Six People Have died Of The Virus In Washington State

The death toll is increasing.

I hope its doesn't get much higher.

3 more people die from virus in Washington state
The reason for the jump in deaths is the breakout of virus at the Life Care Center in Kirkland Washington. Most of their patients are in 80's and 90's and very health compromised. I wouldn't be surprised if most died.
Who made sure they were somehow strangely infected?
WTF is the State of Washington up to?

Alot of people with Chinese ties on the west coast. That's why they'll probably get hit the hardest.

It's good to live in flyover MAGA country, where I can bitterly cling to by bible and my guns, and not have to worry about some Chinese Death Virus.

Although, we are prepared: Enough food to last for a couple months, including several cases of MRE's. Five packs of nitrile gloves, five boxes of N95 masks, plenty of sanitizers, three military-issue NBC masks with extra filters, guns, ammo, etc.

And some folks thought preppers were "wackos".


You left out 3 cases of Black Velvet Canadian whiskey you unprepared fool.

Dammit!! I knew I forgot something.

[....furiously searching internet for instructions on how to build a still...]
69 shot and killed, and 285 shot and wounded in Chicago just within the last two months. And that's just one city.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!

I wonder how many died of drug overdose in San Fagcisco last week? Or how many slipped on shit on the sidewalk and broke a hip or something.
It is not the absolute numbers of cases that concern healthcare officials. It's the rate of increase in cases and the ease of transmission coupled with the fact that we have no antiviral treatment and no vaccine in sight.

As happens every year with every new flu strain. It takes too long to develop a vaccine in the same time frame of the current virus
this is not just a new flu strain
The death toll is increasing.

I hope its doesn't get much higher.

3 more people die from virus in Washington state

Hope they're all in Seattle.

"Hope they're all in Seattle."

The great thing about being a piece of shit conservative is that you get to accuse liberals and democrats of wanting Americans to die and then you can turn around and hope that liberal Americans die...

and you have no fkn idea what a fkn hypocrite you are....
The death toll is increasing.

I hope its doesn't get much higher.

3 more people die from virus in Washington state

Hope they're all in Seattle.

"Hope they're all in Seattle."

The great thing about being a piece of shit conservative is that you get to accuse liberals and democrats of wanting Americans to die and then you can turn around and hope that liberal Americans die...

and you have no fkn idea what a fkn hypocrite you are....

Stand down, grasshopper.
Dimms politicized the virus first.
Maybe the Democrats would like to tell us THEIR plan for combatting the Corona Virus...

If we're talking about having fun with the corona virus...let's all go to a trump rally and start coughing.

Sure. And I'll show up at a Biden rally full of at least ten people, wearing a mask and a pair white medical coveralls.
Nothing to worry about
Our President tells us so
69 shot and killed, and 285 shot and wounded in Chicago just within the last two months. And that's just one city.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!

I wonder how many died of drug overdose in San Fagcisco last week? Or how many slipped on shit on the sidewalk and broke a hip or something.
It is not the absolute numbers of cases that concern healthcare officials. It's the rate of increase in cases and the ease of transmission coupled with the fact that we have no antiviral treatment and no vaccine in sight.

As happens every year with every new flu strain. It takes too long to develop a vaccine in the same time frame of the current virus
this is not just a new flu strain

And how so? Because there are other Corona viruses that have been in existence for years? While they maybe similar, there are still differences enough that as we both agree there is no current vaccine.....because it does take so long to develop one specific to the current strain. Yes???

We learned that a few years ago.....that vaccines are made 'in the hope' of being the right one for whichever type of flu is going around that season. Unfortunately then, we didn't have the correct vaccine and/or enough to go around.

So yes, in many ways this does happen every year with each new flu season...…….and I'm asking serious questions for dialogue & debate to understand what you meant by that...….not trying to be pissy
69 shot and killed, and 285 shot and wounded in Chicago just within the last two months. And that's just one city.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!

I wonder how many died of drug overdose in San Fagcisco last week? Or how many slipped on shit on the sidewalk and broke a hip or something.
It is not the absolute numbers of cases that concern healthcare officials. It's the rate of increase in cases and the ease of transmission coupled with the fact that we have no antiviral treatment and no vaccine in sight.

No vaccine is needed. I haven't taken a flu shot since about 1970 or so when I started refusing them in the AF. Every damn time I got the shot I got the flu that year but if left alone it usually skips me. Not always but usually. They don't know diddly squat shit about virus infections and still can't cure so much as a common head cold. You should quit being so susceptible to having smoke blown up your ass and start looking at who profits from what.
So, so painfully stupid.

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