Single payer healthcare. Another lie by left wing POLITICIANS and their sheep.

Millions of Americans want nothing to do with any form of socialized medicine...
Millions more do.

PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:

So single payer is going to stop the massive increases in real medical costs. Is that what you are spouting? What happens as that red line goes to 1000 per cent increase and 1200 per cent increase and more? But we all pay a minimum amount which I would like also. Do you understand there is massive corruption in the medical industry? How about the endless lawsuits that costs bookoo dollars every year. I am getting older but the aging are costing the system massive amounts of dollars. And then there are those who never paid a dollar into anything costing the system. You do not think there will be any repercussions with or without single payer as the years go by do you? I know the ilegals collecting checks, benefits, and schooling will pay for it. When the cuts start coming, the ugliness will show up quickly.
I do not support socialized medicine. I am simply pointing out the fact that the right wing rube herd has helped make it inevitable.
the government has never made prices cheaper,,,in fact its well proven that 100% of the time prices increase when government gets involved,,,that being is because you add in the salarys of the gov employees to the over all price as just a starter and then you got the regs that increase it also

so your premise is lacking in reality
I just posted the stats that said otherwise. Find me ONE, only one single statistic that doesn't say that the American healthcare system is more expensive then those in countries with socialized healthcare. I dare you.

for me its more about personal choice than money
You are welcome to your personal choices. But the fact that you are saying that, does mean you admit that the government funding healthcare DOES drive the cost down. Something that you claimed wasn't the case.
I never said that,,,

I just wonder,,,when it comes time to push your system will you be holding the gun to my head or are you one of those chicken shit commies that has someone else do it while you hide at home???

I never said that,,,
Really, you do realize that it's not hard to look up?
the government has never made prices cheaper,,,in fact its well proven that 100% of the time prices increase when government gets involved
I just wonder, when will you be capable of actually trying to defend your position without using straw mans, deflections,hyperbole, or straight up lies? That's my question?
:auiqs.jpg:This ain’t yours to be concerned with. This is mine
Once again, those who advocate for a government take over completely ignore or fail to understand basic economics.

Having one source of payment for medical services (otherwise known as a monopoly) will allow government to artificially control prices.

For one to be considered a "doctor" that person must have at least 20 years of formal education. Only the best and brightest qualify to be medical students.

If government has its hands on price controls, tell me who is going to be a doctor? Who is going to sacrifice in that much of their life to make chicken feed?

What did we end up with?

Why is it so hard for some to foresee consequences?
Why is the government controlling prices, making it as cheap as they can a bad thing? For your information, and this is purely applicable to Belgium. Since I don't have those specifics on other countries. There are only 2 directions in my country that requires an entrance exam in order to be allowed to take that route. Doctor and dentist. Those exams have a failure rate of EIGHTY percent. Not joking only one in five who has the aspiration actually is even allowed to become a doctor. Only the top half is allowed to specialize. We still have more doctors per capita then the US. So,it seems to me the facts don't match reality.

the government has never made prices cheaper,,,in fact its well proven that 100% of the time prices increase when government gets involved,,,that being is because you add in the salarys of the gov employees to the over all price as just a starter and then you got the regs that increase it also

so your premise is lacking in reality
These fkrs gave us obammy care now they want to fool us again? Nope sky fking rocket prices
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with any form of socialized medicine...
Millions more do.

PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:

So single payer is going to stop the massive increases in real medical costs. Is that what you are spouting? What happens as that red line goes to 1000 per cent increase and 1200 per cent increase and more? But we all pay a minimum amount which I would like also. Do you understand there is massive corruption in the medical industry? How about the endless lawsuits that costs bookoo dollars every year. I am getting older but the aging are costing the system massive amounts of dollars. And then there are those who never paid a dollar into anything costing the system. You do not think there will be any repercussions with or without single payer as the years go by do you? I know the ilegals collecting checks, benefits, and schooling will pay for it. When the cuts start coming, the ugliness will show up quickly.
I do not support socialized medicine. I am simply pointing out the fact that the right wing rube herd has helped make it inevitable.
We don’t need fucked up socialist entitlement programs in this country
Yet the majority is for it.

The GOP had better come up with a way to talk them out of it. So far, they're done a miserable job.
The federal government fucks everything up they touch, why the fuck would anyone want anything to do with socialize medicine? Because it’s not about Medicine, is it’s all about control...
As I said, right now the majority is fine with it.

So platitudes and talking points and screaming SOCIALISM won't be enough.

The GOP blew its chance, so here we are.
Socialism is a living hell for millions of Americans, Socialism has and always will be an failure... Made obvious because it always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. We are not all in this together.
Okay, well, I'm sure that meme will change the majority's mind.
Tell all of us how you are not a socialist but always vote for socialists.

Then, pat yourself on the back.
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with any form of socialized medicine...
Millions more do.

PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:

So single payer is going to stop the massive increases in real medical costs. Is that what you are spouting? What happens as that red line goes to 1000 per cent increase and 1200 per cent increase and more? But we all pay a minimum amount which I would like also. Do you understand there is massive corruption in the medical industry? How about the endless lawsuits that costs bookoo dollars every year. I am getting older but the aging are costing the system massive amounts of dollars. And then there are those who never paid a dollar into anything costing the system. You do not think there will be any repercussions with or without single payer as the years go by do you? I know the ilegals collecting checks, benefits, and schooling will pay for it. When the cuts start coming, the ugliness will show up quickly.
I do not support socialized medicine. I am simply pointing out the fact that the right wing rube herd has helped make it inevitable.
We don’t need fucked up socialist entitlement programs in this country
Well, sadly, thanks to rubes like you we're gonna have one!
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with any form of socialized medicine...
Millions more do.

PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:

So single payer is going to stop the massive increases in real medical costs. Is that what you are spouting? What happens as that red line goes to 1000 per cent increase and 1200 per cent increase and more? But we all pay a minimum amount which I would like also. Do you understand there is massive corruption in the medical industry? How about the endless lawsuits that costs bookoo dollars every year. I am getting older but the aging are costing the system massive amounts of dollars. And then there are those who never paid a dollar into anything costing the system. You do not think there will be any repercussions with or without single payer as the years go by do you? I know the ilegals collecting checks, benefits, and schooling will pay for it. When the cuts start coming, the ugliness will show up quickly.
I do not support socialized medicine. I am simply pointing out the fact that the right wing rube herd has helped make it inevitable.
We don’t need fucked up socialist entitlement programs in this country

Lost that battle in 1965 .. The last chance was in 2008
The GOP had 7 fucking years of promising to do something to fix it, but all they did was use it to get elected, banking on a Hillary win, which would require them to do nothing but continue to bitch about not being in power.

This is why the GOP is fucking useless.
It is not that they are useless it is that they think decades behind and the lobbyists are strong. And the lobbyists are strong for the Progressive Socialist party also. By the end of the1970's, medical costs were rising over 10% a year and more. There were many people whowent to clinics in the 1960's because of not having insurance. But the real costs were cheaper. Blue Cross became more expensive and HMO's were started by the end of the 70's. Repubs could have gotten more involved in this issue and the environment. But they let the Progressive Socialist communists take the lead and follow their edicts. Perhaps guaranteeing a doctors visit for check ups, inoculations or medication and one day operations would have been a good start to medical care renovations. Then slowly moving on up to medical problems more serious like a couple of days in the hospital to a few days more or so. And this would have continued until you get to the aging and their last weeks or months in a specialized situation. Separating the costs would tell you the massive expenses.
Socialized medicine. Put the fucking government in control of your health care. What could possibly go wrong?
Physician Assts will be your friend.

It's not necessarily all bad. You look at the brits and cannucks and they're getting taxed up the ass, but we already spend more per capita than they do. A rationing system not run by elected crooks .... what could go wrong.
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with any form of socialized medicine...
Millions more do.

PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:

So single payer is going to stop the massive increases in real medical costs. Is that what you are spouting? What happens as that red line goes to 1000 per cent increase and 1200 per cent increase and more? But we all pay a minimum amount which I would like also. Do you understand there is massive corruption in the medical industry? How about the endless lawsuits that costs bookoo dollars every year. I am getting older but the aging are costing the system massive amounts of dollars. And then there are those who never paid a dollar into anything costing the system. You do not think there will be any repercussions with or without single payer as the years go by do you? I know the ilegals collecting checks, benefits, and schooling will pay for it. When the cuts start coming, the ugliness will show up quickly.
I do not support socialized medicine. I am simply pointing out the fact that the right wing rube herd has helped make it inevitable.
We don’t need fucked up socialist entitlement programs in this country
he thinks we want to be like him, I don't see any discussion on his little pukey country in here, he's on a board in america. his government funded shit failed so badly he wants others to suffer with him.
The GOP told us for eight years that they had a better plan. Trump promised us we'd love it.

They were lying. Or ignorant. Or both.

If we end up with Single Payer, the GOP should look in the mirror.

They won't do that, of course.
Each post of yours makes you look dumber.

When you say "GOP" are you suggesting that GOP is the same thing as conservatives? You, are not that stupid are you?

I tend to think you are.

Now, why don't you try telling us whether or not YOOOOOOOU agree with single payer or not.

Watch this folks, as the fucking economic socialist who denies he is a socialist even though he only votes for socialists double talks his way out of this one.
Nice dodge. The standard deflect/pivot/attack routine practiced by Regressive Leftists and Talk Radio Righties.

What a coward. Man up a little, willya?

I have always advocated here not for Single Payer, but for an expansion of the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system, and nice blend of a public foundation and free market innovation. Takes a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers, too.

I doubt you have any idea what I'm talking about, since Limbaugh, Levin and Hannity don't discuss it.

Not too many posters do know what you're talking about but truth be told I bet their same gop politician's would just as soon go this model and be done with it.

Like everything else satans minions try to push on our free world.

Another one.

They won't watch any of that video, but they will object to it.

I watched ALL of it and I object to it.
I'm willing to compare health care systems in my country (Belgium) to that in the US. Are you prepared to take that challenge?
I will address every single point as addressed in this video if you want.

whats your tax rates over there???

What do they pay out of their own pockets in medical costs over there?

Insurance, co-payments, etc.

Americans currently pay about $6,000 per capita for medical care out of their own pockets.

Would you pay $4,000 more in taxes if you paid $6,000 less for health care?

I would love to pay only 6 thousand dollars on medical care per year. Insurance premiums alone I pay $8808.00 a year. That's not including the deductible and residual payments. That doesn't include my portion of prescriptions either. Nor does it include dental expenses.

You bet your butt I would pay 4 thousand a year extra in taxes so I wouldn't have to pay over 10 thousand dollars a year in medical expenses.

Conservatives and republicans are so stupid. What I don't understand is why they believe they have the right to tell someone what kind of insurance they can have.

Why can't we have both? A public option for those who want it and a private option for those who want it. With one rule. If you choose the private option you can never change over to the public option. So when the private insurance companies rule them preexisting condition then throws them off their policy and never able to get insurance again because they have a history of preexisting condition, they can't come running to the public option for health care. They chose their policy knowing what could happen. They shouldn't be able to not pay into the public system for years then all of a sudden want to move to it when the private system takes their money then kicks them off coverage for life.

Like everything else satans minions try to push on our free world.

Another one.

They won't watch any of that video, but they will object to it.

I watched ALL of it and I object to it.
I'm willing to compare health care systems in my country (Belgium) to that in the US. Are you prepared to take that challenge?
I will address every single point as addressed in this video if you want.

whats your tax rates over there???

What do they pay out of their own pockets in medical costs over there?

Insurance, co-payments, etc.

Americans currently pay about $6,000 per capita for medical care out of their own pockets.

Would you pay $4,000 more in taxes if you paid $6,000 less for health care?

I would love to pay only 6 thousand dollars on medical care per year. Insurance premiums alone I pay $8808.00 a year. That's not including the deductible and residual payments. That doesn't include my portion of prescriptions either. Nor does it include dental expenses.

You bet your butt I would pay 4 thousand a year extra in taxes so I wouldn't have to pay over 10 thousand dollars a year in medical expenses.

Conservatives and republicans are so stupid. What I don't understand is why they believe they have the right to tell someone what kind of insurance they can have.

Why can't we have both? A public option for those who want it and a private option for those who want it. With one rule. If you choose the private option you can never change over to the public option. So when the private insurance companies rule them preexisting condition then throws them off their policy and never able to get insurance again because they have a history of preexisting condition, they can't come running to the public option for health care. They chose their policy knowing what could happen. They shouldn't be able to not pay into the public system for years then all of a sudden want to move to it when the private system takes their money then kicks them off coverage for life.

Thats fine if that’s what you want, Just don’t expect anyone else to want that shit… You fucking moron
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with any form of socialized medicine...
Millions more do.

PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:

So single payer is going to stop the massive increases in real medical costs. Is that what you are spouting? What happens as that red line goes to 1000 per cent increase and 1200 per cent increase and more? But we all pay a minimum amount which I would like also. Do you understand there is massive corruption in the medical industry? How about the endless lawsuits that costs bookoo dollars every year. I am getting older but the aging are costing the system massive amounts of dollars. And then there are those who never paid a dollar into anything costing the system. You do not think there will be any repercussions with or without single payer as the years go by do you? I know the ilegals collecting checks, benefits, and schooling will pay for it. When the cuts start coming, the ugliness will show up quickly.
I do not support socialized medicine. I am simply pointing out the fact that the right wing rube herd has helped make it inevitable.
We don’t need fucked up socialist entitlement programs in this country
he thinks we want to be like him, I don't see any discussion on his little pukey country in here, he's on a board in america. his government funded shit failed so badly he wants others to suffer with him.
Actually this OP involved the posting of a comparison of the US Healthcare system to those in countries with socialized Healthcare. So this entire OP is a discussion of my little country. Not only that but my wife is American, and I have both friends and family that have experienced the consequences of your health care system. This makes me way more suited and knowledgeable than you, when it comes to comparing those systems.
As to the Belgian health care system failing. You can of course back up that statement??????
The GOP told us for eight years that they had a better plan. Trump promised us we'd love it.

They were lying. Or ignorant. Or both.

If we end up with Single Payer, the GOP should look in the mirror.

They won't do that, of course.
Each post of yours makes you look dumber.

When you say "GOP" are you suggesting that GOP is the same thing as conservatives? You, are not that stupid are you?

I tend to think you are.

Now, why don't you try telling us whether or not YOOOOOOOU agree with single payer or not.

Watch this folks, as the fucking economic socialist who denies he is a socialist even though he only votes for socialists double talks his way out of this one.
Nice dodge. The standard deflect/pivot/attack routine practiced by Regressive Leftists and Talk Radio Righties.

What a coward. Man up a little, willya?

I have always advocated here not for Single Payer, but for an expansion of the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system, and nice blend of a public foundation and free market innovation. Takes a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers, too.

I doubt you have any idea what I'm talking about, since Limbaugh, Levin and Hannity don't discuss it.

Not too many posters do know what you're talking about but truth be told I bet their same gop politician's would just as soon go this model and be done with it.
I'll bet they would too. They know what's coming otherwise. They should have done this in 2003 when Medicare Advantage was expanded.

Now it might be too late. There won't be any compromise for them here, and Single Payer will be shoved down our throats. Dummies.

We have a lot of people here who scream and attack out of pure ignorance. But that's all they know. It's what they're trained to do.
Last edited:
Millions more do.

PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:

So single payer is going to stop the massive increases in real medical costs. Is that what you are spouting? What happens as that red line goes to 1000 per cent increase and 1200 per cent increase and more? But we all pay a minimum amount which I would like also. Do you understand there is massive corruption in the medical industry? How about the endless lawsuits that costs bookoo dollars every year. I am getting older but the aging are costing the system massive amounts of dollars. And then there are those who never paid a dollar into anything costing the system. You do not think there will be any repercussions with or without single payer as the years go by do you? I know the ilegals collecting checks, benefits, and schooling will pay for it. When the cuts start coming, the ugliness will show up quickly.
I do not support socialized medicine. I am simply pointing out the fact that the right wing rube herd has helped make it inevitable.
We don’t need fucked up socialist entitlement programs in this country
he thinks we want to be like him, I don't see any discussion on his little pukey country in here, he's on a board in america. his government funded shit failed so badly he wants others to suffer with him.
Actually this OP involved the posting of a comparison of the US Healthcare system to those in countries with socialized Healthcare. So this entire OP is a discussion of my little country. Not only that but my wife is American, and I have both friends and family that have experienced the consequences of your health care system. This makes me way more suited and knowledgeable than you, when it comes to comparing those systems.
As to the Belgian health care system failing. You can of course back up that statement??????
71% taxes. fail there.

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