Single Mothers and Violent Crime


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Republicans seldom let facts get the way of their ideology, every GOP presidential candidate in 2012 claimed in one form or another "single Moms breed criminals".

Republicans like to link violent crime with single motherhood and single motherhood with minorities but...

Correlation and Causation: Single Mothers and Violent Crime
Greg Laden
November 27, 2012


The correlation between single motherhood and crime rates is clear.
The single mothers must be causing the crime by producing criminal babies!​

Nice relationship there. All else being equal one would want to look at these two variables and see if there is anything to the argument. We KNOW the two variables are related, because otherwise, why would anyone put them on the same graph!@!?? And, once they are on that graph they are perfectly correlated. One small thing that would need to work out is the fact that the criminals are probably not infants, but I’m sure that the time lag thing is just a detail.

Anyway, now, time has passed since that correlation seemed to be explanatory of high crime rates. Has anything changed since then? Let’s look at the data, updated:

Single mothers appear to have stopped causing crime at around 1990 or so.​

Well, now that we see the whole data set, one might wonder why single motherhood rate was not correlated to crime rate prior to 1970. Maybe that’s the time lag thing. It turns out, in fact, that of the 50 years shown on this graph, the correlation seems to work for only about half the time.

Single mothers, you are off the hook. FOR NOW!

Gawd, just Leave us all alone. All the rest of us in the country just want you people to mind your own frikken business. If single mothers, married mothers, young, old, etc wanted your blather so called, concern.... they'd yank on your chains

what else do you losers from the Democrat party have to run on.

Well gollly gee folks, we don't understand and can't damn sure figure out why the people VOTED our party out of control of Congress in only SIX years under that thug we put in as President, OUR King Obama

but just DIVIDE division, divide division, tear the country and people apart
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The correct analysis is the incidence of crime within single parent families compared with the incidence of crime within two parent families. But then we all know how that would turn out.
The correct analysis is the incidence of crime within single parent families compared with the incidence of crime within two parent families. But then we all know how that would turn out.
Libs suck at statistics!

Giggle... reading comprehension problem?

The top chart is a chart that Republicans, including Republican presidential contenders use to prove single Moms are raising criminals -- that is; Republicans -were- using the top chart to prove "single Moms are breeding criminals" until the chart was updated and voila, the second chart shows just how wrongheaded Republicans are.
The correct analysis is the incidence of crime within single parent families compared with the incidence of crime within two parent families. But then we all know how that would turn out.
Libs suck at statistics!

Giggle... reading comprehension problem?

The top chart is a chart that Republicans, including Republican presidential contenders use to prove single Moms are raising criminals -- that is; Republicans -were- using the top chart to prove "single Moms are breeding criminals" until the chart was updated and voila, the second chart shows just how wrongheaded Republicans are.

You evidently don't mind being a tool for the Democrats. but it's not pretty and this is actually a pretty stupid topic....what a tool
The correct analysis is the incidence of crime within single parent families compared with the incidence of crime within two parent families. But then we all know how that would turn out.
Libs suck at statistics!

Giggle... reading comprehension problem?

The top chart is a chart that Republicans, including Republican presidential contenders use to prove single Moms are raising criminals -- that is; Republicans -were- using the top chart to prove "single Moms are breeding criminals" until the chart was updated and voila, the second chart shows just how wrongheaded Republicans are.

So Republicans try to cherry-pick and misrepresent statistics to push their agenda?

Is this where I act shocked?

Democrats do it too.

Check under the hood on everyone's claims.
The correct analysis is the incidence of crime within single parent families compared with the incidence of crime within two parent families. But then we all know how that would turn out.
Libs suck at statistics!

Giggle... reading comprehension problem?

The top chart is a chart that Republicans, including Republican presidential contenders use to prove single Moms are raising criminals -- that is; Republicans -were- using the top chart to prove "single Moms are breeding criminals" until the chart was updated and voila, the second chart shows just how wrongheaded Republicans are.
Your point has already been debunked. You're looking at the wrong statistics. In fact children growing up in single parent homes are far more likely to be criminals than children from two parent homes. This is simply fact.
The correct analysis is the incidence of crime within single parent families compared with the incidence of crime within two parent families. But then we all know how that would turn out.
Libs suck at statistics!

Giggle... reading comprehension problem?

The top chart is a chart that Republicans, including Republican presidential contenders use to prove single Moms are raising criminals -- that is; Republicans -were- using the top chart to prove "single Moms are breeding criminals" until the chart was updated and voila, the second chart shows just how wrongheaded Republicans are.

So Republicans try to cherry-pick and misrepresent statistics to push their agenda?

Is this where I act shocked?

Democrats do it too.

Check under the hood on everyone's claims.
You've missed the point completely.
The correct analysis is the incidence of crime within single parent families compared with the incidence of crime within two parent families. But then we all know how that would turn out.
Libs suck at statistics!

Giggle... reading comprehension problem?

The top chart is a chart that Republicans, including Republican presidential contenders use to prove single Moms are raising criminals -- that is; Republicans -were- using the top chart to prove "single Moms are breeding criminals" until the chart was updated and voila, the second chart shows just how wrongheaded Republicans are.

So Republicans try to cherry-pick and misrepresent statistics to push their agenda?

Is this where I act shocked?

Democrats do it too.

Check under the hood on everyone's claims.
You've missed the point completely.

The point of the OP and the point I am discussing is how people distort, misrepresent and lie to grind a poltical ax. I don't know or care what you may choose to call "the point."
The correct analysis is the incidence of crime within single parent families compared with the incidence of crime within two parent families. But then we all know how that would turn out.
Libs suck at statistics!

Giggle... reading comprehension problem?

The top chart is a chart that Republicans, including Republican presidential contenders use to prove single Moms are raising criminals -- that is; Republicans -were- using the top chart to prove "single Moms are breeding criminals" until the chart was updated and voila, the second chart shows just how wrongheaded Republicans are.

So Republicans try to cherry-pick and misrepresent statistics to push their agenda?

Is this where I act shocked?

Democrats do it too.

Check under the hood on everyone's claims.
You've missed the point completely.

The point of the OP and the point I am discussing is how people distort, misrepresent and lie to grind a poltical ax. I don't know or care what you may choose to call "the point."
No your point was to deflect with the "they all do it" deflection. We're discussion the OP and his inability to grasp statistics.
The correct analysis is the incidence of crime within single parent families compared with the incidence of crime within two parent families. But then we all know how that would turn out.
Libs suck at statistics!

Giggle... reading comprehension problem?

The top chart is a chart that Republicans, including Republican presidential contenders use to prove single Moms are raising criminals -- that is; Republicans -were- using the top chart to prove "single Moms are breeding criminals" until the chart was updated and voila, the second chart shows just how wrongheaded Republicans are.

Yep. And the author attacks it for being a poor proof, and then turns around and uses the same expanded graph to argue his point.

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