Six People Have died Of The Virus In Washington State

69 shot and killed, and 285 shot and wounded in Chicago just within the last two months. And that's just one city.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!
But that is a different disease; Democratitus.

Report: Outbreak of idiocy spreading 10,000 times faster than coronavirus :04:

TORONTO – Public health officials in Toronto have confirmed its first 50,000 cases of being a misinformed fuckwit as xenophobic conspiracy theories and tales of false cures continue to spread across social media.

“Becoming a complete moron during an infectious disease outbreak is far more viral than we first thought,” said Dr. Jeanne Smith of Toronto Public Health. “Fact resistance is abnormally high especially among the dullard population, and the bottom 5% of your graduating high school class.”

Tens of thousands of people were affected by a novel fake news claim that the Chinese government was developing coronavirus at Canada’s National Microbiology Lab leaving at least 10,000 people stupider.

Patients are usually asymptomatic until they open their mouths or start tweeting.

Aunts spreading rumours about 100% natural cures for the virus on Facebook have been quarantined while racist uncles at dinner tables were ball-gagged as a precaution.

“Our epidemiologists are working hard to identify idiot zero, but there might be more sporadic outbreaks of coronavirus-related imbecility,” added Dr. Smith.

Meanwhile, health officials are dreading teaching the population a complicated prevention technique: washing your hands.
69 shot and killed, and 285 shot and wounded in Chicago just within the last two months. And that's just one city.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!
But that is a different disease; Democratitus.

Report: Outbreak of idiocy spreading 10,000 times faster than coronavirus :04:

TORONTO – Public health officials in Toronto have confirmed its first 50,000 cases of being a misinformed fuckwit as xenophobic conspiracy theories and tales of false cures continue to spread across social media.

“Becoming a complete moron during an infectious disease outbreak is far more viral than we first thought,” said Dr. Jeanne Smith of Toronto Public Health. “Fact resistance is abnormally high especially among the dullard population, and the bottom 5% of your graduating high school class.”

Tens of thousands of people were affected by a novel fake news claim that the Chinese government was developing coronavirus at Canada’s National Microbiology Lab leaving at least 10,000 people stupider.

Patients are usually asymptomatic until they open their mouths or start tweeting.

Aunts spreading rumours about 100% natural cures for the virus on Facebook have been quarantined while racist uncles at dinner tables were ball-gagged as a precaution.

“Our epidemiologists are working hard to identify idiot zero, but there might be more sporadic outbreaks of coronavirus-related imbecility,” added Dr. Smith.

Meanwhile, health officials are dreading teaching the population a complicated prevention technique: washing your hands.
And here is "patient zero":

69 shot and killed, and 285 shot and wounded in Chicago just within the last two months. And that's just one city.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!
But that is a different disease; Democratitus.

Report: Outbreak of idiocy spreading 10,000 times faster than coronavirus :04:

TORONTO – Public health officials in Toronto have confirmed its first 50,000 cases of being a misinformed fuckwit as xenophobic conspiracy theories and tales of false cures continue to spread across social media.

“Becoming a complete moron during an infectious disease outbreak is far more viral than we first thought,” said Dr. Jeanne Smith of Toronto Public Health. “Fact resistance is abnormally high especially among the dullard population, and the bottom 5% of your graduating high school class.”

Tens of thousands of people were affected by a novel fake news claim that the Chinese government was developing coronavirus at Canada’s National Microbiology Lab leaving at least 10,000 people stupider.

Patients are usually asymptomatic until they open their mouths or start tweeting.

Aunts spreading rumours about 100% natural cures for the virus on Facebook have been quarantined while racist uncles at dinner tables were ball-gagged as a precaution.

“Our epidemiologists are working hard to identify idiot zero, but there might be more sporadic outbreaks of coronavirus-related imbecility,” added Dr. Smith.

Meanwhile, health officials are dreading teaching the population a complicated prevention technique: washing your hands.
And here is "patient zero":

And apparently you are right in line behind him as patient #1
The death toll is increasing.

I hope its doesn't get much higher.

3 more people die from virus in Washington state
The reason for the jump in deaths is the breakout of virus at the Life Care Center in Kirkland Washington. Most of their patients are in 80's and 90's and very health compromised. I wouldn't be surprised if most died.
Who made sure they were somehow strangely infected?
WTF is the State of Washington up to?
A fairy tale ending: China's battle against the epidemic transforms into political slogans | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
The death toll is increasing.
I hope its doesn't get much higher.
3 more people die from virus in Washington state
That is a bummer.
How many have died from the flu.
The current flu has been out and spreading for over a year now.

Covid19 just got started about four months ago.

Why it’s too early to compare COVID-19 with the flu
By contrast, the CDC estimates that at least 18,000 people in the U.S. have died from the flu since October, and at least 32 million have been infected.

Globally, the flu kills hundreds of thousands of people annually. A 2017 study published in the Lancet, a leading medical journal, estimated that between 291,000 and 646,000 people die from seasonal-related respiratory illnesses each year.

Nevertheless, just because the flu is a more severe threat to Americans than COVID-19 right now doesn’t mean that the virus couldn’t grow to become just as, or more, deadly in the future. “It’s precisely because the flu kills so many people that we should worry about coronavirus. We don’t want a mass-circulating virus that kills that many people,” Gostin said.

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch estimates that between 40 percent and 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Gostin said that these sorts of predictions are “exactly why we need to take it seriously.”

Mortality rate
A recent study estimated that the mortality rate from COVID-19 is 2.3 percent, more than 20 times the death rate from the flu.

It should be noted that the vast majority of COVID-19 cases confirmed by China — 81 percent, as of Feb. 11 — are mild, meaning they did not involve pneumonia. Symptoms could be so mild that they are confused with the common cold, which is in the same family of viruses as COVID-19.

Health officials caution that the fatality rate is dynamic and will likely change, particularly if more mild cases are confirmed, and as public health officials collect more data about cases in a growing number of countries.


Say only 3 billion people get this Covid19 virus, and that is very plausible right now, and a 2% death rate over all gives us 60 million deaths, on the low side. If it infects 70%, 4.9 billion people, and has a slightly higher mortality rate of 5% which is the low end of estimated death rate based on resolved cases, then we have 245 million deaths, with massive mortality concentrated among our elderly.

A death toll of between 60 and 245 million globally is no small matter. We are looking at hundreds of thousands of deaths here in the US before this finally plays out if measures are not being taken.

Fortunately, we have a former businessman who is used to getting results leading our nation, and not some Ruling Class Soy Boy.
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The death toll is increasing.

I hope its doesn't get much higher.

3 more people die from virus in Washington state

Hope they're all in Seattle.

"Hope they're all in Seattle."

The great thing about being a piece of shit conservative is that you get to accuse liberals and democrats of wanting Americans to die and then you can turn around and hope that liberal Americans die...

and you have no fkn idea what a fkn hypocrite you are....

You must be another progressive POS living in Seattle.


I sure hope Trump isn't slow to get the vaccines out to Seattle, SF, LA, Denver, Austin, Detroit, Chicago, Miami, New York and Boston! Or that he remembers to send you the GOOD STUFF and not the placebo!
The death toll is increasing.
I hope its doesn't get much higher.
3 more people die from virus in Washington state
That is a bummer.
How many have died from the flu.
The current flu has been out and spreading for over a year now.

Covid19 just got started about four months ago.

Why it’s too early to compare COVID-19 with the flu
By contrast, the CDC estimates that at least 18,000 people in the U.S. have died from the flu since October, and at least 32 million have been infected.

Globally, the flu kills hundreds of thousands of people annually. A 2017 study published in the Lancet, a leading medical journal, estimated that between 291,000 and 646,000 people die from seasonal-related respiratory illnesses each year.

Nevertheless, just because the flu is a more severe threat to Americans than COVID-19 right now doesn’t mean that the virus couldn’t grow to become just as, or more, deadly in the future. “It’s precisely because the flu kills so many people that we should worry about coronavirus. We don’t want a mass-circulating virus that kills that many people,” Gostin said.

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch estimates that between 40 percent and 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Gostin said that these sorts of predictions are “exactly why we need to take it seriously.”

Mortality rate
A recent study estimated that the mortality rate from COVID-19 is 2.3 percent, more than 20 times the death rate from the flu.

It should be noted that the vast majority of COVID-19 cases confirmed by China — 81 percent, as of Feb. 11 — are mild, meaning they did not involve pneumonia. Symptoms could be so mild that they are confused with the common cold, which is in the same family of viruses as COVID-19.

Health officials caution that the fatality rate is dynamic and will likely change, particularly if more mild cases are confirmed, and as public health officials collect more data about cases in a growing number of countries.


Say only 3 billion people get this Covid19 virus, and that is very plausible right now, and a 2% death rate over all gives us 60 million deaths, on the low side. If it infects 70%, 4.9 billion people, and has a slightly higher mortality rate of 5% which is the low end of estimated death rate based on resolved cases, then we have 245 million deaths, with massive mortality concentrated among our elderly.

A death toll of between 60 and 245 million globally is no small matter. We are looking at hundreds of thousands of deaths here in the US before this finally plays out if measures are not being taken.

Fortunately, we have a former businessman who is used to getting results leading our nation, and not some Ruling Class Soy Boy.
The difference between Trump and these idiot Democrats is Trump does what he knows is right....while they'll take a bribe at the drop of a hat from a billionaire like George Soros and sell us down the tube.
The death toll is increasing.

I hope its doesn't get much higher.

3 more people die from virus in Washington state

Yes at the very same time over 300 in that same state have died from the flu. Sooooooo what's your point? Also why is one newsworthy at 6 when the other is not at 300?
Just heard this morning seven died in a single tornado. Why isnt the president doing something about tornados! Can't he nuke them or something?
The death toll is increasing.

I hope its doesn't get much higher.

3 more people die from virus in Washington state

Yes at the very same time over 300 in that same state have died from the flu. Sooooooo what's your point? Also why is one newsworthy at 6 when the other is not at 300?
Just heard this morning seven died in a single tornado. Why isnt the president doing something about tornados! Can't he nuke them or something?

You have it was a Trumpnado!

The death toll is increasing.

I hope its doesn't get much higher.

3 more people die from virus in Washington state

Yes at the very same time over 300 in that same state have died from the flu. Sooooooo what's your point? Also why is one newsworthy at 6 when the other is not at 300?
Just heard this morning seven died in a single tornado. Why isnt the president doing something about tornados! Can't he nuke them or something?

You have it was a Trumpnado!

Hopefully another will strike in November
The great ship Trypanic is fully submerged and drifting toward the bottom
The death toll is increasing.
I hope its doesn't get much higher.
3 more people die from virus in Washington state
That is a bummer.
How many have died from the flu.
The current flu has been out and spreading for over a year now.

Covid19 just got started about four months ago.

Why it’s too early to compare COVID-19 with the flu
By contrast, the CDC estimates that at least 18,000 people in the U.S. have died from the flu since October, and at least 32 million have been infected.

Globally, the flu kills hundreds of thousands of people annually. A 2017 study published in the Lancet, a leading medical journal, estimated that between 291,000 and 646,000 people die from seasonal-related respiratory illnesses each year.

Nevertheless, just because the flu is a more severe threat to Americans than COVID-19 right now doesn’t mean that the virus couldn’t grow to become just as, or more, deadly in the future. “It’s precisely because the flu kills so many people that we should worry about coronavirus. We don’t want a mass-circulating virus that kills that many people,” Gostin said.

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch estimates that between 40 percent and 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Gostin said that these sorts of predictions are “exactly why we need to take it seriously.”

Mortality rate
A recent study estimated that the mortality rate from COVID-19 is 2.3 percent, more than 20 times the death rate from the flu.

It should be noted that the vast majority of COVID-19 cases confirmed by China — 81 percent, as of Feb. 11 — are mild, meaning they did not involve pneumonia. Symptoms could be so mild that they are confused with the common cold, which is in the same family of viruses as COVID-19.

Health officials caution that the fatality rate is dynamic and will likely change, particularly if more mild cases are confirmed, and as public health officials collect more data about cases in a growing number of countries.


Say only 3 billion people get this Covid19 virus, and that is very plausible right now, and a 2% death rate over all gives us 60 million deaths, on the low side. If it infects 70%, 4.9 billion people, and has a slightly higher mortality rate of 5% which is the low end of estimated death rate based on resolved cases, then we have 245 million deaths, with massive mortality concentrated among our elderly.

A death toll of between 60 and 245 million globally is no small matter. We are looking at hundreds of thousands of deaths here in the US before this finally plays out if measures are not being taken.

Fortunately, we have a former businessman who is used to getting results leading our nation, and not some Ruling Class Soy Boy.

40 to 70% ?

That does not seem plausible.
The death toll is increasing.

I hope its doesn't get much higher.

3 more people die from virus in Washington state

Yes at the very same time over 300 in that same state have died from the flu. Sooooooo what's your point? Also why is one newsworthy at 6 when the other is not at 300?
Just heard this morning seven died in a single tornado. Why isnt the president doing something about tornados! Can't he nuke them or something?

You have it was a Trumpnado!

Hopefully another will strike in November

It will


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