Six people found dead in Milwaukee home were killed 'execution style'

Not white culture. Italian culture. Yes. Italian, specifically Sicilian culture was not only blamed but romanticized as well.

Oh Bullshit. That nonsense didn’t come around until The Godfather films.

Bonnie and Clyde were not Italian, much less Sicilian, and were loved by the people. Even though they killed Cops. Dillinger, and many others were included in the love of criminals by the Whites.

And don’t pretend that the Whites rushed out to support the cops who shot these people down.

There were lots of newspaper articles about the shooting of Bonnie and Clyde especially, claiming that the two Texas Rangers were well outside their jurisdiction, and in fact acted criminally in the pursuit.

The Law and Order Myth of the average White is in fact, nonsense.

Many criminal gangs have been loved by the population. And many criminal activities have been excused by Whites.
No, whites have committed the largest atrocities the world has ever seen.
Atrocities are only of whites by your spews. Atrocities in a world where the technologies advanced by whites recorded them. Everyone else is so innocent. I ask you to live like the Amish. The Amish are white I know. But they would be closer to tribes in Some African locales. Live in a clean way and back to nature life. Nothing from the white hordes of evil you promote them to be. There are ways to get land for this. There are people living on land for this. It is obvious for a percentage of the population that living with modern technologies is not good.
I'm fine with addressing the problem. The problems are - Gun Proliferation, Drug Addiction, Mental Illness, Poverty and Racism.

All of these problems are made a lot worse by the racial inequities in our society.

A poor black addict is likely to resort to crime, while an affluent white addict is likely to get rehab.
A poor black mentally ill person is likely to deteriorate mentally and self-medicate, while a white person with mental issues is likely to get treatment.

You get the idea... or maybe you don't because you think it's all too clever to call yourself "Welfare queen" and put a picture of an obese black woman as an avi...

You mean the kid who showed up with a gun to a black lives matter rally, and had expressed his desire to shoot people before he got there, and hung out with the Racist Proud Boys when he was out on bail?.

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I agree with much of that, but you forgot to mention the increasing hatred for whites by many blacks. There is a rising hostility many blacks feel toward whites. This is a consequence of a concerted effort to divide the races by politicians, media, and civil rights leaders. This will likely result in ever increasing violence.
I'm fine with addressing the problem. The problems are - Gun Proliferation, Drug Addiction, Mental Illness, Poverty and Racism.

All of these problems are made a lot worse by the racial inequities in our society.

A poor black addict is likely to resort to crime, while an affluent white addict is likely to get rehab.
A poor black mentally ill person is likely to deteriorate mentally and self-medicate, while a white person with mental issues is likely to get treatment.

You get the idea... or maybe you don't because you think it's all too clever to call yourself "Welfare queen" and put a picture of an obese black woman as an avi...

You mean the kid who showed up with a gun to a black lives matter rally, and had expressed his desire to shoot people before he got there, and hung out with the Racist Proud Boys when he was out on bail?.

View attachment 594686
Your retort is replete with opinion and devoid of little fact.
Something else to consider too, and that is WHERE these high crime rates are and who perpetrated it.

They are not throughout the city, or through out all black neighborhoods. They usually concentrate in a few blocks of a neighborhood that has exceedingly high violence rates and an ineffective policing strategy.

In our forthcoming study of serious violence in over 20 cities, we found that less than 1 percent of a city’s population—the share involved in what we call “street groups” (gangs, sets, and crews)—is generally connected to over 50 percent of the city’s shootings and homicides. We use “group” as a term inclusive of any social network involved in violence, whether they are hierarchical, formal gangs, or loose neighborhood crews. In city after city, the very small number of people involved in these groups consistently perpetrated and were victimized by the most serious violence.

To be clear: The number of group-involved people actually committing homicides or shootings is still far smaller than the less-than-1-percent of a city’s population in these groups.
This held true even in areas considered chronically “dangerous,” like parts of East Baltimore. There, the group member population totaled only three quarters of a percentage point, even as they were connected to 58.43 percent of homicides. Shootings tend to be even more concentrated than homicides. In Minneapolis, we found that 0.15 percent of the population was determined to be involved in groups, but this population was connected to 53.96 percent of shootings—a proportion over 350 times higher than their population representation.

So, if I understand this correctly you are looking at an incredibly small percentage of people responsible for a significant amount of crime. In a city like Chicago, which is 29% black, even if the majority of the perpetrators are black…it is only fraction of the black population. It is difficult to claim they support crime and violence or are inherently more criminal (as some here claim).

It is also difficult to claim it is all dependent on which political party is in control when it is driven by factors often unique to a city. Detroit for example is a city which lost much of it’s manufacturing base and has been losing population, leading to huge numbers of abandoned housing which run down neighborhoods and lead to increased crime. Tulsa OK, Oklahoma City OK, Fort Worth TX, Fresno CA and Miami FL have all seen a surge in crime…and they are Republican.
I never claimed it was all about gangs...There are many factors; Intact families, welfare dependency, education, and yes, gangs....Heritage did a study, and came up with this interesting article on the subject...

Policymakers at last are coming to recognize the connection between the breakdown of American families and various social problems. The unfolding debate over welfare reform, for instance, has been shaped by the wide acceptance in recent years that children born into single-parent families are much more likely than children of intact families to fall into poverty and welfare dependence themselves in later years. These children, in fact, face a daunting array of problems.

While this link between illegitimacy and chronic welfare dependency now is better understood, policymakers also need to appreciate another strong and disturbing pattern evident in scholarly studies: the link between illegitimacy and violent crime and between the lack of parental attachment and violent crime. Without an understanding of the root causes of criminal behavior -- how criminals are formed -- Members of Congress and state legislators cannot understand why whole sectors of society, particularly in urban areas, are being torn apart by crime. And without that knowledge, sound policymaking is impossible."

Why would that matter? Because Rs do nothing for D controlled cities, doesn’t mean D pols can get away with doing nothing. Does it?
I just find it amazing how right wingers, republicans, racists, etc. are always trying to tell black folks what Democrats aren't doing for us, what Democrats have done to us, blah, blah, blah. Turn around and ask you what the hell Republicans have done and all we hear are crickets.
Atrocities are only of whites by your spews. Atrocities in a world where the technologies advanced by whites recorded them. Everyone else is so innocent. I ask you to live like the Amish. The Amish are white I know. But they would be closer to tribes in Some African locales. Live in a clean way and back to nature life. Nothing from the white hordes of evil you promote them to be. There are ways to get land for this. There are people living on land for this. It is obvious for a percentage of the population that living with modern technologies is not good.
Are you trying to make a point?
It has everything to do with the argument, it proves you are the most violent folks the world has ever known.
We are violent...that how we gave Blacks, electricity and clothes that don't look like the animals they came from.

Any other bull you'd like to share with us?
What does it matter? Police show up after crimes are committed.
You can't be this oblivious to what's going on.
Democrat mayors, including Chicago's and NYC's DeBlasio explicitly told police not to investigate crimes.
The more you post, the dumber we know you are.
As you well know blacks make up about 13% of the population, yet commit about 50% of the crime.
All one can do is shake one's head.

And try one's best to be as cautious as possible.

And if one has enough money, move to the safer areas of this nation (which I shall not name, for I hope that they remain unknown.)

The biggest villains in American history were, IMHO, those British colonists who in 1619 brought some people here against their will and sowed the consequences that affect all of us today in 2022.

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