Six Reasons to Panic


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
OK, I see some, mostly on the left, mocking the concern over Ebola. Granted being in the mid-west I don't really see a threat, oops except the infected nurse did go to Cleveland.

Is this fear like the Bird Flu fear? Or like the Spanish Flu?

I said from the beginning that we should have quarantined the countries until a treatment was developed.

Six Reasons to Panic The Weekly Standard
We need to panic because this is an African disease which will spread around the globe killing off the human population and bring about the rise of the planet of the apes
OP, Ironic you're such a chickenshit with a Jesus-themed sig. If you die of ebola wont you just go straight to heaven? So why the pants-wetting panic? As a humanist I have far more to be concerned over than you, but unlike you, I'm not concerned and freaking out.
We need to panic because this is an African disease which will spread around the globe killing off the human population and bring about the rise of the planet of the apes

Really I do wonder why you keep playing the race card on something like this. I am not sure what the Africans can do to stop these types of diseases, probably nothing. But I am thinking that the concern has nothing to do with race as you keep implying.
OP, Ironic you're such a chickenshit with a Jesus-themed sig. If you die of ebola wont you just go straight to heaven? So why the pants-wetting panic? As a humanist I have far more to be concerned over than you, but unlike you, I'm not concerned and freaking out.

Bigotry, hate all rolled up into one. What I find interesting is hat how many gays are not really all the gay. Seems like they are very unhappy.

I do believe I said I didn't see a big threat, too me. I am thinking this is a bit hyped but who is hyping the risk?

Were you scared by a crucifix as a child?
I tend to be a bit conspiracy minded. I think this virus was purposely let in so the CDC could sequence and patent it. I'll panic when they begin forced vaccinations. I really don't think this disease IS going to be a problem. I think it can be isolated and taken care of w/o some big corporation injecting chemical adjuncts and poisoning the whole population unnecessarily.

All the radicals and leftists tell us there is no cause for concern. Then when the statist goons come out and tell us we must comply, and we shove that same argument back in their faces, what will they say?

Well, fuck them. If there is no reason to panic now, they can take their vaccines and shove them up their ass.
I tend to be a bit conspiracy minded. I think this virus was purposely let in so the CDC could sequence and patent it. I'll panic when they begin forced vaccinations. I really don't think this disease IS going to be a problem. I think it can be isolated and taken care of w/o some big corporation injecting chemical adjuncts and poisoning the whole population unnecessarily.

All the radicals and leftists tell us there is no cause for concern. Then when the statist goons come out and tell us we must comply, and we shove that same argument back in their faces, what will they say?

Well, fuck them. If there is no reason to panic now, they can take their vaccines and shove them up their ass.

A bit?

More like 20,000%
OP, Ironic you're such a chickenshit with a Jesus-themed sig. If you die of ebola wont you just go straight to heaven? So why the pants-wetting panic? As a humanist I have far more to be concerned over than you, but unlike you, I'm not concerned and freaking out.

Were you molested by a priest or a rabbi? Is that why you hate religious people and religion? Or are you just a demon?
I tend to be a bit conspiracy minded. I think this virus was purposely let in so the CDC could sequence and patent it. I'll panic when they begin forced vaccinations. I really don't think this disease IS going to be a problem. I think it can be isolated and taken care of w/o some big corporation injecting chemical adjuncts and poisoning the whole population unnecessarily.

All the radicals and leftists tell us there is no cause for concern. Then when the statist goons come out and tell us we must comply, and we shove that same argument back in their faces, what will they say?

Well, fuck them. If there is no reason to panic now, they can take their vaccines and shove them up their ass.

A bit?

More like 20,000%

Not really. You want 20,000%, see that guy, um. . . . 9/11 truther fellow. He only hangs out in the conspiracy sub-forum.

Hey, if it doesn't materialize as such, nothing ventured, nothing gained. But it never hurts to be aware of alternate paradigms.
OP, Ironic you're such a chickenshit with a Jesus-themed sig. If you die of ebola wont you just go straight to heaven? So why the pants-wetting panic? As a humanist I have far more to be concerned over than you, but unlike you, I'm not concerned and freaking out.

Were you molested by a priest or a rabbi? Is that why you hate religious people and religion? Or are you just a demon?

If I were a demon are you really comfortable annoucing your existence to me? :)
OP, Ironic you're such a chickenshit with a Jesus-themed sig. If you die of ebola wont you just go straight to heaven? So why the pants-wetting panic? As a humanist I have far more to be concerned over than you, but unlike you, I'm not concerned and freaking out.

Belief in an afterlife does not imply a desire to get their quicker via ones own actions. Life is precious, and must be preserved as long as possible.
I tend to be a bit conspiracy minded. I think this virus was purposely let in so the CDC could sequence and patent it. I'll panic when they begin forced vaccinations. I really don't think this disease IS going to be a problem. I think it can be isolated and taken care of w/o some big corporation injecting chemical adjuncts and poisoning the whole population unnecessarily.

All the radicals and leftists tell us there is no cause for concern. Then when the statist goons come out and tell us we must comply, and we shove that same argument back in their faces, what will they say?

Well, fuck them. If there is no reason to panic now, they can take their vaccines and shove them up their ass.

Oh my. The incredible mind of the 'Conservative'. So, polio was let in so the government could poison us all with the vaccine that almost all citizens got? 1952, 3000 deaths, 60,000 ill with polio, many crippled for life. And that evil government vaccinated us all, and now the number of polio case in the US can be counted on the fingers of your hands.

You are a complete idiot, my freind. It amazes me you find your way out of the bed in the morning.
We need to panic because this is an African disease which will spread around the globe killing off the human population and bring about the rise of the planet of the apes

Really I do wonder why you keep playing the race card on something like this. I am not sure what the Africans can do to stop these types of diseases, probably nothing. But I am thinking that the concern has nothing to do with race as you keep implying.

How do you get race out of that?

The disease was discovered in the 60s, in Africa, where both black and white people live.

Oh, and you link?

Its stupid and only stupid people are wringing their hands and waiting to die.
I tend to be a bit conspiracy minded. I think this virus was purposely let in so the CDC could sequence and patent it. I'll panic when they begin forced vaccinations. I really don't think this disease IS going to be a problem. I think it can be isolated and taken care of w/o some big corporation injecting chemical adjuncts and poisoning the whole population unnecessarily.

All the radicals and leftists tell us there is no cause for concern. Then when the statist goons come out and tell us we must comply, and we shove that same argument back in their faces, what will they say?

Well, fuck them. If there is no reason to panic now, they can take their vaccines and shove them up their ass.

To a Liberal, Ebola no threat even if the government treats it as a threat, Global warming of one degree, time for panic and upheaval of our way of life. Not theirs of course, ours.
OP, Ironic you're such a chickenshit with a Jesus-themed sig. If you die of ebola wont you just go straight to heaven? So why the pants-wetting panic? As a humanist I have far more to be concerned over than you, but unlike you, I'm not concerned and freaking out.

Belief in an afterlife does not imply a desire to get their quicker via ones own actions. Life is precious, and must be preserved as long as possible.

Delta4Embassy makes a good point.

By far and away, most of this wild, irresponsible panic is coming from god-believers.

Those who are capable of logical, educated thought and science-based opinions are not the ones screaming and screeching that we're all gonna die and that its the president's/government's fault.
I tend to be a bit conspiracy minded. I think this virus was purposely let in so the CDC could sequence and patent it. I'll panic when they begin forced vaccinations. I really don't think this disease IS going to be a problem. I think it can be isolated and taken care of w/o some big corporation injecting chemical adjuncts and poisoning the whole population unnecessarily.

All the radicals and leftists tell us there is no cause for concern. Then when the statist goons come out and tell us we must comply, and we shove that same argument back in their faces, what will they say?

Well, fuck them. If there is no reason to panic now, they can take their vaccines and shove them up their ass.

To a Liberal, Ebola no threat even if the government treats it as a threat, Global warming of one degree, time for panic and upheaval of our way of life. Not theirs of course, ours.

You dumb fuck. We will, if the Canadians have not already done it, find a vaccine for Ebola, and it will cease to be a threat. There is no fix for the changes that the increased GHGs in our atmosphere will cause. As far as upheaval in our way of life, you really think that using source of electrical generation that does not spew mercury, arsenic, and uranium into the air will lead to harm? The CO2 we have put into the atmosphere will be there for generations. And the effects we are seeing at present are the results of the GHGs in the air 30 years ago. There is a good deal of inertia in our climatic system, so what we have today won't be fully felt until about 2050.
OP, Ironic you're such a chickenshit with a Jesus-themed sig. If you die of ebola wont you just go straight to heaven? So why the pants-wetting panic? As a humanist I have far more to be concerned over than you, but unlike you, I'm not concerned and freaking out.

Belief in an afterlife does not imply a desire to get their quicker via ones own actions. Life is precious, and must be preserved as long as possible.

Delta4Embassy makes a good point.

By far and away, most of this wild, irresponsible panic is coming from god-believers.

Those who are capable of logical, educated thought and science-based opinions are not the ones screaming and screeching that we're all gonna die and that its the president's/government's fault.

Its not a good point at all. All religious directives are to live a good life, not to expedite your demise. Having martyrdom thrust upon you is something else, and we have all seen the impact of Radical Islam vis a vis suicide bombers, but in general, life is seen as precious.

Your condescending appeal to allmighty science notwithstanding.

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