Single payer healthcare. Another lie by left wing POLITICIANS and their sheep.

The GOP told us for eight years that they had a better plan. Trump promised us we'd love it.

They were lying. Or ignorant. Or both.

If we end up with Single Payer, the GOP should look in the mirror.

They won't do that, of course.
never got through a vote. hmmmm why do you supposed that is? dims?
What never got through a vote? Show me the Republican health care reform legislation which repeals and replaces Obamacare.

Go ahead.

Show me Trump's health care reform legislation which repeals and replaces Obamacare.

Go ahead.

It's astounding to me you tards have STILL not caught on you have been massively hoaxed.


Like everything else satans minions try to push on our free world.

Another one.

They won't watch any of that video, but they will object to it.

I watched ALL of it and I object to it.
I'm willing to compare health care systems in my country (Belgium) to that in the US. Are you prepared to take that challenge?
I will address every single point as addressed in this video if you want.

whats your tax rates over there???

What do they pay out of their own pockets in medical costs over there?

Insurance, co-payments, etc.

Americans currently pay about $6,000 per capita for medical care out of their own pockets.

Would you pay $4,000 more in taxes if you paid $6,000 less for health care?
Once again, those who advocate for a government take over completely ignore or fail to understand basic economics.

Having one source of payment for medical services (otherwise known as a monopoly) will allow government to artificially control prices.

For one to be considered a "doctor" that person must have at least 20 years of formal education. Only the best and brightest qualify to be medical students.

If government has its hands on price controls, tell me who is going to be a doctor? Who is going to sacrifice in that much of their life to make chicken feed?

What did we end up with?

Why is it so hard for some to foresee consequences?
Why is the government controlling prices, making it as cheap as they can a bad thing? For your information, and this is purely applicable to Belgium. Since I don't have those specifics on other countries. There are only 2 directions in my country that requires an entrance exam in order to be allowed to take that route. Doctor and dentist. Those exams have a failure rate of EIGHTY percent. Not joking only one in five who has the aspiration actually is even allowed to become a doctor. Only the top half is allowed to specialize. We still have more doctors per capita then the US. So,it seems to me the facts don't match reality.

the government has never made prices cheaper,,,in fact its well proven that 100% of the time prices increase when government gets involved,,,that being is because you add in the salarys of the gov employees to the over all price as just a starter and then you got the regs that increase it also

so your premise is lacking in reality
The GOP told us for eight years that they had a better plan. Trump promised us we'd love it.

They were lying. Or ignorant. Or both.

If we end up with Single Payer, the GOP should look in the mirror.

They won't do that, of course.
never got through a vote. hmmmm why do you supposed that is? dims?
What never got through a vote? Show me the Republican health care reform legislation which repeals and replaces Obamacare.

Go ahead.

Show me Trump's health care reform legislation which repeals and replaces Obamacare.

Go ahead.

It's astounding to me you tards have STILL not caught on you have been massively hoaxed.


we dont want a replacement,,,
And you still pay another 25%-50% of services received on top of your premium. And a Pop of 11 million vs 325 million.
I watched ALL of it and I object to it.
I'm willing to compare health care systems in my country (Belgium) to that in the US. Are you prepared to take that challenge?
I will address every single point as addressed in this video if you want.
whats your tax rates over there???
A bit over 50 percent and 21 percent added value tax.
Taxes is NOT the government taking a persons money. Taxes can be simply an alternative way to fund a standard of living. We have NO student loans and no bankruptcies contributed to medical expenses that I'm aware of. You guys prefer to pay out of pocket, yet I don't see any of you being able to point how that fact makes those problems any better?

it might be because we believe in individual responsibility where as you believe in communism which fails every time and most times with a lot of suffering

and yes it is the government taking money from the people or they wouldnt need a gun to do it
So here we go again. I don't believe health should be a for profit commodity so I have to be a Communist? You know what? If the only thing you guys have is these kind of stupid statements, you have no actual rebuttal.
The GOP told us for eight years that they had a better plan. Trump promised us we'd love it.

They were lying. Or ignorant. Or both.

If we end up with Single Payer, the GOP should look in the mirror.

They won't do that, of course.
never got through a vote. hmmmm why do you supposed that is? dims?
What never got through a vote? Show me the Republican health care reform legislation which repeals and replaces Obamacare.

Go ahead.

Show me Trump's health care reform legislation which repeals and replaces Obamacare.

Go ahead.

It's astounding to me you tards have STILL not caught on you have been massively hoaxed.


we dont want a replacement,,,
So you want to go back to the skyrocketing costs we had before Obamacare!

Once again, those who advocate for a government take over completely ignore or fail to understand basic economics.

Having one source of payment for medical services (otherwise known as a monopoly) will allow government to artificially control prices.

For one to be considered a "doctor" that person must have at least 20 years of formal education. Only the best and brightest qualify to be medical students.

If government has its hands on price controls, tell me who is going to be a doctor? Who is going to sacrifice in that much of their life to make chicken feed?

What did we end up with?

Why is it so hard for some to foresee consequences?
Why is the government controlling prices, making it as cheap as they can a bad thing? For your information, and this is purely applicable to Belgium. Since I don't have those specifics on other countries. There are only 2 directions in my country that requires an entrance exam in order to be allowed to take that route. Doctor and dentist. Those exams have a failure rate of EIGHTY percent. Not joking only one in five who has the aspiration actually is even allowed to become a doctor. Only the top half is allowed to specialize. We still have more doctors per capita then the US. So,it seems to me the facts don't match reality.

the government has never made prices cheaper,,,in fact its well proven that 100% of the time prices increase when government gets involved,,,that being is because you add in the salarys of the gov employees to the over all price as just a starter and then you got the regs that increase it also

so your premise is lacking in reality
I just posted the stats that said otherwise. Find me ONE, only one single statistic that doesn't say that the American healthcare system is more expensive then those in countries with socialized healthcare. I dare you.
Single payer is so terrible that every industrialized nation on earth has some form of another of it, and not one of them has ever even considered dumping it and adopting our health care system.
It's even more funny than that. We have our right wing populist movement. Not a single one dares to suggest to not provide universal healthcare. What does that tell you, when even the hardliners don't want to go there?
well here in america, americans know the government fks up everything they touch. just go to a DMV.

not sure about yours, but our DMV is great, seldom am I there more than 45 minutes for plates and 30 for DL
not more than 45 minutes. Seriously, you're good with that? too funny. here in Chicago area. worse group of humans that walk in the towns. they are the snottiest bunch of punks on the planet here.
you are more than wel
And you still pay another 25%-50% of services received on top of your premium. And a Pop of 11 million vs 325 million.
whats your tax rates over there???
A bit over 50 percent and 21 percent added value tax.
Taxes is NOT the government taking a persons money. Taxes can be simply an alternative way to fund a standard of living. We have NO student loans and no bankruptcies contributed to medical expenses that I'm aware of. You guys prefer to pay out of pocket, yet I don't see any of you being able to point how that fact makes those problems any better?

it might be because we believe in individual responsibility where as you believe in communism which fails every time and most times with a lot of suffering

and yes it is the government taking money from the people or they wouldnt need a gun to do it
So here we go again. I don't believe health should be a for profit commodity so I have to be a Communist? You know what? If the only thing you guys have is these kind of stupid statements, you have no actual rebuttal.
you are more than welcome to have your opinion on how other people should live their life,,,I just suggest you mind your own business and stay out of mine while youre doing it,

and sorry but what you suggest is communism pure and simple,,,

its science
we dont want a replacement,,,
This idiotic response is exactly why we are going to end up with single payer healthcare.

For DECADES, health care costs have been rising faster than inflation and GDP. And during that entire time, the Republicans offered...NOTHING to fix it.

In the meantime, the Democrats have been telegraphing loud and clear their intention to socialize our medical system.

Still, when they have all the power, the GOP invariably does NOTHING.

And that is why we are going to end up with single payer health care. Because of dumbasses who say, "We don't want a replacement" for Obamacare.

Once again, those who advocate for a government take over completely ignore or fail to understand basic economics.

Having one source of payment for medical services (otherwise known as a monopoly) will allow government to artificially control prices.

For one to be considered a "doctor" that person must have at least 20 years of formal education. Only the best and brightest qualify to be medical students.

If government has its hands on price controls, tell me who is going to be a doctor? Who is going to sacrifice in that much of their life to make chicken feed?

What did we end up with?

Why is it so hard for some to foresee consequences?
Why is the government controlling prices, making it as cheap as they can a bad thing? For your information, and this is purely applicable to Belgium. Since I don't have those specifics on other countries. There are only 2 directions in my country that requires an entrance exam in order to be allowed to take that route. Doctor and dentist. Those exams have a failure rate of EIGHTY percent. Not joking only one in five who has the aspiration actually is even allowed to become a doctor. Only the top half is allowed to specialize. We still have more doctors per capita then the US. So,it seems to me the facts don't match reality.

the government has never made prices cheaper,,,in fact its well proven that 100% of the time prices increase when government gets involved,,,that being is because you add in the salarys of the gov employees to the over all price as just a starter and then you got the regs that increase it also

so your premise is lacking in reality
I just posted the stats that said otherwise. Find me ONE, only one single statistic that doesn't say that the American healthcare system is more expensive then those in countries with socialized healthcare. I dare you.

for me its more about personal choice than money
Once again, those who advocate for a government take over completely ignore or fail to understand basic economics.

Having one source of payment for medical services (otherwise known as a monopoly) will allow government to artificially control prices.

For one to be considered a "doctor" that person must have at least 20 years of formal education. Only the best and brightest qualify to be medical students.

If government has its hands on price controls, tell me who is going to be a doctor? Who is going to sacrifice in that much of their life to make chicken feed?

What did we end up with?

Why is it so hard for some to foresee consequences?
Why is the government controlling prices, making it as cheap as they can a bad thing? For your information, and this is purely applicable to Belgium. Since I don't have those specifics on other countries. There are only 2 directions in my country that requires an entrance exam in order to be allowed to take that route. Doctor and dentist. Those exams have a failure rate of EIGHTY percent. Not joking only one in five who has the aspiration actually is even allowed to become a doctor. Only the top half is allowed to specialize. We still have more doctors per capita then the US. So,it seems to me the facts don't match reality.

the government has never made prices cheaper,,,in fact its well proven that 100% of the time prices increase when government gets involved,,,that being is because you add in the salarys of the gov employees to the over all price as just a starter and then you got the regs that increase it also

so your premise is lacking in reality
How fucking stupid are you?

Do you realize that "for profit" means that private companies have all that AND profit in their price structure?

That Medicare operates on a 3% cost? That private insurers operate on a 20-30% cost?
we dont want a replacement,,,
This idiotic response is exactly why we are going to end up with single payer healthcare.

For DECADES, health care costs have been rising faster than inflation and GDP. And during that entire time, the Republicans offered...NOTHING to fix it.

In the meantime, the Democrats have been telegraphing loud and clear their intention to socialize our medical system.

Still, when they have all the power, the GOP invariably does NOTHING.

And that is why we are going to end up with single payer health care. Because of dumbasses who say, "We don't want a replacement" for Obamacare.


we will get single payer because thats what democrats and republicans have been planning all along
The GOP told us for eight years that they had a better plan. Trump promised us we'd love it.

They were lying. Or ignorant. Or both.

If we end up with Single Payer, the GOP should look in the mirror.

They won't do that, of course.
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with any form of socialized medicine...
Once again, those who advocate for a government take over completely ignore or fail to understand basic economics.

Having one source of payment for medical services (otherwise known as a monopoly) will allow government to artificially control prices.

For one to be considered a "doctor" that person must have at least 20 years of formal education. Only the best and brightest qualify to be medical students.

If government has its hands on price controls, tell me who is going to be a doctor? Who is going to sacrifice in that much of their life to make chicken feed?

What did we end up with?

Why is it so hard for some to foresee consequences?
Why is the government controlling prices, making it as cheap as they can a bad thing? For your information, and this is purely applicable to Belgium. Since I don't have those specifics on other countries. There are only 2 directions in my country that requires an entrance exam in order to be allowed to take that route. Doctor and dentist. Those exams have a failure rate of EIGHTY percent. Not joking only one in five who has the aspiration actually is even allowed to become a doctor. Only the top half is allowed to specialize. We still have more doctors per capita then the US. So,it seems to me the facts don't match reality.

the government has never made prices cheaper,,,in fact its well proven that 100% of the time prices increase when government gets involved,,,that being is because you add in the salarys of the gov employees to the over all price as just a starter and then you got the regs that increase it also

so your premise is lacking in reality
I just posted the stats that said otherwise. Find me ONE, only one single statistic that doesn't say that the American healthcare system is more expensive then those in countries with socialized healthcare. I dare you.

for me its more about personal choice than money
You are welcome to your personal choices. But the fact that you are saying that, does mean you admit that the government funding healthcare DOES drive the cost down. Something that you claimed wasn't the case.
The GOP told us for eight years that they had a better plan. Trump promised us we'd love it.

They were lying. Or ignorant. Or both.

If we end up with Single Payer, the GOP should look in the mirror.

They won't do that, of course.
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with any form of socialized medicine...
Yet the majority is for it.

The GOP had better come up with a way to talk them out of it. So far, they're done a miserable job.
The GOP told us for eight years that they had a better plan. Trump promised us we'd love it.

They were lying. Or ignorant. Or both.

If we end up with Single Payer, the GOP should look in the mirror.

They won't do that, of course.
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with any form of socialized medicine...
Yet the majority is for it.

The GOP had better come up with a way to talk them out of it. So far, they're done a miserable job.
The federal government fucks everything up they touch, why the fuck would anyone want anything to do with socialize medicine? Because it’s not about Medicine, is it’s all about control...
The GOP told us for eight years that they had a better plan. Trump promised us we'd love it.

They were lying. Or ignorant. Or both.

If we end up with Single Payer, the GOP should look in the mirror.

They won't do that, of course.
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with any form of socialized medicine...
Yet the majority is for it.

The GOP had better come up with a way to talk them out of it. So far, they're done a miserable job.
The federal government fucks everything up they touch, why the fuck would anyone want anything to do with socialize medicine? Because it’s not about Medicine, is it’s all about control...
As I said, right now the majority is fine with it.

So platitudes and talking points and screaming SOCIALISM won't be enough.

The GOP blew its chance, so here we are.
Once again, those who advocate for a government take over completely ignore or fail to understand basic economics.

Having one source of payment for medical services (otherwise known as a monopoly) will allow government to artificially control prices.

For one to be considered a "doctor" that person must have at least 20 years of formal education. Only the best and brightest qualify to be medical students.

If government has its hands on price controls, tell me who is going to be a doctor? Who is going to sacrifice in that much of their life to make chicken feed?

What did we end up with?

Why is it so hard for some to foresee consequences?

I live in a retirement community, and have my choice of about 20 Primary Care Doctors who take Medicare patients. I sure hope that they don't find out about this!!!!!!

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