Six People Have died Of The Virus In Washington State

69 shot and killed, and 285 shot and wounded in Chicago just within the last two months. And that's just one city.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!
Much worse in St Louis and in Alaska.

The Democrat-run city of St. Louis, yes. Name one city in Alaska and produce some statistics.
The most violent and peaceful states in America: Louisiana is at top

Of course. Louisiana is full of black liberals and Democrats. Why would you not expect them to be violent?
69 shot and killed, and 285 shot and wounded in Chicago just within the last two months. And that's just one city.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!
Much worse in St Louis and in Alaska.

The Democrat-run city of St. Louis, yes. Name one city in Alaska and produce some statistics.
The most violent and peaceful states in America: Louisiana is at top

Of course. Louisiana is full of black liberals and Democrats. Why would you not expect them to be violent?
And there's the excuse making now....Louisiana is a Red state, sweetheart. As is Alaska.
69 shot and killed, and 285 shot and wounded in Chicago just within the last two months. And that's just one city.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!
Much worse in St Louis and in Alaska.

The Democrat-run city of St. Louis, yes. Name one city in Alaska and produce some statistics.
The most violent and peaceful states in America: Louisiana is at top

Of course. Louisiana is full of black liberals and Democrats. Why would you not expect them to be violent?
And there's the excuse making now....Louisiana is a Red state, sweetheart. As is Alaska.

So you're saying that worthless scumbag liberal shitheads don't live in red states too?

If only it were so, we'd all be better off.
Why are you answering my question with a question?

Several questions really. First reason: is your Google broken?

Second reason:

Because if you intend to make a valid point, you should ask those questions first and make a point in the correct context.
Wrong. And I did not ask you the question. Go away.
No, sorry, spot on, obviously.

Furthermore, maybe posting on a public forum is too much for your delicate sensibilities.

Here is an idea:

Instead of begging strangers to Google something for you, find your own facts, and use them to make a point.

Mind blowing, I know.
Wrong. And I did not ask you the question. Go away.
No, sorry, spot on, obviously.

Furthermore, maybe posting on a public forum is too much for your delicate sensibilities.

Here is an idea:

Instead of begging strangers to Google something for you, find your own facts, and use them to make a point.

Mind blowing, I know.
You still here?
69 shot and killed, and 285 shot and wounded in Chicago just within the last two months. And that's just one city.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!

I wonder how many died of drug overdose in San Fagcisco last week? Or how many slipped on shit on the sidewalk and broke a hip or something.
It is not the absolute numbers of cases that concern healthcare officials. It's the rate of increase in cases and the ease of transmission coupled with the fact that we have no antiviral treatment and no vaccine in sight.

As happens every year with every new flu strain. It takes too long to develop a vaccine in the same time frame of the current virus
this is not just a new flu strain

And how so? Because there are other Corona viruses that have been in existence for years? While they maybe similar, there are still differences enough that as we both agree there is no current vaccine.....because it does take so long to develop one specific to the current strain. Yes???

We learned that a few years ago.....that vaccines are made 'in the hope' of being the right one for whichever type of flu is going around that season. Unfortunately then, we didn't have the correct vaccine and/or enough to go around.

So yes, in many ways this does happen every year with each new flu season...…….and I'm asking serious questions for dialogue & debate to understand what you meant by that...….not trying to be pissy
It's not just the flu. It's different from the Flu. It has unique characteristics and it can be stopped. We don't even discuss stopping seasonal flu. Whether it will be or not depends on it's characteristics and how effective quarantines are. Of particular interest is the effect of warmer more humid whether which will start in few more months in most of effected areas.
I wonder how many died of drug overdose in San Fagcisco last week? Or how many slipped on shit on the sidewalk and broke a hip or something.
It is not the absolute numbers of cases that concern healthcare officials. It's the rate of increase in cases and the ease of transmission coupled with the fact that we have no antiviral treatment and no vaccine in sight.

As happens every year with every new flu strain. It takes too long to develop a vaccine in the same time frame of the current virus
this is not just a new flu strain

And how so? Because there are other Corona viruses that have been in existence for years? While they maybe similar, there are still differences enough that as we both agree there is no current vaccine.....because it does take so long to develop one specific to the current strain. Yes???

We learned that a few years ago.....that vaccines are made 'in the hope' of being the right one for whichever type of flu is going around that season. Unfortunately then, we didn't have the correct vaccine and/or enough to go around.

So yes, in many ways this does happen every year with each new flu season...…….and I'm asking serious questions for dialogue & debate to understand what you meant by that...….not trying to be pissy
It's not just the flu. It's different from the Flu. It has unique characteristics and it can be stopped. We don't even discuss stopping seasonal flu. Whether it will be or not depends on it's characteristics and how effective quarantines are. Of particular interest is the effect of warmer more humid whether which will start in few more months in most of effected areas.

I don't know......maybe, maybe not. There is just too much information coming out so fast, that it's really hard to tell which is fact & which is fiction, as much of it contradicts each other. And still there is much to learn about it. I still think using common sense, taking precautions, washing hands, stay away from sick people, building your immune system to fight it off, etc is probably the best chances of either not getting the virus or fighting off the worst of it.

So far we've had 9? deaths in the US (Washington state), most of those were from the same Nursing home with elderly/sick patients. Has the virus peaked here yet??? Probably not. Will there be more deaths from it? More than likely yes. But given the timeframe of it showing here in the last 2 months and our overall numbers (confirmed cases, and deaths) currently, I don't suspect it to get much worse...….as in millions infected with hundreds of deaths. And I'm talking here in the US. cause I think the higher numbers in China are because of China. but that's another story in itself & won't go there.
This virus is not the problem. The problem is that something is lowering our immune system. And the main culprits is GMO foods and the pesticides. Now there's people that are dying from simple a flu virus. But putting anything that is unnatural into the body. That it's causing the body immune system to fight it off, which it's using up your energy to fight it off. But then you are adding more fuel to the flame. And which you are already low on energy to fight it off.

75 people died of flu this past winter

In last two weeks
Con virus-9

Shit it can’t even win the popular vote
It is not the absolute numbers of cases that concern healthcare officials. It's the rate of increase in cases and the ease of transmission coupled with the fact that we have no antiviral treatment and no vaccine in sight.

As happens every year with every new flu strain. It takes too long to develop a vaccine in the same time frame of the current virus
this is not just a new flu strain

And how so? Because there are other Corona viruses that have been in existence for years? While they maybe similar, there are still differences enough that as we both agree there is no current vaccine.....because it does take so long to develop one specific to the current strain. Yes???

We learned that a few years ago.....that vaccines are made 'in the hope' of being the right one for whichever type of flu is going around that season. Unfortunately then, we didn't have the correct vaccine and/or enough to go around.

So yes, in many ways this does happen every year with each new flu season...…….and I'm asking serious questions for dialogue & debate to understand what you meant by that...….not trying to be pissy
It's not just the flu. It's different from the Flu. It has unique characteristics and it can be stopped. We don't even discuss stopping seasonal flu. Whether it will be or not depends on it's characteristics and how effective quarantines are. Of particular interest is the effect of warmer more humid whether which will start in few more months in most of effected areas.

I don't know......maybe, maybe not. There is just too much information coming out so fast, that it's really hard to tell which is fact & which is fiction, as much of it contradicts each other. And still there is much to learn about it. I still think using common sense, taking precautions, washing hands, stay away from sick people, building your immune system to fight it off, etc is probably the best chances of either not getting the virus or fighting off the worst of it.

So far we've had 9? deaths in the US (Washington state), most of those were from the same Nursing home with elderly/sick patients. Has the virus peaked here yet??? Probably not. Will there be more deaths from it? More than likely yes. But given the timeframe of it showing here in the last 2 months and our overall numbers (confirmed cases, and deaths) currently, I don't suspect it to get much worse...….as in millions infected with hundreds of deaths. And I'm talking here in the US. cause I think the higher numbers in China are because of China. but that's another story in itself & won't go there.
I suspect in a years or so, this virus will be history like the MERS and the SARs virus. There is no doubt that we have over reacted, however I believe the success in containing these viruses, finding treatments, and vaccines depends on that over reaction. The virus that finally brings the human race to it's knees will probably occur when we become complacent.
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As happens every year with every new flu strain. It takes too long to develop a vaccine in the same time frame of the current virus
this is not just a new flu strain

And how so? Because there are other Corona viruses that have been in existence for years? While they maybe similar, there are still differences enough that as we both agree there is no current vaccine.....because it does take so long to develop one specific to the current strain. Yes???

We learned that a few years ago.....that vaccines are made 'in the hope' of being the right one for whichever type of flu is going around that season. Unfortunately then, we didn't have the correct vaccine and/or enough to go around.

So yes, in many ways this does happen every year with each new flu season...…….and I'm asking serious questions for dialogue & debate to understand what you meant by that...….not trying to be pissy
It's not just the flu. It's different from the Flu. It has unique characteristics and it can be stopped. We don't even discuss stopping seasonal flu. Whether it will be or not depends on it's characteristics and how effective quarantines are. Of particular interest is the effect of warmer more humid whether which will start in few more months in most of effected areas.

I don't know......maybe, maybe not. There is just too much information coming out so fast, that it's really hard to tell which is fact & which is fiction, as much of it contradicts each other. And still there is much to learn about it. I still think using common sense, taking precautions, washing hands, stay away from sick people, building your immune system to fight it off, etc is probably the best chances of either not getting the virus or fighting off the worst of it.

So far we've had 9? deaths in the US (Washington state), most of those were from the same Nursing home with elderly/sick patients. Has the virus peaked here yet??? Probably not. Will there be more deaths from it? More than likely yes. But given the timeframe of it showing here in the last 2 months and our overall numbers (confirmed cases, and deaths) currently, I don't suspect it to get much worse...….as in millions infected with hundreds of deaths. And I'm talking here in the US. cause I think the higher numbers in China are because of China. but that's another story in itself & won't go there.
I suspect in a years or so, this virus will be history like the MERS and the SARs virus. There is no doubt that we have over reacted, however I believe the success in containing these viruses, finding treatments, and vaccines depends on that over reaction. The virus that finally brings the human race to it's knees will probably occur when we become complacent.

A couple of things here...…One of which, I seen a report today that the virus seems to be skipping kids and has the 'experts' confused as to why. I think there is less than a handful worldwide, and any that have been infected have only minor symptoms and bounce right back...…..that is one very good thing about this Covid 19, and different from the normal flu that has greater numbers, both as a whole and kids as well.

Another...…..I was thinking today of how we have become germaphobs over the last generation or so with the 'don't do this, don't do that', overuse of antibacterial soaps/sprays, have a sniffle & run to the DR for antibiotics, etc etc etc......that our bodies can't tolerate a normal flu or other contagion or bug as we might have in the past...….and by having done that, our immune systems have been weakened for lack of use, so to speak.

So maybe, just maybe this virus is kind of a good thing....that we should let our bodies handle it as best it can in order to build the strength of our immune systems? Of course I'm not saying to do that if you have health problems or other factors that would put you at high risk of danger...but I think you know what I'm saying. Just a thought.

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