Single moms are breeding criminals

No one made that mistake. The term "single mothers" is a euphemism sociologists use to refer to mothers who were never married. It doesn't refer to widows or divorced women. It's not an "assumption," that these women are stupid and irresponsible. Whether a sperm donor is required is beside the point. The women were 100% in control of whether they got pregnant and carried their child to term. Many of them do it intentionally because they want to qualify for a welfare check.

More lies... more making the extreme into mainstream.... You gullible idiot... Rush and the boys say it... you swallow it whole and never question their "genius". You don't have a "critical thinking" bone in your body, do you?

I see you had nothing to refute my statement with.

Thanks for playing!
No one made that mistake. The term "single mothers" is a euphemism sociologists use to refer to mothers who were never married. It doesn't refer to widows or divorced women. It's not an "assumption," that these women are stupid and irresponsible. Whether a sperm donor is required is beside the point. The women were 100% in control of whether they got pregnant and carried their child to term. Many of them do it intentionally because they want to qualify for a welfare check.

More lies... more making the extreme into mainstream.... You gullible idiot... Rush and the boys say it... you swallow it whole and never question their "genius". You don't have a "critical thinking" bone in your body, do you?

I see you had nothing to refute my statement with.

Thanks for playing!

Your "statement" is nothing more than your fucking outrageously deluded opinion... well, that and the talking point of your side... it's not based in fact... it's all bullshit.
The fact remains that they are 100% in control of whether they get pregnant. Only someone who rode the shortbus to school wouldn't understand that.

And men aren't? They aren't in control of their urges and desires? God gave us those urges and desires.... both men AND women. Like I said... you think this all happens in a vacuum or a fucking laboratory where all things are equal and constant.

I'd be willing to bet my next fucking paycheck that you talked some woman at some point in your life into having sex with you....I'd be willing to bet if one were to examine your life and those of your fellow "moral" Conservatives... You've fucked your way to the present... married or not. You reek of hypocrisy and judgmentalism.... You are what is wrong with the world.

Nothing you posted changes a thing I said.

BTW, I have never argued against the use of birth control. I have only argued that the Catholic church shouldn't be forced to pay for it.
I agree. The spotlight needs to be shined on useless, absent fathers. How about "Absent Fathers Breed Criminals" instead. At least the single moms are living up to their responsibilities trying to take care of their children. Time to start hauling some men off to jail.
I quick scanned this post and I can see another winner for the Rethugs.

Maybe the Teapartie will take it up.

"Stop all welfare funding to single women because they are breeding criminals."

That right there is a winner for sure. Rush will go at it full throat. FOX will post the facts and do little pieces on blacks in prison with single moms, to prove the point. Because all Rethugs know that only blacks are on welfare and that only black women have children out side of marriage. (except for my white trash nephew that has two children by two white women. One of which has four total children by four different men.) And welfare is definitely flowing to these white women. Get it stopped. These women could be raising future criminals.

Yep they can ride this issue all the way to the WH. Go for it please.

So you think we should encourage women to have illegitimate children? Is that really what you're saying?

It seems more like an encouragement to men to go out and father children without being responsible for their spawn.
Men who abandon their own children are the absolute lowest of the low scum of the earth.
Most single moms do have babies all by themselves due to useless men.
My father was killed when I was 2. I was raised by a single mother. I am not a criminal.

Santorum is a dumb fuck.

Your mother didn't make a choice to have an out of wedlock child in order to get away from her parents and get a monthly AFDC check.

See the difference?

The term single mother is a broad one.

People who paint with such broad brushes are dumb fucks hence Insanetorum is a dumb fuck
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He's more than likely correct. People have to stop fearing truth and instead embrace it. The problems cannot be solved if they are not first accepted as problems. Single-Parenting is a very big problem in this Country. And ignoring that fact for political gain, will cost the Country big-time in the end.
He's more than likely correct. People have to stop fearing truth and instead embrace it. The problems cannot be solved if they are not first accepted as problems. Single-Parenting is a very big problem in this Country. And ignoring that fact for political gain, will cost the Country big-time in the end.

Well its not all on the shoulders of the single mothers, these men have to take part of the blame. Being a single mother is hard job, something I would not want to do.
The fact remains that they are 100% in control of whether they get pregnant. Only someone who rode the shortbus to school wouldn't understand that.

And men aren't? They aren't in control of their urges and desires? God gave us those urges and desires.... both men AND women. Like I said... you think this all happens in a vacuum or a fucking laboratory where all things are equal and constant.

I'd be willing to bet my next fucking paycheck that you talked some woman at some point in your life into having sex with you....I'd be willing to bet if one were to examine your life and those of your fellow "moral" Conservatives... You've fucked your way to the present... married or not. You reek of hypocrisy and judgmentalism.... You are what is wrong with the world.

Nothing you posted changes a thing I said.

BTW, I have never argued against the use of birth control. I have only argued that the Catholic church shouldn't be forced to pay for it.

Nothing I posted changes a thing you said? Who in the fuck do you think you are? Mr. Absolute? I wasn't trying to "change" what you said...I was just pointing out the hypocrisy and the bigotry you are showing.

What you fuckers have to realize is that PEOPLE HAVE SEX. Even Rick SATANum has sex. People who have sex and don't want to get pregnant or get a disease... use protection against both.

Lastly, you haven't "only argued" the Catholic Church thing... you've been berating and derogatory on the whole issue. This is the FIRST time since the Fluke/Limbaugh thing that you've even mentioned the Catholic Church. You can't backpedal your way out of this, hypocrite.
I quick scanned this post and I can see another winner for the Rethugs.

Maybe the Teapartie will take it up.

"Stop all welfare funding to single women because they are breeding criminals."

That right there is a winner for sure. Rush will go at it full throat. FOX will post the facts and do little pieces on blacks in prison with single moms, to prove the point. Because all Rethugs know that only blacks are on welfare and that only black women have children out side of marriage. (except for my white trash nephew that has two children by two white women. One of which has four total children by four different men.) And welfare is definitely flowing to these white women. Get it stopped. These women could be raising future criminals.

Yep they can ride this issue all the way to the WH. Go for it please.

So you think we should encourage women to have illegitimate children? Is that really what you're saying?

It seems more like an encouragement to men to go out and father children without being responsible for their spawn.

Whats encouraging about men going out and getting a bunch of women pregnant and getting all their paychecks taken by child support? I don't anything encouraging about that.
He's more than likely correct. People have to stop fearing truth and instead embrace it. The problems cannot be solved if they are not first accepted as problems. Single-Parenting is a very big problem in this Country. And ignoring that fact for political gain, will cost the Country big-time in the end.

Why is it a "problem"

How can you be in support of libertarian ideals and then not support a person single or married having a child if and when they want to?
Most single moms do have babies all by themselves due to useless men.

Than maybe she shouldn't be fucking said useless men, just a thought.

I agree. But, in many cases, older men who should know better are preying on younger women who don't have as much life experience. The reality is that women usually take up with someone older and not so much in the reverse. And, i see many MORE women who live up to accepting the consequences of that decision versus Walk Away Loser Men. My neighbor is one such walk away Loser Dad who has at least 3 kids by 3 different women none of whom live with him and i rarely if ever see those kids at his house. LOSER! In fact, he has a 6 month old and was supposed to marry mom but he decided not too and now she is raising this kid. LOSER

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