Single Issue Voters & the threat to democracy in America

Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

Democracy IS the threat to America, and your OP cites one of many reasons why. Even if the authority voters hope to control was valid - which it's not - they are certainly not fit to control it.

If men were worthy to wield authority, they would be Gods.

There are men and women of good will worthy to make laws and create policies; unfortunately they cannot compete with the single interests of those with the money to pay to play, and don't contribute to the campaign of those who won't do their bidding, they will fund someone who will.

If "democracy IS the threat to America'', in your opinion, what method of governance should replace it?

It seems our government, even though democratically elected, has been governed by Plutocrats - for no one can doubt that what we live under at this moment in our history an Oligarchy.

I agree with your assessment of the current regime. That being said, no man is “worthy” - or even capable - of making valid law. The only valid law is natural law. Man has the choice to acknowledge this body of law, or deny it. That’s all. Any attempt to create law is a choice to deny it.

All men are endowed with equal, unalienable, natural law rights. To make law which others must obey under threat of punishment represents an inequality of rights (one has the fallacious “right” to make law, while the other does not). It also represents an attempt to alienate the other’s inherent rights by coercing him to conform to the will of another. In this way you can see that all external authority is invalid and immoral.

For this reason (and many others) I am compelled by moral and logical necessity to adopt the position that no method of governance should replace this democratic republic. Man is free, and any system of coercive control is a direct denial of that reality.

Please keep in mind that this does not obviate organization, crowd-funding, or cooperative protection on a voluntary basis.
Well the OP got the God, guns, taxes thing right. Lets see who has "single issue" voters.

Abortion ---- That's a wash. Same number both sides.

Immigration -- Both dying parties have immigration issue voters. Advantage to the Blue Team because they are LEGALLY and giving sanctuary every day to MORE single issue voters.

Environment -- Its a single issue LEFT issue really. Based on the fallacies that Repubs and others want dirty air and water ----- And that windmills and solar are ACTUALLY "alternatives". Which they are not. A lot of Left Environauts are HEAVILY anti-science and reason and able to do cost/benefit.

Economy and Jobs -- largely a GOP issue and drives the BULK of their "populist side" base. The left has shitty messaging on this and relies on division and pandering with Living Wage and Guaranteed Wage and You didn't build that --- flailings. So I suppose -- they have single issue "redistributionist" voters that are roughly the size of the Bernie base. But they can't articulate enough to win. If they COULD -- this would be a wash also. In general, the LEFT HATES thriving economies and talks about "the new normal" and fairness and redistribution..

The LARGEST single issue voters are the ones like the OPoster here. The ones that aren't really single issue voters EXCEPT that THEIR single issue is to "DEFEAT THE OTHER SIDE". And that's where we're headed. You can feel it in the threads at USMB. EVERY party animal is becoming a "single issue voter" and they will vote for DAMAGED, CORRUPT, EGOTISTICAL bastards and bitches if that's what their party is offering to DEFEAT -- the other side.

That's the demise of the 2 Brand name parties. And by being only concerned about winning power and NOT THE ISSUES -- America is circling the drain politically..
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men (mostly, not to leave out W.T. and the drunk cat, et al) and proved that a man of color could govern effectively.

Even when the Republican Party and Alt Right worked as hard could to make him fail Of course they failed in that too since his leadership brought are economy back from the brink of the abyss, he repaired working relationships with our allies and worked toward making all of our citizens equal before the law; enabling all citizens to believe they too could achieve American Dream, notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or gender identification.

Of course the Alt. Right and Republican Party spent 8+ years attacking President Obama for becoming President and for seeking equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens. His election alone brought forth the bigots, racists, misogynists and all around haters, who reject the values so well expressed in the Preamble to our Constitution.

And his commie upbringing was a major turnoff for millions of voters, of course you folks don't want to talk about that.

Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

That's five issues not a single issue. Lol. SINGLE ISSUE. What do you think that means???

LOL, yes, of course many of the herd also vote on these single issues, but each is a stand alone wedge issue. That's simple, why you couldn't get it is ... well, sad.

Do, you really believe that a person who is "obsessed" with all 5 of your issue, ie, "God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes."

is more resistant to alleged and hypothetical "demagogues" than one who is ALL about one particular one of them,

or is this just general putting negative shit out there about your enemies?
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men (mostly, not to leave out W.T. and the drunk cat, et al) and proved that a man of color could govern effectively.

Even when the Republican Party and Alt Right worked as hard could to make him fail Of course they failed in that too since his leadership brought are economy back from the brink of the abyss, he repaired working relationships with our allies and worked toward making all of our citizens equal before the law; enabling all citizens to believe they too could achieve American Dream, notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or gender identification.

Of course the Alt. Right and Republican Party spent 8+ years attacking President Obama for becoming President and for seeking equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens. His election alone brought forth the bigots, racists, misogynists and all around haters, who reject the values so well expressed in the Preamble to our Constitution.

And his commie upbringing was a major turnoff for millions of voters, of course you folks don't want to talk about that.


This "folk" is willing to discuss your allegation. Post the evidence and I'll evaluate it.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

That's five issues not a single issue. Lol. SINGLE ISSUE. What do you think that means???

LOL, yes, of course many of the herd also vote on these single issues, but each is a stand alone wedge issue. That's simple, why you couldn't get it is ... well, sad.

Do, you really believe that a person who is "obsessed" with all 5 of your issue, ie, "God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes."

is more resistant to alleged and hypothetical "demagogues" than one who is ALL about one particular one of them,

or is this just general putting negative shit out there about your enemies?

I don't have enemies, and I'm not telepathic. It appears to me that a person with a predilection to, say abortion, is easily more led when a demagogue tells them what they want to hear, and rejects those who question or offer alternate opinions on the issue of abortion.

The law on abortion has been decided, and there has never been an effort by either party when in power to put forth an amendment to the Constitution outlawing all abortion. Yet Pols and preachers continue to use abortion as a wedge issue, and it seems the single issue voter on this matter, continues to believe some day abortion will be outlawed. Thus they continue to vote for the one party which tells them what they want to hear, notwithstanding other issues and policies - foreign and domestic - which impact our citizens from post natal to their end of life.

That is my point.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

That's five issues not a single issue. Lol. SINGLE ISSUE. What do you think that means???

LOL, yes, of course many of the herd also vote on these single issues, but each is a stand alone wedge issue. That's simple, why you couldn't get it is ... well, sad.

Do, you really believe that a person who is "obsessed" with all 5 of your issue, ie, "God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes."

is more resistant to alleged and hypothetical "demagogues" than one who is ALL about one particular one of them,

or is this just general putting negative shit out there about your enemies?

I don't have enemies,

Mmm, yeah, that's not credible. NOt even a little.

and I'm not telepathic.

Yet in the next sentence you describe why you think that the single issue voters is more easily lead. You can "read the single issue voter" but you can't read the "5 issue voter"?

Looks like a dodge.

It appears to me that a person with a predilection to, say abortion, is easily more led when a demagogue tells them what they want to hear, and rejects those who question or offer alternate opinions on the issue of abortion.

The law on abortion has been decided, and there has never been an effort by either party when in power to put forth an amendment to the Constitution outlawing all abortion. Yet Pols and preachers continue to use abortion as a wedge issue, and it seems the single issue voter on this matter, continues to believe some day abortion will be outlawed. Thus they continue to vote for the one party which tells them what they want to hear, notwithstanding other issues and policies - foreign and domestic - which impact our citizens from post natal to their end of life.

That is my point.

The law on abortion was decided in the Supreme Court.

Republicans have been appointing Judges who are, at least, NOT rabidly actively pro-abortion judges,

and many limitations have been put on abortion and upheld.

IF someday the court is conservative enough, Roe vs Wade could be overturned.

That is the only path forward for pro -lifers and the judges are being appointed.

That's not unreasonable from a pro life perspective.

Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men (mostly, not to leave out W.T. and the drunk cat, et al) and proved that a man of color could govern effectively.

Even when the Republican Party and Alt Right worked as hard could to make him fail Of course they failed in that too since his leadership brought are economy back from the brink of the abyss, he repaired working relationships with our allies and worked toward making all of our citizens equal before the law; enabling all citizens to believe they too could achieve American Dream, notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or gender identification.

Of course the Alt. Right and Republican Party spent 8+ years attacking President Obama for becoming President and for seeking equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens. His election alone brought forth the bigots, racists, misogynists and all around haters, who reject the values so well expressed in the Preamble to our Constitution.

You are an ignorant racist....

Obama went to a RACIST CHURCH for 20 years

and you and your ilk never say a word about it.

You fools need to admit a white man with obamas

past would have never had a chance at being elected.

The only reason obama was elected was because he

is black.

President Donald J. Trump is showing us all that

REAL WORLD experience is a thousand times

better than PC affirmative action.
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Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men ..n.

So much for not being able to read minds.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men (mostly, not to leave out W.T. and the drunk cat, et al) and proved that a man of color could govern effectively.

Even when the Republican Party and Alt Right worked as hard could to make him fail Of course they failed in that too since his leadership brought are economy back from the brink of the abyss, he repaired working relationships with our allies and worked toward making all of our citizens equal before the law; enabling all citizens to believe they too could achieve American Dream, notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or gender identification.

Of course the Alt. Right and Republican Party spent 8+ years attacking President Obama for becoming President and for seeking equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens. His election alone brought forth the bigots, racists, misogynists and all around haters, who reject the values so well expressed in the Preamble to our Constitution.

Hey Dip Shit....

Name the policies Obama put in place

to bring the economy back from the

brink of the abyss.....:banana:
Well the OP got the God, guns, taxes thing right. Lets see who has "single issue" voters.

Abortion ---- That's a wash. Same number both sides.

Immigration -- Both dying parties have immigration issue voters. Advantage to the Blue Team because they are LEGALLY and giving sanctuary every day to MORE single issue voters.

Environment -- Its a single issue LEFT issue really. Based on the fallacies that Repubs and others want dirty air and water ----- And that windmills and solar are ACTUALLY "alternatives". Which they are not. A lot of Left Environauts are HEAVILY anti-science and reason and able to do cost/benefit.

Economy and Jobs -- largely a GOP issue and drives the BULK of their "populist side" base. The left has shitty messaging on this and relies on division and pandering with Living Wage and Guaranteed Wage and You didn't build that --- flailings. So I suppose -- they have single issue "redistributionist" voters that are roughly the size of the Bernie base. But they can't articulate enough to win. If they COULD -- this would be a wash also. In general, the LEFT HATES thriving economies and talks about "the new normal" and fairness and redistribution..

The LARGEST single issue voters are the ones like the OPoster here. The ones that aren't really single issue voters EXCEPT that THEIR single issue is to "DEFEAT THE OTHER SIDE". And that's where we're headed. You can feel it in the threads at USMB. EVERY party animal is becoming a "single issue voter" and they will vote for DAMAGED, CORRUPT, EGOTISTICAL bastards and bitches if that's what their party is offering to DEFEAT -- the other side.

That's the demise of the 2 Brand name parties. And by being only concerned about winning power and NOT THE ISSUES -- America is circling the drain politically..

A mouth full of opinion, and yet the stink of ad hominem is what comes through. The number of logical fallacies used in each paragraph above, is sufficient, and iMO necessary, to refute, logically.
  1. Abortion is not a wash. The extreme efforts to control human sexuality reeks when the means to prevent most abortions is rejected. What I mean is that those so emotionally wrought over abortion reject age appropriate sex ed. in public schools, reject contrceptives for all females fertile and sexually active, and free or low cost voluntary sterilization for both men and women who choose to not have children.
  2. Immigration is an issue and needs to be addressed. McConnell and Ryan have done nothing to move this issue, even to debate in either chamber, and the Administration has done nothing beyond fear mongering. Clearly this is an a issue of right and wrong, not liberal of conservative, Democratic or Republican, and a lack of effective leadership.
  3. The protection of our air, water and soil from pollution is a great matter of concern and trivialized by a loud minority. Those who whine about the national debt being left to future generations ought to consider how pollution will impact the health and well being of all living things;
  4. Our economy is both consumer driven and has evolved from manufacturing to a service/technology one, and jobs will require the emerging work population to be prepared. Very little has been done or even discussed to solve this issue, in fact, the effort seems to be to promise hand on jobs when the reality is robots and computers are taking over blue collar jobs.
Am I partisan, you bet. Not because the Democrats have all the answers, but because the Republicans reject reality, change is in the wind and has been for decades, and they refuse to even discuss it.

And people like you, have nothing to offer but logical fallacies and fear mongering. I don't know everything, and the biggest gap I have is why people like you are strong on criticism but lack the willingness to talk about issues, and will not or can not respond thoughtfully to issues such as the one this thread is based upon.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.
It's snowflakes like yourself acting like children because Hillary didn't win. That's what's dividing us. Now go to your cry closet.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

That's five issues not a single issue. Lol. SINGLE ISSUE. What do you think that means???

LOL, yes, of course many of the herd also vote on these single issues, but each is a stand alone wedge issue. That's simple, why you couldn't get it is ... well, sad.

Do, you really believe that a person who is "obsessed" with all 5 of your issue, ie, "God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes."

is more resistant to alleged and hypothetical "demagogues" than one who is ALL about one particular one of them,

or is this just general putting negative shit out there about your enemies?

I don't have enemies,

Mmm, yeah, that's not credible. NOt even a little.

and I'm not telepathic.

Yet in the next sentence you describe why you think that the single issue voters is more easily lead. You can "read the single issue voter" but you can't read the "5 issue voter"?

Looks like a dodge.

It appears to me that a person with a predilection to, say abortion, is easily more led when a demagogue tells them what they want to hear, and rejects those who question or offer alternate opinions on the issue of abortion.

The law on abortion has been decided, and there has never been an effort by either party when in power to put forth an amendment to the Constitution outlawing all abortion. Yet Pols and preachers continue to use abortion as a wedge issue, and it seems the single issue voter on this matter, continues to believe some day abortion will be outlawed. Thus they continue to vote for the one party which tells them what they want to hear, notwithstanding other issues and policies - foreign and domestic - which impact our citizens from post natal to their end of life.

That is my point.

The law on abortion was decided in the Supreme Court.

Republicans have been appointing Judges who are, at least, NOT rabidly actively pro-abortion judges,

and many limitations have been put on abortion and upheld.

IF someday the court is conservative enough, Roe vs Wade could be overturned.

That is the only path forward for pro -lifers and the judges are being appointed.

That's not unreasonable from a pro life perspective.


Cherry picking my post is dishonest. That's the only take away from your post that is relevant.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men (mostly, not to leave out W.T. and the drunk cat, et al) and proved that a man of color could govern effectively.

Even when the Republican Party and Alt Right worked as hard could to make him fail Of course they failed in that too since his leadership brought are economy back from the brink of the abyss, he repaired working relationships with our allies and worked toward making all of our citizens equal before the law; enabling all citizens to believe they too could achieve American Dream, notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or gender identification.

Of course the Alt. Right and Republican Party spent 8+ years attacking President Obama for becoming President and for seeking equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens. His election alone brought forth the bigots, racists, misogynists and all around haters, who reject the values so well expressed in the Preamble to our Constitution.
He was half white, or did you forget that fact?
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

That's five issues not a single issue. Lol. SINGLE ISSUE. What do you think that means???

LOL, yes, of course many of the herd also vote on these single issues, but each is a stand alone wedge issue. That's simple, why you couldn't get it is ... well, sad.
Yes, liberals made me a single issue voter in the last election. Anyone but hillary.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

LMAO liberals are not obsessed with issues? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: I love these liberal projection threads. :auiqs.jpg:

The Left has ONE issue, use Gov to make everyone do as they think they should.

The Gop doesn’t ?!!! Lol! They are always messing wh people just for kicks . Take gay marriage. Whats it to conservatives? Doesn’t effect their lives . Same wh women reproductive rights .
Have you figured out which bathroom to use today? Gay marriage laid the groundwork for this bullshit.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

That's five issues not a single issue. Lol. SINGLE ISSUE. What do you think that means???

LOL, yes, of course many of the herd also vote on these single issues, but each is a stand alone wedge issue. That's simple, why you couldn't get it is ... well, sad.
Yes, liberals made me a single issue voter in the last election. Anyone but hillary.

That's your right. How do you think your vote has worked out? Why are we better off now, then when Obama was POTUS.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men (mostly, not to leave out W.T. and the drunk cat, et al) and proved that a man of color could govern effectively.

Even when the Republican Party and Alt Right worked as hard could to make him fail Of course they failed in that too since his leadership brought are economy back from the brink of the abyss, he repaired working relationships with our allies and worked toward making all of our citizens equal before the law; enabling all citizens to believe they too could achieve American Dream, notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or gender identification.

Of course the Alt. Right and Republican Party spent 8+ years attacking President Obama for becoming President and for seeking equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens. His election alone brought forth the bigots, racists, misogynists and all around haters, who reject the values so well expressed in the Preamble to our Constitution.

And his commie upbringing was a major turnoff for millions of voters, of course you folks don't want to talk about that.


This "folk" is willing to discuss your allegation. Post the evidence and I'll evaluate it.
For one his father hated America. His pastor of over 20 years is an American hating racist. Just to name a few.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

LMAO liberals are not obsessed with issues? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: I love these liberal projection threads. :auiqs.jpg:

The Left has ONE issue, use Gov to make everyone do as they think they should.

The Gop doesn’t ?!!! Lol! They are always messing wh people just for kicks . Take gay marriage. Whats it to conservatives? Doesn’t effect their lives . Same wh women reproductive rights .
Have you figured out which bathroom to use today? Gay marriage laid the groundwork for this bullshit.

Maybe the words in the Declaration of Independence, and in the Preamble to our Constitution laid the groundwork for these rights?

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