermining the mission.. Even though president Clinton claimed that Iraq was producing WMD's it was not a major issue. Truman sent troops to Korea on an executive order and was so negligent that he turned a year into a three year quagmire that was so mismanaged that the liberal media walked away and called it the "forgotten war". The U.S. losses are still being argued but it seems that 50,000 died during the three years. LBJ thought he had a better idea. He created a fake crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. We lost close to 50,000 in LBJ's war.

Rewriting history again?

Yes some Dems voted for it , based on Ws lies about Wmds .
LOL ,"Some", nearly 40% of the House Democrats and 58% of the Senate Democrats voted for it.

You hyper-partisan wannabe spin-meisters are hilarious.
You know it's really pathetic when you can look at the title and the author and know exactly what a thread is going to say before you click on it
What? Wait?

Your Messiah said it was global warming....he is infallible...he is the one we have all been waiting for....he is the true God....he is the one. How could he be wrong.
I have no "messiah" and in my opinion global warning is a threat but not as iminate as this one. Far right/GOP extremists are our nations biggest threat.

Easily the biggest threat to all of mankind, is government. One would have to be a fool not know this...because all of human history proves it over and over again.

Not all government is bad. Self government is very good. It's just rarely used
GOP only care about their big biz masters . All of their talking points are based on hating People .

In the old days they'd at least be frugal with spending . Those days are loooong gone .
a demoquack whining about spending?

Timmy steps onto the thread and immediately falls in the well again

You cons had plenty to say about spending, until Trump came in. Now you don't care.

You loons never uttered a peep under you care.

See how this works? You're too easy

Difference is that the Dems didn't push it as an election talking point . Unlike the two faced cons . See how it works ?

You have no idea how it works, partisan shill

Praise from Caesar!
a demoquack whining about spending?

Timmy steps onto the thread and immediately falls in the well again

You cons had plenty to say about spending, until Trump came in. Now you don't care.

You loons never uttered a peep under you care.

See how this works? You're too easy

Difference is that the Dems didn't push it as an election talking point . Unlike the two faced cons . See how it works ?

You have no idea how it works, partisan shill

Praise from Caesar!

It's hail Ceaser
Lefties are living a propaganda lie. Democrats in congress authorized President Bush to use combat troops in Iraq to enforce the U.N. sanctions against Saddam and then spent the rest of the time undermining the mission.. Even though president Clinton claimed that Iraq was producing WMD's it was not a major issue. Truman sent troops to Korea on an executive order and was so negligent that he turned a year into a three year quagmire that was so mismanaged that the liberal media walked away and called it the "forgotten war". The U.S. losses are still being argued but it seems that 50,000 died during the three years. LBJ thought he had a better idea. He created a fake crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. We lost close to 50,000 in LBJ's war.

Rewriting history again?

Yes some Dems voted for it , based on Ws lies about Wmds .
LOL ,"Some", nearly 40% of the House Democrats and 58% of the Senate Democrats voted for it.

You hyper-partisan wannabe spin-meisters are hilarious.

Percents ??? Why not post the actual numbers! Let see the scoreboard!
Only 2 Presidents have ever used the IRS as a 'weapon' against American citizens - Bill Clinton and Barak Obama.

Now who's the threat?

Under Obama, his administration illegally spied on US citizens, journalists, the media, and even Congress. Justice Kennedy recently stated that he believes Obama even spied on the USSC.

Gee, WHO is the bigger threat?
It must be comforting to live in such a completely simple-minded world where one big group represents the bad guys and another big group the good.

The real threat to this country is this tribal approach to politics, where simplistic people invest all manner of perfidy to the tribe they hate and ignore any misdeeds of the tribe towards which they identify.
democrats have their downfalls, but they do not work with the only goal being american destruction. That's the republicans and they've been proving it for decades.

So destroying healthcare, the economy, arguing to limit speech and kill children is just an unintended side effect to their policies?

What was once the party of patriots has melted into an unrecognizable mouthpiece for religious fundamentalism, along with the perfect platform to get all racists to the voting booth, as well as the crusader for the wealthiest of the country. It is almost like the Republicans have sold their soul to the highest bidder. They are whores who can be paid to do nearly anything you can imagine. Their base is simply not smart enough to to connect the dots. Many republican policies hurt republicans voters the worst, but like a moth to the light they just keep coming back.

Let's back track to our last GOP occupation:
"George W. Bush’s presidency, with Congressional Republicans in lockstep behind him, made an excellent start on the destructive transformation of this country: two unpaid-for wars (one based on lies); failure to prevent the worst terrorist attack on the homeland or punish its instigators; waste of tens of thousands of U.S. and foreign lives, and worldwide diplomatic failure.

At home, approval of torture, warrantless wiretapping and ineptness and indifference in the face of Hurricane Katrina created a permanent stain. Economically, Republican tax cuts created few jobs and increased the national debt by 75 percent. What the Washington Post dubbed “executive grandeur” made income inequality the worst since the 1930s Depression. Finally, the GOP’s failed stewardship of the economy resulted in a crisis that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testified was even worse than the Depression."

Economically, the GOP works to strip money from the poor and middle class and funnel it to the top 1%, who already holds the majority of the country's money.
We can see this in their policies:
-Tax cuts to the wealthy (middle class have to balance out these cuts)
-Keep minimum wage as low as possible as living costs continue to rise
-Cut social assistance programs that assist the poor in balancing out the low wages and extremely high living costs and assist in upward mobility.
-removing regulations that keep big business in check
"Given the frightening record of business and financial deception and fraud that led to the economic crisis, who in their right mind could possibly oppose increased regulation of business and enhanced protection for consumers? The answer: almost all Republicans."

Let's examine how religious extremism has hijacked the party:
Does anyone know what ted cruz referred to as the darkest day in American History?
-Not the start of the civil war, not 9/11. nor pearl harbor, nor realizing we were dragged to war on lies...
But Cruz was referring to the day the SCOTUS ruled NOT to overturn ACA, and ruled that states could not deny gay marriage.
So extending healthcare to millions, and extending basic rights to millions, are seen in the eyes of the GOP as downfalls. To republicans- the more Americans that are being helped, the more angry they are.
To republicans the extension of rights is far more awful than war, bloodshed, and terrorist attacks.

Let's examine how the influence of racism in America has become one of the GOP's most glaring characteristics
-Voter suppression
-Mass incarceration
-marginalization and scapegoating of minorities
The latest Presidential election shows how far the party has sunken. Donald J Trump, who has been in the spotlight all of his life, has always been blatant, loud, and unapologetic about his racism. His nomination and winning of the GOP shows end result of decades of increasingly racist rhetoric.

People around the world are taking note.
A citizen of Uganda and regular commuter to the United States recently noted that,

The U.S. Constitution says the government’s responsibility is to provide welfare, security and safety to its population allowing every person the opportunity to live in a dignified manner; Republicans believe otherwise and have created a system that has become a rich man’s plaything.

Another observer noted
A resident of an EU nation remarked that,

I am completely flabbergasted by what has become of America. In the Republican Party stupidity is admired and encouraged, intelligence and education are viewed as ‘elitist’, money is their God and fear is their motivator. If more people outside the US continue to speak very loudly about this situation, it might help them turn things around. The hate and fear that Fox (NOT news) promotes helped the Republican Party create and fuel the atmosphere threatening America."

Republicans: The Single Greatest Threat to America | HuffPost
Paul Ryan’s War on the American Dream
Increasingly The World Sees Republicans As The Greatest Threat To America
So, What is your solution to the problem? Socialism?

View attachment 126896
In a fantasy world I would advocate deporting all deplorables and stripping their citizenship. They are anti-American and dangerous to our way of life.
But more realistically I think it comes down to education reform.

Say what you really mean , more indoctrination...


What was once the party of patriots has melted into an unrecognizable mouthpiece for religious fundamentalism, along with the perfect platform to get all racists to the voting booth, as well as the crusader for the wealthiest of the country. It is almost like the Republicans have sold their soul to the highest bidder. They are whores who can be paid to do nearly anything you can imagine. Their base is simply not smart enough to to connect the dots. Many republican policies hurt republicans voters the worst, but like a moth to the light they just keep coming back.

Let's back track to our last GOP occupation:
"George W. Bush’s presidency, with Congressional Republicans in lockstep behind him, made an excellent start on the destructive transformation of this country: two unpaid-for wars (one based on lies); failure to prevent the worst terrorist attack on the homeland or punish its instigators; waste of tens of thousands of U.S. and foreign lives, and worldwide diplomatic failure.

At home, approval of torture, warrantless wiretapping and ineptness and indifference in the face of Hurricane Katrina created a permanent stain. Economically, Republican tax cuts created few jobs and increased the national debt by 75 percent. What the Washington Post dubbed “executive grandeur” made income inequality the worst since the 1930s Depression. Finally, the GOP’s failed stewardship of the economy resulted in a crisis that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testified was even worse than the Depression."

Economically, the GOP works to strip money from the poor and middle class and funnel it to the top 1%, who already holds the majority of the country's money.
We can see this in their policies:
-Tax cuts to the wealthy (middle class have to balance out these cuts)
-Keep minimum wage as low as possible as living costs continue to rise
-Cut social assistance programs that assist the poor in balancing out the low wages and extremely high living costs and assist in upward mobility.
-removing regulations that keep big business in check
"Given the frightening record of business and financial deception and fraud that led to the economic crisis, who in their right mind could possibly oppose increased regulation of business and enhanced protection for consumers? The answer: almost all Republicans."

Let's examine how religious extremism has hijacked the party:
Does anyone know what ted cruz referred to as the darkest day in American History?
-Not the start of the civil war, not 9/11. nor pearl harbor, nor realizing we were dragged to war on lies...
But Cruz was referring to the day the SCOTUS ruled NOT to overturn ACA, and ruled that states could not deny gay marriage.
So extending healthcare to millions, and extending basic rights to millions, are seen in the eyes of the GOP as downfalls. To republicans- the more Americans that are being helped, the more angry they are.
To republicans the extension of rights is far more awful than war, bloodshed, and terrorist attacks.

Let's examine how the influence of racism in America has become one of the GOP's most glaring characteristics
-Voter suppression
-Mass incarceration
-marginalization and scapegoating of minorities
The latest Presidential election shows how far the party has sunken. Donald J Trump, who has been in the spotlight all of his life, has always been blatant, loud, and unapologetic about his racism. His nomination and winning of the GOP shows end result of decades of increasingly racist rhetoric.

People around the world are taking note.
A citizen of Uganda and regular commuter to the United States recently noted that,

The U.S. Constitution says the government’s responsibility is to provide welfare, security and safety to its population allowing every person the opportunity to live in a dignified manner; Republicans believe otherwise and have created a system that has become a rich man’s plaything.

Another observer noted
A resident of an EU nation remarked that,

I am completely flabbergasted by what has become of America. In the Republican Party stupidity is admired and encouraged, intelligence and education are viewed as ‘elitist’, money is their God and fear is their motivator. If more people outside the US continue to speak very loudly about this situation, it might help them turn things around. The hate and fear that Fox (NOT news) promotes helped the Republican Party create and fuel the atmosphere threatening America."

Republicans: The Single Greatest Threat to America | HuffPost
Paul Ryan’s War on the American Dream
Increasingly The World Sees Republicans As The Greatest Threat To America
The word 'Patriot' never made my skin crawl until the TEA Party came about.
GOP only care about their big biz masters . All of their talking points are based on hating People .

In the old days they'd at least be frugal with spending . Those days are loooong gone .

Libs only care about their masters. They hate and despise the people.
thats why they want to expand healthcare to the people, expand rights to the people, raise the people's earnings, put the peoples tax dollars back into the people's communities instead of the pockets of the billionaires????

Is it opposite day or are you just a freaking moron?

raise the people's earnings

How they going to do that?

It must be comforting to live in such a completely simple-minded world where one big group represents the bad guys and another big group the good.

The real threat to this country is this tribal approach to politics, where simplistic people invest all manner of perfidy to the tribe they hate and ignore any misdeeds of the tribe towards which they identify.
I agree that this is a problem but where did the OP support the Dems?

What was once the party of patriots has melted into an unrecognizable mouthpiece for religious fundamentalism, along with the perfect platform to get all racists to the voting booth, as well as the crusader for the wealthiest of the country. It is almost like the Republicans have sold their soul to the highest bidder. They are whores who can be paid to do nearly anything you can imagine. Their base is simply not smart enough to to connect the dots. Many republican policies hurt republicans voters the worst, but like a moth to the light they just keep coming back.

Let's back track to our last GOP occupation:
"George W. Bush’s presidency, with Congressional Republicans in lockstep behind him, made an excellent start on the destructive transformation of this country: two unpaid-for wars (one based on lies); failure to prevent the worst terrorist attack on the homeland or punish its instigators; waste of tens of thousands of U.S. and foreign lives, and worldwide diplomatic failure.

At home, approval of torture, warrantless wiretapping and ineptness and indifference in the face of Hurricane Katrina created a permanent stain. Economically, Republican tax cuts created few jobs and increased the national debt by 75 percent. What the Washington Post dubbed “executive grandeur” made income inequality the worst since the 1930s Depression. Finally, the GOP’s failed stewardship of the economy resulted in a crisis that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testified was even worse than the Depression."

Economically, the GOP works to strip money from the poor and middle class and funnel it to the top 1%, who already holds the majority of the country's money.
We can see this in their policies:
-Tax cuts to the wealthy (middle class have to balance out these cuts)
-Keep minimum wage as low as possible as living costs continue to rise
-Cut social assistance programs that assist the poor in balancing out the low wages and extremely high living costs and assist in upward mobility.
-removing regulations that keep big business in check
"Given the frightening record of business and financial deception and fraud that led to the economic crisis, who in their right mind could possibly oppose increased regulation of business and enhanced protection for consumers? The answer: almost all Republicans."

Let's examine how religious extremism has hijacked the party:
Does anyone know what ted cruz referred to as the darkest day in American History?
-Not the start of the civil war, not 9/11. nor pearl harbor, nor realizing we were dragged to war on lies...
But Cruz was referring to the day the SCOTUS ruled NOT to overturn ACA, and ruled that states could not deny gay marriage.
So extending healthcare to millions, and extending basic rights to millions, are seen in the eyes of the GOP as downfalls. To republicans- the more Americans that are being helped, the more angry they are.
To republicans the extension of rights is far more awful than war, bloodshed, and terrorist attacks.

Let's examine how the influence of racism in America has become one of the GOP's most glaring characteristics
-Voter suppression
-Mass incarceration
-marginalization and scapegoating of minorities
The latest Presidential election shows how far the party has sunken. Donald J Trump, who has been in the spotlight all of his life, has always been blatant, loud, and unapologetic about his racism. His nomination and winning of the GOP shows end result of decades of increasingly racist rhetoric.

People around the world are taking note.
A citizen of Uganda and regular commuter to the United States recently noted that,

The U.S. Constitution says the government’s responsibility is to provide welfare, security and safety to its population allowing every person the opportunity to live in a dignified manner; Republicans believe otherwise and have created a system that has become a rich man’s plaything.

Another observer noted
A resident of an EU nation remarked that,

I am completely flabbergasted by what has become of America. In the Republican Party stupidity is admired and encouraged, intelligence and education are viewed as ‘elitist’, money is their God and fear is their motivator. If more people outside the US continue to speak very loudly about this situation, it might help them turn things around. The hate and fear that Fox (NOT news) promotes helped the Republican Party create and fuel the atmosphere threatening America."

Republicans: The Single Greatest Threat to America | HuffPost
Paul Ryan’s War on the American Dream
Increasingly The World Sees Republicans As The Greatest Threat To America

To summarize:

WAAAAHHHHH!!!! People disagree with me!!!! WAAAAHHHHH!!!
As always, just as sharp as a tack. <sarcasm>

What was once the party of patriots has melted into an unrecognizable mouthpiece for religious fundamentalism, along with the perfect platform to get all racists to the voting booth, as well as the crusader for the wealthiest of the country. It is almost like the Republicans have sold their soul to the highest bidder. They are whores who can be paid to do nearly anything you can imagine. Their base is simply not smart enough to to connect the dots. Many republican policies hurt republicans voters the worst, but like a moth to the light they just keep coming back.

Let's back track to our last GOP occupation:
"George W. Bush’s presidency, with Congressional Republicans in lockstep behind him, made an excellent start on the destructive transformation of this country: two unpaid-for wars (one based on lies); failure to prevent the worst terrorist attack on the homeland or punish its instigators; waste of tens of thousands of U.S. and foreign lives, and worldwide diplomatic failure.

At home, approval of torture, warrantless wiretapping and ineptness and indifference in the face of Hurricane Katrina created a permanent stain. Economically, Republican tax cuts created few jobs and increased the national debt by 75 percent. What the Washington Post dubbed “executive grandeur” made income inequality the worst since the 1930s Depression. Finally, the GOP’s failed stewardship of the economy resulted in a crisis that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testified was even worse than the Depression."

Economically, the GOP works to strip money from the poor and middle class and funnel it to the top 1%, who already holds the majority of the country's money.
We can see this in their policies:
-Tax cuts to the wealthy (middle class have to balance out these cuts)
-Keep minimum wage as low as possible as living costs continue to rise
-Cut social assistance programs that assist the poor in balancing out the low wages and extremely high living costs and assist in upward mobility.
-removing regulations that keep big business in check
"Given the frightening record of business and financial deception and fraud that led to the economic crisis, who in their right mind could possibly oppose increased regulation of business and enhanced protection for consumers? The answer: almost all Republicans."

Let's examine how religious extremism has hijacked the party:
Does anyone know what ted cruz referred to as the darkest day in American History?
-Not the start of the civil war, not 9/11. nor pearl harbor, nor realizing we were dragged to war on lies...
But Cruz was referring to the day the SCOTUS ruled NOT to overturn ACA, and ruled that states could not deny gay marriage.
So extending healthcare to millions, and extending basic rights to millions, are seen in the eyes of the GOP as downfalls. To republicans- the more Americans that are being helped, the more angry they are.
To republicans the extension of rights is far more awful than war, bloodshed, and terrorist attacks.

Let's examine how the influence of racism in America has become one of the GOP's most glaring characteristics
-Voter suppression
-Mass incarceration
-marginalization and scapegoating of minorities
The latest Presidential election shows how far the party has sunken. Donald J Trump, who has been in the spotlight all of his life, has always been blatant, loud, and unapologetic about his racism. His nomination and winning of the GOP shows end result of decades of increasingly racist rhetoric.

People around the world are taking note.
A citizen of Uganda and regular commuter to the United States recently noted that,

The U.S. Constitution says the government’s responsibility is to provide welfare, security and safety to its population allowing every person the opportunity to live in a dignified manner; Republicans believe otherwise and have created a system that has become a rich man’s plaything.

Another observer noted
A resident of an EU nation remarked that,

I am completely flabbergasted by what has become of America. In the Republican Party stupidity is admired and encouraged, intelligence and education are viewed as ‘elitist’, money is their God and fear is their motivator. If more people outside the US continue to speak very loudly about this situation, it might help them turn things around. The hate and fear that Fox (NOT news) promotes helped the Republican Party create and fuel the atmosphere threatening America."

Republicans: The Single Greatest Threat to America | HuffPost
Paul Ryan’s War on the American Dream
Increasingly The World Sees Republicans As The Greatest Threat To America
The word 'Patriot' never made my skin crawl until the TEA Party came about.
The word 'Patriot' never made my skin crawl until the TEA Party came about.
Liberals hate old people too.

Only 2 Presidents have ever used the IRS as a 'weapon' against American citizens - Bill Clinton and Barak Obama.

Now who's the threat?

Under Obama, his administration illegally spied on US citizens, journalists, the media, and even Congress. Justice Kennedy recently stated that he believes Obama even spied on the USSC.

Gee, WHO is the bigger threat?

Obama did no such thing . For once righties were profiled by a gov agency and they act like it's the greatest injustice ever. The irony that profiling people is party of the GOP talking points . So long as it's brown people .
Lefties are living a propaganda lie. Democrats in congress authorized President Bush to use combat troops in Iraq to enforce the U.N. sanctions against Saddam and then spent the rest of the time undermining the mission.. Even though president Clinton claimed that Iraq was producing WMD's it was not a major issue. Truman sent troops to Korea on an executive order and was so negligent that he turned a year into a three year quagmire that was so mismanaged that the liberal media walked away and called it the "forgotten war". The U.S. losses are still being argued but it seems that 50,000 died during the three years. LBJ thought he had a better idea. He created a fake crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. We lost close to 50,000 in LBJ's war.

Rewriting history again?

Yes some Dems voted for it , based on Ws lies about Wmds .
LOL ,"Some", nearly 40% of the House Democrats and 58% of the Senate Democrats voted for it.

You hyper-partisan wannabe spin-meisters are hilarious.

Percents ??? Why not post the actual numbers! Let see the scoreboard!
LOL, which is it; you can't figure out how to do percentages? or you had no idea what the actual vote count was? or both.

House 82 Democrats yea, 126 Nay , 1 NV (39.2%)
Senate 29 Democrats yea, 21 Nay (58%)

Combined 42.85% of Democrats voted for President Gunslingers AUF.

"Some" indeed, how about next time you just present the facts instead of your highly partisan biased spin, K, thanks.
Only 2 Presidents have ever used the IRS as a 'weapon' against American citizens - Bill Clinton and Barak Obama.

Now who's the threat?

Under Obama, his administration illegally spied on US citizens, journalists, the media, and even Congress. Justice Kennedy recently stated that he believes Obama even spied on the USSC.

Gee, WHO is the bigger threat?

Obama did no such thing . For once righties were profiled by a gov agency and they act like it's the greatest injustice ever. The irony that profiling people is party of the GOP talking points . So long as it's brown people .

Oh look, another dishonest, racist liberal.
Lefties are living a propaganda lie. Democrats in congress authorized President Bush to use combat troops in Iraq to enforce the U.N. sanctions against Saddam and then spent the rest of the time undermining the mission.. Even though president Clinton claimed that Iraq was producing WMD's it was not a major issue. Truman sent troops to Korea on an executive order and was so negligent that he turned a year into a three year quagmire that was so mismanaged that the liberal media walked away and called it the "forgotten war". The U.S. losses are still being argued but it seems that 50,000 died during the three years. LBJ thought he had a better idea. He created a fake crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. We lost close to 50,000 in LBJ's war.

Rewriting history again?

Yes some Dems voted for it , based on Ws lies about Wmds .
LOL ,"Some", nearly 40% of the House Democrats and 58% of the Senate Democrats voted for it.

You hyper-partisan wannabe spin-meisters are hilarious.

Percents ??? Why not post the actual numbers! Let see the scoreboard!

Let me help

For the war: 29 Dems 48 GOP
Against war. 21 Dems. 1 GOP. 1 Indy

For war : 81 Dems. 214 GOP. 1 Indy
Against : 126 Dems. 6 GOP 1 Indy

Yet you try to spin that it was near equal??

What was once the party of patriots has melted into an unrecognizable mouthpiece for religious fundamentalism, along with the perfect platform to get all racists to the voting booth, as well as the crusader for the wealthiest of the country. It is almost like the Republicans have sold their soul to the highest bidder. They are whores who can be paid to do nearly anything you can imagine. Their base is simply not smart enough to to connect the dots. Many republican policies hurt republicans voters the worst, but like a moth to the light they just keep coming back.

Let's back track to our last GOP occupation:
"George W. Bush’s presidency, with Congressional Republicans in lockstep behind him, made an excellent start on the destructive transformation of this country: two unpaid-for wars (one based on lies); failure to prevent the worst terrorist attack on the homeland or punish its instigators; waste of tens of thousands of U.S. and foreign lives, and worldwide diplomatic failure.

At home, approval of torture, warrantless wiretapping and ineptness and indifference in the face of Hurricane Katrina created a permanent stain. Economically, Republican tax cuts created few jobs and increased the national debt by 75 percent. What the Washington Post dubbed “executive grandeur” made income inequality the worst since the 1930s Depression. Finally, the GOP’s failed stewardship of the economy resulted in a crisis that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testified was even worse than the Depression."

Economically, the GOP works to strip money from the poor and middle class and funnel it to the top 1%, who already holds the majority of the country's money.
We can see this in their policies:
-Tax cuts to the wealthy (middle class have to balance out these cuts)
-Keep minimum wage as low as possible as living costs continue to rise
-Cut social assistance programs that assist the poor in balancing out the low wages and extremely high living costs and assist in upward mobility.
-removing regulations that keep big business in check
"Given the frightening record of business and financial deception and fraud that led to the economic crisis, who in their right mind could possibly oppose increased regulation of business and enhanced protection for consumers? The answer: almost all Republicans."

Let's examine how religious extremism has hijacked the party:
Does anyone know what ted cruz referred to as the darkest day in American History?
-Not the start of the civil war, not 9/11. nor pearl harbor, nor realizing we were dragged to war on lies...
But Cruz was referring to the day the SCOTUS ruled NOT to overturn ACA, and ruled that states could not deny gay marriage.
So extending healthcare to millions, and extending basic rights to millions, are seen in the eyes of the GOP as downfalls. To republicans- the more Americans that are being helped, the more angry they are.
To republicans the extension of rights is far more awful than war, bloodshed, and terrorist attacks.

Let's examine how the influence of racism in America has become one of the GOP's most glaring characteristics
-Voter suppression
-Mass incarceration
-marginalization and scapegoating of minorities
The latest Presidential election shows how far the party has sunken. Donald J Trump, who has been in the spotlight all of his life, has always been blatant, loud, and unapologetic about his racism. His nomination and winning of the GOP shows end result of decades of increasingly racist rhetoric.

People around the world are taking note.
A citizen of Uganda and regular commuter to the United States recently noted that,

The U.S. Constitution says the government’s responsibility is to provide welfare, security and safety to its population allowing every person the opportunity to live in a dignified manner; Republicans believe otherwise and have created a system that has become a rich man’s plaything.

Another observer noted
A resident of an EU nation remarked that,

I am completely flabbergasted by what has become of America. In the Republican Party stupidity is admired and encouraged, intelligence and education are viewed as ‘elitist’, money is their God and fear is their motivator. If more people outside the US continue to speak very loudly about this situation, it might help them turn things around. The hate and fear that Fox (NOT news) promotes helped the Republican Party create and fuel the atmosphere threatening America."

Republicans: The Single Greatest Threat to America | HuffPost
Paul Ryan’s War on the American Dream
Increasingly The World Sees Republicans As The Greatest Threat To America

To summarize:

WAAAAHHHHH!!!! People disagree with me!!!! WAAAAHHHHH!!!
As always, just as sharp as a tack. <sarcasm>

Stop white knighting the Sock known as Aries.
Obama did no such thing .

The Obama administration was proven to have spied on a reporter and her media.

Eric Clapper testified that no Americans were being spied on...until it was revealed the Obama administration was collecting data on millions of Americans and Clapper was allowed to come back before Congress and 'amend his statement'

D-Feinstein made headlines when she revealed before Congress that the Obama administration had spied on Congress.

The article on Justice Kennedy expressing his views of Obama potentially spying on the USSC is out today.

All of these made headlines at the time, and unless you have the memory of a goldfish (or a snowflake) you should remember these. 'Uh-uh' is not an adequate defense of what happened.

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