Six people found dead in Milwaukee home were killed 'execution style'

You still haven't explained why blacks are global failures. Guilt isn't going to do it.

Perhaps your intellect doesn’t grasp it. Let me explain further. I’ll use mass media to make it plain for you.

At the beginning of the movie Animal House. The unsuitable candidates were shunted off into a separate room. They would not even be considered for membership. They never had a chance.

Now let’s say you go to the Hospital. You have several broken bones from an auto accident. The Doctor is Black. The Nurse is Black. Are you going to assume these people are trained and qualified to work on you or your child? Or are you going to assume that these people got there because of quotas and lowered standards?

That is what holds a people back. The shunting into the room. The bias that they can’t be good because of their lower intellect. Your beliefs affect them. Every. Day.
Perhaps your intellect doesn’t grasp it. Let me explain further. I’ll use mass media to make it plain for you.

At the beginning of the movie Animal House. The unsuitable candidates were shunted off into a separate room. They would not even be considered for membership. They never had a chance.

Now let’s say you go to the Hospital. You have several broken bones from an auto accident. The Doctor is Black. The Nurse is Black. Are you going to assume these people are trained and qualified to work on you or your child? Or are you going to assume that these people got there because of quotas and lowered standards?

That is what holds a people back. The shunting into the room. The bias that they can’t be good because of their lower intellect. Your beliefs affect them. Every. Day.
I get what you're trying to say, but you're obviously grasping in an untenable argument. Blacks have failed everywhere, and you are offering circular reasoning for a universal problem. You are unable to deal with the truth.
So now it is the availability of cheap illegal drugs. And Hollywood.

So you oppose the actions of the FBI who believed that Heroin would help derail the civil rights movement?

Or the CIA who helped run drugs into the nation to provide funding for the Nicaraguan Rebels.
Heard all that conspiracy crap before...No proof of any of it...So, why not address the destruction of the family unit in inner city blacks that Democrats, and their social engineering has wrought....
Which black folks are those? There’s nearly 50 million of them.
Oh get outa here with that dumb shit....We are talking in a macro sense, just like the way libs like you and Brutha try and lump in ALL Republicans, or Conservatives to their lowest denominator....
You tell me? do you not have access to education in college? Do you not have access to opportunity? Everything is available to you that is available to me...The difference may be within yourself....
It seems available. but is a proven fact that it is not EQUALLY available. You claimed we are wanting more, what do we want that you don't already have or that you are not receiving?
Heard all that conspiracy crap before...No proof of any of it...So, why not address the destruction of the family unit in inner city blacks that Democrats, and their social engineering has wrought....

Yeah, they’ve done some awful things. I remember reading about the outrage that the Democrats were spending money on schools for Blacks. Something about every child deserving of an education. How outrageous.

Oh, let’s not forget the idea that police in the areas, should, how should I say it? Not assume that every single black they came across was a subhuman that needed to be stomped into place? Well beneath the White Man?

I know, you long for the good old days. When Blacks were given just enough education to be able to read which bag of seeds they were spreading on a field. But sadly, Democrats though different.

And when Separate but Equal finally bit the dust, much to the rage of the Whites, bussing began. Remember the outraged Blacks at that story?

Those violent Whites attacking Blacks just for daring to go to school. Yes, the glory days of the White Race. When you could attack a Brown Child because of his color.

It was Liberals who said no more. It was Liberals who pushed for drug treatment because it showed a greater success than incarceration. Thankfully you awesome Conservatives won the debate and promised us that if we got tough on crime, double decade prison sentences, that it would stop the drugs. Has it stopped the drugs?

We moved Sudafed behind the counter, and make people break out ID to get some sinus medication. To make sure they aren’t buying too much. It’s had an unbelievable effect on Meth. According to the DEA, Meth production and distribution has increased over 1,000%. Yeah Conservatives. We got tough, and we got even more drugs. Thanks guys.

We are still told that treatment for users is stupid and a waste of money. In the meantime we have one of the highest incarcerated percentages of population in the world. Then to make me laugh, they want to discuss the broken families. Where one or both parents are in prison, why? Well we got tough on crime, and if they’re Black, they must be guilty of something.

You want to really blame someone? Look in the mirror you ass.
It seems available. but is a proven fact that it is not EQUALLY available. You claimed we are wanting more, what do we want that you don't already have or that you are not receiving?
I’ve answered that, and by your answer you’ve confirmed it.
Yeah, they’ve done some awful things. I remember reading about the outrage that the Democrats were spending money on schools for Blacks. Something about every child deserving of an education. How outrageous.

Oh, let’s not forget the idea that police in the areas, should, how should I say it? Not assume that every single black they came across was a subhuman that needed to be stomped into place? Well beneath the White Man?

I know, you long for the good old days. When Blacks were given just enough education to be able to read which bag of seeds they were spreading on a field. But sadly, Democrats though different.

And when Separate but Equal finally bit the dust, much to the rage of the Whites, bussing began. Remember the outraged Blacks at that story?

Those violent Whites attacking Blacks just for daring to go to school. Yes, the glory days of the White Race. When you could attack a Brown Child because of his color.

It was Liberals who said no more. It was Liberals who pushed for drug treatment because it showed a greater success than incarceration. Thankfully you awesome Conservatives won the debate and promised us that if we got tough on crime, double decade prison sentences, that it would stop the drugs. Has it stopped the drugs?

We moved Sudafed behind the counter, and make people break out ID to get some sinus medication. To make sure they aren’t buying too much. It’s had an unbelievable effect on Meth. According to the DEA, Meth production and distribution has increased over 1,000%. Yeah Conservatives. We got tough, and we got even more drugs. Thanks guys.

We are still told that treatment for users is stupid and a waste of money. In the meantime we have one of the highest incarcerated percentages of population in the world. Then to make me laugh, they want to discuss the broken families. Where one or both parents are in prison, why? Well we got tough on crime, and if they’re Black, they must be guilty of something.

You want to really blame someone? Look in the mirror you ass.
Wrong….you want to live in the past forever, and get pats on the back for your white guilt, go ahead. But don’t presume that for me.
The fact is, liberal in government, and in Hollywood have sold a lie that families didn’t need fathers in the home. And that abortion was the “enlightened“ path. Couple that with availability of cheap illegal drugs, and you have what you wanted…Broken families, Broken education systems, and a childish blame shifting instead of acknowledging the problems.

Wow.. so many delusions, Anger Issues, So many.

Let's start with the obvious one. Abortion. Here's a hint. There were just as many abortions occurring before Roe v. Wade as after. The birth rate did not drop in 1973.

Second, America had a drug problem for most of our history. We used to sell opium and cocaine over the counter. The problem here is that you can't really legislate that sort of thing, as the War on Drugs has been every bit as a failure as prohibition was.

No, guy, if the education system is broken, it's because of the lack of investment and equity in it. It's why the schools in Evanston are fine (they get enough money) and the schools in the inner city of Chicago, not so much.

The largest income gap reduction was from 1940 to 1970, been about the same since then. The largest gap is Indian Americans and everyone else, should they be ashamed of that.
You mean a 400 year policy of genocide has been bad for Native Americans? Who knew?
Wrong….you want to live in the past forever, and get pats on the back for your white guilt, go ahead. But don’t presume that for me.

I’m not the one continuing the discredited idea that Blacks are destined to be failures due to reduced intellect. That old idea should have died out with Black and White TV’s. It lives today, because people want to live in the past, instead of the present.

I believe that people should be treated with respect. Sir for men, and Ma’am for women. It doesn’t matter what they say to me, I treat all people with respect. My soul is not affected by whatever they say. It is affected by what I say, and do. I will be judged in the afterlife based upon my heart, my actions, and my thoughts. I am willing to be judged based upon my beliefs. I find them logical, and wise.

I could list tens of thousands of philosophical inspirations, words that have caused me to consider. But in the end, who I am is who I was raised to be.

My parents never allowed anyone to be treated differently under their roof. All men, no matter the Color, were to be addressed as Mr. Or Sir. All women, no matter the color, were to be treated with respect. And there were visitors, and friends, who arrived of all the colors. Friends my Parents worked with.

It allowed me to grow up knowing some very fine people of all colors. And it inoculated me against the idea that superiority was a result of skin pigment. So when others later tried to convince me of those idiotic ideals, I rejected them out of hand. I already knew that those ideals were false.

When I served in the Army, I had no problems with people of any color. I didn’t care what color they were. It was irrelevant. They were fellow soldiers. Period. If they had more rank than me, I’d better treat them respectfully.

And now today, more than five decades since my birth, I hold many of the same beliefs. While some ideals have evolved, the basic premise. We are all people, with the same blood pumping in our veins. That has remained. Secured in an impregnable fortress of logic, and truth.

It is not me living in the past. It has nothing to do with White Guilt. It has everything to do with my belief in God, and my life experience. I’m not the one clinging to the demonstrably false notions of superiority.
Wow.. so many delusions, Anger Issues, So many.

Let's start with the obvious one. Abortion. Here's a hint. There were just as many abortions occurring before Roe v. Wade as after. The birth rate did not drop in 1973.

Second, America had a drug problem for most of our history. We used to sell opium and cocaine over the counter. The problem here is that you can't really legislate that sort of thing, as the War on Drugs has been every bit as a failure as prohibition was.

No, guy, if the education system is broken, it's because of the lack of investment and equity in it. It's why the schools in Evanston are fine (they get enough money) and the schools in the inner city of Chicago, not so much.

You mean a 400 year policy of genocide has been bad for Native Americans? Who knew?
Shame on your ancestors.
I don’t think it is that alone, as there are many single mothers who overcame a lot and did a good job (my mother was for all intents and purposes, a single mother). When you listen to parents who are trying to raise their kids in some of these neighborhoods, it isn’t single parenting that comes. It is lack safety and security, crime, drugs, aka “the streets”, lack of access to safe recreational and social alternatives such as community centers and recreational facilities That are available to kids in more affluent areas.

Pointing to a cause of a set of problems, ie Illegitimacy, is not making the claim that thus 100% of said children are completely doomed.

Thus, pointing to the "many" that despite the handicap, manage to do ok, is irrelevant.

The point remains. Illegitimacy leads to vastly worse outcomes for hte children.

Depends on the topic. If it is abortion or Islam, the other side starts yelling terrorist supporter, muzzle lover, baby killer etc.

I tend to think that when comes to serious social issues, we’ve already picked the low hanging fruit. What is left is complex, more difficult to holistically understand and therefor more contentious. There are also no easy solutions, and solving them would require a deeper understanding of the multiple sides, suspending judgement, and finding areas of common interest to move forward on. That requires the kind of leadership and consensus building skills we haven’t seen in a while. Actually, it is worse than that…those skills are now viewed as “appeasing the enemy”. We are in a bad place.
I agree that we are in a bad place.

Perhaps. But here is a thought.

At one end we have those who believed in total assimilation. That is the mindset that took Native American children from their families, stripped them of their culture, language and religion, and made them “proper Americans”. Is that right? In the immigrant experience, many many immigrant groups clung to their language, traditions, and old world values. The big urban destinations for immigrants such as SF and NYC contained and still contain foreign language signage, newspapers and book stores, ethnic grocery stores, heritage societies, etc. And many of their traditions, cuisine, even words were adopted into the American culture.

So maybe that is the melting pot instead of assimilation, there is something gained at both ends.

While I support diversity in the sense celebrating a d respecting all cultures that make us American and getting rid of harmful stereotypes, I do see a problem in that we now seem to identify first as (insert ethnic group)-American and second as American.

The way we are doing it now, has clearly failed. For one thing, not all cultures are respected. Mine certainly is not. So, we have the loss of NOT assimilating while we also have rampant stereotyping and discrimination, so we have the worst of both worlds.

Agree with the first, but since this is also an issue of crime I would add guns to the sacred cow list.

Fair enough. Lord knows that I and others, stop listening when anyones say shit about guns. We consider the talking phase finished.

How is it you see immigration and diversity as being a sacred cow in what you are saying?

Immigration and Diversity are sacred in our current environment. Any voice raised against it, or questioning of it, is literally TABOO.

I think often it depends how you choose to handle it. I admit I have a hard time time being polite when blatantly racist tropes things come into tbe discussion (such racial IQ or one race being more inherently violent than another). Ignoring things is a powerful tool. Hard to do sometimes.

My point is, that there is no valid complaint about any actual "racist" issue, that needs to be defined as "racist" in order to discuss whether or not the issue is flawed, and/or what to do about it.

The ONLY impact bringing up Race, is to SHUT DOWN serious discussion of any issue.

On the other hand, plenty of valid issues can be shut down, by FALSE complaints of wacism.

So, there is no value to ever discussing it. In this time.
Oh get outa here with that dumb shit....We are talking in a macro sense, just like the way libs like you and Brutha try and lump in ALL Republicans, or Conservatives to their lowest denominator....
Well in all fairness, you are the ones who say dumbass racist shit like this all the time.
I’m not the one continuing the discredited idea that Blacks are destined to be failures due to reduced intellect. That old idea should have died out with Black and White TV’s. It lives today, because people want to live in the past, instead of the present.

I believe that people should be treated with respect. Sir for men, and Ma’am for women. It doesn’t matter what they say to me, I treat all people with respect. My soul is not affected by whatever they say. It is affected by what I say, and do. I will be judged in the afterlife based upon my heart, my actions, and my thoughts. I am willing to be judged based upon my beliefs. I find them logical, and wise.

I could list tens of thousands of philosophical inspirations, words that have caused me to consider. But in the end, who I am is who I was raised to be.

My parents never allowed anyone to be treated differently under their roof. All men, no matter the Color, were to be addressed as Mr. Or Sir. All women, no matter the color, were to be treated with respect. And there were visitors, and friends, who arrived of all the colors. Friends my Parents worked with.

It allowed me to grow up knowing some very fine people of all colors. And it inoculated me against the idea that superiority was a result of skin pigment. So when others later tried to convince me of those idiotic ideals, I rejected them out of hand. I already knew that those ideals were false.

When I served in the Army, I had no problems with people of any color. I didn’t care what color they were. It was irrelevant. They were fellow soldiers. Period. If they had more rank than me, I’d better treat them respectfully.

And now today, more than five decades since my birth, I hold many of the same beliefs. While some ideals have evolved, the basic premise. We are all people, with the same blood pumping in our veins. That has remained. Secured in an impregnable fortress of logic, and truth.

It is not me living in the past. It has nothing to do with White Guilt. It has everything to do with my belief in God, and my life experience. I’m not the one clinging to the demonstrably false notions of superiority.
Show me where I’ve indicated that I am…
Perhaps your intellect doesn’t grasp it. Let me explain further. I’ll use mass media to make it plain for you.

At the beginning of the movie Animal House. The unsuitable candidates were shunted off into a separate room. They would not even be considered for membership. They never had a chance.

Now let’s say you go to the Hospital. You have several broken bones from an auto accident. The Doctor is Black. The Nurse is Black. Are you going to assume these people are trained and qualified to work on you or your child? Or are you going to assume that these people got there because of quotas and lowered standards?

That is what holds a people back. The shunting into the room. The bias that they can’t be good because of their lower intellect. Your beliefs affect them. Every. Day.

Using your example, it seems to me the problem is the "quotas and lowered standards". Those are real. If they did not exist, people would know that any doctors and nurses, all had to pass the same tests and standards.

Just saying.
It seems available. but is a proven fact that it is not EQUALLY available. You claimed we are wanting more, what do we want that you don't already have or that you are not receiving?

Race baiters just continue to bait!!

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