Six people found dead in Milwaukee home were killed 'execution style'

So you are basically spewing hearsay.
Do ever visit Reuters, AP News or BBC?
Of course not.

My fellow posters with an IQ above 100, let me know when SuperStupidBrother posts something not stupid and I will take Stupid off Ignore.

Welcome to Ignore.
Thanks for a thoughtful post Correl, I appreciate it.

I disagree about the term “systemic” applied to it however.

Does violent “gangster culture” permeate every level of black society? Or is it more to do with socio-economic status? Historically violent gangs have always been a problem… different times it was the Irish, Jews, Italians usually associated with the poverty of new waves of immigrants. I don’t hear mothers joyfully proclaiming their kid has joined a gang, instead I hear fear and concern that “the streets” will take their kids.

It has to do with single motherhood. I've been poor. Poor doesn't make you a criminal. A poor family with a good structure/environment, is a fine place to grow up.

I do too, but it means a willingness to listen to each other, and a willingness to accept disagreement and different points of view. That seems hard to do here.

I've noticed that when one side starts shouting about various isms and phobes, that real discussion ends. What have you seen from the other side, that has a similar effect?

The problem is you are looking at very complex problems that also happen to contain a lot of sacred cows. There are so many issues at the heart of this: poverty (in itself complex as it also involves living in unsafe areas, lack of access to many things, poor schools, the economic opportunities crime and drugs offers and the high visibility of “success”, the historic effect of racism in creating these places….etc).

All issues we could deal with. But we choose not to, and instead just shut down any serious discussion. Well, except for history. NOthing we can do about the past. Other than forgive and move on.

Historically urban ghettos have always existed and crime within them. Typically one group eventually moves up and out and another moves in. Immigration history is full of that. I don’t think you can separate poverty and crime and there will individuals of all races and ethnicities who prefer the easy big cash rewards that drugs can bring (for example).

That happened as they assimilated and left behind the culture that encouraged the problems. That now is fought against by the ideas of diversity and multiculturalism. So, that once powerful force for good in our society, has been defeated.

This is all strictly just my opinion…but real change has to come from the community level first and that has be supported higher up by those who have the power to legislate and distribute resources. We are too vested in top down, one size fits all solutions and they don’t work very well. The people in those communities know better than than ivory tower do gooders and arrogant “poverty is a moral failing” politicians.

Good ideas can come from anywhere, and solutions can have a position impact from any direction. I am excited by the way that the labor shortage is causing rising wages. IMO, that would be a great thing to continue and encourage.

But, that would come up against the Sacred Cows of Immigration and Diversity.

Maybe we also need to look at what happened to once vibrant communities that are now failing. Maybe the political powers put in a super highway that divided it, effectively destroying connections and living conditions. Those who could, left, those who couldn’t stayed and those who moved in were not going to be home owners or grocers so instead of a grocery, pharmacy, restaurants or hardware stores you had before, but pawn shops, bail shops and hot spots. It doesn’t have to be a highway, it could easily be a landfill, aluminum plant, etc. And, race does seem to be a factor in that many of those things are put in traditionally minority neighborhoods.

There is no way to have a productive discussion, on a serious scale, if race is part of it. INcluding that, at this time, is choosing to fail.

So how should we fix? IMO we can’t totally but we can always improve it by empowing communities, increasing home ownership, expanding community based policing. It just seems to me if you only look at it as a large systemic problem solutions seem impossible. But if go at it community by community you can solve a tiny bit of it and improve lives in the process, but you have to listen to the people who are actually there instead of speaking to them. And listening may lead to some uncomfortable truths we need to acknowledge on all sides in order to move on.


I am suspicious. Most time these days when people ask me to "listen" what ends up is that I end up getting lectured like I am an ill mannered and stupid child. And if I dare voice anything other than craven agreement, I am cancelled.
I just find it amazing how right wingers, republicans, racists, etc. are always trying to tell black folks what Democrats aren't doing for us, what Democrats have done to us, blah, blah, blah. Turn around and ask you what the hell Republicans have done and all we hear are crickets.
What? You excused D politicians for doing nothing for blacks because R politicians don’t do anything either. WTF!
No yours is, you lead in almost every category in this country when it comes to violent crime.

Can you imagine if your race were the majority? If you guys were 70% of the population, murder in America would be exponentially higher. To say nothing of rape, muggings, theft, etc.
Of course…as simplistic as blaming “a culture” broadbrushed on an entire people.

Tell me, when Al Capone and the many mobs and gangs of whites were shooting people, conducting drive by shootings, massacres etc….and attracting the interest of many young people, did anyone blame white culture?

Since they were Italian thugs, what would WASP culture have to do with Capone and the Italian, Irish, and Jewish thugs running around murdering people? The main white bootlegger in West Texas never even owned a gun, and did just fine. Up into the 1970's you could still buy booze from him at his liquor store near Abilene he bought when he went legit after Prohibition. Nice fellow. The main bootlegger in my Dad's hometown was black; never carried a gun either or got arrested for anything violent. Seems it was Catholics and Jews up north and elsewhere who were the murderers and killers, both before, during, and after Prohibition.
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Oh Bullshit. That nonsense didn’t come around until The Godfather films.

Bonnie and Clyde were not Italian, much less Sicilian, and were loved by the people. Even though they killed Cops. Dillinger, and many others were included in the love of criminals by the Whites.

And don’t pretend that the Whites rushed out to support the cops who shot these people down.

There were lots of newspaper articles about the shooting of Bonnie and Clyde especially, claiming that the two Texas Rangers were well outside their jurisdiction, and in fact acted criminally in the pursuit.

The Law and Order Myth of the average White is in fact, nonsense.

Many criminal gangs have been loved by the population. And many criminal activities have been excused by Whites.
Bonnie and Clyde. Really? I hear Jesse James was really popular too.
All one can do is shake one's head.

And try one's best to be as cautious as possible.

And if one has enough money, move to the safer areas of this nation (which I shall not name, for I hope that they remain unknown.)

The biggest villains in American history were, IMHO, those British colonists who in 1619 brought some people here against their will and sowed the consequences that affect all of us today in 2022.
1619 Project hogwash. That's why the fight against teaching revisionist crap HAS TO BE FOUGHT.
Shall I continue? More recent examples?

Tell me why Chauvin is a hero. And while you do I’ll sit back and relax with my point proven.
Chauvin is just a guy who was unlucky enough to have a drug addict die in his custody. If he is a hero, and he's not, he would be a hero simply by virtue of being a police officer. Your point is?
It has to do with single motherhood. I've been poor. Poor doesn't make you a criminal. A poor family with a good structure/environment, is a fine place to grow up.

I don’t think it is that alone, as there are many single mothers who overcame a lot and did a good job (my mother was for all intents and purposes, a single mother). When you listen to parents who are trying to raise their kids in some of these neighborhoods, it isn’t single parenting that comes. It is lack safety and security, crime, drugs, aka “the streets”, lack of access to safe recreational and social alternatives such as community centers and recreational facilities That are available to kids in more affluent areas.

I've noticed that when one side starts shouting about various isms and phobes, that real discussion ends. What have you seen from the other side, that has a similar effect?
Depends on the topic. If it is abortion or Islam, the other side starts yelling terrorist supporter, muzzle lover, baby killer etc.

All issues we could deal with. But we choose not to, and instead just shut down any serious discussion. Well, except for history. NOthing we can do about the past. Other than forgive and move on.
I tend to think that when comes to serious social issues, we’ve already picked the low hanging fruit. What is left is complex, more difficult to holistically understand and therefor more contentious. There are also no easy solutions, and solving them would require a deeper understanding of the multiple sides, suspending judgement, and finding areas of common interest to move forward on. That requires the kind of leadership and consensus building skills we haven’t seen in a while. Actually, it is worse than that…those skills are now viewed as “appeasing the enemy”. We are in a bad place.

That happened as they assimilated and left behind the culture that encouraged the problems. That now is fought against by the ideas of diversity and multiculturalism. So, that once powerful force for good in our society, has been defeated.

Perhaps. But here is a thought.

At one end we have those who believed in total assimilation. That is the mindset that took Native American children from their families, stripped them of their culture, language and religion, and made them “proper Americans”. Is that right? In the immigrant experience, many many immigrant groups clung to their language, traditions, and old world values. The big urban destinations for immigrants such as SF and NYC contained and still contain foreign language signage, newspapers and book stores, ethnic grocery stores, heritage societies, etc. And many of their traditions, cuisine, even words were adopted into the American culture.

So maybe that is the melting pot instead of assimilation, there is something gained at both ends.

While I support diversity in the sense celebrating a d respecting all cultures that make us American and getting rid of harmful stereotypes, I do see a problem in that we now seem to identify first as (insert ethnic group)-American and second as American.

Good ideas can come from anywhere, and solutions can have a position impact from any direction. I am excited by the way that the labor shortage is causing rising wages. IMO, that would be a great thing to continue and encourage.

But, that would come up against the Sacred Cows of Immigration and Diversity.
Agree with the first, but since this is also an issue of crime I would add guns to the sacred cow list.

How is it you see immigration and diversity as being a sacred cow in what you are saying?

There is no way to have a productive discussion, on a serious scale, if race is part of it. INcluding that, at this time, is choosing to fail.

I am suspicious. Most time these days when people ask me to "listen" what ends up is that I end up getting lectured like I am an ill mannered and stupid child. And if I dare voice anything other than craven agreement, I am cancelled.

I think often it depends how you choose to handle it. I admit I have a hard time time being polite when blatantly racist tropes things come into tbe discussion (such racial IQ or one race being more inherently violent than another). Ignoring things is a powerful tool. Hard to do sometimes.
Oh Bullshit. That nonsense didn’t come around until The Godfather films.

Bonnie and Clyde were not Italian, much less Sicilian, and were loved by the people. Even though they killed Cops. Dillinger, and many others were included in the love of criminals by the Whites.

And don’t pretend that the Whites rushed out to support the cops who shot these people down.

There were lots of newspaper articles about the shooting of Bonnie and Clyde especially, claiming that the two Texas Rangers were well outside their jurisdiction, and in fact acted criminally in the pursuit.

The Law and Order Myth of the average White is in fact, nonsense.

Many criminal gangs have been loved by the population. And many criminal activities have been excused by Whites.
The truth is…people get excited by and love those living dangerously and the anti hero type.

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