Six people found dead in Milwaukee home were killed 'execution style'

Of course…as simplistic as blaming “a culture” broadbrushed on an entire people.

Tell me, when Al Capone and the many mobs and gangs of whites were shooting people, conducting drive by shootings, massacres etc….and attracting the interest of many young people, did anyone blame white culture?

They sure as hell blamed "Italian Culture"
One thing, which is the elephant in the room, that no one seems to want to bring up in this discussion...And that is that these urban areas are overwhelmingly run by Democrat political machines, who have had a stranglehold on power for the better part of the past 75 years or better.

When you talk to Black and minority people living in these communities, they do not want the level of crime, but it is hard to get police in there with the force they need to clean it up...Yet, every election cycle they get the same lip service from Democrats, then when the election is over, nothing is done...

They can't get the businesses in their communities because today what business would go in there when the order of the day is to allow these businesses to be robbed daily with no repercussions?

How long will these communities continue to vote against their own interests by continuing to vote in progressive Democrats that only use them for their votes....?
Something else to consider too, and that is WHERE these high crime rates are and who perpetrated it.

They are not throughout the city, or through out all black neighborhoods. They usually concentrate in a few blocks of a neighborhood that has exceedingly high violence rates and an ineffective policing strategy.

In our forthcoming study of serious violence in over 20 cities, we found that less than 1 percent of a city’s population—the share involved in what we call “street groups” (gangs, sets, and crews)—is generally connected to over 50 percent of the city’s shootings and homicides. We use “group” as a term inclusive of any social network involved in violence, whether they are hierarchical, formal gangs, or loose neighborhood crews. In city after city, the very small number of people involved in these groups consistently perpetrated and were victimized by the most serious violence.

To be clear: The number of group-involved people actually committing homicides or shootings is still far smaller than the less-than-1-percent of a city’s population in these groups.
This held true even in areas considered chronically “dangerous,” like parts of East Baltimore. There, the group member population totaled only three quarters of a percentage point, even as they were connected to 58.43 percent of homicides. Shootings tend to be even more concentrated than homicides. In Minneapolis, we found that 0.15 percent of the population was determined to be involved in groups, but this population was connected to 53.96 percent of shootings—a proportion over 350 times higher than their population representation.

So, if I understand this correctly you are looking at an incredibly small percentage of people responsible for a significant amount of crime. In a city like Chicago, which is 29% black, even if the majority of the perpetrators are black…it is only fraction of the black population. It is difficult to claim they support crime and violence or are inherently more criminal (as some here claim).

It is also difficult to claim it is all dependent on which political party is in control when it is driven by factors often unique to a city. Detroit for example is a city which lost much of it’s manufacturing base and has been losing population, leading to huge numbers of abandoned housing which run down neighborhoods and lead to increased crime. Tulsa OK, Oklahoma City OK, Fort Worth TX, Fresno CA and Miami FL have all seen a surge in crime…and they are Republican.
I am all for death row and rapid execution for whites or blacks who commit murder.
Can you say the same?
Nope. I oppose the death penalty because it is unevenly and unequally applied and innocent people end up on death row. However, like you, I apply this to both black and white.
They are white. That is a white culture.
That would be inaccurate. Whites only became a single racial entity in the last few decades. Previously they were identified by ethnic background that generally followed waves of immigrants. These immigrants were often treated poorly until they assimilated, which could take a few generations.
That would be inaccurate. Whites only became a single racial entity in the last few decades. Previously they were identified by ethnic background that generally followed waves of immigrants. These immigrants were often treated poorly until they assimilated, which could take a few generations.
Agree. So why are blacks treated as one culture?
No different than whites killing whites.
No. You have ignored the points again.

When whites murder other whites, or anyone else, the KARENS and most all other whites will attack the predator. Quick to give info...quick to help those in need (or used to be --this is changing).

Black communities don't do this---they protect the criminal or not turn in the criminal. As a result, higher crime rates in black communities...

It has nothing to do with poverty, or education, slavery from 150 years ago, flags, or the man---it has all to do with a culture that accepts and supports criminals when other cultures are quick to weed their criminals out from the population.
Actually the blame has to lay at the feet of both.
Nope policing is local. Governors don't run local police departments. Dem Mayors and Dem City Councils run big cities and those departments.
Doesn’t sound like blacks as a group support crime and violence.

Black adults in the U.S. consistently express more concern than white adults about crime.

In last year’s preelection survey, three-quarters of blacks – compared with fewer than half of whites (46%) – said violent crime is a very big problem in the country today. And while 82% of blacks said gun violence is a very big problem in the U.S., just 47% of whites said the same.

Blacks are also more likely than whites to see crime as a serious problem locally. In an early 2018 survey, black adults were roughly twice as likely as whites to say crime is a major problem in their local community (38% vs. 17%).

That’s consistent with a survey conducted in early 2017, when blacks were about twice as likely as whites to say their local community is not too or not at all safe from crime (34% vs. 15%). Black adults were also more likely than whites to say they worry a lot about having their home broken into (28% vs. 13%) or being the victim of a violent crime (20% vs. 8%). However, similar shares in both groups (22% of blacks and 18% of whites) said they actually had been the victim of a violent crime.
Expressing concern is obvisiously not giving a rat's ass about crime. It's more to do with a love of whining about anything and everything. Black communities whine about crime wanting more money or attention---but they still support and allow crime in their communities as a group.
Dayammmmmmmmmmmmm, these mofos got caught napping.

Six people who were found dead in a Milwaukee home on Sunday were shot dead in an 'execution style' mass killing and three of the victims were due to testify at an upcoming murder trial, police have revealed.

The bodies were found in a home on North 21st Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Sunday afternoon.

Police were called to perform a welfare check and inside, they discovered Caleb Jordan, 23, Javoni Liddell, 31, Charles Hardy, 42, Donald Smith, 43, Donta Williams, 44, and Michelle Williams, 49.
Damn, time to put more guns on the street.

BTW the mob would never do this type of thing.

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