Single payer: NHS recommends amputation instead of treatment for girls leg

One of the guy son infowars lives over in London, he had a strep throat, I think he was coughing up blood etc, all they did was tell him take two and that was it...... that went on for weeks.....
That is a steaming pile of bullshit. Completely fabricated, untrue nonsense.
his mother had to wait months to get treatment,
For a life threatening condition? Completely made up garbage. It's "funny" how every Obama Tourettes Syndrome sufferer has an anecdote just like this about Britain or Canada. Of course, you are all lying.
his mother had to wait months to get treatment,
For a life threatening condition? Completely made up garbage. Funny how every Obama Tourettes Syndrome sufferer has an anecdote just like this about Britain or Canada. Of course, you are all lying.

We know people who live over there you stupid pos dumbass.
your a moron who knows only what you want to believe, what MSM TELLS you because your that fkn dumb.

In fact stupid ass we have family that lives over yah dumb... ======t
BY RYAN BORT ON 7/14/17 AT 5:15 PM"

The U.S. health care system has been rated the worst (by far) among high-income nations

It's so bad asshole everyone from around the world COMES TO THE US FOR CARE



Not all rosy in Britain's healthcare system
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View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!
This is silly. NHS is not forbidding her from the alternative treatment, they just won’t pay for it because it is cutting edge, expensive and experimental. However nothing is stopping the parents from funding it themselves.

In other words, it is just like health insurance here in the US.
My cousin has a longer leg. He gets around just fine. Probably wouldnt be able to do it as well if they cut off his fucking leg.
Thank gawd we dont have people telling us what healthcare we can get.
But you are still in the same boat. If your insurance won’t oay, you have to. Just like the Brits, if NHS doesn’t cover it, you do.
View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!
This is silly. NHS is not forbidding her from the alternative treatment, they just won’t pay for it because it is cutting edge, expensive and experimental. However nothing is stopping the parents from funding it themselves.

In other words, it is just like health insurance here in the US.

Can you read

A schoolgirl with one leg shorter than the other has been told by the NHS her only option is amputation.
We know people who live over there
No you don't. You are lying, or people are lying to you. Sorry, not buying. All of you white wing freaks have the exact same anecdote. That's because you are regurgitating a script that someone else wrote.
FOR those who can't read an entire article :

The NHS wants to cleave off the girl’s drumstick, give her a peg leg, and wheel her out the door. Nevermind any of the treatments available which would allow the little lady to live a normal life. After all, the NHS has a backlog of other victims patients they need to mutilate treat. The magic of universal healthcare, folks.
We know people who live over there
No you don't. You are lying, or people are lying to you. Sorry, not buying. All of you white wing freaks have the exact same anecdote. That's because you are regurgitating a script that someone else wrote.

No you are just that fkn retarded and stupid.

Retards can't comprehend much.

This story is the perfect contrast between our healthcare and theirs. Us ‘Murican hillbillies left the “amputate on sight” policy back in the Civil War, where it belongs. Meanwhile, our more “enlightened” cousins across the pond are still lopping off limbs without a second thought.

So much for the NHS being “the envy of the world.”
View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!
This is silly. NHS is not forbidding her from the alternative treatment, they just won’t pay for it because it is cutting edge, expensive and experimental. However nothing is stopping the parents from funding it themselves.

In other words, it is just like health insurance here in the US.

Can you read

A schoolgirl with one leg shorter than the other has been told by the NHS her only option is amputation.
Not quite.

Maybe YOU should read. Read something besides Infowars. Like this Girl who faced having her leg amputated has pioneering op to lengthen her leg

And what does it say? The only option available WITHIN NHS. See how infowars deliberately distorted it? So it is just like insurance here. If they don’t cover it, you have to find a way to pay for it yourself.

And...most US insurance won’t cover leg lengthening is considered “cosmetic”
A schoolgirl with one leg shorter than the other has been told by the NHS her only option is amputation.
No, she was told it was the only thing the insurance would cover, because it was the recommendation of doctors.

and by the way ........t we have family who lives over there reject.


February 27, 2013
Cutting Healthcare Costs by Killing Patients
By Deane Waldman

U.N. Resolution 260 (III) -- Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide -- was signed on December 9, 1948. It memorializes a worldwide consensus against state-sanctioned killing of people by groups. The convention protects "national, ethnical, racial or religious group." The Convention forgot to protect a group called the expensives.

Nation-states are killing people based on their costliness, rather than their place of origin, skin color, religious commitment, political affiliation, or ethnicity. In order to cut healthcare costs, Great Britain and soon the U.S. will eliminate (kill) patients whose only crime is being expensive to treat.

Supporters of the ACA such as President Obama and Dr. Don Berwick openly and proudly said that ObamaCare was modeled after the British National Health Service (NHS). It is reasonable to expect that what the NHS has done in England will be done here. Additional acronyms that must be added to our body of evidence include NICE, IPAB, LCP, and WaSEPTS. Each will be explained.

Cutting Costs

Cutting Healthcare Costs by Killing Patients
View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!
They have user-pays healthcare in the UK as well...why don't they use that?
Cutting health care costs by killing patients is both immoral and ineffective. Killing is immoral per se. When done wholesale by the State, killing is specifically proscribed by international agreement. Reducing healthcare spending this way is counter-productive: it actually increases net costs.

As reported by Dr. Atul Gawande in The New Yorker, Dr. Joel Brenner proved that the best way to cut long-term health care costs is to spend whatever it takes to restore people's health and then keep them that way -- healthy and long-lived. That is both cheapest and best, for individual Americans as well as for our nation.

Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA retired from medical practice because "I cannot practice good, ethical medicine under ObamaCare." He is a regular AT contributor; the author of Uproot US Healthcare, as well as Not Right! -- Conversations with We The Patients (June 2013), and adjunct scholar for the Rio Grande Foundation, a public policy think-tank in New Mexico.

Cutting Healthcare Costs by Killing Patients

View attachment 192430

In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.
Single Payer: NHS Recommends Amputation Instead of Treatment for Girl’s Leg

This is exactly what the indoctrinated sheep want in the US , most dummies think this system is so great because they've heard about or get told from someone who lives there and on that note they think it's so great because it's all the dumbasses have ever known.

Meanwhile everyone use to come to America you were instantly seen, now Obama ass care still to some degree in action esp. at the IRS would have you thinking his pos healthcare was great and it was anything but that. Luckily most never had the chance to feel the real impact of it all. Thank God!
Looks like another INFOWAR fake news story. Apparently the girl actually did have surgery to save her leg.

The more shocking a news story is the more likely it's fabricated or stretched beyond recognition. If it comes from InfoWars, the chances are that there is no more than a grain of truth in the story, if that.
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NHS millions for controversial care pathway
The majority of NHS hospitals in England are being given financial rewards for placing terminally-ill patients on a controversial “pathway” to death, it can be disclosed.

Almost two thirds of NHS trusts using the Liverpool Care Pathway have received payouts totalling millions of pounds for hitting targets related to its use, research for The Daily Telegraph shows.

The figures, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal the full scale of financial inducements for the first time.

They suggest that about 85 per cent of trusts have now adopted the regime, which can involve the removal of hydration and nutrition from dying patients.

More than six out of 10 of those trusts - just over half of the total - have received or are due to receive financial rewards for doing so amounting to at least £12million.

NHS millions for controversial care pathway

IT must really suck to be a Governmental ass kisser who obeys and believes whatever bs they spew out at you, cause they love you..... STUPIDITY

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