Six people found dead in Milwaukee home were killed 'execution style'

Lol. You don‘t know me.
Right, but you know me though.
My family has a long history in America. Many of my ancestors fought to free yours, and I know of one for certain who died to free yours at the ripe old age of 19. All were devote Christians and abolitionists.

You can thank me now.
Like you said I don't know you and I don't know that you are telling the truth. Folks can make up anything on an anonymous forum.

Funny how the most racist folks on this forum are always talking about what their ancestors or present family has done for black folks.
400 years hundred blah blah the bastard baby and absentee Dad stuff started in the 60's.

It’s not a myth, it’s what you libs engineered…

Actually, the government was paying out money to single mothers as early as the 1930's, but only WHITE single mothers. it was the 1960's that those payments became available to people of color.

The fact is, the economic status of black people actually improved after the 1960's. Still not equal to whites and we should be ashamed of that. But what happened in the 1960's isn't the problem. It's what happened in the 340 years before that.
It’s fine to have an honest conversation about the real problem of black people mudering each other in such high numbers.

But gloating over and making fun of a dead family, including a woman and children, seems pretty low-class.
The fact is, the economic status of black people actually improved after the 1960's. Still not equal to whites and we should be ashamed of that. But what happened in the 1960's isn't the problem. It's what happened in the 340 years before that.

The fact is, liberal in government, and in Hollywood have sold a lie that families didn’t need fathers in the home. And that abortion was the “enlightened“ path. Couple that with availability of cheap illegal drugs, and you have what you wanted…Broken families, Broken education systems, and a childish blame shifting instead of acknowledging the problems.
Right, but you know me though.

Like you said I don't know you and I don't know that you are telling the truth. Folks can make up anything on an anonymous forum.

Funny how the most racist folks on this forum are always talking about what their ancestors or present family has done for black folks.
Funny how black folk always want more, instead of doing for themselves.
Actually, the government was paying out money to single mothers as early as the 1930's, but only WHITE single mothers. it was the 1960's that those payments became available to people of color.

The fact is, the economic status of black people actually improved after the 1960's. Still not equal to whites and we should be ashamed of that. But what happened in the 1960's isn't the problem. It's what happened in the 340 years before that.
The largest income gap reduction was from 1940 to 1970, been about the same since then. The largest gap is Indian Americans and everyone else, should they be ashamed of that.
The fact is, liberal in government, and in Hollywood have sold a lie that families didn’t need fathers in the home. And that abortion was the “enlightened“ path. Couple that with availability of cheap illegal drugs, and you have what you wanted…Broken families, Broken education systems, and a childish blame shifting instead of acknowledging the problems.

So now it is the availability of cheap illegal drugs. And Hollywood.

So you oppose the actions of the FBI who believed that Heroin would help derail the civil rights movement?

Or the CIA who helped run drugs into the nation to provide funding for the Nicaraguan Rebels.
The fact is, the economic status of black people actually improved after the 1960's. Still not equal to whites and we should be ashamed of that. But what happened in the 1960's isn't the problem. It's what happened in the 340 years before that.
Yeah, like it's different anywhere else blacks exist. Even in the Arab countries they're a the very bottom of the barrel, even slaves. Intellect (rather lack thereof) is a damned hard thing to overcome.
Yeah, like it's different anywhere else blacks exist. Even in the Arab countries they're a the very bottom of the barrel, even slaves. Intellect (rather lack thereof) is a damned hard thing to overcome.

Actually. The problem is conservatism.

Conservative idealism is that nothing needs to change. This is the way it was. This is the way it is. And this is the way it needs to be. They call it tradition. They call it honoring those before. But it is always marked by a lack of evolution.

Africa was stagnant. No evolution. The wars fought between the people were exactly like the wars fought centuries before. The same tactics. The same weapons. The same families.

So when people arrived who were more advanced because they were always looking forward. Thinking progressive. Then the inevitable happened.

Africa had iron deposits. The people could have developed steel. This isn’t a lack of intellect. It is lack of desire to try new things. To go beyond where you are and evolve.

Unfortunately arrogance and a self styled ideal that they were superior accompanied the interlopers.

But if there is a lesson. It is that if you stand solely on tradition. You will be stomped into subservience by someone willing to advance and evolve.
Actually. The problem is conservatism.

Conservative idealism is that nothing needs to change. This is the way it was. This is the way it is. And this is the way it needs to be. They call it tradition. They call it honoring those before. But it is always marked by a lack of evolution.

Africa was stagnant. No evolution. The wars fought between the people were exactly like the wars fought centuries before. The same tactics. The same weapons. The same families.

So when people arrived who were more advanced because they were always looking forward. Thinking progressive. Then the inevitable happened.

Africa had iron deposits. The people could have developed steel. This isn’t a lack of intellect. It is lack of desire to try new things. To go beyond where you are and evolve.

Unfortunately arrogance and a self styled ideal that they were superior accompanied the interlopers.

But if there is a lesson. It is that if you stand solely on tradition. You will be stomped into subservience by someone willing to advance and evolve.
Convoluted, to say the least. But what that has to do with the global failure of people of sub-Saharan ancestry is beyond me.
Convoluted, to say the least. But what that has to do with the global failure of people of sub-Saharan ancestry is beyond me.

It set the people up as less than human. It allowed them to be subjugated. And the subjugation was later codified as appropriate and right because of color.

Even now people like yourself say that the problem is intellect. Yet people are alive because of discovers and inventions by people of that limited intellect.

Without the studies of that Black Man, how many more soldiers and sailors would have died in the war? How many would have died since?

So the idea that your superiority is good and proper based upon the “limited intellect” continues to put obstacles before a people making full integration impossible.

Conservative beliefs doomed the Africans long before the Whites showed up. Conservative idealism doomed the Confederacy before the Civil War ever began. Conservative ideals doomed the Germans before World War One.

Any society that bases its beliefs on strict conformity and traditions alone is doomed.
It’s fine to have an honest conversation about the real problem of black people mudering each other in such high numbers.

But gloating over and making fun of a dead family, including a woman and children, seems pretty low-class.
Um hmm. Nearly identical numbers of whites killing each other is not a ”real problem” at all.
It set the people up as less than human. It allowed them to be subjugated. And the subjugation was later codified as appropriate and right because of color.

Even now people like yourself say that the problem is intellect. Yet people are alive because of discovers and inventions by people of that limited intellect.

Without the studies of that Black Man, how many more soldiers and sailors would have died in the war? How many would have died since?

So the idea that your superiority is good and proper based upon the “limited intellect” continues to put obstacles before a people making full integration impossible.

Conservative beliefs doomed the Africans long before the Whites showed up. Conservative idealism doomed the Confederacy before the Civil War ever began. Conservative ideals doomed the Germans before World War One.

Any society that bases its beliefs on strict conformity and traditions alone is doomed.
You still haven't explained why blacks are global failures. Guilt isn't going to do it.

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