Sinn Fein poised to win in Ulster

The English elite has managed to get itself back to where it believes it belongs - running Westminster. They were very concerned about the effect Scotland leaving would have on their prestige in the world. They don't want to lose that. They also keep their nukes in Scotland. If Scotland went for Independence there really would be no reason for an Ulster. They themselves said that. Apparently around WW2 Scotland was moving towards Independence. What seemed to have kept them part of the UK was the Welfare State where people gave what they could and received in the main what they needed to survive. The Welfare State has now all but disappeared and if Johnson has his way even our health service which has been the one thing the people of the UK have been united they need, will likely change to the US's with US people making money out of it.

Your idea on NI is good but I haven't heard anyone suggest this. I am not sure how they would manage economically. They get the biggest sum of money from the UK Government by far. Possibly the more important question is does the south want them. Possibly not..

The reality is the Good Friday Agreement was what created peace and under that people could move north and south and did not need any checks on borders as they shared the same economic system. They also all could have Irish citizenship and an Irish Passport. This was very nearly a United Ireland in most things but name and local elections etc. That is what Brexit destroyed and it was known that it would.
Yes, I agree that the GFA made it possible for people in the North to integrate into the Republic if they wanted it. But Brexit is reality now and things should be viewed with this perspective.

The key in keeping the Union belongs to Scotland. If it ever decides to leave, there is no reason for London to try to keep the NI and Wales in.

About the economy aspect.. Well the NI will have to try to live by themselves. Maybe London and Dublin will agree on some mutual fund to help Belfast with economic issues on the first stages. But then, they will be on their own. The Republic managed to build a prosperous economy, and basically the conditions in the North are similar.
Yes, I agree that the GFA made it possible for people in the North to integrate into the Republic if they wanted it. But Brexit is reality now and things should be viewed with this perspective.

Things are seen through this perspective. Everything I have written is written through this perspective because it is reality.
The key in keeping the Union belongs to Scotland. If it ever decides to leave, there is no reason for London to try to keep the NI and Wales in.

About the economy aspect.. Well the NI will have to try to live by themselves.
Only under your plan which there is no indication anyone is wanting to go by.

Maybe London and Dublin will agree on some mutual fund to help Belfast with economic issues on the first stages. But then, they will be on their own. The Republic managed to build a prosperous economy, and basically the conditions in the North are similar.
Northern Ireland isn't interested in being an Independent State. The issue is will they become a united Ireland or not and that depends as much on Eire as on the North. I thought your idea of an independent state for a while was a good one in that it recognised the possible need for the extremist ulster people to come to terms with things but no one has put it on the agenda. No one wants it.
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The English elite has managed to get itself back to where it believes it belongs - running Westminster. They were very concerned about the effect Scotland leaving would have on their prestige in the world. They don't want to lose that. They also keep their nukes in Scotland. If Scotland went for Independence there really would be no reason for an Ulster. They themselves said that. Apparently around WW2 Scotland was moving towards Independence. What seemed to have kept them part of the UK was the Welfare State where people gave what they could and received in the main what they needed to survive. The Welfare State has now all but disappeared and if Johnson has his way even our health service which has been the one thing the people of the UK have been united they need, will likely change to the US's with US people making money out of it.

Your idea on NI is good but I haven't heard anyone suggest this. I am not sure how they would manage economically. They get the biggest sum of money from the UK Government by far. Possibly the more important question is does the south want them. Possibly not..

The reality is the Good Friday Agreement was what created peace and under that people could move north and south and did not need any checks on borders as they shared the same economic system. They also all could have Irish citizenship and an Irish Passport. This was very nearly a United Ireland in most things but name and local elections etc. That is what Brexit destroyed and it was known that it would.
Cameron should hve \ked his frothers to come back with an Uster solution before holding a referendum.

Its just a mess at the moment. I do think that the tories woud be happy to see them go. But I think that is a few years down the track.

Of course there is an obvious solution to all of this. But that requires a completely new government.
Yes, I agree that the GFA made it possible for people in the North to integrate into the Republic if they wanted it. But Brexit is reality now and things should be viewed with this perspective.

The key in keeping the Union belongs to Scotland. If it ever decides to leave, there is no reason for London to try to keep the NI and Wales in.

About the economy aspect.. Well the NI will have to try to live by themselves. Maybe London and Dublin will agree on some mutual fund to help Belfast with economic issues on the first stages. But then, they will be on their own. The Republic managed to build a prosperous economy, and basically the conditions in the North are similar.
The problem with unificatiom is violence, bombs and killing. Unionism is still too strong to be ignored at this point.
Things are seen through this perspective. Everything I have written is written through this perspective because it is reality.

Only under your plan which there is no indication anyone is wanting to go by.

Northern Ireland isn't interested in being an Independent State. The issue is will they become a united Ireland or not and that depends as much on Eire as on the North. I thought your idea of an independent state for a while was a good one in that it recognised the possible need for the extremist ulster people to come to terms with things but no one has put it on the agenda. No one wants it.
Well, I have no plan. I just express my thought viewing these things from afar. It may well be that my plan isn't workable at all and won't be supported by anyone.

I think that one of the reasons why the independence is not widely discussed there is because it is tabu for Dublin to openly admit they don't want political unification with the North at this point.
The problem with unificatiom is violence, bombs and killing. Unionism is still too strong to be ignored at this point.
Yes, that is exactly my point. It may well be that the Troubles will return again, but in this case the 'troubles' will be for Dublin. And they understand that there.
Cameron should hve \ked his frothers to come back with an Uster solution before holding a referendum.

Well of course Cameron thought the British people would say No thanks and nothing would come of Brexit.
Its just a mess at the moment. I do think that the tories woud be happy to see them go. But I think that is a few years down the track.

Certainly their Right. That was obvious by the way they talked about them before the vote.
Of course there is an obvious solution to all of this. But that requires a completely new government.

Going back into the EU? Yes it is interesting. Northern Ireland and Scotland both voted to stay in the EU and England and Wales to leave. Nicola Sturgeon had suggested that if one of the nations did not want to leave the EU we should all stay but Cameron would have none of it. So that leaves the two who wanted to stay in the EU possibly leaving the UK. At the moment I am a bit pessimistic. The amount we are in debt due to coming out of the EU is enormous. I cannot see anyone wanting to pay to go back in at the moment. Then you add the increase in gas and oil which is going to destroy some families and the increase in food which gets more and more and all the lowering of our standard of living which is going to come from our interventions in Ukraine and the situation really needs to be seen to know what it will be.. A good time for people with innovative ideas which, if we want to survive, would have to be green. Interesting times ahead.
Well of course Cameron thought the British people would say No thanks and nothing would come of Brexit.

Certainly their Right. That was obvious by the way they talked about them before the vote.

Going back into the EU? Yes it is interesting. Northern Ireland and Scotland both voted to stay in the EU and England and Wales to leave. Nicola Sturgeon had suggested that if one of the nations did not want to leave the EU we should all stay but Cameron would have none of it. So that leaves the two who wanted to stay in the EU possibly leaving the UK. At the moment I am a bit pessimistic. The amount we are in debt due to coming out of the EU is enormous. I cannot see anyone wanting to pay to go back in at the moment. Then you add the increase in gas and oil which is going to destroy some families and the increase in food which gets more and more and all the lowering of our standard of living which is going to come from our interventions in Ukraine and the situation really needs to be seen to know what it will be.. A good time for people with innovative ideas which, if we want to survive, would have to be green. Interesting times ahead.
A further issue for an independent Scotland or Wales is that their land border is with England. if we decide to go back into Europe then we would need some sort of Border control with the English.
It alll starts getting a bit messy.

Brexit is such a toxic issue now. The Labour govt are terrified of mentioning the subject for fear of losing votes.
I think a bit more poverty is needed for it to become safe to mention.
A further issue for an independent Scotland or Wales is that their land border is with England. if we decide to go back into Europe then we would need some sort of Border control with the English.
It alll starts getting a bit messy.

Brexit is such a toxic issue now. The Labour govt are terrified of mentioning the subject for fear of losing votes.
I think a bit more poverty is needed for it to become safe to mention.
I have thought Scotland would do better joining EFTA rather than the EU. That way we get to decide who we also want to trade with and could choose England who at the moment are our largest trading partners. Seems you can do a bit of pick and choose.

Finland is part of the EU, Schengen and the eurozone, while Sweden and Denmark are part of the EU and Schengen but not of the eurozone.

Norway is part of the EEA, the EFTA and Schengen, but not of the EU. Inversely, Ireland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania are all part of the EU/EEA but not of Schengen.


And so it came to pass that Sinn fein became the leading part in the province.
The DUP are refusing to sit under a sinn fein leader.
And the tory government is looking to scrap the protocol.
The problem with this is that the majority of people in the province voted for parties in favour of the protocol.

So it looks like they are in favour of devolution only if it suits them.

"Toxic" doesnt begin to describe it.
Maybe it is realy the time for all of you to go your own ways. Of course, in this case the British (English) elite should forget completely about Global Britain policy. And I think it is really hard for them. But anyway, England constitutes almost 80% of the UK's economy and population, so that is not bad really.

About Northern Ireland.. I think the best solution, if it ever decides to break away from the UK, is to declare its independence and put on hold every movement to join the Republic. At least for a generation, and then return to this question if there will be a need. It can really smooth potential conflicts there.
Northern Ireland wouldn't last a minute as an independent country... It has effectively 75% economy relies of the UK government directly and indirectly...

Rep. of Ireland knows the cost of unification would be €100 billion if it was totally peaceful (highly unlikely)... Republic isn't going near that, they like being relatively rich.

Saying that, Sinn Fein looks like it will be the biggest party in Ireland after next election. They are generally a socialist popularism party, little on detail but can bitch from the opposition benches pretty well.. They have some good operators but they have some nit wits as well..

Sinn Fein has a strange rule where they are allowed to raise as much money as they want in the US and this makes them one of the wealthiest parties in Europe. They use that money to develop a top class social media campaign. They play fast and loose on the rules of what money is spent where...

As you can probably tell I wouldn’t be voting for them. I find there solutions to be fantasyland stuff, they have a far higher tolerance for corruption that I find acceptable and they have no proven record. Compare that to the other parties, they have taken Rep. of Ireland from a third world country in the 70s to one of the richest in the world, they are not perfect but that is a pretty good track record...
Northern Ireland wouldn't last a minute as an independent country... It has effectively 75% economy relies of the UK government directly and indirectly...

Rep. of Ireland knows the cost of unification would be €100 billion if it was totally peaceful (highly unlikely)... Republic isn't going near that, they like being relatively rich.

Saying that, Sinn Fein looks like it will be the biggest party in Ireland after next election. They are generally a socialist popularism party, little on detail but can bitch from the opposition benches pretty well.. They have some good operators but they have some nit wits as well..

Sinn Fein has a strange rule where they are allowed to raise as much money as they want in the US and this makes them one of the wealthiest parties in Europe. They use that money to develop a top class social media campaign. They play fast and loose on the rules of what money is spent where...

As you can probably tell I wouldn’t be voting for them. I find there solutions to be fantasyland stuff, they have a far higher tolerance for corruption that I find acceptable and they have no proven record. Compare that to the other parties, they have taken Rep. of Ireland from a third world country in the 70s to one of the richest in the world, they are not perfect but that is a pretty good track record...
So, how the things will be going on in NI? Sooner or later, Sinn Fein will have to give an answer what political future of NI they see.

It is an odd situation when in two regions of the UK the power is held by pro-independence parties, but they are still in the Union because of money they get from London.

I think if not English elite's striving to have a say in global matters, the UK wouldn't exist now. There is no other reason. It causes more troubles internally, than doing good.
So, how the things will be going on in NI? Sooner or later, Sinn Fein will have to give an answer what political future of NI they see.

It is an odd situation when in two regions of the UK the power is held by pro-independence parties, but they are still in the Union because of money they get from London.

I think if not English elite's striving to have a say in global matters, the UK wouldn't exist now. There is no other reason. It causes more troubles internally, than doing good.
Scotland could manage economically on its own. When it was looking a possibility we were going to vote for Independence there was a strong feeling in the Island of Ireland that the UK Government would no longer want N Ireland and would let go of it as well. Then of course it would be the responsibility of the South to look after them.
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And so it came to pass that Sinn fein became the leading part in the province.
The DUP are refusing to sit under a sinn fein leader.
And the tory government is looking to scrap the protocol.
The problem with this is that the majority of people in the province voted for parties in favour of the protocol.

So it looks like they are in favour of devolution only if it suits them.

"Toxic" doesnt begin to describe it.
The UK had a responsibility to keep the Good Friday agreement - and so there should not have been a Brexit. There was and so it is the responsibility of the UK Government to do everything possible to stick to that agreement in the New circumstances. The Protocol goes some way to do that. I don't think the UK or Northern Ireland should have any choice over that. Is there not some legal move N. Ireland can take if they totally give up the GFA? I think the DUP should accept they need to live with as near as they can get with it, Otherwise it is just a way for them to give up the GFA., When was their Government last working?
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It is an odd situation when in two regions of the UK the power is held by pro-independence parties, but they are still in the Union because of money they get from London.

did no
Scotland does not stay in the UK because of the amount of Public Spending it gets from the UK. In fact London is the place which gets the most. The reason why Scotland did not go for Independence in 2014 is believed to be because people believed ' The Three Musketeers' and friends who kept insisting the only way Scotland could be certain of staying in the EU was to vote to stay in the UK.
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Scotland does not stay in the UK because of the amount of Public Spending it gets from the UK. In fact London is the place which gets the most. The reason why Scotland did not go for Independence in 2014 is believed to be because people believed ' The Three Musketeers' and friends who kept insisting the only way Scotland could be certain of staying in the EU was to vote to stay in the UK.
Yes, I know that the main talking point of the 'remainers' was Scotland's membership in the EU.

But economy also matters, doesn't it? England is the main trading partner of Scotland and will remain so in foreseeable future.

I also heard that Scottish hope on relying on energy sources in the North Sea could be compromised. Because formally they are owned primarily by BP, not the UK government.

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