Six people found dead in Milwaukee home were killed 'execution style'

I'm fine with addressing the problem. The problems are - Gun Proliferation, Drug Addiction, Mental Illness, Poverty and Racism.

All of these problems are made a lot worse by the racial inequities in our society.

A poor black addict is likely to resort to crime, while an affluent white addict is likely to get rehab.
A poor black mentally ill person is likely to deteriorate mentally and self-medicate, while a white person with mental issues is likely to get treatment.

You get the idea... or maybe you don't because you think it's all too clever to call yourself "Welfare queen" and put a picture of an obese black woman as an avi...

You mean the kid who showed up with a gun to a black lives matter rally, and had expressed his desire to shoot people before he got there, and hung out with the Racist Proud Boys when he was out on bail?.

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A lot of supposition. Do you have any facts to back it up? Because by your logic blacks are too stupid to help themselves. They cannot legally be denied services. So who is preventing them from getting help?
Chauvin is just a guy who was unlucky enough to have a drug addict die in his custody. If he is a hero, and he's not, he would be a hero simply by virtue of being a police officer. Your point is?

Odd that no Coroner in the country was willing to make that the determination of death.

Excuses like that. Rationalizations like that. Those were heard about Bonnie and Clyde. And all the other heroes who committed crimes.

People like the Bundy’s. They did use Government land. They didn’t pay the fees. But the Government was wrong by withholding exculpatory evidence. That was why the charges were dismissed in Nevada.

Now. I agree with the dismissal of charges. I believe that the cops should always tell the truth. I also know the Bundy’s did the crimes they were accused of in Nevada.
Odd that no Coroner in the country was willing to make that the determination of death.

Excuses like that. Rationalizations like that. Those were heard about Bonnie and Clyde. And all the other heroes who committed crimes.

People like the Bundy’s. They did use Government land. They didn’t pay the fees. But the Government was wrong by withholding exculpatory evidence. That was why the charges were dismissed in Nevada.

Now. I agree with the dismissal of charges. I believe that the cops should always tell the truth. I also know the Bundy’s did the crimes they were accused of in Nevada.
How you got to the Bundys is a mystery best left to experts.
I never claimed it was all about gangs...There are many factors; Intact families, welfare dependency, education, and yes, gangs....Heritage did a study, and came up with this interesting article on the subject...

Policymakers at last are coming to recognize the connection between the breakdown of American families and various social problems. The unfolding debate over welfare reform, for instance, has been shaped by the wide acceptance in recent years that children born into single-parent families are much more likely than children of intact families to fall into poverty and welfare dependence themselves in later years. These children, in fact, face a daunting array of problems.

Bullshit. First, it works on the myth of absent black fathers. Unmarried does not mean absent.

Secondly, at current, 41% of Americans are born out of wedlock. This is comparable to most other G-7 nations, and they have nowhere near the problems we have. In France, the out of wedlock birth rate is 60%

A lot of supposition. Do you have any facts to back it up? Because by your logic blacks are too stupid to help themselves. They cannot legally be denied services. So who is preventing them from getting help?

That's like saying nothing is preventing them from getting a nice car or a house in a nicer neighborhood....

You know, just pretend the previous 400 years never happened...
That is the kind of hatred you have in your heart, not me. See that is what your grandfather and his father did.
Lol. You don‘t know me.

My family has a long history in America. Many of my ancestors fought to free yours, and I know of one for certain who died to free yours at the ripe old age of 19. All were devote Christians and abolitionists.

You can thank me now.
How you got to the Bundys is a mystery best left to experts.

We were talking about criminal heroes to the Whites. You objected to Bonnie and Clyde as too old. I mentioned Chauvin.

Again an objection. Denying that he was a hero while putting forth the propaganda again.

I disputed your Propaganda and mentioned other heroes of the Whites the Bundy’s.

I am one of those who honestly believes it is better for a thousand guilty people to go free than a single innocent person goes to prison. That is why I support the charges being dropped. I think the Bundy’s are guilty. But the Feds lied and obstructed Justice by failing to admit the surveillance they had the Bundy’s under.

I believe the Bundy’s and their cause is for fools. I think they are RW asshats. I wouldn’t lift a finger to support them or the wannabe heroes who rushed to the ranch to stand up against the Gubment.

But. The Bundy’s were required by the Constitution to get all exculpatory evidence. And the Feds were required to provide truthful answers. The Judge dismissing the charges once the truth was exposed what wholly appropriate.
Again, simplistic. As you well know blacks make up about 13% of the population, yet commit about 50% of the crime.

After the Valentines Day massacre, what happened? Blacks have refused to do anything about the crime epidemic in their communities. Whites do something. See the difference?
Mm hmm. The other half is white murderers. Both are problematic.
I'm sick of hearing this excuse. It has nothing to doing with being marginalized, lacking political or economic power. Black communities support criminals hence all the marching against cops and whining about how bad the poor wittle criminals were treated. Many poor poor whites would never dream of committing crimes, and hence their communities poor with less political power than black communities don't commit crimes.

I grew up--very poor--I didn't commit crimes. Most of the farm kids were poor. Even in school----rich or poor, blacks committed more crimes and supported other criminals. I went to a high school that won the Texas State championship---after they did that--they redrew their district to encompass the black housing units that had a couple of football players that they wanted---JJ being one who could barely write his name, and the coaches had to go take his tests for him to keep him playing------the housing projects stole and often assaulted others-------most of the airforce brats (rich by our standards) (black) supported and even often partook in the crimes. When I started junior high school--the boys would keep their guns on gun racks in the back of their trucks--but by the time I graduated, they had to stop doing because of the thefts. The convenience stores and fast food joints around the school began to be rob at an epidemic rate, and began to offer free coffee and donuts to cops to keep them in the building. Signs went up forbidding more than 2 people in the stores at a time-------and so much more.

It's a lie to blame economics---economics has nothing to do with being a criminal.

And yet, many poor whites DO commit crimes. And many poor blacks wouldn’t dream of it, given that the majority of violent crime is committed by a tiny fraction of a racial population.
We were talking about criminal heroes to the Whites. You objected to Bonnie and Clyde as too old. I mentioned Chauvin.

Again an objection. Denying that he was a hero while putting forth the propaganda again.

I disputed your Propaganda and mentioned other heroes of the Whites the Bundy’s.

I am one of those who honestly believes it is better for a thousand guilty people to go free than a single innocent person goes to prison. That is why I support the charges being dropped. I think the Bundy’s are guilty. But the Feds lied and obstructed Justice by failing to admit the surveillance they had the Bundy’s under.

I believe the Bundy’s and their cause is for fools. I think they are RW asshats. I wouldn’t lift a finger to support them or the wannabe heroes who rushed to the ranch to stand up against the Gubment.

But. The Bundy’s were required by the Constitution to get all exculpatory evidence. And the Feds were required to provide truthful answers. The Judge dismissing the charges once the truth was exposed what wholly appropriate.
I am not deliberately ignoring you. I just don't care.
Bullshit. First, it works on the myth of absent black fathers. Unmarried does not mean absent.

Secondly, at current, 41% of Americans are born out of wedlock. This is comparable to most other G-7 nations, and they have nowhere near the problems we have. In France, the out of wedlock birth rate is 60%

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That's like saying nothing is preventing them from getting a nice car or a house in a nicer neighborhood....

You know, just pretend the previous 400 years never happened...
400 years hundred blah blah the bastard baby and absentee Dad stuff started in the 60's.
400 years hundred blah blah the bastard baby and absentee Dad stuff started in the 60's.
IKR. It’s confounding. If only there were literature or even classes one could take that could break it down in an understandable way.
Of course…as simplistic as blaming “a culture” broadbrushed on an entire people.

Tell me, when Al Capone and the many mobs and gangs of whites were shooting people, conducting drive by shootings, massacres etc….and attracting the interest of many young people, did anyone blame white culture?
Are you comparing organized crime to Black people climEs? How do you say blacks are a little disorganized
Bullshit. First, it works on the myth of absent black fathers. Unmarried does not mean absent.

Secondly, at current, 41% of Americans are born out of wedlock. This is comparable to most other G-7 nations, and they have nowhere near the problems we have. In France, the out of wedlock birth rate is 60%

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It’s not a myth, it’s what you libs engineered…
Dayammmmmmmmmmmmm, these mofos got caught napping.

Six people who were found dead in a Milwaukee home on Sunday were shot dead in an 'execution style' mass killing and three of the victims were due to testify at an upcoming murder trial, police have revealed.

The bodies were found in a home on North 21st Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Sunday afternoon.

Police were called to perform a welfare check and inside, they discovered Caleb Jordan, 23, Javoni Liddell, 31, Charles Hardy, 42, Donald Smith, 43, Donta Williams, 44, and Michelle Williams, 49.

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